The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 421 Killing at Sea


This famous fish woman was shocked, her eyes were wide open, and she looked at Fang Yun in disbelief.

After the battle between the sea people and the human race, it was the first time I heard that someone could say the fish words of the sea people.

"What are you!"

The celebrity fish woman asked "what are you" instead of "who are you?" A human being, suddenly, changes into a strange creature and can speak their language, which is obviously beyond her understanding.

"Answer me, you sea people have lived in the deep sea for so long. Why did you choose to attack the human race on land in an all-round way this time?

Fang Yun looked at the eyes of the famous fish, his eyes were bright, and his martial arts spirit and will oppressed the past.

The celebrity fish woman's eyes immediately became confused, her lips trembled, and she muttered, "This attack, then the third...the third prince... the couplet..." Halfway that the mermaid woman said, she began to spit out blood in her mouth.

"She can't do it."

The general of the navy is on the sidelines.

"It's dead. Let's put her back in the sea."

Xie Pian said beside him.

Just in the time when Xie Pian was talking.

As soon as the sea woman's body stiffened, she did not move. The thunderbolt is extremely powerful. The explosive fragments of the iron coat outside not only blew off her hand, but also the debris penetrated into her meridians and blood vessels. In the time she said, these iron crumbs had entered her heart and pierced her heart.

Fang Yun said secretly that it was a pity. He still turned out a huge palm, picked up the sea woman, and then sent her into the sea. With a shaking of his body, Fang Yun recovered again.

"What did you ask about the Internet?"

beside him, Xie Pianpian asked. A few steps away, the general of the navy also looked listening.

"She only said half of what she said. However, it's almost done. If I guess it's right. This attack of the sea clan is their third prince, united with the Qiu, Yi and barbarians.

Fang Yundao. Although the celebrity fish woman only said half of it, Fang Yun almost guessed the rest as long as he thought about it.

"Are you so sure that it's the third prince? The mermaid didn't even melt its tail. Obviously, it's just an ordinary sea clan. How did she know about this kind of thing?

Xie Pian said sarcastically.

Fang Yun hasn't said anything yet, but the general of the sailor beside him answered: "This is not necessarily true. The sea people are different from our people. It is far less complicated than the structure of the imperial court. It's not strange that she knows this.

"Before the army set off, there was an oath of the three armies. Whoever swears is the commander. Do you think this sea people will know who is the commander of their operation this time?

Fang Yun said, his voice fell, and he walked away.

The navy fleet continued to go south. A day later, after Fang Yun found the fleet, he began to gather a large number of sharks. It's not far or close, and it has been hanging behind. "There are more and more sharks. It seems that those high-level sea people have noticed us."

Fang Yun looked at the back of the steel building ship and said indifferently. The steel ship was extremely high and condescending. About two or three feet away, black fish floated out from under the water and lined up in a row, following behind.

These sharks formed a huge net, surrounding the five building ships of the Great Zhou Dynasty and a large number of fleets. During this period, Fang Yun also kept reading some files about the sea people on the ship. I also know a lot about the sea people.

The sea people have a strong ability to drive creatures in the sea. The precursor of these sea attacks is often to send a large number of sharks to follow first. The attack will be launched later.

The ocean is very large, much larger than the land. The sea people are usually scattered everywhere, and it will take some time to gather. They must gather their own troops before they can attack.

The experience summarized by these sailors. The sea people are usually scattered all the time, and it is extremely inconvenient to deal with it. Let them gather the army and defeat it again, and the combat effect will be much better. Therefore, sailors in the Zhou Dynasty generally encountered this kind of situation and would not deal with these sharks.

After the appearance of the shark, other marine life appeared behind the fleet. These things are swimming in the water. A breath of mountain rain spread in the navy fleet, and the officers and soldiers of the navy on the ship began to prepare nervously.

When it was dark, the sea people finally launched an attack on the flotilla.


Countless sharks, predators, swordfish, mermaid warriors, and strange low-level sailors took advantage of the night to attack the naval fleet. In the sea nearly a thousand miles away, the waves turned over, and countless shadows, like sharp arrows, shot at the naval fleet from all directions.

"Prepare for war!"

The voice of the general of the navy resounded through the ship. There is a busy scene on the fleet of large and small buildings. In the blink of an eye, the sound of the machine came from large and small ships and fleets. In the blink of an eye, a hole the size of a finger suddenly appeared on the shell. At first glance, it seemed to have become a huge beehive.


As soon as the sound fell, the water fleet of the Great Zhou Dynasty became the most horrible killing machine in the world. Thousands of clusters of arrows broke out of the hulls, large and small, and flew into the water in all directions.

