Eastern Continent

Chapter 13, the second scene

How long is a night? The philosopher said that it was just between fingers; the poet said that the long night was long, and it was hard to sleep alone; the happy said that the long night was just a time to snore; the unfortunate said that the long night was born torment.

The so-called time is like an arrow, blinking is a hundred years, one night, but before people blink.

Morning on a vertical day,

No matter where you are, there are always many more people watching the bustle than the people who cause the bustle.

Everything is still the same as yesterday. Next to the martial arts arena, it has long been surrounded by people watching the lively. The three floors outside, and the people standing in the inner level look out. Usually, they can see the scenery of their own village at a glance. At this time, only the surging heads are seen. If you look down, you can only see the staggered long legs and short feet. All kinds of heads, all kinds of feet, with smiling faces, bitter faces, frowns and comfortable eyebrows. The feet are on tiptoe, coiled, side by side, and separated. Everything is like all kinds of life, including plain, sensational, happy, sad, successful and losers.

Today is the second round of the competition. After today, there will be only eight of the 32 players left. If nothing unexpected happens, these eight will be the only eight iron bone warriors in Feilongzhuang. Among these eight iron bone realms, Gao Kun, Longhuaqiu, Copper Head, Longfei and Longding have long entered the iron bone realm. Among these five people, Gao Kun and Longhuaqiu have followed Long Huaijian to practice martial arts for seven years. At this time, they are already the late realm of iron bones, only one step away from the great perfection. Copper Head and Longfei both entered at the same time a year ago. The iron bone realm is just that the copper head has improved again in the past year. At this time, it is already the middle realm of the iron bone, but Long Fei has been in the early realm of the iron bone for a long time due to the story of heaven! Longding studied martial arts for five years and entered the iron bone realm for only a little more than a year. However, in the past year, Longding lost to Long Fei twice and was so angry that he almost trained himself in hell. At this time, he was only about to enter the middle of the iron bone realm. The other three warriors in the early realm of iron bones are all new nobles. These three are called Long Guosheng, Hu Wanle and Zhang Shiping. The three of them are also the same as Longding. Since this year, they have trained themselves in hell. In this last month, they have actually entered the early realm of iron bone.

The martial arts competition in Guhu Town is held every two years, and the total number of times is no more than ten. Feilongzhuang was invited by Gu Long, the current manager of Guhu Town, a few years ago.

Speaking of which, Long Huaijian and Gu Long are still old acquaintances. They not only knew each other when they were young, but also seemed to have worked together when they went out, but no one knew about this matter and could not be studied. Anyway, Gu Long and Long Huaijian are relatively close, which is an indisputable fact. Hearing Gu Long's proposal, Long Huaijian is interested in taking apprentices to teach martial arts and sending people to participate in this kind of competition. Before that, Long Huaijian's only interest was to study the Secret of Heaven.

Long Feijian had a slight smile on his face. Looking at these children who were so young that they were already in an iron bone realm and entered the country much faster than when he practiced martial arts, he couldn't help laughing.

Although "Secret of the Sky" did not make himself a master, he saw that he had cultivated so many warriors in the iron bone realm. Long Huaijian felt that his life was not in vain. He did not become a peerless master. It was also a good feeling to become a master of peerless master.

"Guys, after today, there are only eight of you left, from 32 to eight of whom, I believe you should have a deep understanding of the hardships except for a few others after yesterday's game."

Long Huaijian is the master of ceremonies and the referee. Who makes the village of Feilongzhuang too small and too few talents? Those who want to practice martial arts can catch it, but they need some polite and speakable, and they can't pick out a few. Tie Lao has only been in the village for a few years, and the opening of the lecture is only a matter of these three or four years. Before that, the words known by the whole village in Feilongzhuang were not enough. Only Long Huaijian, who has been out for decades, can shoulder this heavy responsibility.

"I won't talk nonsense. Next, please play in the first and second groups."

