Eastern Continent

Chapter 2, Practice

The perennial west wind blew down from the black mountain, bringing the smell of snow on the top of the mountain for thousands of years, as well as the sweet fragrance of various fruits on the mountain when they are ripe, and occasionally hear the roar of unknown beasts floating with the wind.

This is a village at the foot of Montenegro called Feilongzhuang. The village is not big, but only a few hundred families and more than 1,000 people. However, although the village is not big, there are many surnames, including ten surnames, the largest of which is Long, about 500 people. This surname is also the most important and primitive surname in the village. The rest of the surnames such as Copper, Gao, Tie, Hu, He, Zhang, etc., the number of people varies from hundreds to several people. The smallest number is Tie surnames, only two grandchildren.

The village is shaded with trees, the houses are scattered, the paths are horizontal, the streams are clear, the water is flowing, and the birds sing and cicadas sing. It is like a paradise for refuge in troubled times. It is completely different from the war-twined mainland outside.

The human feelings in the village are even more simple. There is neither painstaking plans nor cruel wars where blood flows into rivers and corpses are everywhere because of the competition for territory. There is only sincere care.

At the west of the small village, near the direction of Montenegro, there is a house with only one room standing abruptly and alone. At this time, the gate and the windows on three sides are open, and the sound of reading is coming from the house. Looking close to the window, I saw dozens of children sitting upright, meticulously following a thin old gentleman sitting on the top reading aloud.

This is the school of Feilongzhuang! The only school. The one sitting on the top is the only teacher in Feilongzhuang, named Tie Lao. He is so thin that he only has skin and bones left, and his face is full of grooves. In addition to keeping a pair of sharp eyes, his whole body looks dusk, as if he can go with the wind at any time, looking black and dry, like a real piece of iron.

Tie always came to this quiet village a few years ago, which was temporarily free from the war due to its proximity to Montenegro. When he arrived, there was only an old horse with a small bag on it and a little girl in his arms. He was ragged, haggard, tired and skinny. If he hadn't been riding a thin horse, he would be no different from a beggar. The little girl is not two years old. She is also yellow and thin, mentally depressed, and her eyes are dull. She looks like she has been hungry for a long time. Like a kitten, she lies quietly in the arms of the iron old man. Because of her thin face, a pair of eyes that look bigger are curiously looking at this small village with an elegant environment and stopping them. The strong men in front of them didn't look scared at all.

What kind of hardships will it take for this old man to be so embarrassed!

Naturally, the people in Feilongzhuang were very sympathetic and worked hard, and soon settled down the old man. When everyone asked the old man's name, they just said his name lightly. Everyone asked his name again, but the old man looked lonely and said, "What's the name of the person who lives secretly?" Although the tone was plain, there was no lack of pain and sadness in his expression, but he always refused to say his own name, so everyone had to call him Iron Old.

As his name, this iron old man is not only thin and dark, but also like an iron model, but also has a temper and personality as hard as steel, preferring to bend.

"Today I want to tell you the importance of terrain in war." Mr. Tie sat on a simple stool, and there was also a simple table in front of him. There was a little old book on the table, but he did not open it. His eyes were like eagles. He looked at the dozens of children who were sitting in danger and said slowly, "The man of the terrain is the help of the soldiers. He is expected to win the enemy, and the way is far and near. * Also. Those who know this will win, and those who use it will lose.

Tie Lao didn't have to read at all, but stared at dozens of children and talked endlessly, as if they were familiar with these and confident.

Tie Lao is deep and shallow, shallow and deep, explaining and explaining, and occasionally raising his hands and scratching a few times, as if to increase the strength of his speech. How incisive and penetrating. Unfortunately, these children are indeed not the materials for becoming generals. They don't seem to be interested in these. They only hear that they are like clouds and fog, and they seem to understand. Although all of them are straight, as if they were soldiers to be inspected, and seem to be absorbed, if they look carefully, their eyes are blurred, and they don't know where their eyes are focused. Anyway, except for not being aimed at Tie Lao, other places may have slipped everywhere. What's more strange is that some children seem to have practiced strange skills, sitting upright on the seat, but the saliva flowing from the corners of their mouths has accumulated into small depressions on the ground, and their mouths occasionally squeak a few times. Obviously, they fall asleep like this. Even if there are some people who have not yet fallen asleep, what they hear at this time will certainly not only be rich and vivid explanations, but more the song of birds outside the window.

Strangely, although Mr. Tie stared at the whole school with his eyes, he seemed to have a problem with his eyes and ignored these strange phenomena.

In the last row of the school, a seat near the inner wall, sat a child about ten years old. The child's name is Long Fei, with a square face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, straight nose, wide mouth and round chin. At this time, he is holding his chin with both hands, his eyes are slightly closed, and he listens carefully, and you can faintly hear a slight snoring sound. Obviously, he didn't listen to foreign affairs and only listened to Zhou Gong's songs. However, Long Fei doesn't seem to have the ability to sleep with the children in the front rows. He needs the obvious posture of his hands against his chin to fall asleep.