The waters near the navy fleet instantly became the most terrible killing battlefield. The fierce objects in the sea, together with the surging sea people, were shot through by the rain of arrows and floated on the sea. The fine oil of blood spewed out of the body, rendering the nearby seawater red.

These long arrows are extremely fast and powerful. A long arrow can often pierce all creatures within a straight line of nearly a thousand feet.

Just a breath, the bodies of thousands of sharks immediately floated up in the ocean. One by one, the belly was up, and it was all white.

When Xie Pianpian suddenly saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel shocked by the lethality shown by the Dazhou Marine Division! This is simply the most terrible killing machine.


Waves of deep sea people roared and screamed, constantly swarming from all directions. No matter how many sharks die, they won't be heartbroken.

As for low-level sea people such as mermaid warriors, the stalk power is quite amazing. He was not afraid of the sailors of the Zhou Dynasty at all.


The water splashed, and the mermaid warriors, driving the waves, rushed over at a very fast speed. The steel building ship of the Zhou Dynasty is basically a giant in the ocean. Ordinary sea people can't stand it at all. However, the steel building ship also has a weakness, which is the huge spiral slurry at the stern. As long as the propeller is destroyed, such a huge steel ship, which lacks the motivation to move forward, will immediately be a dead end.

Moreover, although the steel building ship is helpless, the ordinary fleet is not so difficult to deal with. Most of the attacks of the sea people were against those ordinary fleets.


Another order. Five steel tower ships, together with large and small ships, sprayed a locust-like rain of arrows again. The bottom of the water turned red again.

The sea people have a natural advantage in the water, but they have shot five arrows. These brave sea people who are not afraid of death have already reached the side of the boat.


With a cold sound, the officers and soldiers of the sailors above the spirit level jumped down from the deck with weapons in their hands. Other sailors who could take off the air stayed on the deck.

"Drink! Thunder knife method!"

A courageous sailor officer and soldier, holding a moon knife, shouted fiercely. The long knife immediately burst into a dazzling thunder. In the blink of an eye, the knife flashed, within a radius of dozens of feet. All the sea clans, together with sharks, were all involved in the knife light and cut into pieces.

"Dumpling shooting! Kill!"

Another bold-level martial artist, with a long gun shaking, immediately roared and roared, flew away from the shadow of the gun, tearing the sea people deep in the bottom of the sea into pieces.

One sailor and soldier after another, broke through the air and landed on the water. Kill it to your heart's content. Mermaid warrior is equivalent to the cultivation of living in the true state of the fetus. As for sharks, their strength is far from comparable to that of flying dragons. If you want to kill these fish warriors and sharks, you will naturally kill a large area.


A burst of drunkon came from the surrounding sea. Fang Yun stood on the deck of the ship and looked around. In the dark night, the brilliance flashed, and the virtual shadows of each dragon roared and roared on the sea.

The strength is comparable to that of flying dragon warriors. It is too easy to slaughter the sea people. It's like a tiger into a flock. In the blink of an eye, there were a lot of corpses around the sailor's fleet. The turned white belly is extremely conspicuous in the dark.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At the bottom of the fleet, it was fierce. There were bursts of explosions coming from under the water. It was those mermaid soldiers who tried to dive from the bottom of the water and detonated the thunderbolts dropped by the fleet.

When the sea people dive from the bottom of the water, the denser they are, the more lethal the thunder bomb will be!

"What is that?"

Xie Pianpian suddenly pointed to the distance.

Fang Yun looked down her finger and saw a huge creature swimming here in the distance. Their bodies are extremely huge, just the part floating on the water, just like a hill. These creatures are actually bigger than the ordinary ships of the imperial court.

"Sea whale! These sea people sent sea whales! - Attention, everyone!"

At this time, thousands of feet away, another sailor also found the movement in the distance and shouted.

Sea whale, it is said that it is the descendant of the ancient dragon whale. They are not only much larger than sharks. There should be too much power. Fang Yun once got a dragon whale elixir. The internal elixir alone can improve the power of 20 to 30 dragons of martial arts. It is much more powerful than ordinary elite warriors.

Although the sea whale is not as powerful as the dragon whale, each pure power is more than the power of ten flying dragons. The ordinary fleet used to overturn the court is more than enough.

Although the power of sea whales is huge, the attack method is very simple. It's just that pure brute force. If you describe it as an animal, it is a cow. However, whales are much larger than ox in both strength and size.

As long as the warrior falls on the sea whale and blows through its head. You can kill them easily! The skeleton of sea whales is no harder than armor.