The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 879 The Strongest Middle Ages

"This is nature. Since the last time we went to the capital, the court will certainly not let us go. From ancient times to ancient times, a generation is not as good as a generation in martial arts. The sectarian environment is also getting worse and worse. I heard that a demon tower is being built in the capital. If it really succeeds, I'm afraid it's not our blessing. Now the court is strong. If we work together again, I'm afraid it will be defeated by the court.

The Three Ancestors of the First Demon.

"You don't have to care about the demon tower. If we don't expect it. This magic weapon should be aimed at the most powerful Eternal Blue Sky Emperor among the Five Fang Emperors. If he succeeds, it will be better. Just let the Eternal Qingtian Emperor force us to come to us. If there is an emperor to join, the emperor will definitely die! What I care about now is the leader of the medieval alliance.

Taisu Sanzu paused: "After all, Lord Chen is our leader, and now we don't know life and death. I can't help but care. However, all the news came from the court first, which is not true. Mr. Xuanji, you guys are in charge of the big sky disk. Can you find out the whereabouts of Chen Baxian?" Mr. Xuanji, the cardinal and the three Mr. Hengji looked at each other, meditated for a moment, and then said, "Although we have blinded the sky with the big sky disk. But it has also been affected. Moreover, the medieval alliance leader is the one who broke his fate. There is no fate to follow. The effect of "Tianji Shushu" is extremely limited for warriors in the divine realm. Even if it's us, we can spy on the whereabouts of a martial artist in the fourth soul realm of the divine realm.

"That is to say, the medieval leader still doesn't know life and death?"

Taisu Sanzu frowned.


Three major gentlemen.

"Haha, why do the three friends of Taisu care? The Middle League was destroyed by the Zhou Dynasty. Even if Chen Ba escapes his life first, he will still survive. Why do you care? It's just a homeless dog." Chaos ancestor said a word to break the three people's scruples. He turned the sun and looked at the three Mr. Tianji: "On the contrary, the three Mr. Lantai Secret Garden has also intervened in the sky now. Will it have a great impact on our plan?" The intervention of Lantai Secret Garden has made the current secret more chaotic. Naturally, we are also affected. However, the sky of tigers and dragons has long been doomed to be human. Whether it is Lantai Secret Garden or us, we are unable to operate this kind of world!"

Mr. Three Heavenly Machines said.

"That's good! The emperor of the Zhou Dynasty got the Taoism of the three emperors and five emperors. If he was allowed to reach the perfection of the three souls again, it would really be the time for him to suppress all the heavens and thousands of factions. At that time, I'm afraid that the sect will never come out. Therefore, it must first disrupt his dynasty. When the tigers devoured the dragons, it was the time for us to really do it. Three gentlemen, how are you preparing for the battle armor of the Five Emperors?" Chaos Laozu said.

"We have been contacted in Dihuang, Yihuang and Minghuang. In the wilderness, the barbarian god of war, Ara Cubar, has woken up. He is the war armor of Emperor Yao and the descendant of the Five Emperors. He also has great ambitions for Middle-earth. He also agreed to this. The five emperors have got four armors, and the rest is the one of Emperor Yu..."

The three majors said happily, and then stopped talking about it.

"Is that the four-way marquis Fangyin?", the three ancestors of the first demon thought: "This man was beaten into the abyss when he played with Arababar. Now, I don't know life or death. However, the descendants of the five emperors have a long pulse, and I'm afraid it's not so easy to die.

"During this period, I will go to meet with Arabul. Ask him about the situation on that day if possible. I will go into the abyss and search for his whereabouts. If he dies, I will bring Di Yu's armor back. If he didn't die, I'm afraid it will fall on the descendants of the Fang family. The three ancestors of the first demon, the leader of the medieval alliance asked you to remove the second son of the Fang family. What's the whereabouts now?" Chaos Laozu asked.

"Now that Chen Ba is dead first, he will naturally let him go. Now Wu Mu is in charge of the dynasty, which is the most prosperous time. There is no need to have a deadlock in the relationship with the court for the sake of a child in the future. And now, it's not the time to completely face the court. The Three Ancestors of the First Demon.

"Oh, that's it. However, the matter of Emperor Yu's armor still fell on the Fang family. Well, try to get this one. The five emperors have always had a sense of blood. Using this son may lead to Fang Yin!"

Chaotic ancestor road.

"Hmm. This son has reached the realm of half-step life. The accumulation is extremely rich, and it is very likely to impact the realm of the star recently. Moreover, on this son, there is also an ancient three elephant magic weapon, unrestrained imperial palace. If you can get him over. That's the best."

Mr. The Three Heavenly Machines are unintentional, and the listener is intentional. Chaos ancestors have a very high vision. There are ten thousand magic halls in the town. They don't pay attention to the unrestrained imperial palace, but the demon-eating suzerain and others moved their hearts and looked at each other.

Not everyone has shocking magic weapons such as mountain and river sales, the first magic source book, and the Wanmo Hall, and does not pay attention to the ordinary three elephant magic weapons.

The unrestrained imperial palace is also a magic weapon refined by the ancient strong and unrestrained ancestors. Compared with the magic weapons held by the three people, it is also very different. Such magic weapons, naturally, the more the better.

"Let's leave it to us about this."

The way of devouring demons.

"Oh? Even if there are a few Taoist brothers to do it for you, that's the best.

Several founders answered indifferently and didn't care. Today's rising people are naturally not in the eyes of everyone. It's like a famous person who won't surrender himself and rob a sugar man with a child.

Everyone's status is destined not to pay too much attention to Fang Yun!

Everyone has been talking for a long time, and they are all satisfied. The time is set, and the bait is gone.

