Eastern Continent

Chapter 4, Martial Arts

On a summer afternoon, the weather is still hot enough to roast people. Occasionally, a trace of wind blows through the cheeks, but there is no coolness. In addition to the heat, it is still hot.

The hot red sun just fell on the branch of the large locust tree that the villager could see when he looked up on the top of the Black Mountain, just like a roasted yellow barley cake being forked on a fork.

However, at this moment, none of the people standing under the sun feel that the sun is like a mouth-watering big round cake, but more like a burning fire, roasting them in terms of physical strength and spirit.

In addition to the dozens of children in the morning class, there are other teenagers and young people older than them, all concentrated in a wide martial arts arena in the southeast of the village. It is said to be a martial arts practice field, but in fact, it is just a grain field in the village, about a hundred feet long, dozens of feet wide, flat and neat, four or four aspects. This grain field is a good place for these children who are obsessed with martial arts to practice martial arts. Not only is the ground wide enough, but the ground is also strong enough. No matter how they beat or take off, it will neither let the ground collapse because of this, nor jump up twice, jump up or twice, and rush out of the edge. Because of this, it is more called a martial arts practice field than a grain drying field. Up to now, it seems that it is only called a martial arts practice field, but not a grain drying field.

For those passionate children, it seems that as long as they stand on this martial arts practice and keep sweating, one day, they will be willing to practice invincible martial arts in the world, and then they will also cross the battlefield like those peerless famous generals, make achievements, and seal their wives.

The story of heroes is always what these dreamy children look forward to.

In order to become future heroes, these horses who absolutely refused to touch the stool had to stand obediently at this time. Although the sun was almost soaked with sweat, they were still motionless, and their childish faces were full of resolute expressions.

All people were divided into two groups according to their age. The first group was from 8 to 14 years old, and the second group was 15 to 20 years old. They were arranged in four rows on the martial arts arena, with about 20 people in each row. At this time, they were quietly listening to the explanation of Long Huaijian, the owner of Feilongzhuang, who is also the chief martial arts instructor of Feilongzhuang.

Long Huaijian is not tall, but strong and powerful. His face is firm and his skin is slightly black and bright. When he wears short-sleeved clothes in summer, he can also see several vertical and horizontal scars on his strong bronze arms.

Because Feilongzhuang is close to Montenegro, it usually relies on hunting for a living. The folk customs are strong, and the whole village has a lot of martial arts skills. Even the elderly and children are strong and strong, and they can do one or two moves, unless they are weak and sick or are not born to practice martial arts. If they are some young people, they are stronger and muscular, and usually three or five people can't get close to them. Usually, some thieves and thieves dare not enter Longzhuang. As for the large number of robbers and troops, there is no oil and water to fish in such a remote place near Montenegro, and naturally they will not come, otherwise Feilongzhuang could not exist for so long.

However, although there are many people practicing martial arts in Feilongzhuang, there are no martial arts masters who can really shock the enemy. At best, they are just some martial arts skills that fight with beasts or fight with robbers. Fathers, fathers and sons, generations, and generations have made fierce moves and more than enough to kill, but their stamina is insufficient. , not coherent, and there are few moves, let alone profound.

Long Huaijian is Long Fei's father. It is said that he not only served as a soldier, but also as a darts master, and even rumored to have been a robber. Anyway, he is the only one in the village with the highest martial arts and the most experience.

In terms of the article, of course, the whole village is the only one who respects the iron old man, full of experience and talent. In terms of martial arts, it is necessary to respect this uncle Long Huaijian. He went out to travel in his teens and came back in his forties, so that he is now in his fifties, but Long Fei is only ten years old.

Even under the scorching sun, there are some little girls and old people watching around the martial arts arena. They either have no strength to practice martial arts, or because they don't like to practice martial arts, or they can't practice martial arts because they are young, or they don't have the talent to practice martial arts, but this does not prevent them from watching. Watching these children blush and shout loudly, and follow Long Huaijian's move seriously can also add a touch of interest to their boring life.

Tielan also stood on the sidelines. She stood in the front, but her eyes turned on Long Fei and the copper head most of the time. Of course, the copper head was only used as a foil, and her eyes were still more on Long Fei.

Ten-year-old Long Fei and 12-year-old Copper Head are among the second group of 16-year-old to 20-year-old teenagers. Both the onlookers and these martial arts students take it for granted, as if the martial arts skills of the two children, Long Fei and Tongtou, can be on an equal footing with these teenagers!

Long Huaijian, with short sleeves and neatly dressed, was standing in front of the four rows of teams, looking seriously at the four rows of teams, although they were still standing upright under the scorching sun.

Long Huaijian was silent, and his eyes flashed over the children one by one. It was not until the atmosphere in the field was a little dull that he opened his mouth to speak. Although his voice was not loud, the whole martial arts field, including those onlookers, could be heard clearly: "Although martial arts are many famous and have tens of millions of changes, they are inseparable from their sect. The classification of martial arts is successively, and then congenital. Cultivation is also a process from the outside to the inside. First, skin muscles, bones, then tendons, meridians, these four steps are the acquired realm, and then to Dantian is to enter the congenital. In addition to talent, the only way for a warrior to become a top master is to practice hard, practice hard, and then practice hard. Free lunch in the world is the same as martial arts practice. Only through continuous hard practice, step by step, step by step can we lay a solid foundation. Only when the foundation is solid can there be hope of upgrading to a higher level. Only through hard practice can we produce enough liquid, infiltrate the body, prepare for the next realm, and even reach the innate. Boy, practicing martial arts will never be an overnight thing. You must persevere and practice hard continuously in order to achieve something. If you can't bear hardships, you will become a superior. Everything is empty talk.

