Where to subvert the white snake

Chapter 51

six years later.

Susu moved a noble concubine chair and put it in the phoenix flowers in the courtyard, basking in the sun leisurely. At this time, it is late spring and early summer, and the weather is not so hot. In an afternoon like this, the sun shines on Hangzhou City, which is warm and comfortable.

Sparrows are looking for food and playing in the courtyard, occasionally crying one or two times, which is crisp and pleasant.

Susu turned her elbow and raised her head, squinting at the clouds in the sky. The blue sky, white clouds, and the free wind in my ears.

She almost forgot that it was just a task.

...It's really comfortable.

Six years, whether it is long or short. Susu was so angry that she had been here for almost seven years. For the first time, she felt that time could pass so quickly. It seems that in the blink of an eye, the years have passed in such a hurry.

Xu Xian has already left Qingyutang to start her own business. This happened in the second summer. Su Su remembers it very clearly, because at that time, it happened to be the time for Xu Jiaorong to give birth to a child. The new pharmacy is not far from Qingbomen, but Xu Xian still leaves early and returns late every day and does not come back for lunch. The name of the store is Baozhitang. Susu has been there several times, but the scale is not very large. There are two errands to catch medicine. Xu Xian is the doctor who prescribes medicine. What made Susu admire was that he opened the store alone. Susu didn't mind supporting him with her dowry, but unfortunately, she was not appreciate it.

Xu Xian has good medical skills and medical ethics, and there are quite a lot of people visiting the doctor. From ordinary people to dignitaries.

Susu poked her finger. Compared with Bai Suzhen in the original play, she really has too much wood. She doesn't know medical science, and she is not interested, let alone magic... There is really no way to help Xu Xian save his life and help him. What's more, even if she can, a lazy person like her may not be willing to do so. Fortunately, she finally has the advantage that she won't cause him any trouble.

If you have achieved nothing in the first place, but you are still a troublemaker, that's bad.

Su Su thought relieved that she was still very good.

Xiaoqing got married in the third year.

Of course, this is not true. However, living in the world is indeed fearsome. Although this person is not afraid of Susu, it is indeed unfavorable to Xu Xian. I don't know when the voice of saying that he repaired the plank road to secretly cross Chencang and enjoy the blessings of others gradually came up.

Of course, this has nothing to do with her, and it has nothing to do with Xiaoqing. In fact, it has nothing to do with Xu Xian.

For a detached person like him, this rumor is not harmful to him at all.

Therefore, Xiaoqing's marriage was completely her own decision, and Susu didn't even refute it. By the time she knew about it, the matter had already been filmed. Susu's face changed at that time, and she actually had a stomachache.

He married a foreign businessman and ran around. In the eyes of mortals, they followed like this, and there was not even a news.

In fact, Cen Biqing, who has been looking at the sky and got rid of her sister's identity, looks more relaxed and comfortable... because she no longer needs to be restricted. Basically, as long as he wants to, he will suddenly appear in front of Susu, which is really unpreventable.

Lanqing has never appeared again, making Susu's heart run wild and all kinds of ecstasy. Disappeared together, and... the monk. Su Su guessed that the words at that time were really useful.

While she breathed a sigh of relief, she felt uncomfortable. From a certain point of view, she still has some unspeakable feelings for Bai Suzhen. Probably because she occupies her body, she can empathize with many things.


"Aun aunt..."

A sweet voice sounded from the doorway.

As soon as Susu straightened her upper body, two small steamed buns ran to her, threw down her legs together, and one of them hugged a thigh.

One of the two steamed buns is male and the other is female, with big black eyes, white, tender and fat, very pleasant and cute.

Of course... This is not her. She maintained a pure revolutionary friendship with Xu Xian for seven years. So much so that Susu is now completely used to this person, giving up all precautions and directly treating him as a pure bed companion.

There is no doubt that these two steamed buns are the seeds of Xu Jiaorong and Li Gongfu.

A one is called Bilian...

One is called... Shilin.

Shilin Shilin Shilin... all kinds of echoes.

Su Su remembered the ecstasy mood when she heard Li Gongfu name the two steamed buns... Looking at the sky, probably God saw her living too pitifully, and she really couldn't bear to force her so much... Therefore, she directly let Xu Jiaorong do the eggs she laid.

... By the way, should she thank Xu Jiaorong?

Susu shivered fiercely.

However... the two buns are so cute that they are irresistible.

Shilin is a little bully, and he is very domineering at a young age. Bilian... Bilian is a soft doll, very good and lovely. Pixel's iron heart couldn't help shaking. What's more...

"Aunuch is sleeping again~" The soft and glutinous voice sounded, listening to the continuous, the female steamed bun opened her big eyes and looked at her with tears. Susu was poked hard in a soft place in her heart and surrendered decisively. He pulled her paws and put the girl on her knees and kissed her pink cheek fiercely.

