The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 422 Prince of the Di Family

The sea whale approached slowly. According to the rules of the battle, a famous sailor stood on the side of the sea whales, staring intently at these sea whales.

Five thousand feet, two thousand feet, one thousand people... five hundred feet...

"Cracked Whale Armor Equipment! Out of regulation"

With an order, a heavily armed Dazhou Jiashi broke out of the air. Jump to those sea whales. These people are all above the spirit level. The armor they wear is specially made. A large number of extraterritorial star irons have been added, and the strong circle is incomparable.

Even the most powerful shark and mermaid warriors can't bite these armors. This is specially prepared for the split whale armor. It is used to deal with sea whales.

The body of the sea whale is very large. This means that 'for people' is extremely fatal, and for them, it is just some insignificant injuries.

When sea whales are in pain, they will sink to the bottom of the water and struggle violently. A wide range of vortexes are set off at the bottom of the sea. On the one hand, the cleft whale armor should firmly stick to these sea whales, and on the other hand, they have to deal with the attacks of a large number of sea people. The armor on their bodies is the key to whether they can kill sea whales.

These armors are generally made of Fufan steel. Very rare. A fleet of sailors is not well equipped. Generally, there are about 500 Rift Jesus armors at most!

A famous split whale warrior flew hundreds of feet of space and fell on a sea whale. The halberd in his hand said no words, shaking his hand and stabbed into the body of the sea carp. At the same time, a stream of real gas was sent into the halberd, which immediately exploded a large area of flesh and blood.


The sea whale is in pain and makes a baby-like sound. The head rolled and suddenly entered the bottom of the water. Under Fang Yun's eyes, these split whale warriors were swept up by the waves raised by the sea whale and sank to the bottom of the water together.

On the deck, Xie Pian's silver hair hung on his shoulders and a long white skirt danced in the sea breeze at night. She ssed it over and said, "This wave of sea people is coming. Don't you take action?''

Fang Yun stood with his hands behind his back, stood in front of the railing of the ship, shook his head, and said indifferently, "No need. These are the lowest sea people. Most of them are murderers in the sea. In terms of scale, at best, it is just a test for the sea people. If this level of battle, I need to intervene. There is no need for the sailor of the court to exist!"

Xie Pian's eyes flashed and stopped talking.

The brave and spirit-level warriors, although their strength is far stronger than that of ordinary sea people. Wherever you go, there is a mountain of sea corpses. But there are too many low-level sea people. In this case, the consumption of real gas is very fast.


Outside the fleet, a martial artist suddenly roared. Soon other warriors also agreed. With a bullet, they immediately broke out of the sea, folded in the air, and returned to the armor wrench. As soon as you land, close your eyes and sit down to restore the true spirit as soon as possible.


Five steel-building ships, combined with many ship rules, shot like rain again, shooting a large number of sea people who were forced to death at the bottom of the sea. Taking advantage of this short time gap, another group of Dazhou sailors jumped into the sea and continued to fight.

A batch of boarding, a batch of boarding, and taking turns to return to the armor wrench repair. The Dazhou Marine Division maintains a strong lethality!


With a huge sound of water, a huge sea whale floated up from the water. Mountain-like corpses across the sea. In their cracked heads, a famous cracked whale armorer came out, and as soon as his body bounced, he returned to the armor wrench.

"I underestimate you.

These sea people can't threaten you at all!"

Xie Pian said coldly on the side.

Fang Yun smiled and said nothing. For every 80,000 people on the five steel building ships, there are 400,000 Zhou sailors, plus the officers and soldiers of the sailors on other ships. This fleet has a full fleet of 70,000 or 800,000 soldiers. Such a huge army can maintain a strong attack output in the sea!

Time passes slowly. Gradually, the sea within hundreds of miles is full of layers of shark-like and low-class sea corpses, which looks like a huge sea cemetery.

Six hours later, it was getting brighter. After leaving a large number of bodies, the sea people finally retreated. On the deck, many people are exhausted.


In the loud voice, a famous sailors returned to the ship from the sea. The water here is so red that it's scary. It's like a sea of blood. Many sailors flew out of the ship and began to clean up the battlefield.

Although the shark is fierce, it is good food. Many armorers began to cut the back knots of these fish. After each battle, the officers and soldiers of the navy will hold a reward. The shark fin made of shark back knot is very delicious, and the meat quality is very good.

There are also some armored soldiers who flew off the ship to get the brain marrow of the sea whale. This is also very good and delicious! On land, it is very expensive.

Although these sea whales are huge, they are really small compared with hundreds of thousands of ingredients.

"Let's go and celebrate together."

Fang Yun pulled Xie Pian Pian over and walked to the cabin.

At the same time, under the sea dozens of miles away from the Dazhou Marine Division, several sea men with sea-blue hair, strong ** strong breasts, and a few sea lion skins around their lower body, silently watching the harvesting operations of the officers and soldiers of the Dazhou Marine Division in the distance.

"These damn human beings! May Nep Nep Nep will punish them!"

A leading sea man said angrily.

"Let's go, Anthony. Neptune will naturally punish them, but now, we have to return to the camp first to repay the third prince!"

The other one is a slightly thinner sea clan with chestnut pupils.

Ses of the sea people looked angrily at the huge things on the sea in the distance, turned around and slowly swam to the depths of the ocean.

