The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 880 Impact Star 1

In the dark boundless void fault, a dusty bell is suspended in the dark. "With the void turbulence, it floats around and has no fixed place.

Leaving from the first demon mountain, Fang Yun took the king of Shura and entered the clock of heaven and earth to practice. The energy in the unrestrained imperial palace was greatly adjusted by Fang Yun, the clock of heaven and earth." In order to support the huge time acceleration effect!

Fang Yun felt it more and more about this trip to the infinite magic field. The martial arts realm is strongly bound to him. As a result, when he met some powerful opponents, he had to drive out his puppets instead of fighting.

There are priorities. For Fang Yun, what is happening on the land of Shenzhou, although it is extremely important. But what's more important is another breakthrough. Otherwise, the strength is not enough. He rushed over. He bumped over. It's just that people are involved in the space again.

When Wu Mu mobilized the army, and after, it took more than ten days to attack the medieval alliance, the heaven and earth were passing nearly a hundred years at a terrible speed.

In this long hundred years, Fang Yun has sorted out all his martial arts and pushed all kinds of skills to the peak, making full preparations for impacting the star world!

The seventh day of the fall of the medieval alliance, Fang Yun finally woke up from the long journey. Achilles, the magma demon, turned into a red kitten and fell at his feet.

Seeing Fang Yun wake up, he stretched out comfortably. During this period, even it has benefited a lot. In addition to Fang Yun's idleness, he didn't even look at it. He casually shot some skills directly into its body, omitting the long practice of skills.

For Achilles, there is no need to do this kind of work. The feeling of soaring power directly is really the life of the devil's dream. Moreover, Achilles also found a huge change. That is the law of the world here, which is completely different from the infinite realm of magic. After entering here, without deliberate practice, its power has actually increased a lot!

, "What a happy life of a demon!

Achilles dusted his legs and stretched out. He turned over directly and lay on the ground, with a moved face.

, "How do you feel, King Shura?

Fang Yun ignored the fact that he was lying on the ground, fully adapted to the family's pet life of Achilles, and looked at King Shura Wu beside him.

On the side, King Shura Wu sat cross-legged. His hair was white, and his long silver hair was tied up with a black ribbon. The whole person looked rough and powerful, faintly showing a sense of hegemony. It can't be the same as the situation inside the Nine Corpse Demon Sect.

, "That's good!"

King Shura woke up with Fang Yun. He put his hands on his knees, and his waist was straight like a long gun. His eyes were open and ejaculated. The whole person's spirit, qi and spirit. It is much higher than the original: "This Zhongtu Shenzhou is indeed a holy place for martial arts. Although the infinite demon realm was created by the emperor's ruler. But it can't be compared with the real world.

This period of time. I feel that my strength has improved a lot. It's impossible to talk about the same day. However, I feel that although my strength has increased a lot. But here. But the realm doesn't seem to be improved..."

Speaking of the latter, King Shura Wu frowned and was slightly disappointed. This is completely different from what he expected! The legendary extraterresic world is the temple of martial arts, but when he really got here, he found that although the power could be improved, the barrier of the realm still existed!

Fang Yun was not surprised by this [answer] case. "The two souls of heaven and earth are always outside. Only the soul of life lives in its body, and the road of martial arts must cut off the three souls of life, the soul of the earth and the soul of heaven, in order to reach the realm of great perfection. Among them, the soul of life coincides with the life of the warrior. It is the easiest to cut off. The soul of the earth and the soul of heaven are the most difficult to kill.

King Shura left the infinite demon realm, but his earth soul and two souls are still associated with the infinite demon realm. It was not cut off. If you can't cut off the soul of the earth. King Shura can't go further and step into the realm of the earth and soul.

, "Don't worry about the martial arts realm for the time being. After I become a master of martial arts, I will help you figure it out...

Fang Yun said.

, "Haha, I'm not in a hurry."

King Shura Wu smiled and said, "I've been waiting for thousands of years. Do you still care about this little time? Don't worry, just leave. I will do my best to help you this time."

Fang Yun is only a young man under the age of 20, but King Shurawu has lived for nearly 10,000 years. For him. After waiting with Fang Yun for hundreds of years, thousands of years is really nothing.

And the road of martial arts is not so easy. After the divine realm, there are many dangers. The impact of the star world is still just disturbed by people, and it's okay to fail.

But if it is to impact the soul realm, then there are only two results. Live, step into the soul realm, or die! No serious injury or failure, say it again!

Impact the soul realm, the probability of death is too high! Once you fail, life and death will immediately disappear. Once you become empty, thousands of years of hard work will be wiped out!

