Teaching the alien world

37-City of Destruction · Locke Kingdom

37—City of Destruction • Locke Kingdom

With Jon's active help, Mo Fan, who was alone, quickly left the dense primitive forest and controlled the parasite all the way eastward, aiming straight at Mont Blanc, a small kingdom under the Asropical Empire.

Half a month passed in a blink of an eye. Mo Fan slept all the way, and finally arrived at the first stop of the route, the Locke Kingdom thousands of miles away from the Kingdom of Anting. Because the parasite controlled by Mofan is gradually degrading, he has to go to the city to maintain it. In addition, there is also a relatively important secret laboratory for Jon.

It's just that Mo Fan seemed to come a little early, because at this time of two or three o'clock in the morning, the closed gate outside the Rock Kingdom did not open. But even so, it can't stop people's enthusiasm at all. Travelers with the dream of gold rushing and the merchants who came to do business gathered outside the closed gate, waiting in groups of three or three.

In the face of the bustling crowd, Mo Fan was not surprised at all. Instead, like those travelers and caravans, he collapsed on the ground and fell into bed with his eyes closed. Although the dead who rely on their souls do not need to rest, we still need to keep a low profile and get together, right? And all this is due to Jon's previous science.

Located in the middle of the world pattern of Rheinster, with an area of only one million square kilometers of Locke Kingdom, it has always been a relatively important material distribution center. An endless stream of caravans from surrounding countries have spontaneously gathered from all directions. First, this is because it is a trading place full of business opportunities, and second, because the Locke Kingdom is famous for all kinds of minerals in the Rhinester world.

The Locke Kingdom is destined to be prosperous. The small kingdom with hundreds of thousands of miles and unreachable majestic mountains brews all kinds of mineral resources, the most famous of which is the Amethyst Mine, which is not only a hard currency for trading, but also an extremely important strategic resource. From a pair of high-class armor and weapons to the daily necessities used by people, there is no lack of amethyst ore.

The prosperous Locke Kingdom is doomed to be sad. Since humans found amethyst ore in this narrow land, the war has never been interrupted. The end of prosperity is destruction, a famous saying that has been circulating for thousands of years, and has become its negative endorsement. For a small kingdom that has been destroyed and rebuilt, rebuilt and destroyed, large and small, it can't be more appropriate to describe it as a 'city of destruction'.

According to the world history of Rheinster, the kingdom of Locke, which was carefully built by the goblin family for thousands of years, took up a considerable amount at that time in the unrivaled war that led to various races and even the undeads even the undead family. However, since that war, this land swept away by the powerful human country at that time has been selectively forgotten by the world, leaving only various legends about wealth.

Until the war between the human race and the dragon clan broke out two thousand years ago, the great duke of the aristocracy of the human Aslofik Empire, the sword saint Odric with the title of 'Dragon Hunter', once again found the shadow of amethyst ore in this land full of wealth legends. So under the leadership of the young grand duke, a new Locke kingdom was built and attached to the Asrophic Empire, one of the four major empires at that time. At this point, the Locke Kingdom, known as the City of Destruction, survived the invasion of war.

After 2,000 years of operation by the Aldridge family, the newly built Locke Kingdom has regained its glory. As the central hub of the world in Rheinster, the small kingdom has gradually become a very important material distribution center and gradually become the main economy of the Asropific Empire. One of the pillars.

Although Locke Kingdom is only a small kingdom with an area of less than one million square kilometers, the city built on the mountains is magnificent, especially the outer city that can't be seen at a glance and stands high in mid-air. The thick wall like a fortress makes you stand outside the gate and wait for the city defense officer to open the door. Mo Fan also smacked his tongue.

After closing his eyes and taking a rest for hours, Mo Fan stretched out and got up from the ground. The first moment he opened his eyes, he saw the thick wall towering into the sky. Then he lowered his head and saw the bustling business trip on the ground.

"Nima! Was the owner of this city kicked by a donkey and wasted so many materials that he made such a 213-like wall with wool? A legendary strong man can easily destroy it.

Although Mo Fan was a little surprised when he first saw the magnificent walls outside the Locke Kingdom, he still spoke his mind. After all, in the world of Rhinester with the strongest force, a symbolic wall is built no matter how well it is.

"I said the coquettish year, but it's still too clear. Do you think the legendary strong man is a cabbage that can be bought and sold on the stall? Jon, hiding in the space of consciousness, did not give up at all. He waved his hand and retorted rudely: "Do you know how many legendary strong people there are in the whole Rhinester world? The stinky boy who knows nothing still beats me with a swollen face and pretends to be fat, as if he knows everything. In fact, you just know a little bit.

