Big Starship

Chapter 312 Double Universe

"About 200 years ago, a man suddenly arrived at our universe from this universe. At that time, people on our side were very curious and had some transactions with this outsider. The item traded was war dragon metal, but I didn't expect him to be too greedy and finally stole the only one in our universe. A piece of dragon crystal stone was developed.

When his eyes said this, he stared at Feng Long with a trace of anger in his eyes. Feng Long was looked at by him but asked without hesitation, "The person you mentioned is my ancestor?"

White eyes forced himself to suppress the anger in his heart. After a moment of silence, he nodded and said, "Yes, but this is not the most hateful thing. The most hateful thing is that he actually involved our three brothers."

"At that time, the red-eyed and blue-eyed and I were still very small. We didn't know anything. We just sneaked to his spaceship out of curiosity, but who knew that the bastard did not conduct an internal inspection before starting the spacecraft, and the three of us were taken to this strange world. ." He said with white eyes.

Looking at the sadness in the bottom of his white eyes, there were some subtle changes in Feng Long's heart, but he still defended in order to defend the reputation of his ancestors: "This can only be said that you have bad luck. My ancestors were hunted down by the army at that time. How can these problems be considered?"

After hearing this, Hsteria roared, "Chasing? Why did we kill him? Isn't it because he greedily stole the research results of our world for millions of years, otherwise how could we hunt him down? White eyes roared hoarsely, and at the same time, his body unconsciously emitted a murderous atmosphere.

Feng Long shook his head slightly and said, "human nature is greedy. Everyone wants to get his favorite things, and my ancestors, as scientists in this universe, naturally wanted to make a little contribution to this universe, but they didn't expect that he brought epoch-making progress to this universe, but in the end The persecution of Zhou.

"That's what he deserves, it's his retribution!" Baiyan roared crazily at Feng Long. Feng Long wanted to say something else, but when he saw the sadness in his white eyes, he finally did not say that sentence, but suddenly remembered something and asked, "By the way, what did you just say about the heat of the universe? What's going on?"

After hearing this question, the white eyes suppressed the anger in my heart and explained: "The energy in every universe is limited. It can neither appear nor disappear out of thin air. The energy impact you hit with laser cannons did not disappear after the attack, but turned into another form, which exists in another in the universe. It's just in space."

Hearing his words, Feng Long nodded and said, "I know this is the law of conservation of energy, but what does this have to do with the 'heat silence' you mentioned?"

White eyes seem to meet a confidant and continue to explain endlessly: "The operation of energy in the universe has its own laws, but human beings often forcibly change the trajectory of these energy sources. It doesn't matter in a small area. The laws of the universe will be automatically repaired over time, but again and again A change will lead to the collapse of the universe.

"Cosmic Collapse!" Feng Long's eyes widened and looked at the white eyes, and then nodded affirmatively and said, "Yes, the universe collapses, just like some planets will produce natural changes when they are in energy disorders, such as attracting meteorites in space, or evolving into a glacier world, magma world, etc."

Feng Long was a little fascinated when he heard this, and his white eyes did not live up to his expectations and continued: "The law of the universe is actually the same as the planet, but the automatic repair of this huge thing is much larger than that of a planet. The two are not a concept at all."

"So how does the universe repair itself?" Feng Long asked curiously. He closed his eyes as if he had fallen into a memory and slowly said, "Just like when the planet's energy is exhausted, it will collapse to form a black hole, and the universe will continue to shrink from the inside and finally become a point, a one-dimensional world."

Hearing his explanation, Feng Long immediately shook his head and said, "It's impossible. Even if the energy is chaotic, those energy sources exist between the universe. With such a huge energy maintenance, how can the universe shrink!"

Feng Long seemed to be very excited to hear that the universe will eventually turn into a one-dimensional world, but this is also normal. I'm afraid that anyone knows that his world will not exist forever will be his expression.

White eyes saw his expression and shook his head and said helplessly, "After the energy chaos in the universe, it will be transmitted to the anti-universe through black holes, and the anti-universe will fall into a peak period of technology after accepting these energy sources, and people will rely too much on technology and rely on everything. Do it by means of science and technology.

