Big Starship

Chapter 311 Extraordinary Minds

"To tell you the truth, it's nothing. This ability is actually given to me by a signal enhancer." Looking at Feng Long's doubtful expression, he told his secret indifferently, but when he heard this, he still couldn't explain any questions in Feng Long's ears. At this moment, Feng Long asked puzzledly, "What do you mean? I don't understand."

Hearing this, he raised his head and smiled and said, "The size of this signal enhancer is calculated in 100,000th of nanometer, but the power is equivalent to the built-in booster of 30 A-class starship main control system. This booster is implanted in my brain cells. In short, you can also understand this ability as an idea. Control."

After hearing this explanation, Feng Long's eyes widened and his face was incredible. At this time, his white eyes suddenly launched his first attack when he was distracted. He laughed and said, "Hahaha, if you still don't understand, I will use actual combat to let you understand and feel my strength. This It's not what you can imagine."

While the sound entered Feng Long's ears, the white eyes had already come behind him. The first time he fought, the white eyes actually played a speed that exceeded the speed of sound. To be inaccurately, it should be far beyond the speed of sound. In the universe, the content of the conversation between the two was transmitted through the headset, and the headset transmitted sound fluctuations. The speed is much faster than the normal transmission of the speed of sound.

But even so, the initial speed of the white eye is still faster than the sound transmission of this headset. When Feng Long felt that the enemy came behind him, he could no longer care about other things and began to mutate without hesitation. His body directly jumped over the first form and turned into "bloody Satan" in an instant, leaving the idea of white eyes. Control.

"Oh, the reaction is very fast, but your speed is still not worth mentioning in my eyes." When Feng Long broke free from the control of the white-eyed mind, his body quickly began to fly forward. A second later, he did not know how far he had flown. Just as he was about to look back at the situation of the white-eyed, the sound of the white-eyed sound sounded behind him.

Feng Long has no doubt that the sound was ringing behind him. The headsets worn by the two are three-dimensional stereo effects. While transmitting the sound, it will also directly convey the origin of the sound to the user's brain in the form of fluctuations. Feng Long suddenly raised his arms and gave birth to two arms between the ribs again. The arms are obviously more powerful.

The newborn arms between his ribs are not limited by bones and can move casually at 360 degrees. At this time, Feng Long had realized that his white eyes would never have a chance to turn around. At present, he did not hesitate to stretch out his arms and hit him fiercely behind him. However, the two punches had not hit the end, but the white eyes Appeared strangely in front of him.

"Impossible, what speed is this? How can human beings in the universe reach this speed!" Feng Long thought in shock, but his body's reaction was faster than that of his brain. The problem had been smashed out before he figured out, but in the face of his positive attack, there was a smile on his face.

"It's so fast!" Feng Long's two punches had been hit to the end, but they passed through his white-eyed body. Almost at the same time, he suddenly felt a huge impact on his chest, and he couldn't help flying backwards. When he flew backwards, Feng Long's eyes were still full of incredible expressions.

Originally, he wanted to stretch the wings behind him to forcibly control his body and no longer retreat, but when Feng Long really put this idea into action, he once again found that his body was out of control, let alone stretching his wings. Now he can't even say a word. , and the white eyes have long disappeared from where they were before.

"Ah!" Just as Feng Long was anxious, a white shadow suddenly flashed above him. Feng Long's eyes could only barely capture the movement trajectory of the shadow, but before he could react, he felt a huge pressure on his abdomen again, so his retreated faster.

"Oh, my physical strength is good. I didn't vomit blood after two attacks. It's still a question whether your friends can survive or not." Feng Long's head turned to the right and saw the body of the white eye. At this time, he was still flying backwards, but the white eye was always kept half a meter on his right side.

Now Feng Long's eyebrows have been tightly locked together. He has suffered two white-eyed attacks, has been completely stunned, and even has no sense of combat. He has consumed hundreds of millions of brain cells. He can't imagine that there are still such a strong human beings in the universe. Is this still human? It should not be counted.

"Ha ha, you are so strong that I can only look up. Before I met you, I always confidently thought that my strength was already the strongest in the universe. Even if there is someone stronger than me, it is only one point stronger. If I work hard, I can still kill him." A trace of sadness suddenly surged in Feng Long's eyes.