"Cut! Understand a little about everything and live a more colorful life. Such an obscene old man who doesn't understand the simple truth, what qualifications do you have to teach me a lesson? After being taught by Jon, Mo Fan just shook his head indifferently, and then said something lightly, and immediately choked a white-bearded obscene old man to death.

"You...who will come with me?" Jon, who was seriously stimulated by Mo Fan and fell into madness, waved his arm and screamed sharply. The entangled and painful appearance was quite like a divine pass that was killed by his companions in a golden card game. He couldn't wait to take Mo Fan away immediately!

"Hmm... Isn't it just playing two card games with me! Do you really think you have become a god?" Mo Fan sneered proudly and ignored the almost crazy obscene old man. And the reason why Jon became what he is now is because someone is too lonely.

Because Mo Fan has been on his way alone for nearly half a month, in addition to the occasional mountain thieves, the really idle and boring guy has to find something to do for himself. While studying the space of consciousness that embraces his soul, he accidentally found a clever effect. Mo Fan found that this independent consciousness space is very similar to his super brain, which was very popular in the era of the Great Star era.

Mo Fan used the uniqueness of some consciousness space similar to the interstellar era super brain host to create a rich stand-alone commercial game, and began a 1V1 battle with Jon, 3V3, and even eventually developed into an eight-person man-machine battle.

Every time he fights with Mo Fan, Jon is an interesting start, but in the end, he is always a cup that can't be won. To the original words of Li Hongzhang's memorial to the old Buddha, well, someone is not repeatedly defeated, but repeated defeats.

"Recuperation and prepare for the enemy. I will definitely kill you next time." Jon replied angrily and decisively disappeared from Mo Fan's eyes. Because he knows that if he continues to fight with Mo Fan, he will suffer losses in the end, and now it is still important to go back to practice decisively.

"Hum... You obscene old man can't beat me even if you practice for another 100 years." How could Mo Fan tell Jon that the game designed by himself had bugs? Someone who laughed secretly is now very eager to see it. Jon, who lost the war again, looked up to the sky and howled hatefully: "God doesn't help my Yuan family!"

Just in Mo Fan's heart, when Jon, who was abused, would show how miserable it would be, he lined up not far from the gate. The caravan waiting for the city defense officer to open the door suddenly became riot, followed by screams, noises, angry scolding, screams, one after another, and there was a growing trend.

"Look, everyone! Someone is fighting in front..."

"Who is so bold? How dare you rob the goods of the Clarence Caravan here!"

"Oh, my God! No one will really be so evil!"


Listening to the exclamations of passers-by, but Mo Fan was not interested at all and was too lazy to cause any trouble. What he wants to do now is to enter the Locke Kingdom earlier, receive all the dark piles left by Jon here, and then strengthen the parasite, and immediately leave for Mont Blanc to find Andre. If it hadn't been for this, Mo Fan wouldn't have come here in such a big circle and waited at the gate of Locke City like a pen!

I like to watch the bustle and don't like to interfere. It has always been a special hobby of some people. Like other curious onlookers, Mo Fan also stood in place with a smile on his face as if he were nothing else, and looked at the chaos in front of him coldly as if watching a play. You and I were "cracked" into a ball, and the guy who fought so hard almost didn't clap his hands.

The battle of the caravan became more and more fierce. Mo Fan, who was watching a movie, couldn't help shaking his head and sighing secretly: "If only there were a pack of cigarettes now!" It's just that someone didn't notice at all that those guys who were at a disadvantage at the gate were shifting the battlefield and faintly rushing towards his position.

As if the gate caught fire, the pool fish closest to the gate became the first innocent target to be affected. The onlookers who knew this truth, as soon as they saw the sword soldiers rushing towards them for fear of causing a fire, they quickly withdrew decisively.

Under the ruthless evacuation of the onlookers, only Mo Fan was left in the middle of the large and spacious bluestone road. He still stood stupidly, holding his head high, and didn't know what he was thinking, and let the group of decadent side with weapons rush over.

fighting with the Clarence caravan escort has long been red, losing his strength, and he is also the leader of a robber like a water dog who has been beaten down, but no matter what Mo Fan does, let alone whether he is a widow next door to YY.

In short, Bassak, the leader of the robber who was red-eyed with a broad sword and was in a hurry to run away, decisively wave his sword and chopped at Mo Fan's head to block the way: "Bastard! Get out of the way!"