Where to subvert the white snake

Chapter 37

At this moment, Su Su was extremely regretful and annoyed in her heart, and almost screamed with her cheeks. How brainy she should have come to the idea of coming to Leifeng Tower to have a look! What is this?! If she can't rewrite her fate, she will have plenty of time to nest in Leifeng Tower in the future, and her life will not be long. Why should she be so anxious at this time?

Now it is a trough.

That's not accurate. She can't "enter" at all, "what?" What are you going to do? Are you going to fight? Or do you want to die? She hasn't been whimsical until then that the monk can let her go because of her beauty... Narcissistic, it's enough to hang it on your mouth, but you still need to keep it as bright as snow in your heart!

At present, the only option is to retreat.

In any case, one is a useless monster and the other is a strong monk. Without analyzing with your eyes closed, you will know that it is too unfavorable to her. Cen Biqing still doesn't know whether she can find her in time. If her whereabouts are exposed... the consequences are unimaginable.

She is really not great enough to put her life aside.

She is a vulgar person... No, she is a vulgar demon. I haven't lived enough, and I haven't looked down on life and death, and I don't want to be lost!

Even so far, the most important thing for her is this grass-like life.

Susu waited for a long time with fear, but saw that the man was like an old monk, just looking at the Leifeng Pagoda, and the mud sculpture had no other reaction. It's like... idiot.

Su Su hesitated. This situation is good and bad for her. What she is not sure about is whether she will be under pressure and calm down if she confronts this natural enemy at close range.

In that case, it's better to bet. If you win the bet, you may still get two points of life for yourself.

Su clenched her fist, tried to breathe lower and slower, and lowered her body. Her eyes firmly stared at the man's slender and upright back, and carefully retreated step by step. She was tight all over and waited for him to run as soon as there was any movement. Of course, she prefers to pretend to be dead, which is less difficult... However, the feasibility is as low as the difficulty... After retreating ten steps in a row, the man still did not respond. Su Su was relieved at the bottom of his heart. It seemed that he was quite self-centered, simply "not hearing about monsters and only looking at Leifeng Tower."

Is this Leifeng Tower so charming? It's really weird... Anyway, I really want to see what this monk looks like? I don't know if it is proportional to his back?

Thinking like this, she heard a crisp sound, and a dry branch became magnificently at her feet and died bravely.

Susu suddenly stiffened, and a pretty face suddenly turned green, rising inch by inch to a uniform pig liver color.

I hate this damn bad plot the most!! Is it that God is warning her not to blasve the spokesperson of the Bodhisattva, so he punished her directly? Being a man and a demon really has to keep his duty and should not have those bad thoughts. Otherwise, even God can't stand it, and he has to put it behind you!

=^=! By the way... Can she muddle along with cat barking now?

I subconsciously looked under the Leifeng Tower, but saw that the monk's figure was stagnant and his shoulders trembled slightly.

God will kill me!!!

These four big blood-red characters flashed quickly in Susu's mind, and her head was completely stiff. The monster's body was much more useful, and she made a decision almost out of instinct faster than her brain. Although that decision... is really reckless and dangerous~ Susu only knows that the body has tightened the muscles of her whole body before her brain reacts, and she spreads her legs like a gust of wind. She runs in the direction of going back and forth. She just wants to run to crowded places, and maybe she can escape.

That passer-by, you must be still there!

The monk behind him had already turned around and looked at her hidden back among the vegetation. There were no waves on his face, but only a pair of dark eyes with almost no impurities were particularly deep.

Susu only cared about running forward with her head covered, only hearing the sound of the wind coming from her ears, and the scene quickly retreated in front of her eyes. The branch scraped her face and it hurt badly, but she didn't have the heart to stop and check it. Naturally, she didn't dare to stop. It doesn't matter if her face is scratched. The worst thing is that Xu Xian can't stand the destruction of her eyes and asks for a return, which can just meet her wishes... However, if the little life is lost, it will be too bad!

She hasn't been able to complete the sacred task entrusted by the Queen Mother of the West. How can she! How can it die like this? This is absolutely not allowed to happen!

Susu closed her eyes and screamed in silence in her heart. She must have forgotten to read the almanac when she went out today... Lost it!

It hit a person with one head, and his shoulders were firmly buckled.

Su Su suddenly had cold hands and feet, and finally caught up?

"Ah--" She danced and struggled and shouted, "I'm not a bad person! ...I confess, don't kill me, don't kill me!"

She is really not a bad person! At least so far, nothing bad has been done. Even if she is a bad person... It can only be said that she is a failed bad person... The only bad thing is to be forced to seduce Xu Xian, which is not her fault! If you have the ability, go to the Queen Mother of the West! What's the ability to bully her!

