Teaching the alien world

36-Disappeared Andre

Chapter 36 - The Disappearing Andre

With Abraham's escape, dozens of third-order knights in the battlefield were destined to be 'cups'. If the Black Archbishop did not escape from the battle, according to his cultivation of the strongest holy magician, he may not have the power to fight. Mo Fan, who was the first necromancer, must be the owner of this 'cup'. But it's a pity that he didn't! Because he was scared out of his courage by someone's bold strategy.

Mo Fan struggled to get rid of the last church knight. The already exhausted guy couldn't help paralyzing down. The ground, which had been baptized by the blood of nearly 50 church knights, had already been rendered dark red by dry black blood stains, like a hell on earth.

Lying on the dark red ground, Mo Fan, who parasitized in other people's brains in the form of a soul, covered his bursting head in pain. The green flame symbolizing the power of the soul in his body's eyes also quickly dimmed. The almost invisible green flame indicates that someone's spiritual power has been exhausted and entered a very dangerous state. After all, leap-level control is not something that anyone can afford to play.

If you want to play the leap-level control well, this not only tests the strength of a person's soul, but also the calm mind of grasping the opportunity. If Mo Fan, whose predecessor was a scientific research master, had not grasped very exquisitely on these two points, I'm afraid he would have been out of his mind, let alone won the final victory of this battle. As the saying goes, high risk can lead to high returns. Mo Fan was lucky to do it.

In order to win this battle, Mo Fan consumed nearly 90% of his spiritual power. Even at such a heavy price, he controlled ten parasites at its peak, and instead of controlling them at the same time, he manipulated their souls in a opportunistic way, shuttled back and forth in the brains of knights that became parasites in a unique way beyond the speed of sound.

This is the scene of the left and right swing of the previous 'undead' and the crazy attack with zombie dance steps. It happened that the group of church knights sang and got the power bonus of God. After casting the six-pointed star array, their strength was greatly damaged, which made Mo Fan successfully use the wolf tactics and finally won the victory of the battle. Without these inevitable factors, Mo Fan would have died without a buried place today.

Even if Mo Fan narrowly won the final victory of the battle, he also paid a heavy price. The guy who overburned his spiritual power after forcing himself into a desperate situation and was completely refreshed is like a Ximen official who fought against Pan Jinlian after taking drugs and was completely refreshed. After **, someone will naturally face punishment. At this moment, he has entered a period of weakness, and even the whole soul on which he lives is trembling.

Mo Fan, who entered the weak period, covered his head in pain and trembled from the depths of his soul, making him unable to help wail and roll on the ground in pain. But he did not regret it. After all, he won in this battle of great power and achieved the fundamental goal of not involving Andre. Even if he goes back in time, Mo Fan will still choose to bear it alone in order not to be tired of his brother.

At this moment, even a small person who can use the baptism of the Holy Light is enough to easily kill Mo Fan, who is exhausted and exhausted. Because according to someone's knowledge from Jon, at present, it seems that only the secret light baptism of the Holy See is the final nemesis of the series of dead mage who survives with their souls.

It's just that the baptism of the Holy Light can't be learned by mortals. Even in the huge Holy See, few people can learn this secret spell except for the handful of twelve saints. It was also because of this that Mo Fan dared to let go and fought with this group of church knights who came after him.

"Ah..." Mo Fan rolled on the dark red ground and wailed for a long time until he felt that his soul was not so painful, and the guy covered with dark red dust struggled to get up from the ground. Because he knew that the saint of the Holy See was in the Anting Kingdom not far away. If she hadn't left earlier, she would never have a good life when she arrived here.

Mo Fan struggled to get up from the ground, and the blood on his hands was not dealt with, so he dragged the parasite, which was hardly disobedient, and ran straight to Andrea's location trembling step by step. No matter how hard life is, you have to take your brother out of danger, right? This is the most authentic portrayal of someone's heart at this moment.

However, when Mo Fan rushed to the place where Andrea was hiding in a hurry, he found in pain and despair that his brothers who had been placed here had disappeared, leaving only a small piece of wood that was obviously manually cut on the huge ground, lying alone on the ground. Of course, he was even more unlikely to know that when he fought fiercely with the lackeys of the Holy See, the miraculously handsome and heinous man kept watching him fight secretly.

Andre suddenly disappeared. Mo Fan originally wanted to share the joy after the victory of the battle with him, but was instantly replaced by despair, imitation, pain and other negative emotions. Even if the battle can be won, the brothers who want to protect are gone, and all the previous efforts have been in vain!

"No..." Mo Fan, who was strangely angry, couldn't help roaring, and the clenched fists sounded. The blue veins on the back of his hand were like a rainbow dragon, ferocious as if he wanted to stand out.

Because Mo Fan knew that the seriously injured Andre would never disappear alone, and now the only possibility is to be captured by Abraham, the fleeing black archbishop. This is also the most reasonable explanation that Mo Fan can think of now.