Bilian lowered her eyes shyly, with long eyelashes.

Susu was suddenly cute, and she came up and bowed left and right and kissed twice.

"Aun aunt is bad! Auntie is biased!" Another small bag was dissatisfied and pouted and complained, "Auntie only likes Bilian, not Shilin!"

Susu was accused of innocence, all kinds of unconvinced, and decisively refuted him. You talk nonsense, you have no conscience, aunt, how can I dislike you!"

The little bun was wronged and hit the nail on the head. My aunt never hugs me."

Susu held Xiao Bilian tighter and retorted righteously, "Men and women are not close to you. Of course, I can't hug you. If you are seen by others, you have to gossip! If your name is so bad, there will be no girl to marry you in the future. What if you can't get married?! Auntie, this is for your own good!"

The little bag was guilty... In his cognition, if a man can't get married, it's a terrible thing~

But... I'm still not satisfied.

The steamed bun bulged a steamed bun face, "Why did the aunt hold Bilian? Bilian won't be married.

Susu swept up and down the Shilin with her "you're stupid" eyes and said decisively, "Don't you have to say that your child has never heard of a girl's blind date?" She took a sip on Bilian's little face and said proudly, "We are all of the same gender. Of course we can hug."

Although it makes a lot of sense...

Xiaobaozi sucked his nose and still felt very aggrieved. No matter, I don't care... Shilin also wants to hug her aunt!"

Susu looked at him with disgust, touched his chin, and broke his mindlessly and decisively. You are a man, we are women... You have a few, but we don't... There is such a huge gap in front of us. For your good reputation, I can't hold you."

I was fooled irresponsibly, and the little bag felt deeply inferior...

The life of an ancient housewife was boring and fulfilling, and the whole thing was a little lazy.

The original idea of sending Xu Xian to heaven early so that he could complete the task freely somehow disappeared... And he completely gave up because of this pair of little buns.

Susu thought distressedly, what should she do? She seemed to be a little reluctant to give up this pair of little buns...

especially Bilian... Susu sighed.

It's just that God doesn't want it. Especially Susu, who is always criticized because of her poor character. She finally wanted to stay and wait for the two steamed buns to grow up, but Xu Xian made a small mistake.

When a divorce book was placed in front of Susu, she was stunned for a long time, and her head was buzzing. Why didn't you expect that Xu Xian, who looked so harmless, would give her such a shock at this jux? Surprise?

Freedom came so fast that she was a little unprepared.

Su Su maliciously speculated that this little sample is tired of seeing her yellow-faced woman and wants to change to a new taste? ...When did she not find out that she had a new lover?

"Why?" Her voice trembled a little, and she couldn't help but feel excited and entangled.

Xu Xian said lightly, "There are three kinds of unfilial piety, and no queen is the most important."

Susu: "..." She suddenly became messy in the wind. Do you dare to be a little more shameless?

She has an impulse to hang him up and whip him...

Nima's shame can't go to this point... She is really invincible, and even she is ashamed of herself.

Xu Xianxiu stood in front of her and bent down slightly. What do you want to say to me? Well, Susu."

Susu picked up the rest book, confirmed it, and calmly said, "The reason is very sufficient... The handwriting is also good."

Xu Xian: "...but there is still?"

"Oh..." Susu nod and hugged her fist and said, "That green mountain will not change the green water, and there will be no end after parting today."

Xu Xian: "..."

"If nothing happens, I'll clean up and leave."

Su turned around and wanted to leave, but she didn't expect to be grabbed. Xu Xian pulled her back into her arms again. Su Su's heart suddenly jumped up, and the Xiushu in her hand became tighter and tighter, for fear that he would suddenly regret taking the Xiushu back.

"Why are you always like this..." He pressed her head into his arms and sighed gently.

What is this? Susu held her ears to hear clearly. In order to prevent her chin being suddenly raised by him, Xu Xian lowered her head and captured her with her slightly thin lips.

Susu was stunned for a moment, her eyes slowly widened, and she ran away in an instant...

Susu wiped her lips angrily and pushed the door out angrily. For a moment, she felt as if she was dreaming.

Just now... Has something really happened incredible?

She took out the divorce book, read it carefully, and finally confirmed that it was correct. It's true that there is no mistake...

It's just really unexpected.

Why didn't she expect Xu Xian to let her go like this? Probably the reason. But she doesn't want to find out the reasons of selfish people like her.

Su Su sighed and originally wanted to grow up with those two buns. But now... she held the thin but extra heavy paper in her hand.

Can't you blame her? She...she is also innocent.

The pink face of Bilian appeared in front of her... If she missed this time, she would probably regret it.

Susu gritted her teeth, stopped, and left.