The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 796 Extraterritorial Emperor

"It's not good! Let him escape!"

"Fight to chase!"

The dragon hissed long, and the two brilliant chariots chased Fang Yunji with a lot of light. The two majestic emperors were shocked and angry. They have never seen anyone show such wonderful space power.

Fang Yun flew quickly, constantly switching one space one by one, and left here. Whether it's the old skeleton demon, this is a strange sun and moon emperor, and it will be able to solve the battle for a while.

Although Fang Yun is not afraid of these people, there is really no need to waste time and fight meaninglessly.

"Find a place to digest the energy of the void. Then deal with these guys!"

Fang Yun's mind flew out like lightning.


Suddenly, a violent space explosion occurred in the extreme depths behind him. A violent vibration wave swept from behind him and swept the whole space maze at an incredible speed. The vast space seemed to be thrown up by an invisible big hand, and then shook fiercely. Countless space storms took the opportunity to rise.


Fang Yun's heart sank, just under his eyes. The three murderers of the split sea made a spatial coordinate, and suddenly shook and then smashed and disappeared.

The originally disordered space rules became more chaotic after this explosion. Without the spatial coordinates to guide the direction, it becomes extremely difficult to return to the world of Pluto. At least, it can't be that easy.


The ears are full of the roar of space storms, and hurricanes are raging in the void.

Under this fragmented space rule, all the information is shredded. There is no available information at all.

"I'm lost!"

Fang Yun's heart sank, and the collapse of the void abyss led to the spatial rules of this area, which were completely fragmented. In this case, it's not just about losing your way. Under the control of the incomplete and broken space rules, going forward may become backward, going up, may become going down.

The collapse of the angle of space means disorder and imbalance.

Fang Yun tried his best to escape, and may eventually take the initiative to send it to the prince of Pluto, the old demon and others. It's like a fog, and all the senses are unbalanced. In the fog, a lot of groping "may still be in place, or only one or two feet forward" is more likely to circle in the opposite direction.

"It's troublesome now."

Fang Yun frowned. The ability of "billion-dollar space escape method" would not have been constrained by this kind of space collapse. However, this skill is subject to his martial arts realm and does not give full play to his due ability, which leads to this situation.

Now, the only good news is that not only him, but everyone else will also be affected by the collapse of space.


While thinking, a long chant came from the front. The golden light in the sky spread like waves. More than ten miles away from Fang Yun, a golden chariot is speeding ahead.

This chariot appeared almost in the air, and even Fang Yun didn't find out how he appeared.

"The two emperors of the sun and the moon!"

Fang Yun's eyelids jumped down, and these two guys, obviously still behind him, actually appeared in front of him. You should know that the "hundillions of space free form method" is mysterious, and even if the sun and moon emperors work hard, it is impossible to catch up with him.

"Huh? It's you!"

While Fang Yun discovered the Sun and Moon Emperor, the Sun and Moon Emperor also found Fang Yun behind him. Although I don't know how I got in front of Fang Yun. However, this sudden harvest still made the two emperors of the sun and the moon [Xing] excited.

"Hahaha..." This is called throwing yourself into the net! The younger generation, the empty fruit offered. Don't let me die!"

The sun and the moon laughed loudly. "The wrists trembled, and the four huge golden dragons" danced with four claws, hissing and turn their heads. Pounce on Fang Yun.

"Hmm! If you two are not separated, I will be afraid. But now, you are alone and want to pay attention to the things in my hand. It's really unbeing! It is not known who threw himself into the net!"

Fang Zhi sneered.

The space rules here are completely chaotic. Today, the Moon Emperor and the Moon Emperor are also separated by the space rules. There is only one person who appears in front of him. I don't know whether it is the Sun Emperor or the Moon Emperor.

The Sun and Moon Emperors looked cold when they heard the words, and their eyes were cold: "Be careful of the martial arts, dare to talk to the emperor like this. You are so bold! Even if the skeleton demon saw our extraterritorial Sun and Moon Vacuum Double Emperor, he didn't dare to talk like that. You really swallowed the leopard's gall. The fruit of the void is transformed by the heart of Pluto, which contains a space law of seven generations of Pluto. Such treasures, falling into your hands, can only be a tyranny. Since ancient times, the treasure has been inhabited by virtue, and I will take it back on behalf of heaven, and by the way, I will clean up you, a young man who doesn't know the depth of heaven and earth!"

The mysterious emperor outside the country said and brushed his big sleeves, the void shook, and the golden light in the sky gathered like waves. It turned into a round with a radius of thousands of feet, and the magnificent and dazzling sun was suspended above the chariot.

In the bright sun, a huge and ferocious magic dragon looms.

"The sun vacuum, the magic dragon destroys the world!"