In the wilderness, Chen Ba hidged and stopped first and fled all the way. All kinds of news about the Middle League flew all over the sky on his way to escape. The Great Zhou Dynasty spread the news that he had died and also fell into his ears.

It also fell into his ears, and there was also a calm wave in the sectarian world. Although all kinds of news are flying all over the sky, there is no sect that stands up to help the medieval alliance avenge the court.

All of this is as if there has never been a medieval alliance in the world.

"Taisu School, Shimo Sect, you are cruel! Unexpectedly, I would be betrayed by you!" Chaos ancestor, don't be too complacent. The Middle Ages fell, and the next one is you! You will pay the price for today!"

Chen Ba gritted his teeth first. He is not stupid. Stupid people can't be giants! Along the way, he had already smelled something. There is no doubt that the ancient sects and the ancient sects joined hands to betray him!

A deep sense of shame enveloped the heart of the medieval leader. The Middle League has always played the role of a middleman, contacting and giving orders. Design the whole plan and implement the Confucian disaster, turbulent the world.

Now, the birds are gone, and the good bow is hidden!

In the counterattack that the court is bound to come, the Middle League was betrayed without hesitation! Chen Ba gritted his teeth with hatred first. He is almost sure that the reason why the two sides dare to do so is that they have directly bypassed the Middle League, directly answered the relationship, and even reached an alliance.

Chen Baxian can even guess that it must be the sky platform that contacts all this.

Thinking of Tianjitai, he violated the request to let them kill the second son of the Fang family and delayed it many times. Even in the end, he directly sent the first magic source book and robbed Fang Yun in person. Chen Ba understood everything in an instant.

The resolution between the two sides is inevitable. Chen Baxian always thought that this was the time for everyone to compete in the world and divide Middle-earth after the demise of the court. But I didn't expect that this moment would come so early.

Chen Ba gritted his teeth first and swore to the sky: "The three ancestors of the first demon, the three tricks of Taisu, and the old devil of chaos... You will definitely regret it!"

Chen Ba shook his body first and suddenly plunged into the cold Beiming sea. He is not dead yet, and the Middle League is just that the base has been destroyed.

The distribution of many Hakka elders has not been destroyed. He can still make a comeback. The most important thing is that he also has a huge support.


Through layers of seawater, countless spaces. Just next to the ancient small world that Fang Yun and others have experienced, in a very small space. Chen Ba first suddenly shook, got into a cave in the space, and knelt down heavily: "Master!" This wet and cold cave, which looked ordinary, was silent. After a while, a sound of the rotation of the joints sounded in the cave.


The harsh sound of bone joint rotation is extremely harsh in this dark cave soaked by the sea. In front of Chen Baxian, the void was twisted, and a person suddenly appeared in the originally empty cave.

This man's head is bare, with only a few sparse, cold and wet long hair, hanging down his forehead. This man has no eyebrows or eyelids, only two gray-white eyes, which rotates bony.

His body seems to have been cut by a knife, with only half left. The whole chest is not seen, revealing the beating internal organs inside. The right arm is gone, and the left arm is only a layer of skin, which is loosely attached to his hand bone.

A smell of rotten death emanates from him. Ordinary people have been injured like this and have died long ago. But he is still alive and tenaciously.

"Chen Baxian, my good apprentice, why did you come back "............"

This strange whole shape, half of the chest is buried in the wet and cold ground. His gray, no focus, his eyes were spinning, and his other arm, without any flesh and blood, stroked Chen Baxian's head.

The situation is indescribably shocking and weird!

However, Chen Ba not only did not feel horrible, but also felt extremely warm. He knelt on the ground and choked, "Master, I'm defeated!" ...

"Oh? Why did you fail? Tell me about it."

The man said.

In the cave, there is silence. Chen Ba first talked about everything in the Middle Ages. This generation of heroes, in front of this innocible monster, is as tame as a baby. He "crying" and said, "Master, you must avenge me. I want them all to die one by one!"

"Hehe! N"

This man's laughter was indescribably strange. He stroked Chen Baxian's head, but his eyes looked into the air without focus: "Severe it! My good disciple, bear with it. Just like a teacher! After all this, you are still too weak! If that Wu Mu enters your space, you can kill him in turn. Where else can these things be? What you are experiencing now is like a child's house wine. The real storm is far from coming. The emperor of the four wilderness is smiling there! What you are doing now is meaningless. Only by joining that war is the real war, the real game!"

As the man said, there was another laugh.

Chen Ba was silent first. He looked at the man's body in front of him. He clearly remembered that when he saw him, there was only half of his head left, which was almost the same as death. But now, he has completed the other half of his head, and has grown an arm, as well as his chest and abdomen.

"Master, how long will it take for you to fully recover? All our medieval sects are waiting for your comeback.

Chen Ba said first. This man's recovery is of great importance to him.

"Recovery? Ha ha, the emperor-level full strike, if it is so easy to recover. It can't be called the emperor! Since the last battle, I have been bombarded into pieces by those emperors for such a long time. I just completed half of my body. However, the time will not be too far away. I have seen the mystery of the emperor level from their true spirit! When I completely recovered, it was my dark emperor who shocked the land of Jiuzhou again, hehehe..."

In the funny laughter, the cave gradually calmed down. The wind roared outside the cave and gradually covered the sound.

The Dark Emperor, the most cruel and fiercest peak giant in the Middle Ages, once ruled the name of an era! Rumor has it that the strongest man in the Middle Ages was bombarded into pieces in the battle of the Four dynasty emperors.

However, the legend has not been cut off. One day, the strongest of the Middle Ages will make a comeback. Before that, he waited silently in the darkest corner, lurking...,