"Damn it! I will never let you go." Mo Fan, who was furious, punched and knocked down the thick tree with five people around him. After venting his depression, the guy who gradually calmed down bent down, picked up the small board that was obviously deliberately cut by someone, and began to look at it carefully.

But at this time, Mo Fan was even more depressed to find that he did not know those crooked words, like those words after being crawled by earthworms. However, he was more sure that Andre, who was unconscious in serious injuries, must have been captured by Abraham's scum to blackmail himself

"Damn scum! What's the point of doing these tricks? If you have the ability to fight to the death with me!" Mo Fan, who has never been so controlled, became furious. The guy holding the small board dragged his tired parasite and staggered far away, ready to immediately find the bastard Abraham to fight desperately.

"I said, boy, can you calm down?" Seeing that Mo Fan was overwhelmed by hatred, he was eager to find trouble with others without any preparation. He was trapped in his consciousness space and could not move, but Jon, who could see clearly, had to rush out and use the unique way between the two to start soul communication on the scene.

Seeing that Mo Fan ignored himself, for his stubborn temper that nine cows couldn't pull back, Jon, who had been educated for a long time, roared angrily and roared angrily and said, "Kid, with your current appearance, it's okay if you don't find a way to escape quickly, you still don't know. I want to go back to save people. Even if you really go, TM is just going to die, let alone think about saving Andre.

"It's easy to say, and it's not your brother who is tied away. Of course you can care about it at all." Mo Fan, who made up his mind, snorted coldly and retorted rudely, and the steps under his feet became faster and faster. Of course, the sooner the better.

"You... you don't know what's good or evil, I've been treated as a donkey's liver and lungs." By Mo Fan's indifferent words, Jon's lungs, which almost choked to death, were about to explode. If the soul can breathe, he will smoke first, then the system will crash, burn the hard disk CPU, and finally completely freeze.

"Nima! I'm kind enough to persuade, and I'm not grateful! It's really unbearable for the uncle to stand it, and the aunt won't let it bear it! Do you dare to look at that block again?" Although Jon was very angry, he had to suppress his anger. Who made Ya's now and Mo Fan become grasshoppers on the same line? This is both glory and loss! At this moment, he even secretly doubted whether he had done too much evil in his previous life to make himself meet such a 250 as Mo Fan.

"Well, just think of me as I owe you an illiterate in my last life!" After finding a consolation in his heart, Jon's relaxed tone slowed down and said as gently as possible, "Can you understand what those words mean?"

"I don't understand, but it doesn't mean I can't guess!" Mo Fan still didn't stop and used his soul to reply this without looking back.

Seeing that Mo Fan still had no intention of stopping, Jon had to explain seriously: "In fact, the wooden board engraved with the aristocratic words of the Aslophic Empire in your hand can't be written by Abraham, the humble man in aristocratic coat."

"What do you mean?" Hearing Jon's words, Mo Fan frowned and couldn't help stopping. Didn't Andre deserve to be caught by Abraham? Why did it involve the nobles of the Asropical Empire again?

"I mean it's very simple. Andre was not captured by Abraham." Seeing that Mofan stopped, Jon breathed a sigh of relief and shook his head and continued, "It was the holy swordsman Ansair, the Duke of the Aslophic Empire who took Andrea away."

"Duke of the Asropific Empire, the holy swordsman Ansiel?" Hearing Jon's words, Mo Fan frowned unconsciously: "Andre is not related to him. What does the Duke of the Rush Empire want to do with him? How do you know that?"

Seeing that Jon stopped answering, Mo Fan, who felt that something was a little strange, couldn't wait to continue to ask, "What else is written on the board? You should say it quickly!"

"What's the hurry?" Jon glanced at the board in Mo Fan's hand and then continued to say, "What it means is that you can personally go to Mont Blanc, the territory of Ansair, to lead people. As for the rest, it's meaningless!"

"Are you sure?" Mo Fan said suspiciously.

"Of course, I'm your master! No matter how knowledgeable it is, do you have to be more knowledgeable!" N13 was arrogant, and Jon then buried Mo Fan with an unhappy face and said, "How can you be a bastard who doesn't know anything from the heterogeneous plane and wants to beat a swollen face and fat!"

"That's good!" When it was confirmed that Andrea was not captured by Abraham, Mo Fan's tight heart was suddenly relieved, but he still couldn't see Jon's arrogant face.

curled his lips, Mo Fan couldn't help stretching out a pair of index fingers and said with contempt, "If you want to persuade me to speak directly, you don't have to do so many twists and turns. Don't you feel tired? Cut..."

"Hey, boy, don't be in a hurry to go! I'm telling the truth!" Seeing that Mo Fan was about to raise his feet and didn't seem to believe his appearance, Jon suddenly became anxious: "If you don't believe it, find a place to ask someone to see if I'm telling the truth."