A huge magic dragon broke through the sun with the momentum of thunder and thunder. As soon as the claws were torn, a large area of space immediately tore and broke. Dozens of space storms were detonation when they were picked up!

"Rible! I have been avoiding fighting, but you think I'm afraid of you! Just in time, there is no one left and right now. I will kill you first and make you into a puppet!"

Fang Yun no longer dodges this time. This extraterritorial mysterious emperor is single, which is a good time for thousands of years. With his strength, there is no need to worry at all.

"Green Dragon Creation!"

As soon as Fang Yun took action, the stone broke the sky, and the whole void was boiling and shaking for thousands of miles. The seventh type of Qinglong, which once seriously injured the "Heavenly Evil Jade Emperor", reappeared.

In the vast chaotic void, a huge broken earth suddenly appeared, spinning in the vast wind. Above the continent, a green dragon thousands of miles long, across it, like a prison, emitting dragon breath, unparalleled.

The pressure emitted by Fang Yun at this moment immediately increased to an incredible point.

"This is..., how can it be!" The extraterritorial mysterious emperor's face was pale, his eyes were wide open, and he looked at the amazing vision in the void. At the end of his body, there was a feeling of numbness, and he could hardly lift his head. As for the four golden dragons pulling the cart, they are directly like being nailed into the void, struggling with four claws, but unable to move.

Their eyes, looking at the dragons in the void, all of the seven orifices are bleeding. This is the result of the reverse of the internal blood of the body that can't stand the huge dragon breath.

"Boom!", the green dragon across the ancient land of Jiuzhou, roared, rose from the land, flew out, and hit the rushing black magic dragon head fiercely. Originally, it seemed that the magic dragon was also extremely amazing. At this moment, in front of the huge dragon, it was like a little snake facing the dragon. With a "bang", it was just a blow. The magic dragon transformed by the mysterious emperor "Hao Ri Vacuum" was immediately smashed by one blow.


With a scream, the emperor on the chariot immediately flew out like a kite. The whole chest collapsed, and the blood flew all the way.

"Buzz!", Fang Yundantian shook, and a tidal domineering qi came out of the body. Shock away all the nearby space storms and space debris. Then his body trembled and broke out of the air.

"It's really overpowerful!" Fang Yun's body flashed and appeared on the top of the mysterious emperor's head, clapping his palm. The alien emperor trembled and disappeared immediately. He was sealed by Fang Yun in the clock of heaven and earth.

Single-to-single, the fifth "Evil Jade Emperor" in the life star list will be defeated by Fang Yun, not to mention this extraterritorial emperor. The opponent at the first level of the divine realm, alone, can't threaten Fang Yun at all.

However, the true qi in Fang Yun [body], together with the sealed "overturned naive king" and the true qi in the [body], were exhausted by him. If you stay any longer, it will be very dangerous. That's why Fang Yun was eager to leave.


A space storm was torn apart by a huge dragon claw. In the golden light all over the sky, another strong man in the extraterritorial sun and moon vacuum double emperor came late.

"Second brother!!", this talented and prosperous emperor, as soon as he arrived, was immediately struck by thunder, and his eyes suddenly turned red. The battle has just ended, leaving a strong message of the battle.

This information is enough for him to know. The end of another emperor.

"Little brother, I won't let you go!" The dragon hissed and immediately turned into a rolling golden rainbow and chased away.

"Huh? What is the origin of this person? It's so strong. Even the extraterritorial Sun and Moon Emperors have suffered losses under him!"

In a moment, the void twisted, and Mo Gaojun, the leader of the Blackwater Alliance, emerged. He was also separated from several other deputy leaders. After the collapse of the void abyss, everything became turbulent and disorderly.

"Go!" Mo Gaojun's eyes condensed and immediately flew away. Following Mo Gaojun, one figure after another appeared one after another. Prince Pluto, the old demon of skeletons... These people all sensed the great movement in the void and followed. But soon, he left one by one.

Everyone leaves in a different direction. This is the change brought about by the disorder of space.

The information of Fang Yun's fight with the extraterritorial emperor is weakened in this void with a very fast force. Disordered spatial rules allow all information in the void to be weakened and reduced at a speed several times faster than normal.

Just before all the information is completely eliminated. Another figure followed immovingly. This is an ordinary loose practice. The cultivation of Tianchong's four grades is not so amazing in a group of people. But the surrounding space storm could not approach him at all.

"Interesting. With an inadvertent move, there was such a discovery. The fruit of the void..." This is the third legendary treasure of heaven and earth in the divine realm. Unexpectedly, it made a group of juniors get it..." This evil martial artist showed a trace of strangeness at the corners of his mouth. With a big sleeve, he walked out slowly. The direction is not biased or bad, it is the direction of Fang Yun's disappearance...,