Eastern Continent

Chapter 3, childhood sweetheart

Chapter 3, childhood sweetheart

Long Fei frowned bitterly, but did not dare to hesitate. As soon as Tie Lao's voice fell, Ma * stretched out his left hand. All the children in this school know that if Tie Lao wants to hit the palm of your hand, the best way is to stretch out your hand. As long as there is a little hesitation, it will be more than the palm of the hand. Maybe even the soles of the feet and vest will suffer.

"Papa!" Two sounds were connected, and two blood marks quickly appeared on Long Fei's palm. Stir-fried meat with bamboo shoots, which must be enjoyed in almost every class, came to Long Fei's hands again.

After the fight, Tie Lao received the ruler behind him as if nothing had happened. He pointed to the wall near the door with another finger and said to Long Fei, "Since I haven't figured out a way to defeat the enemy just now, let's go there and continue to think about it. If you think of it, tell me, I'll let you sit down."

Several children who have always been naughty and bold can't help covering their mouths with their hands, but they still dare not laugh.

"Yes, sir!" In this situation, Long Fei is like a knife. He doesn't know how many times he has experienced it. He feels a little numb. When he hears Tie Lao's words, his face does not change. Like the groom at the time of Xiao Dengke, Shiran walked over and stood in the old position under the wall, then turned his head and stared at those fiercely. He became a child who covered his mouth.

Turning his head, he saw a thicker and taller child smiling at him and giving him a thick thumb. This child is not only tall and strong, but also has a big face and big legs and arms, just like a "little giant". He is nowhere to sit casually, and is even taller than an ordinary child. At this time, he cracked his mouth and smiled, revealing his white teeth. Turning his eyes again, she was a little girl of the same age as Long Fei. She also covered her mouth and smiled. Seeing Long Fei looking over, she suddenly put down her hand and showed her tiny teeth to Long Fei. Her eyes smiled like spring sunshine, bright and gentle.

Ten-year-old Long Fei was only one-third of the height of the wall, leaning his shoulders gently against the wall, and his eyes subconsciously looked at the wall behind Tie Lao. At this time, I was blaming myself for not going to bed early last night, so that now I always want to see Mr. Zhou and make a fool of myself. I secretly decided that I must go to bed early today. Even if I don't have to listen to my husband's lecture carefully tomorrow, I will insist on not sleeping, so that my husband will not be a model again. However, this curse swears that it is just like a sudden wind blowing in his heart. After that, there is no trace. Every day after class, Long Fei will forget all the determination he had just made, and then become a savage again, wandering around, stealing chickens and dogs, climbing trees to dig out bird' nests, and drilling mountains to drive pheasants. Whether in the village or in the mountains, there are his footprints everywhere, and he has to wander until midnight to stop and go to bed.

"Children, if you want to become a great general, you must first understand the terrain and be good at using the terrain. The terrain is accessible, there are hanging people, there are branches, and there are passers-" Tie Lao saw that Long Fei stood under the corner of the wall, and his eyes were also staring at his side, and then he began to explain with satisfaction.

From Long Fei, when he saw Tie Lao, he was serious, staring at books, or looking at the children below, he didn't look at Long Fei standing under the corner of the wall. With so many previous experiences, Long Fei knew that this was just a superficial image. In fact, Tie always pays attention to himself all the time. Maybe as long as he shakes his head, or an ant crawls in front of him and looks down a little, Tie Lao's ruler must immediately be as ruthless as a storm. The earth fell on me.

Once again, the children fell into a semi-understand, cloud fog, but after the situation of Tie Laozheng punishing Long Fei as an awakening potion, they could only be confused at this time, and they wanted to sleep but really dared not sleep again. They shook their heads, squeezed their cheeks, and used all kinds of means to refuse Zhou Gong's invitation. For a while, the classroom seemed to have become a miscellaneous street, and all kinds of hidden small movements emerged one after another. Despite this, most children are like a hypnotic song, and the long lesson of the sound of soul attraction is still irresistible, and gradually enter a state of half-dreaming.

The iron man sat upright on it, quoted the scriptures and talked about the story. Long Fei stood under the wall, but secretly complained. Last night, he slept too late and almost squinted for a while at dawn. Although he is standing, his upper and lower eyelids are fighting from time to time, and he can't stand it. If it goes on like this, the iron ruler may come to you again in less than half an hour.

As soon as he bit his teeth, Long Fei seemed to be facing a deeply hated enemy and twisted it fiercely on his thigh. Sneer!" A soft inhalation sound came, and then he saw Long Fei grinning, like an angry little daughter-in-law, and tears quickly filled his eyes. Inspired by this burst of stimulation, my mind was finally a little refreshed.

However, a thrill can't be done once and for all. After less than a quarter of an hour, Long Fei felt that his upper and lower eyelids were hooking up again, as if two men and women were having an affair, they separated at a touch, and the ghosts did not disperse. In desperation, Long Fei gritted his teeth again and pinched his thigh fiercely as if revenge on the tenth generation of enemies. Suddenly, tears rippled in his eyes, as if he were as a newlywed woman who had been taken back to his mother's house. However, his spirit was revived again, and he finally came to his senses.

It seems that Tie Lao deliberately tortured Long Fei. It was just a few small questions, and he talked about it several times. After that, he also asked the children if they understood it. It doesn't matter if they didn't understand. Tie Lao talked about it again until everyone understood it. After understanding, he continued to the next question.

