Where to subvert the white snake

Chapter 52

This is the first time in the world since Susu left.

It feels... very strange.

She took off her original red shirt, changed into a human costume, and slowly swung from the West Lake to Qiantang Gate... The Little Red Building has disappeared and built a luxurious mansion in place. Susu looked at the plaque at the door for a long time. It was not until the family also noticed her and came out to ask questions before Susu turned around and left.

Slowly walked from Qiantangmen to Qingbomen... Qingbomen was the place where she stayed for the longest time when she was in the world. Susu walked from beginning to end and finally stayed in front of Xu's house. Along the way, she hardly saw a familiar face, all of whom were strangers.

Several bun children ran past her in groups. One of them didn't look at the road and directly hit Susu's body, and a round face suddenly turned red.

Su Su smiled, touched his head and let him go.

The child quickly ran away.

The young man left home and returned home, and the local accent has not changed.

I didn't expect that this feeling could be experienced by her personally one day, and Susu suddenly felt a little at that moment.

A person's life is really too short, and she originally thought it was very long.

She just looked at the door and didn't want to go in. From outside the door, you can smell the smell in Xu's house is very strange, and the smell of Xu Xian has long dissipated. For more than 40 years... She never thought that he could still live. People are going to die... so are monsters.

It's just a matter of time.

Su Su sighed, turned out of the alley, and slowly reached the end of the stream... The osmanthus tree was still there.

The sound of footsteps sounded... Susu withdrew her mind from meditation and quickly disappeared.

The person came in a dark green dress, with a slender figure and an eight-character beard on his lips. He looked like a book, which was very elegant.

Susu was stunned and could faintly see the outline of this person, which should be...

was shocked by this idea, and Su Su's breath was messed up.

"Aun aunt...but you?" The man's expression suddenly became vivid and he looked around anxiously.


The man sighed, it turned out to be just an illusion. He held the osmanthus tree that Susu had just touched and muttered, "Auncle... I know it's you... What happened back then... My uncle has left. If you calm down, come back and have a look... Bilian misses you very much, and Shilin misses you very much." Uncle... he misses you too.

Susu started to go back to the wild water, but did not intend to go back immediately. As soon as he passed by Qingqiu, a irrigation fluttered its wings to report the news. Susu recognized it. It was the bird that was accidentally rescued in a few years ago. Of course, that's his own opinion... Su Su just wanted to hunt the flower-tailed leopard for dinner, and the leopard just grabbed the irrigation to eat. The reason why she was kind and didn't pay attention to it was that the irrigation was too thin... It was not enough to close her teeth.

What's more, she was almost tired of eating pheasant essence some time ago... She would not admit that she was hating Lanqing... However, the result was that for a long time, she felt unappetizing when she saw those with wings.

As a result, this unintentional move made a good relationship for her.

Susu has some headaches.

The screams are very noisy, as if people are quarreling. Susu pulled out her ears and barely recognized the point.

"Do you think someone wants to arrest me?" Susu stared, and her emotions, which were still a little sad, suddenly dispersed. Three fairy people? Did you find my door?"

The irrigation fluttered with small wings and nodded sharply.

Su Su muttered, that's okay! I have to go back." Stay here and don't come here... Spread the news by the way... Let the fox know when necessary." After leaving this sentence, Su Su disappeared into the sky like a gust of wind.

It's too late to stop irrigation...

Susu's concept of territory is quite strong, and I don't know if this is inherited from Bai Suzhen. But in her opinion, it is really a puppy's potential.

For this provocation, she subconsciously thought that the three people who came to the door would be Taoist priests or something... After all, there is a lesson from the past. It is not impossible for Xuanjizi's fellow brothers to come to revenge... As long as he has a brother and his brother is still alive.

I just didn't expect that... this time I came to find... an acquaintance.

"Lanqing...it's you."

Susu put her hands on her chest and swept her eyes up and down the thin teenager... The elixir of the fairyland is really first-class. This side effect is really fierce and swallowed when you go.

Susu's eyes were taken back from the two particularly serious little bags beside Lanqing and gathered on Lanqing again. What are you doing here? My task has not been completed.

This is a very rude expulsion order.

In those years, I didn't have the strength and lack of confidence, so I could only be bullied again and again... Today, my strength is still not very strong, and my confidence is not so strong... However, the mind of not wanting to be bullied is much stronger. I guess it's been staying in this demon world for a long time, killing too much, the ambition leopard eats too much courage, and the courage becomes bigger.

"Bai Suzhen, we are ordered by the Queen Mother of the West to take you back to Xishan." Lan Qing announced his will coldly and seemed to have no feelings.

Susu was stunned and never thought that he would say such a thing... To be precise, she never thought that she would say such a thing in such a bright day.