After hearing this, Baiyan reached out and pressed his hand on his spiritual cover. His fast-flying body was actually stopped like this. When he completely stabilized his body, he looked at him with a white smile and asked, "But after seeing me and fighting with me, you suddenly found out how big the universe is?"

Hearing this sentence, Feng Long was obviously stunned, but he immediately nodded. For some reason, he already had an idea in his heart that he was definitely not the opponent of this white-eyed. No wonder, as a white-eyed person, there was no starship gun. Does such a person still need such a starship gun? Obviously, it is not necessary.

Just as Feng Long's brain began to move rapidly to think about countermeasures, the Dragon Crystal Starship gun hidden in his body suddenly flew out of his body and floated in front of him. At this time, Feng Long was still a little panicked, because he did not give any instructions to the Starship Gun at all. What on earth is this? What's the matter?

However, after the gun of the Dragon Crystal Starship appeared, it automatically began to decompose. In this way, it began to reorganize in Feng Long's surprised eyes and finally became a set of war armed forces on him. Feng Long's first reaction was that the gun king had evolved wisdom. Is this an automatic protector?

This idea was dispelled by Feng Long as soon as it came out. After he saw the confident eyes and calm smile of his white eyes, he dispelled the idea in his mind.

Then a new idea came into his mind, but Feng Long didn't want to believe it. He looked at him, and the smile on his face remained, and his eyes did not change at all because he was armed with war.

"Is that you?" Feng Long thought about it doubtfully for a long time, and finally asked. When he heard the words, he nodded slightly and smiled, "Yes, I did it, but don't think that I can control the gun king. You are its owner. Naturally, others can't control him, but I can control your thinking through ideas and use your hand to use it. This is the king of guns.

Feng Long's expression on his face suddenly stiffened when he heard this, but his heart was already in a mess. Listening to the explanation of this white-eyed explanation, wouldn't he fight against him? The more guns his opponent had, the more dangerous it would be? But then Feng Long asked again, "Since you can indirectly control my weapon, why don't you kill me with it and help me defend it?"

Hearing Feng Long's question, his white eyes laughed as if he heard a joke. Under Feng Long's aggressive eyes, he finally explained, "My white eyes are not that kind of third-rate person. I want you to lose to me and be convinced. Since you came to this universe, you are my second single face. The right opponent."

Listening to his explanation, Feng Long first had a trace of admiration for him, but he still did not ignore the white-eyed sentence: since he came to the universe.

A trace of confusion flashed in Feng Long's eyes. After he hesitated for a moment, he thought that since Baiyan would say this sentence, he should not hide anything from himself. After pondering for a moment, Feng Long finally made up his mind and asked, "What do you mean by coming to this universe? Aren't you from this world?"

He guessed right. White-eye obviously did not think about hiding anything from him. After listening to his question, White-eye was not in a hurry to do it again. Instead, he nodded and smiled and said, "Do you know that the universe is divided into two sides: the positive universe and the anti-universe. After every hot silence of the positive universe, excess energy will pour into the anti-universe, so the anti-universe It has also ushered in an era of prosperity.

Feng Long didn't understand when he heard this. He knew that there were different spaces in the universe, but he wanted to talk about the positive universe and the anti-universe. This is the first noun Feng Long has heard since he grew up. Without any hesitation in his heart, he asked his white eyes, "What does the positive and anti-universe mean? Also, you just What's wrong with the 'heat silence'?

"The so-called positive and anti-universe is like two sides of a mirror. When you look at the mirror, you will find yourself in the mirror. What you do, the person will do, but have you ever thought that that person is actually controlling your every move?" After explaining Feng Long's problem, Baiyan asked him questions.

"How can it be? That's just my reflection." Feng Long said without hesitation, but his white eyes shook his head and denied, "How do you know that that person doesn't have his own thinking? How do you know if there is an independent world in the mirror? This series of questions once again made Feng Long feel speechless.

White eyes seem to have found a confidant, and they talk a little more than usual. They only listened to him continue to explain to Feng Long: "If you break the mirror, the world you are in will not change anything, but the world has also not changed. What is broken is only the mirror. How many mirrors are there in the universe? Can you figure it out?"

Hearing this profound question, Feng Long shook his head helplessly, and then continued with white eyes: "You can understand that I am from that mirror world. Our two universes are only interdependent, but I came to you because of a fate arrangement. The universe is about to be destroyed.