Eastern Continent

Chapter 1, Wedge

This is a strange continent with mountains and rivers like nets, dividing this complete continent into several large areas with different shapes and climates. Different civilizations and customs have also been cultivated due to different regions.

In the middle of the mainland, there stands a towering mountain range from north to south called Montenegro. Montenegro is towering, and the highest peaks are the peak, connecting the sky peak, connecting the sky peak, climbing the sky peak, touching the sky peak, and looking at the sky peaks. The tops of these peaks are all straight into the sky and unseeable. The mountain is surrounded by clouds and fog all year round, faintly, and appear from time to time, as if they are gorgeous fairies wearing veils.

Black Mountain is green all year round, and the plants are lush and lush. There are many rare and precious plants and many legendary animals living in a clear array from low to high levels, and even ancient animals occasionally appear.

It's just that people have respected this mountain very much since ancient times, regarded it as a god, and dare not easily enter it. However, even if someone wants to go in, they dare not go in. There are countless fierce beasts in the mountain, and even some plants may be fatal. In the past, some people ventured into the mountains to hunt, but they became prey and never returned.

The winding Montenegro does not know the beginning or the end, like a curved machete that divides the whole continent into two parts. This high and endless Montenegro has also become a gap between the two continents. No one can climb over it, not even birds. Naturally, all countries close to Montenegro have become the strongest line of defense against the border of Montenegro and will never fall.

What is said here is the continent on the east side of Heishan, that is, the eastern continent. However, people in the eastern continent do not call it the eastern continent, but Shenzhou.

In China, there are three major rivers that originate from the top of Montenegro and mesve down to the east and flow into the vast sea. They are the Black Prison River, the Bidon River and the An River. These three rivers are the lifeblood of the entire eastern continent and nourish the large population of the eastern continent.

To the east is the sea, to the west is Montenegro, to the north is the endless grassland, endless wind and snow all year round, and the climate is very harsh. In the south of the hazy and rain, it is a terrain with endless swamps, hills, river networks and other harsh environments. On the north and south, except for a few people living tenaciously in some places with slightly better conditions, most of them are inaccessible. The whole China is suitable for people to live in. Only the east-west distance is between Montenegro and the sea, and the north-south distance is the one between the two harsh terrains, which is a prosperous and prosperous place.

However, at this time, the state is neither prosperous nor prosperous, and the people are not prosperous. At this time, the mainland of China was in chaos, and many forces divided the whole continent into sevens. Buddha said that one flower, one world, one leaf, but the Shenzhou mainland is one city, one country, one place, one earth. For a little profit, there is often a life-and-death struggle, and this chaos has lasted for hundreds of years. The plunder war between each other has smashed the whole continent to pieces, and all the habitable cities have been dilapidated, like a ghostland, and no longer prosperous as before. The population has been greatly reduced, from thriving to uninhabited.

After hundreds of years of war and hundreds of destruction, nearly 100 years ago, the chaotic situation in the eastern continent gradually became clear. Through joint annexation, nine major forces were gradually formed: the Zuoxi Dynasty, the Anguo, the Neil Federation, the Black Mountain State, the Xilang Kingdom, Huanyue, Dashi, Yundun, Banqiu, etc. Of course, in addition to the nine major countries, there are also some small forces sandwiched between these nine countries. These small forces are some gangs that take advantage of the chaos of the world. Even in a peaceful and prosperous era, these gangs are banned, such as mercenary regiments, local armed forces and some large private armed forces. There are even some robber gangs, ranging from dozens to tens of thousands. Because they can't dominate, they can only be called small gangs. However, some small groups were lucky and had one or two unique leaders. They took advantage of the God-given opportunity of the chaos in the world and met the forces of all sides. When those big forces had no time to take care of them because of the war with each other, these small groups took the opportunity to recruit troops, expand their power, and gradually develop. When he grows up, he also has the ability to dominate the world.

Some small gangs often plunder, kill and set fire. In addition, the nine so-called countries are actually perennial melee between the forces of warlords. Especially on some strategic points, they often compete with each other and never die, and the corpses under the city are piled up like mountains and blood like rivers. So much so that the whole continent is still as poor as ever.

In troubled times, the most painful are some powerless flat-headed people. Together with the war, the people died and fled. In a village and a town, there are often ten rooms and nine empty, the walls collapsed, and the four fields are desolate.

In order to make a living, some of these escaped people were forced to join the gang of robbers who killed, set fire, stole*, and did all kinds of evil. In this way, they could also live a happy life of eating meat and drinking in big bowls, but today without tomorrow. Some people were unwilling to be thieves, so they joined the army, so some comparison Famous countries or gangs have attracted many defectors with only a little interest. In fact, these people who joined the army do not know that these days, soldiers are no different from robbers. Killing and set fire. *** For soldiers, it is also commonplace, but robbers do it secretly, but soldiers are clear. Here; some people simply fled to the mountains and dense forests to live in seclusion, avoid these wars, and live freely in the paradise.

As a result, in addition to some places where strong soldiers are guarded, the high mountains and dense forests have become a place for crowds to live.

Many small villages in Montenegro or other mountains on the mainland or near the foot of the mountain are formed in this way. Even the original village in the mountains is no longer a cluster of surnames, but a hodgepodge of people of multiple races and classes who fled from various places and the original indigenous people.

It's just that in troubled times, is there really a paradise in the world?

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