The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 797 Yitian Old Demon

"What is that?"

"This sudden red-blooded demon is obviously to fight with the resources in the hands of the demon emperor, and it is insidious to erase the previous achievements of the demon emperor. This is prepared, and I have the intention to peep at the position of the demon emperor.

"What kind of conspiracy is hidden by this red-blooded demon master under such a move, with the prestige of the demon emperor. Even if he has great ability, I'm afraid it's impossible for the demon emperor's position to fall on him, unless the emperor Shitian gives up the throne of the demon emperor by himself. In this kind of thing, "the demon emperor can never give up."

"Death, this is trying to die. No, there must be some conspiracy hidden in it."

"Look, what appears in the hands of the demon emperor? So, it seems to be a ladder? However, there seems to be no such step-like treasure between heaven and earth. Now it has been taken out by the demon emperor. What's going on? Is this really a treasure that has never appeared in the world?

The monks of the heavens had uncontrollable curiosity in their hearts. They whispered and talked about it one after another. When they saw the treasure in the hands of Emperor Shitian. But he couldn't help opening his mouth wide, opened his eyes wide, and looked at the object with surprise.

In the hands of Di Shitian, a snow-white ladder appeared.

This ladder picks up one step at a time, rising step by step, and the whole body is snow-white, without any flaws. On the ladder, mysterious patterns are outlined, these patterns. Like a little tadpole, it wanders around like life, converging together to form various shapes, one is a mountain, and the other is water. For a moment, it was birds and beasts, and for a moment, it was blue sky and white clouds. It seems that you can see endless scenery on it.

There seems to be an infinite world in it. The five elements of yin and yang, and the reincarnation of life are all hidden in them.

The ladder extends upward and goes to the sky step by step. It's ninety-eighty-one.

The hidden breath escaped from the ladder.

The breath transmitted from this ladder. It is not an innate spiritual treasure, but it can be called a strange treasure, which is not inferior to any supreme treasure.

"What is this?"

Such a question unconsciously appeared in the mind of almost every monk. Although this ladder looks extraordinary, it is not an innate spiritual treasure in itself. In terms of value, it is impossible to be comparable to the supreme artifact Chaos City in the mouth of the Red-blooded Demon, but it is carefully taken out, which makes them suspicious. Confused.

"Haha, why didn't I think of it? It turns out that you have been ready for the emperor's madman for a long time. I have this ladder in my hand. It's good to stand aside in the chaotic city. Even if you compete for the treasure, you have to step on this bullshit red-blooded demon. Let him know that this is not a place for him to be arrogant.

, Ming, when he saw what Di Shitian took out, he was slightly stunned. However, he immediately seemed to be extremely excited, full of excitement.

"The ladder to the sky" goes to the sky step by step, inheriting the world, and will last forever! Edict!!"

Di Shitian took a look at the ladder of the sky, and his face was still as calm and indifferent as usual, showing a kind of calmness whenever there was a big event. As soon as the voice fell, the ladder of the sky in his hand immediately flew out of his hand and fell to the right side of the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, a huge field left

In the process of falling past. Today's ladder is rapidly expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it has reached an incredible situation in the blink of an eye. Ninety-nine eighty-one heavy ladder, extending to the height of ten thousand feet" straight into the sky. Every ladder is extremely slender. It can accommodate tens of thousands of monks standing together.


The ladder fell on the ground, and the ladder at the bottom immediately merged with the divine crystal on the ground, as if it had taken root. It is closely connected with the whole Lingxiao demon court and integrated into one.

"Dao Ke Dao, very Dao, famous, very famous... The moment when the factory completely merged with the ladder and the Lingxiao demon court, in the deepest core space of the ancient city. The huge imperial jade ultimatum suddenly radiated brilliant brilliance. Countless mysterious words constantly flashed in the jade ultimatum. The mysterious sound of the road came out of the jade ultimatum, and in the sound of heaven, the mystery of the road was preached.

In the jade ultimatum, the three thousand avenue runes vibrated together. Whether it was perfect or incomplete, they radiated their own light one after another. In the runes, there are mysterious skills flowing quickly. It flashes in the sound of the sky.


The three thousand road runes trembled one after another, and each separated the illusory road runes. They separated from the imperial jade ultimatum and flew out in the air. Following the connection between the ladder and the Lingxiao demon court, they were branded into the ladder one after another.

There seems to be a mysterious connection between the ladder and the imperial jade ultimatum.

From the imperial jade ultimatum, the three thousand innate vitality refined are also separated from the spirit of chaos. Pour it into this ladder.