After this class, Long Fei's heart has already complained bitterly. His two thighs have suffered a lot. Even if he fights with others, he will not be beaten so miserably. His whole thighs seem to have just been pulled out of the big dye. He is blue, red and swollen, and his face is completely different, and every time he is filled with tears and heartbroken. I just sneered with hatred in my heart: "What's the problem! It's too shallow to talk about it over and over again. Either those guys are too stupid or the old man is deliberately torturing me!"

"That's all for today. Let's talk about it tomorrow. Let's go back and review your homework. I'm going to ask questions tomorrow." After the drooling of some children accumulated into a small depression on the ground, the iron old explanation finally ended.

This is definitely the most refreshing and refreshing sentence heard by Long Fei in this class. He hurriedly stood up straight, like those children who seemed to have already calculated the time for class. As soon as Tie Lao's words fell, they stood up from the stool neatly bowed to Tie Lao and said respectfully in unison, "Sir."

Tie Lao hummed, and his eyes flashed over Long Fei before he picked up the books on the table and turned around and walked out of the classroom.

As soon as the iron old figure disappeared, the children rushed over and surrounded Long Fei, looking at him with a smile on their faces.

The eldest of these children, that is, the strong child who once raised his thumbs up at Long Fei, patted Long Fei on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Little Longzi, you are still powerful. Every time the iron old ruler is picked to hit you."

This child is called Copper Head. He is 12 years old this year. He is two years older than Long Fei. He also has two heads than Long Fei. He has thick eyebrows, thick waist, thick and long legs, and one size larger face and body than other children. As long as the tower-like figure stands forward, it looks majestic and gives people an invisible pressure, and no one dares to underestimate it. Not only was he tall, but also his voice seemed to match his tall figure. He was grand and loud, and he was like thunder as soon as he opened his mouth. There were so many children talking around him, as if he were shopping at the market, but Long Fei was the first to hear his voice.

Long Fei's shoulder collapsed down, as if he was about to be slapped down by Tong Kun. He also bent down, rolled his eyes, and stared at Tong's head and said, "You can't be gentle!"

"Oh! Why have you become so weak that you can't stand a pat?" But Tongtou didn't think it was allowed and asked with a smile, "How is the penalty station?"

"Why don't you try it?" Long Fei pushed away the copper-headed hand and gently rubbed his legs without looking at the copper-headed.

The copper head smiled again and withdrew his neck and said, "I don't dare to try this. I'm not afraid of standing and listening to Mr. Tie, nor is I afraid of his ruler, but I'm afraid of losing face!"

Long Fei raised his right hand, slapped the copper head, and scolded, "You didn't hurt me!"

"It's none of my business. You refuse to sleep." Tongtou shrank his head with a smile and avoided Long Fei's palm. His face suddenly changed. He rolled up his sleeves and said with a serious face, "It was the one who ate the leopard's gallbladder and laughed at you and let me beat him."

Long Fei rolled his eyes and turned his head to the other side. He didn't want to look at this guy--it was this person who laughed the most just now.

"Brother Longfei." As soon as Long Fei turned his head, a sweet voice suddenly sounded in his ear and inserted into the conversation between Long Fei and Tongtou.

The child who originally surrounded Long Fei, but at this time, his eyes turned around. I saw a little girl standing next to Long Fei. I don't know when. It must have been too many people around just now. At this time, she squeezed to Long Fei's side. It was the little girl who was just strange to Long Fei's name, named Tie Lan. She was the old Tie. The baby was less than two years old in her arms, but at that time, the yellow-faced and thin baby was nine years later, only one year younger than Long Fei. Zhengting stood beside Long Fei, dressed in white clothes. Two big discors hung behind her. Her face was full of smiles, peach eyes and thin eyebrows, Yao's nose and cherry lips. The corners of her mouth were slightly raised. A dimple on her left face loomed, indescribably charming, but it was full of a kind of natural wisdom, and a pair of big eyes. When the dragon flies, the eyes flow, like a spring water, shining brightly. Although she is young, it can be seen that she must be a beautiful embryo in the future.

"Your legs are numb! Can I help you go? Tielan is not only beautiful, but also speaks in such a gentle and elegant voice.

Since Tielan is an alien, although the adults immediately accepted Tie Lao to live in the village, the children are both afraid of people and xenophobic. Since Tielan was sensible, no child has been willing to play with her. On the contrary, the naughty Long Fei is not afraid of being born, and he is also very close to Tielan. Since childhood, the two have been like brothers and sisters, inseparable. Whether it is picking bird eggs or picking fruits, Long Fei's buttocks are always followed by a follower.

"No, no." Long Fei's face was a little red. He shook his head repeatedly, supported the wall with his hands, and walked out of the classroom. As he walked, he said, "My legs are not numb. I can walk by myself." Although Long Fei has played with Tielan since he was a child, he was also a little embarrassed to let Tielan walk.

The onlookers coaxed, looked at the two and laughed one after another, and then pointed to Long Fei and said, "Yes, ask Xiao Lanzi to help you!"

Tielan's face was as usual, and it was still a kind of elegant smile. On the contrary, Long Fei, who was as thick as the wall, blushed and stared at the children fiercely: "You bastards, if you dare to laugh, I will look good when my legs are not numb!"

The children laughed again, making faces at Long Fei one after another, and then hugged out of the school and disappeared behind the corner of the alley.

Tielan squeezed her lips and smiled, and also followed Long Fei towards the exit, accelerated a few steps, caught up with Long Fei, and walked side by side with Long Fei.

In the huge classroom, it became quiet again.