"... Su Su," came in a nice low voice, mixed with some jokes, "What do you want to confess? I'll listen."

Susu was stunned, calmed down, raised her head and bumped into Cen Biqing's smiling eyes. Her heart calmed down inexplicably, and then felt a little depressed. An unknown anger rose in her heart. She glanced at him hatefully and pushed him away with a little grievance in her tone, "Cen Biqing, is it fun to play with me?! " Do you want to be so happy!

"What's wrong? But who bullied you? He was not annoyed and looked at her with a good temper.

"How others bully me is my own business. What does it have to do with you?! ...Didn't you just ignore me? Why are you still catching up with me? Why do you still care about me?"

"Susu," he was silent, did not get angry because of her unreasonable troubles, and did not shake his sleeves. ...It's not mine."

It's not your sister~ Obviously, she is thinking about it herself. Why do you admit your mistakes?

Su Su's eyes turned red with no good, and she lowered her head to cover up: "Nothing."

Cen Biqing fell silent, "Isn't it true?"

Su Moming felt a little embarrassed and said, "No... If you say no, you won't!" Seeing Xiaoqing's face, Susu honestly lowered her head to make up for it, touched her nose and said, "You just want someone to bully me so much!" At least I'm also a monster! How can you let others bully you casually..." The more you say, the more you feel that you don't have enough confidence~ She is a monster, but she is just a useless waste monster... So far, even Xu Xian can't take it. The defeat is full, and the victory is zero~


Originally, that is to say, she laughed. How could she not know about her ability? Such shameless boasting is to ease the atmosphere...

As a result, she tried her best to create an atmosphere at this end, but he didn't buy it at all. He just looked at her silently, as if he completely regarded her as a joke.

Susu fell and was completely frozen...

Children who are not thick-skinned really can't afford to hurt~

Cen Biqing was silent and suddenly pulled her arm with one hand and pulled her back into his arms. Susu was shocked and struggled symbolically twice. Without breaking away, she went with him. Her chin was lifted, and her slippery fingers rubbed her cheeks and touched her wound. Susu gasped in pain, but she heard him say, "How can you make yourself so embarrassed? This face is scratched..." There was still no emotion in his voice, but he lowered his voice and added lightly, "It's not good-looking. Do you want to become a night fork and not go to see people?" A cold demonic force slid across the wound with the movement of the finger abdomen, and the pain slowly disappeared.

Plain, dead duck's mouth is hard, "Let's have a night fork!" Anyway, you always hit me, and I'm immune! No matter how many others hit it, it is also a floating cloud.

Cen Biqing raised his chin, "... Susu, are you blaming me?"

How dare she! She pouted, "This kind of unreliable thing must be your illusion."


"Xiaoqing, let's go back quickly! ...I'm tired. I'm tired. I'm so tired!" She rudely pulled him by the arm to the shore of the West Lake. Cen Biqing didn't say anything and let her do it.

Susu is secretly annoyed in her heart that she is really a brain-damaged... I just pulled some things and forgot the monk behind. Now I think of it, I'm in a cold sweat again. I don't know if Xiaoqing can deal with him? It's the best way to leave this place of right and wrong before he catch up with him! Thinking of this, the steps under his feet have been increased, which can be called heroic.

Cen Biqing looked at her like this, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

Finally through the last row of willows, the sparkling water of the West Lake was already in front of us, and tourists strolled among the flowers and trees in twos and threes. Susu has never felt that time is so beautiful at this moment!

She let go of her hand and grabbed Xiaoqing's hand and quickly ran to the shore of the lake to stretch her arms.

The temperature in my hand suddenly left, and there was a two-point gap for no reason. Cen Biqing lowered his head, and the corners of his lips pulled into a straight line.

After taking a deep breath, Susu suddenly turned her head and wanted to ask Cen Biqing to go back quickly, but her eyes inadvertently glanced through his thin shoulders and caught a glimpse of the willow tree behind her...


Susu rubbed her eyes in surprise, and when she looked back, the snow ball sitting on the willow tree had disappeared.

It's really an illusion~

She said, how can there be a fox in this place... Excessive frightened and hallucinations!

"Didn't you say you were tired?" Cen Biqing took the lead and said lightly, "Let's go."

Susu was stunned and quickly caught up with him and ran to him. "You can leave without waiting for me!" I ignored the chic back of his head.

Cen Biqing paused and leaned his head leisurely. His eyes stopped on the willow tree, pulling a thin arc at the corners of his mouth.

Is it coming...