This makes the sky-to-sky ladder outside suddenly emerge layers of snow-white clouds, covering today's ladder in the clouds, looming and extremely mysterious. The breath revealed seemed extremely hidden, as if it did not exist at all, and as if it was the collection of three thousand avenues between heaven and earth. For a moment, it seemed extremely magnificent. Nature reveals the mysterious Taoist rhyme.

Di Shitian's behavior attracted the attention of all monks. They looked at the ladder to the sky one after another, and then glanced at him, and the doubts in his eyes became more and more intense.

"This is the emperor's chance to get it. It took countless efforts again, consuming infinitely rare treasures, and the essence of heaven and earth. Finally refined a ladder of supreme treasures to the sky.

Emperor Shitian said in a low voice: "The ladder is divided into ninety-nine and eighty-one layers, for a total of nine realms of the demon clan, spirit beasts, spirits, monsters, demons, demon kings, big demons, demon saints, heavenly demons, demon gods. This ladder is a realm for the demon clan every nine times. As long as you step on the ladder, no matter what you come from, even the most ordinary birds and beasts, as long as you have potential. With perseverance, go to the top. Hold on. It is the spirit beast. When you go to the ninth level, it is the peak of the spirit beast. When you step into the tenth weight, you are the monster. In the ladder, you can get inheritance, and there are countless inheritances. What can be inherited depends on the opportunity, potential and own luck. It is possible that you will inherit the supreme skill. Only then can you get the most ordinary yellow-level skills.

"Which weight you step on, the ladder through the sky will naturally pour this heavy understanding of heaven and earth into your mind, step by step. With every step forward, your own realm will also be improved. If you walk through the ninety-nine and eighty-one times, it will be the supreme demon god.

A sentence, just like a giant heavy hammer directly hitting all the monks in the whole Lingxiao Demon Court, all the demons' heads, the meaning contained in the words, almost even the heart will jump out in shock, inheritance, this ladder of the sky can have such a wonderful power, can Get such an incredible inheritance.

If you really want to walk on it, you can get the same level of cultivation every time you reach the top. Even if it's a skill. That is simply the supreme treasure between heaven and earth that can make countless races crazy.

This is an inheritance treasure that is not replaced by ears.

Countless demons have radiated a kind of fanatical light in their eyes looking at the ladder through the sky. I can't wait to swallow it directly.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty is really dedicated to planning for our demon clan. He actually tried his best to refine such a supreme treasure. For us, it is simply a re-cre creation. If it can really be inherited, then the rise of our demon clan is just around the corner.

"With the ladder to the sky, for a day. You can get a large number of strong people.

"The irreplaceable inheritance treasure."

Countless demons are excited when they speak. They all have a silky trill. Deeply aware of the boundless benefits that this heavenly ladder can bring to the demon clan, infinitely strong. This ladder saves countless time for the demon clan to practice.

"Impossible. If the demon clan gets such a treasure of inheritance, won't its strength be thousands of miles a day and immable?

"Big thing, big thing is going to happen. With the ladder to the sky, the demon clan is going to fly to the sky. Those little demons may have turned into demon kings, big demons, and even demon saints.

However, in the eyes of the monks of the heavens, there are endless stormy waves. It's a good thing for the demons, but for some people, it's definitely the worst thing. Looking at the ladder one by one, there was a complex look.

". Luo!! Do you think so? Is this ladder really as magical as you said? The red-blooded demon said playfully, looking suspicious.

"If you doubt it, just let a demon clan try it." Di Shitian just looked at him calmly. There was no emotion in his eyes, as if he were looking at a corpse.

"Your Majesty, my old pig's family has just given birth to a son. At this moment, there is only the cultivation of the spirit beast. The old pig believes in your majesty. I'm willing to let my youngest son try to get through the ladder.

A fat man with big ears ran out, holding a red piglet in his hand. Because of his parents, the piglet was already a spirit beast at birth, and seemed to be popular. Two eyes. Keep looking around. He kept looking around. The fat man looked at Di Shitian with excitement and enthusiasm.


Di Shitian glanced at it, nodded and agreed.

"Hum hum!!"

The little red pig hummed and jumped out of the fat man's hand. Come to the ladder and jump up.


As soon as I stepped on the first layer, I immediately saw that in the first ladder, there was a faint halo, which was colorful one by one. Different small runes came out of thin air from the ladder. Among these runes, some red runes paused slightly in mid-air. Immediately rushed to the little red pig.

fell on it and immediately drilled directly along the pores around the body.

Around, the spirit of heaven and earth seems to be pulled by something. Continuously pour it into its [body].

In the blink of an eye, I saw the cultivation power of the little red pig. It is growing at an alarming rate.