Unlike the sea and the land, it is full of ubiquitous water pressure. The lower it goes, the greater the water pressure. If a copper and iron ship sinks into the ocean, it will fall to the bottom of the sea. It will be squeezed into a mass by the terrible water there. In that kind of place, even the sea people dare not get involved easily.

The ocean is the paradise of the sea people. Their body structure enables them to adapt to life in the ocean more than humans.

In the depths of the ocean, which is far from the sea, there is a vast sea ridge, undulating. Just on this ridge, there is a magnificent city, quietly located at the bottom of the water.

In the city, countless heavily armed sea people are wandering and patrolling.

Anthony and several other sea people entered the periphery of the city, walked to an armored general, and bowed and saluted: ', my lord'

"Well," the armored general of the sea clan nodded: "What do you want to do?"

Anthony and others immediately told the details of what happened on the sea.

The general of the sea clan heard it again and again, "I know, you can go down."

"Yes, my lord."

retreated Anthony and others. The sea general went straight in the direction of the palace.

The palaces of the sea people are extremely strange. Who is outside, but inside the palace is clean and there is no sea water at all. As soon as the sea general stepped on the palace, he saw a burly man with a strange bronze armor sitting on the throne. The breath emanating from his body was like the scorching sun on the sea.

"At the end, I will see the third prince."

', uh-huh." The third prince of the sea clan opened his eyes and shot a dazzling spirit in his eyes: "All the news of the sailors of Dazhou has come. I'll suppress you now. Let's talk about it.', the sea general immediately recounted what Anthony and others said.

"Very good. Even the sailors of the Zhou Dynasty did not change much. Then it's our turn to implement it as planned. Now, we are waiting for the strong of the Qiu, Chu, barbarians and Ying people. Our people should have received them!''

The third prince of the sea clan looked at the top of the hall and seemed to see the endless distance.

This is a mountain by the sea, with deep vegetation on the mountain. Just under the cliff on the side of the sea, several men with deep eyes and eagle noses and eight feet tall stood by the sea.

', the eldest prince, the princess, is leading the army to fight against the Middle-earth court. I heard that the court had sent a mighty marquis to suppress it. At this time, we said, 'Won't we stay to help the queen?' The man who spoke had rough skin as if he had been polished by the wind and sand for a long time. He wore long hair, stood with his hands on his hands, dressed in a white robe, and just stood there quietly. Just give a feeling that when you are rooted in the earth and take action, the earth will collapse.

The white robe on this man's body and four black pillars are engraved on his right chest, which is the symbol of the "Four-pole Demon Sect" in the autumn wilderness.

This man is the guardian of the Four Extreme Demon Sect, called Cheriji. The martial arts cultivation is extremely high, and he is a strong man in the sky. This time, the task is to escort Adi, the eldest prince of the Qiu nationality, to Yinghuang.

"No need. Hasn't the suzerain sent the elder to deal with the Wei Lihou? We have been working with the court to control the war within a range of restraint. There are people in the Zhou Dynasty. Is it possible that there is no one in our autumn clan? It's really a big deal, forcing the ancestors out. The palaces of the Great Zhou Dynasty will be turned into ruins!' The speaker is about seven feet five. He is also magnificent. His head is bare, and only the big place on the top of his head is as long as hair. Unexpectedly, he even let him leave his hair and tie it into a whip, which was black and thick, and left behind his head.

This man is the elder brother of the queen Xie Daojing, the eldest prince Adi. He grew up in the Four-pole Demon Sect. He is not proficient in war and does not want to participate in it.

', the eldest prince, you should know that it is impossible for the ancestors to take action. The fighting in the secular world, including the struggle of the sectarian world, is like two ants fighting for the ancestors. It's all meaningless. Just like those ordinary people, in our eyes, are ants. And in the eyes of our ancestors, we are also ants. No one will teach another ant a lesson for a group of ants.''

Cheliji said indifferently.

', haha," Adi touched the bare scalp on his head and said carelessly, "I naturally know here. However, I just think those middle-earth people are really unpleasant. These guys are so arrogant!"

"Don't say so much, in a moment, the sea people will come. When we go to Dayingzhou, the sea people can't offend. This time, they invited us to deal with the sailor's fleet of the Zhuda Zhou Dynasty. How is the eldest prince going to deal with it?

Adi smiled and waved his hand: "This kind of thing must be serious. Our purpose this time is to go to Yingzhou to get the heart of the Yanmo King. Other things have nothing to do with us. As for the request of the sea people, it's enough to let the fans go! - We don't have a lot of time, and we have to familiarize ourselves with the situation of Yingzhou in the middle. There is no extra time to spend at sea.

"Mysterious, collapse. When you get to the sea, you can cooperate with the sea people to attack the sailors of the imperial court.

Adi turned around and said.

"Yes, prince." Two strong-breathed white-robed Qiu people said respectfully.

', here it is.' Cheriji suddenly said. As soon as the sound fell, there was a clatter, the sea was separated, and a huge deep-sea fish emerged from the water.

On the back of the missing fish, a man, a woman and two handsome sea clans knelt respectfully: "See Adi abduct the prince"'

The human race can't understand the language of the sea people, but the higher sea people can learn the language of human beings.

"Haha, it's time to go."

As soon as the sound fell, Adi and others jumped on the whale's back. With a clear cry, the missing fish came to the wind and waves and swept to the depths of the ocean.