To impact the soul realm, it is not just enough power. We also need great determination and perseverance, as well as the preparation for martyrdom!

King Shura feels that he is not ready for this!

"Hmm. Let's go out."

Fang Yun nodded. Immediately stepped out of the clock of heaven and earth.

In the vast night. The breeze is blowing. Dark clouds are all over the sky. There is a restless atmosphere in the air.

"What a chaotic machine! This Middle-earth Shenzhou is comparable to the infinite magic realm. It's not necessarily much calm."

As soon as King Shura stepped out of the clock of heaven and earth, he immediately looked at the sky.

He felt a rapid breath of chaos and killing from the air. This kind of rapid breath is not sent from a specific place. Instead, it is everywhere, from heaven and earth itself.

The way of heaven is humanity. The appearance of this kind of heavenly machine is precisely the feedback to the world. Whenever the world is in chaos, the world will be full of this atmosphere of chaos.

"In this universe, there are people. There are disputes. Where is the middle earth and the infinite magic realm?

Fang Yun looked at the sky and said indifferently. He knew very well that the dispute between the court and the sect was becoming fierce. And the air between heaven and earth is the most direct reflection of this kind of dispute and turbulence.

"King Wu, are you ready?"

Fang Yun took a look at King Shura Wu.

After King Shura entered the Middle-earth Shenzhou, he has completely restored the strength of the legendary martial arts. Directly the peak of the legendary world, three more real dragons, close to the four!

After entering Middle-earth. His strength can be said to be the most obvious!

Like King Shura Wu, a real old monster that has lived for nearly ten thousand years, in ancient times. It is also extremely rare. Unlike the ancient strong, it seems to have a very long life, but in fact, it is all self-sealing, or other ways to wake up and spend a long time. Then I woke up in ancient times.

If you really talk about life expectancy, there will not be Shura Wuwang!

This old monster has extremely rich fighting experience, and it has already reached a legendary realm. It's just because of the bondage of the infinite magic realm that I can't fully play it. It's normal to have such a cultivation now!

"Hmm. Don't worry!"

King Shura Wu nodded and said. His legs are separated, and the body is really bulging, and his breath is like a tide, which can make a shocking blow at any time.

"That's good."

Fang Yun nodded slightly, and Dantian shook his head. I saw the glitter around, a famous puppet. Called out by him. The demon emperor of heaven and earth, the emperor of hundreds of battles, the golden bronze war demon, the old demon of Yitian..., these strong people in the soul realm. They were all summoned by him and densely distributed around.

When hitting the fateful star, Fang Yun must gather all his spirits. This means that Fang Yun can't manipulate other puppets to help himself.

Therefore, Fang Yun planted an order in the depths of the souls of these puppets. That is, no matter what the price is, you must do your best to escort yourself through the world of life!

These puppets, before being sealed by Fang Yun, are themselves the top strong men and have a strong martial arts instinct. Moreover, with the improvement of Fang Yun's strength, they gradually regained a trace of their own consciousness. It's just that I'm still loyal to Fang Yun.

Although it is just a simple command. But for these puppets, it is enough. It is almost the same as Fang Yun's personal control.

"Come out!"

Fang Yun thought for a moment and made a big move. He recruited the "Evil Evil Emperor" again.


The ancient evil emperor stood aside and saluted respectfully.

It was just a seal, and it should not be conscious. However, after Dacheng, it absorbed countless broken souls and gradually gathered into one, giving birth to a simple and pure consciousness.

"In a minute, do you know what to do?"

Fang Yun said in a low voice.

"Master, don't worry, I will do my best."

The eternal evil emperor's way. He has gradually gained some characteristics of life. This is what Fang Yun didn't expect.

Fang Yun nodded slightly and said nothing more. The mind is restrained and slowly runs the true qi in the body. Carry your spirit to the peak.


After a moment, Fang Yun opened his eyes. In the eyes, there is a white light that is more dazzling than the sun. At this moment, the mental strength of Fang Yun's whole body suddenly broke out and bombarded into the "fate void of fate".

In an instant, Fang Yun's consciousness. Immediately following the string-like fate connection between himself and heaven and earth, he sensed his own life, projection in fate, and incarnation.

"Come out, life star!"

Fang Yun shouted loudly in an instant. In the sky, there was a "boom" sound. Just above Fang Yun's head, in the deepest part of the void of more than 300,000 miles, a huge star. Suddenly, it condensed into shape. Shine the light!

At this moment, the stars were dim and the bright moon was lightless. The light of one star hides the light of all other stars!