Long Fei was listening to Zhou Gong's playing song. Suddenly, he only felt a pain in his shoulder, as if he had been knocked by something. He hurriedly opened his eyes and saw that Mr. Tie was standing in front of him seriously, with a pair of eagle-like eyes, staring at himself, with a wooden ruler in his right hand. .

Hearing the sound and seeing Tie Lao's movements, all the children seemed to have eaten ice on a cold day. All of them were excited and woke up asleep. Those who were listening to the hundred voices outside the window also came back to their senses. The corners of their mouths were smiling and their spirits were excited. They stared at the old and young man with their eyes, looking forward to the development of things.

Long Fei is the son of Long Huaijian, the owner of Feilongzhuang. He is only a little more than ten years old this year. He has been naughty and smart since he was a child. Whether in front of Mr. Tie in class or in front of his uncles and brothers in the village, it is common to play trickery. No matter who in the whole village is there is a headache for him. However, although Long Fei's small movements are constant, there are absolutely no big movements. Therefore, although the villagers often scold him, they just laugh and scold him. Except for Tie Lao, there is no real hard-faced beating and scolding.

As for doting off in class, it is even more common for Long Fei. Because of this, he has to be lucky by the iron old ruler in almost every class, as if he is uncomfortable all over. However, Longfei not only has thick skin, but also seems to have a few layers more skin than others. He looks like a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water. No matter how many times he has been hit by the iron old man, he looks like a smile, as if this is not made of a ruler made of solid wood, but made of hollow paper tubes. Only others have occasionally eaten this. The child who smelled the ruler knew how terrible this ruler was in the iron old hand. However, even if every class must be taken care of, Long Fei still has to do some tricks every time he goes to class, such as sleeping, such as looking out of the window in a daze. The most shameful thing is that when he was listening to the class, there was a bird egg that had just been taken out of the tree in his trouser pocket, which was tragically broken...

These little actions made Tie Lao cry and laugh, and also made those children who were about to fall asleep rejuvenate and concentrate on listening to the class again. From this point of view, Long Fei's little movements are actually more effective than Tie Lao's ruler.

However, I don't know whether Tie always looks very wrong with Long Fei. He chose Long Fei as a chicken for the police monkey. He "kills" every class to warn those little monkeys who doze off as soon as they sit down. Anyway, it is an indisputable fact that Mr. Tie pays special attention to Long Fei. Other children occasionally sleep in class, and he also closes his eyes and explains it. As for whether the pony horses listen to him or not, he ignores it. Only Long Fei, as long as he sees that Long Fei's eyes are not staring at books or looking at himself, he will immediately give Long Fei a fried meat slice of bamboo shoots. Even if Long Fei is in the deepest sleep, he will be awakened.

This has become a must-have program for almost every class. Almost before every class starts, the children are looking forward to a good show!

"Long Fei, what are you thinking about?" Every time Tie Lao speaks, he does not force him into Long Fei aggressively, but in a low voice, as if it is extremely painful. The speed of his speech is extremely slow, as if he only saying these words consumes the strength of his whole body. If you don't look at Tie Lao's sharp eyes, others will only think that this thin old man is just a line. It's just an old man from the countryside.

Hearing Mr. Tie's words, he was still buzzing just now. The children who read in a low voice or whispered quietly calmed down. They all pricked up their ears and listened attentively with an attitude that was a hundred times more attentive than just now, for fear of missing a trace, as if they were about to make some heavenly sound.

"Talk back to your husband! I'm thinking about what I should do to defeat the enemy if I am a general. Long Fei stood up and said respectfully. Although he is naughty, he respects Tie Lao very much. The same is true of other people in Feilongzhuang. Although this is only a rural place. People are a little rude and a little brave and aggressive, the whole village is hungry and thirsty for knowledge. Therefore, Quanzhuang, the only teacher, is very respected. There are not only the orders of adults, but also part of the reason is that what Tie Lao said not only opens the eyes of the children, but also makes them feel magical and strange. People always maintain an attitude of awe of what they don't know. Therefore, they maintain a respect for Tie Lao who tells them these things to them. Fear and respect.

Speaking of which, please ask a private school teacher. This is the dream of several generations of Feilongzhuang. Now suddenly there is an iron old man, which makes them unhappy and disrespect the iron old man. In troubled times, as long as you have a few bravery, you can learn martial arts. If you want to practice literature, it must be a coincidence.

"Hmm! Very ambitious." Tie Lao's face was motionless and he couldn't see whether he was angry or happy. He said lightly, "Do you think of what to do to defeat the enemy?"

"Not yet. When I was about to come out just now, I was beaten by my husband and retracted back." Long Fei said with a bitter face.

"Hmm! Then think about it next time!" Tie Lao didn't say anything and said lightly, "Let's stretch out your hand first this time!"