It turned out that the most basic martial arts at this time was the acquired realm. There were four levels of the acquired realm, namely copper skin, iron bones, black veins and spiritual veins. These four realms are divided by the fullness of liquid flower as the standard. The so-called liquid flower converts the grain in the body into a ** essence through physical exercise.

The so-called copper iron bone does not really make the skin and bones of the whole body like copper iron, but continuously produces and accumulates liquids through physical exercises, such as hand-to-hand, running, jumping and other exercises. When this liquid is full of skin, it is the realm of copper skin. At this time, the skin is fluorescent, smooth and the texture is tight. When it is completed, under the strength, the skin is hard and can resist the general blow. Even if ordinary people are punched, they will not be injured. At this time, the skin color is bronze, that is, copper skin. When the liquid is full of the skin muscles, it will turn into the bones, which will enter the realm of iron bones. Under the moisture of liquid, the bones will become tighter and the bone marrow will become more energetic. At this time, the bones will become harder than before practice, like iron blocks, for iron bones. When the liquid is full of the bones, it will be injected into the tendons, which is Jin into the realm of Xuanjin. At this time, the whole body of the tendons will be moistened by liquid bubbles, and will gradually become tough, and the expansion and bend freely, that is, the Xuanjin. When the liquid is full of tendons and collaterals, it will fill the veins from the tendons and fill the meridians. This is the spiritual vein realm. At this time, the meridians of the whole body are full of liquid flowers. This liquid flowers fills and expands the meridians while moistening the meridians. When the liquid in the meridians is full, these liquid flowers will march towards Dantian, and the liquid flowers will advance. When entering Dantian and filling it, it is the end of the acquired realm, and it is also the time when the martial artist enters the innate realm with one foot. This spiritual vein realm is the last realm of the whole acquired stage, and it is also the peak and perfect realm of the acquired stage.

In fact, there is no big difficulty in practicing in the acquired realm. As long as someone guides the correct practice method, everyone can practice. For example, how to exercise to produce liquid, how to preserve liquid, instead of slowly dissipating. If this person has great perseverance and can practice persistently, the realm will slowly improve. As for the level that will be promoted, it depends on opportunities and talent. If it is a high cultivation method, after practice, it can produce more liquid than others, or people with outstanding talent. It is not difficult to enter the congenital; if you are an ordinary person, you may end your life, and you will only wander in the acquired realm. For example, Long Huaijian, who practiced martial arts when he went out in his 20s, until he was in his fifties. Thirty years later, he is still in the realm of spiritual vein, and he has just entered the spiritual vein realm for a short time. It seems that there may be no hope for him to enter the innate realm in this life.

Long Huaijian stopped for a moment, went to the edge of the field, took a few sips of water, wiped his mouth with his sleeves, and then returned to the field. Although he had been standing in the hot sun for a long time, he could not see any fatigue at all. He still stared at the rows of people and said again, "What is said above is just a classification of the realm of martial arts. Next, I will tell you some fighting skills, especially those that you need to learn when charging on the battlefield. In troubled times, peace is like a dream, but war can be seen everywhere. Therefore, the first thing we need to learn is how to save our lives in war, that is, the skills to survive on the battlefield. Only by keeping your life can you say other things, otherwise don't mention everything. Speaking of this, Long Huaijian raised his eyebrows, which is his old job. He used to be a soldier. After many life-and-death wars, he survived from the battlefield.

"If the two people are in the same state, you must rely on moves to win in addition to their strength. At this time, no matter how you make a move, as long as you can avoid the opponent's blow and your own blow can reach the enemy, then you are at least invincible. If it's on the battlefield, it's not a word avoidance. The two fight, coming and going against is just one person. On the battlefield, a person must be facing several, even dozens of enemies at any time. They surround your body, a honeycomb, and often have more than a dozen or dozens of weapons stab at you. If you are still like on the battlefield In the past, according to the routine taught by the master, one move will come out from beginning to end without knowing how to change. Then, what awaits you must be the fate of dying. At this time, in addition to learning to dodge, you should also learn how to choose, how to avoid the weight, how to find vitality in a desperate situation, and how to minimize the damage of the enemy. That is, when there is no way to avoid it, how to avoid the key position and only suffer a little injury that will not affect the war. Of course, what you have to learn more is to attack. Only by constantly attacking fearless death, killing the enemy and making a passage in the enemy's camp, will you have a chance to live. Every time you kill an enemy, you will have an extra chance to live. On the battlefield, the way you can save your life is to feel the changes around your body with keen feelings, and make timely responses with your sensitive skills, such as adjusting your body in time and making the most fierce counterattack. Therefore, on the battlefield, there is no certain rule for martial arts, and any moves are used according to the environment at that time.