Hearing this, Feng Long quickly calmed down. He seemed to understand something. He didn't know whether he was talking to his eyes or talking to himself: "So the energy operation rules in the anti-universe were finally broken, and all the chaotic energy poured into the positive universe, and the anti-universe began to shrink into a one-dimensional space. The positive universe will Rebirth again."

"It's very smart. Basically, it's all right." At this time, his white eyes were like a teacher. Seeing that his students finally answered the questions correctly, there was a happy smile on his face, but Feng Long was still a little unable to accept this fact.

"Bear by the way, you said that your three brothers were there when my ancestors went to the anti-universe, so how old are you now?" In order to distract himself, Feng Long finally came up with another question, and his white eyes said with a flat expression, "I am at most one generation younger than your ancestors, and I don't remember how long I have lived."

Is it 200 years old? No, it should be at least more than 230. White eyes fell into a burst of memories and said to himself. When Feng Long heard what he said, his eyes pointed to him and said, "Are you immortal? This is unscientific. The longest life expectancy in human history is only 120 years old.

He shook his head with white eyes and said, "The positive universe and the anti-universe belong to a macro space, but what separates them is the axis of time. It is a mirror. The existence of that mirror controls the passage of time in the two universes, and after crossing that layer of mirror, our bodies seem to have changed. hua."

"What has changed?" Feng Long couldn't wait to ask, and said to him with a wry smile on his face, "The thin mirror at the beginning is like an endless third universe for us. I don't know how long it took to cross it, but in the process of crossing, my three brothers and your ancestors are growing rapidly."

Feng Long was even more puzzled when he heard this. White-eyed then changed his previous words and said, "No, maybe it's growing for us, but for your ancestors, it's aging. I don't know how long it took before we finally crossed the mirror, and then our three brothers never looked again. There have been changes.

When he said this, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes again. Looking at Feng Long's still ignorant appearance, Baiyan continued with a smile and continued: "Let me be clear, that is to say, the time law in the universe cannot work on us. As for whether the anti-universe is like this, I don't know. ."

Shock! Feng Long's only left is shock. What is this concept? The law of time can't work on someone. Doesn't that mean that this person will not face life, old age, illness and death? Isn't this the immortality in those myths? Feng Long still couldn't believe what he heard today, all of which was too much information for him.

The white-eyed face suddenly sank and stared at Feng Long and said, "In fact, it doesn't matter whether we fight this war or not. There is only one thing I want to prove to the whole anti-universe and prove to that life in our universe is superior to low-level creatures in the anti-universe."

Feng Long can fully understand the feeling of white eyes. This is an ambition caused by longing for his hometown. White eyes then said, "However, red eyes and blue eyes are dead in your hands. They are my only relatives in the world. I, as a big brother, have to avenge them." Speaking of this, the murderous spirit on the white eyes was released again.

What a lot of pressure! Feng Long thought that he quickly raised his hands and transformed two weapons on his arms. The appearance of these two weapons is very strange. The appearance alone gives people a sense of oppression from the bottom of his heart. This is a new weapon that Feng Long has just developed, and the name has not been decided yet.

"Thank you for letting me know so many things just now. This is the weapon I developed after listening to your explanation of the positive and negative universe. Although the attack power of these two weapons is not worth mentioning in the face of the heat of the universe, I still want to simulate what the heat of the universe is like." Feng Long showed a smile on his face.

"I really can't think of any name worthy of this pair of cannons, just call it the Dragon King for the time being." Although the two weapons between Feng Long's hands are cannons, they do not look like gun bodies at all, but two rotating spheres. Both metal balls contain extremely huge energy, which are running on a unique trajectory.

White eyes began to see Feng Long's expression on the "Dragon King" face, but after he felt Feng Long's thoughts with the help of his superhuman thoughts, his expression suddenly turned into shock, and Feng Long also saw fear on this person's face for the first time since he knew him. It turned out that he would also be afraid of some Something.

Feng Long couldn't help but feel some pride in his heart, but just as he was about to control the Dragon King's attack, Baiyan suddenly shouted, "stop, the universe will be destroyed by you!" Feng Long's body trembled slightly and couldn't help stopping the attack he was about to launch, looking at the white eyes in front of him with a shocked face.

He knew that white-eyed was not a person who was afraid of death. He lived for more than 200 years and even forgot his age. I guess his name was just a code name. Feng Long, who figured this out, squinted his eyes and said to his white eyes, "Give me a reason."