Eastern Continent

Chapter 12 , First Win

Long Guangwu broke out in a cold sweat. At this time, he looked at Long Fei's eyes, which was different from just now. Just now, I thought that although Long Fei's martial arts skills were one level higher than himself, his time to learn martial arts was shorter than his own, and his foundation was not as deep as his own. In addition, Long Fei was still younger and he was a few years older than him, and his natural strength was much bigger than him. If the two collided, it would be much cheaper by himself. Therefore, Although he was careful just now, he was full of confidence and thought that he could defeat Long Fei to enter the next round. Now, I'm still careful, but I have lost a lot of self-confidence.

Looking at Long Fei again, he still stood in the middle of the circle, with his hands drooping and his feet apart, looking at Long Guangwu with a smile on his face, as if this was really just a competition between brothers.

Long Guangwu gritted his teeth. Although he was not afraid of fighting, he became more cautious and did not dare to rush over as big as he did just now. Instead, he lifted his hands in front of him to protect him and flew towards the dragon step by step.

Long Fei smiled. Since Long Guangwu did not dare to take the initiative to attack, he attacked himself. He saw his feet on the ground, as if the soles of his feet were loaded with springs, and his body rushed forward, shooting at Long Guangwu without hesitation like an arrow off the string.

Seeing Long Fei's coming, Long Guangwu suddenly stopped, his feet were separated one after, and his hands were in his arms. It was the embrace of the world in the ten-style bloody battle. He was ready to shake Long Fei's move.

However, if there is no absolute strength in martial arts, how can there be a high weightlifting that can defeat the enemy? Longguang's martial arts is one level lower than Longfei's. In addition to being clever or winning, how can he be Longfei's opponent?

Seeing the figure of Long Fei coming quickly, Long Guangwu was actually secretly screaming at this time. He only made one move with Long Fei. Just now, Long Fei was defensive, but he just avoided his attack and counterattacked. The action was as quiet as a virgin, moving like a rabbit. The speed was far from Long Guangwu. Now Longfei is the main attack, and his speed has reached the extreme. As soon as he walked together, he has jumped in front of Long Guangwu. At this time, Long Guangwu, in fact, has no better way to crack Long Fei's attack except by static braking, breaking the coincidence with force and defense. Do you want him to compare speed with Long Fei? When Long Fei competes with the copper head that has reached the middle of the iron bone, he can hit four or five punches in a row, which is much slower than the copper head. How can he compete with Longfei at speed! Or he also has this idea, but unfortunately, his body can't cooperate with himself.

As if it was really two brothers competing with each other, the smile at the corners of Long Fei's mouth remained unchanged. Looking at Long Guangwu's eyes, his feet changed again and turned forward into a vertical jump. His feet kicked hard on the ground and suddenly jumped up. His hands were like an eagle, and his moves were wide open, like an eagle flying rabbit, flying towards Long Guang. Wu rushed down.

Longfei's martial arts is still in the realm of iron bones. Before reaching the spiritual vein realm, the vertical leap is not very high, but it is just one head higher than Long Guangwu, and it looks a little like it is jumping down in the air.

In Longfei's idea, all the iron bone realms that have been on the field, such as Gao Kun and Long Huaqiu, Longding, are easy to win with the warriors in the upper copper skin realm, and even the copper head may have won or lost with their opponents now. Recently, although my martial arts have been lingering, it is still an iron state. Although it can't be won as easily as they raise their hands, but it should also be more beautiful and not ridiculed. If you just won a tragic victory, it would be too shameful.

Long Guangwu opened his eyes in vain and looked at the dragon flying flying down in the air, as if he had seen Long Guangwu as nothing. His hands were wide open, and his chest was hardly protected. He couldn't help laughing at the corners of his mouth, which was too presumptuous! Are you really like a paper, and the wind can blow away? It seems that we have to teach Long Fei a lesson so that he dares not despise others in the future. His hands were quickly withdrawn and changed to left-hand defense. He clenched his fist with his right hand and pounded it out. He wanted to rely on his high body and arm length to bombard Long Fei with his fist before Long Fei jumped on him.

Long Fei couldn't even hide the smile in his eyes this time. Compared with being a child, when he saw that his treachery had been successful, his face couldn't help laughing. Although Long Guangwu's idea was good, Long Fei's idea was not as careless as he thought, and the whole chest was handed over to Long Guangwu carelessly. Seeing that his body was close to Long Guangwu's body, Long Fei suddenly stretched out his right foot, exerted a little force on Long Guangwu's fist, and just pushed Long Guangwu's fist away. Then, he bullied himself close to Long Guangwu's body, raised his right hand and patted Long Guangwu's shoulder, and saw Long Guangwu's body leaning back. He couldn't help staggering back. Although he stopped soon, one foot just stepped on the edge of the circle. According to the rules of the game, Long Guangwu had already lost.

Hearing Tong Kun's voice announcing his victory, Long Fei was also secretly relieved and was also happy. The first level was finally passed.

Although Long Fei won beautifully just now, in fact, he used almost 80% of his strength. If there is another person like Long Guangwu, Long Fei doesn't know if he can clean it up. Looking at Gao Kun and Longhuaqiu, they all win or lose in one move. The victory is extremely easy, as if it is as easy as drinking water and eating. Even if there are more, it seems that there is no problem. It seems that there is still a big gap between me and them!

