Where to subvert the white snake


Where to subvert the white snake

Where to subvert the white snake

Author: yi Xiao

Category: fans

State: Completion

"Well, are you the snake demon?" "You are the snake demon!" Some instinctively refuted. "I really am," the voice paused. "Didn't the vulture tell you?" Mousu: In panic~ "What's the matter, your face is so bad?" "No... I just suddenly feel that the world is so terrible, life is so dark, and people's hearts are so horrible... Give me an egg, I want to go back and hatch..." Someone looked at her up and down, as if: "... I'm afraid... I can't find such a big snake egg..." Some people said, "..." Someone gently touched a certain hair, "Why don't you admit it when you say you are stupid?" Sosu: Angry!

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