What the Queen Mother of the West once asked her to do should not be seen... If she wants to seal her mouth, she should secretly dispose of it anyway. But now it is known all over the city. What is it for?

This is unscientific.

"What did Susu do wrong? Why should I be punished? Standing on her own territory, Susu remained calm and asked calmly, "Please ask Master Lanqing to give Susu an understanding that Susu doesn't want to die inexplicably." The Ming Dynasty's irony in these words was completely unconcealed.

Unfortunate, it didn't stimulate the birdman...

Lan Qing is still expressionless.

It's really not like the little bag with all the joy and anger written on his face.

Susu was a little suspicious... This person didn't look so cold. Is it true that the elixir was broken?

...** Did eating too much lead to facial muscle relaxation and facial paralysis?

"Bai Suzhen killed the beasts under the Queen Mother of the West and committed the crime of killing." Lan Qing looked at her coldly and spit out two cold words on her slightly white lips, "It should be killed."

Susu was silent... When did that class become the Queen Mother of the West?

The reason...tut.

She sneered and let go of her voice and said word by word, "The Queen Mother of the West didn't like Susu and killed her directly. Anyway, Susu is a monster, very lowly, and has no ability to resist. If you move your fingers, can Susu resist? Why do you have to search for such a boring excuse? Aren't you afraid that it's difficult to convince the public? It doesn't matter if Susu dies, but it's very bad to cold the hearts of the monsters in the demon world.

It doesn't matter about her death. It's all nonsense. It's purely a lie... If she can live well, who would want to die?

If she was really so brave and invincible and righteous, she should have fought hard to resist rather than give in. Why did she delay it until now... On the one hand, she said that she did not want to be oppressed by the Queen Mother of the West anymore, and her freedom could never tolerate a grain of sand.

Life is precious, and the free price is higher.

Since she has become Bai Suzhen, she should live a good life for Bai Suzhen and for herself. Who still wants to reuse her, then we have to see if he has this value? Can you afford it? When necessary, she doesn't mind breaking the net... Of course, this is the worst case. She won't die so easily unless she has to.

She hasn't lived enough... She just discovered the fun of monsters... She actually doesn't want to die.

But she doesn't want to be controlled.

It's really...a difficult choice.

On the other hand, naturally, it is because she knows that there are many monsters watching the scene nearby... Among other things, all the snakes in the mountain should have been dispatched.

The smell of snakes in the air hasn't been so heavy for many years!

The Queen Mother of the West wants to accept her with such a shabby excuse. If it is difficult for her to escape from the sky, she has to let the monsters of the mountains and sea world know what the Queen Mother of the West is... Of course, this is absolutely useless. With God's wrist, if you want to seal your mouth, those who know it should all be destroyed. Su Su did this, in case she really stepped on the painful foot of the Queen Mother of the West... When the gods were angry, it was not just millions of corpses and bleeding thousands of miles.

She did a few funerals for herself at best.

But... This demon world is full of monsters. It's not too simple to seal all the mouths. Even if the monsters in the mountain and sea demon world do not resist standing and allowing them to kill, it is not something that can be solved in a few days and nights.

Since the Queen Mother of the West let her die openly, such a kind girl will naturally fulfill her wishes and start openly.

Lanqing didn't say anything. This guy is really gloomy and terrible now. He is not as cute as the little boy at the beginning. Susu hugged her chest and sighed... Facing an ecstasy iceberg, it was really Alexander.

On the contrary, the smallest steamed bun was poor. He opened his mouth and scolded, "Bold demon, how can the Queen Mother of the West allow you to slander? Why don't you kill him quickly!"

Su Su turned a big white eye... Are you kidding? Would you be willing to kill anyone who told you to die?

Sincerely, it's not funny at all.

Since no one is willing to accept anyone, there is no doubt that the next step will be a fierce battle. Of course, there is another option, which is to escape.

But now the object she offends is the Queen Mother of the West, Biluo Huangquan. Where can she escape?

It's better to fight. Maybe you can find life.

Her demonic power has been cultivated for 50 years and has almost recovered. Susu stretched her arm and felt that what was surging under her pale and weak skin was a powerful force. Bai Suzhen's demonic power was never bad, otherwise she would not have been able to be so leisurely in this demon world of strong people everywhere. It's just that she was blinded by the word of love before she came to such an end... Now she has nothing to worry about. The demonic power of this body has finally recovered but she hasn't tried it properly.

A trace of excitement flashed in Susu's eyes, and the fierce side of the monster's nature prevailed.

She would like to see to what extent her demonic power can reach? ...How much power can this axe exert in her hands?

In this mountain and sea demon world, whether God should do whatever he wants or whether the demon should decide!