Long Fei sighed secretly and turned his head to find that the copper head had defeated his opponent at some point. At this time, he was standing beside him and looking at Long Fei with concern. Only copper head and Long Huaijian know that Long Fei's martial arts skills have been stagnant during this period and seem to be powerful, but in fact, they are strong outside and middle-in-middle, which is only slightly higher than the later stage of copper skin.

The opponent of the copper head is a warrior in the late stage of copper skin. This person has been in the late stage of copper skin for two years and has reached the realm of great perfection. At any time, he can turn into the bone and enter the initial state of iron bone. But even so, there is not even a trace of fantasy about the bronze head in the middle realm of iron bones. Copper skin defeated this person with only two moves.

has reached the bronze head in the middle of the iron bone realm. Coupled with his strong and tall figure, he can be said to be the third master among the young generation of Feilongzhuang, only slightly lower than Gao Kun and Longhuaqiu. Originally, the copper head thought that he could catch up with the two people in front of him, but when he entered the middle of the iron bone realm, Gao Kun and Longhuaqiu, who had been in the middle of the iron bone for two years, also progressed at the same time. They all stepped into the late stage of the iron bone, so that the copper head could only sigh!

At the time of the game, the bronze head ignored the opponent's attack at all. It was purely a tough fight, one punch and one punch, one palm to another, fist and feet, relying on his strong figure and higher level than others, forcing the opponent out of the circle between two moves.

Next, after another mid-term match between copper skin and copper skin, today's first level is over. Tomorrow is the second level, and four players will be finally selected.

Long Fei finally passed the first level, but Longfei didn't know if he could survive the second level.

The moon is like water, and the cicadas sing and frogs. The shadows of the trees swayed around and the wind sounded softly.

Long Fei and Tongtou are in their usual place to practice. However, this time, the two did not practice like a life-and-death struggle, but sat and rested. After all, there will be a more fierce competition tomorrow than today, and they also need a time to rest.

"What do you think?" Tongtou looked at Long Fei and asked with concern.

"My physical strength has recovered, but the liquid is gone again. I really want someone to tell me why!" The realm of martial arts has always made no progress, and Long Fei has also been extremely distressed during this period. However, his situation may be unique in the world. Don't say that he doesn't know who to consult, even if he meets a martial arts master, he may not necessarily understand why Long Fei's situation is! After all, Long Fei is the first person to learn martial arts from The Secret of Heaven since ancient times.

In fact, the situation of Long Fei is a little similar to the innate martial arts. Ordinary people practice martial arts from day to day. When the whole body is full of liquid, full and moisturizes the whole body, it is the perfection of the acquired realm and the beginning of the innate realm. At this time, sufficient liquid will enter Dantian along the meridians and live in Dantian. First, a small vortex will be generated, and then the vortex will gradually grow and expand outward, impacting all the acupuncture points of the body until it breaks through the acupuncture points, so that the world can be surging with the body groove, and the essence of heaven and earth can be absorbed through the body acupuncture points. The vortex of Dantian has reached the real innate realm. Therefore, others first refine the body, produce liquid flowers, and then use liquid flowers to cultivate elixir fields. However, Long Fei's situation seems to be a little contrary. First, the hard-won liquid drops are used to cultivate the elixir field, and the advancement leading to the realm of martial arts has completely stopped, as if it were to hit the innate first.

"You will be almost all people in the iron bone realm tomorrow. Are you confident?" Copper head is still a little worried about Long Fei.

"Yes!" Long Fei thought for a moment and was a little hesitant to answer, but his tone was obviously not so natural.

"Go! Go to your father and tell him the situation and see what he says. When Tongtou saw Long Fei's situation, he also struggled. He pulled Long Fei up and wanted to walk out of the forest.

"No! I'm already here!" With a sound, Long Huaijian came in from the other end of the woods.

"Dad!" Uncle Long!" Long Fei and Tongtou both turned their heads.

"Go home! It's night, and there will be a game tomorrow!" Long Huaijian looked at Long Fei and whispered.

"Uncle Long, Long Fei's martial arts still haven't entered the country. Do you think he can win tomorrow's game?" Tongtou looked at Long Fei and asked worriedly.

"We all know that Long Fei's martial arts have not progressed, but you don't have to be discouraged. Who in the world dares to say that he will definitely win? Even if he is the first master in the world, there may be times to lose. Your Uncle Long has also come from continuous failure. As for the game, as long as you do your best, you will feel at ease. Winning or losing is sometimes not very important. What matters is your mentality. More importantly, whether it is defeat or victory, you must learn enough lessons and experience from it. Then your next game, victory will definitely belong to you.

Long Huaijian rarely preaches to his disciples in such a long speech, which generally impresses everyone through personal teaching. Even if it is not necessary, it is Liao Shuyan who made it clear that this time it was abnormal, just because he knew the situation of Long Fei: martial arts stagnated and wandered in the early stage of the iron bone for nearly a year without any progress, while other brothers have made little progress, and in the past six months Come on, he watched the martial arts being driven up by several brothers in a row, even surpassing them, such as Longding. In the face of such a situation, it is rare for Long Fei not to abandon himself. But in any case, ten-year-old Long Fei is still in a strange mood. If he loses again in tomorrow's game, he may feel that he has no hope for the innate realm in his life, so he has the idea of giving up practicing martial arts. Therefore, Long Huaijian did something contrary to the previous practice and preached the two people in a long way.

Long Fei and Tongtou bowed their heads and meditated, as if they had realized something.