Today's first group is Longhuaqiu and a young man of his age. Longhuaqiu's cheeks are long and his chin is flat, his eyes are majestic, but his figure is a little fat, his legs are also short and powerful, and he looks a little like a round ball.

Longhuaqiu's opponent is called Longdan. This person has a little relative relationship with Long Fei, which can also be regarded as a scourge in Feilongzhuang. His time of practicing martial arts with Long Huaijian is similar to that of Longhuaqiu, but because his talent is not as good as Longhuaqiu, and more, he is really not a material for practicing martial arts. At this time, he has just risen to the later stage of copper skin. However, although he relied on movement, because he had studied martial arts for a long time, the foundation was stable. In yesterday's competition, after exhausting his milking power, he finally won a teenager in the middle of the bronze skin and was able to enter the list of 16 people.

Longdan, as the name implies, is really single-shaped, tall and thin, with thin legs. It looks like a bamboo that grows abruptly on the top of the mountain, but its head is a little huge, just the opposite of Longhuaqiu's figure. From a distance, Longdan is a bamboo pole with a steamed bun, but the Longhua ball is a round ball with a thick stick.

The appearance of these two people can be said to be half a catty and eight taels, both of which are strange and eye-catching, but the martial arts are not half a catty and eight taels, but far from each other. Longhuaqiu is the late realm of iron bones at this time, while Longdan is still in the late realm of copper skin, which is three levels higher.

Longhuaqiu looked at Longdan with a blank face. Longhuaqiu, like a round ball, is famous for its expressionless face among the younger generation in Feilongzhuang. Whether it is against Long Huaijian, Tielao, Tongkun and other elders in the village, they rarely smile, as if they have had muscle frostia on their faces since childhood.

Longdan has become accustomed to it. He knew that the late realm of the iron bone of Longhua ball was against his late realm of copper skin, and it was impossible to take the initiative to attack, so he had to talk more with Longhuaqiu. As soon as he got off the court, he just nodded to each other, separated his hands like a wild goose and spread his wings, and directly attacked Longhua ball.

Long Huaqiu's round figure remained motionless, and his eyes were like two cold lights, staring at Longdan.

Longdan's attack was very fast, but in the blink of an eye, it was close to Longhuaqiu, and the two palms were only a little far away, and they were about to hit Longhuaqiu.

Longhuaqiu moved at this time, and saw his right leg move towards the oblique outer side. This step was so big that he passed Long Shan in an instant. Then his right hand shook back, as if he were shaking off the dust stuck to his sleeve, but patted it on the right waist of Long Dan.

Long Shan's eyes suddenly opened, and a look of horror appeared. His body hurriedly turned sideways, raised his right hand, and elbowed to the palm of Longhuaqiu.

"Bum!" A dull voice came. Although it was not big, it spread far away. Even the people around the martial arts arena seemed to hear a low thunder.

Long Dan only felt a numbness in his elbow, and a strong force poured in from his elbow. His body was pushed by this force and fell to the left side. This strength was twice as strong as Long Dan himself, so that Long Dan tried to stop retreat several times, but he could not do so until he retreated outside the circle.

Usually, the two sides will point out, and they will point out some shortcomings. There is no gap, but for the sake of the competition quota, reputation, and real fight, Long Shan knew that the gap between himself and Longhuaqiu was actually 18,000 miles.

In this game, Longhuaqiu won, and eight warriors produced the first place.

The second group is Long Guosheng, one of the eight iron bone masters, and a copper skin late realm. After playing, the warriors in the copper skin late realm failed to create a strange change to defeat the iron bone realm with the copper skin realm, but persisted a little longer, and in the end, they were defeated. In this way, the second warrior in the iron bone realm became one of the eight masters.

The first group of the second round is the copper head and a warrior in the late realm of copper skin, and the other group is Zhang Shiping, another warrior in the early realm of iron bones, and a warrior in the late realm of copper skin. Neither group waited for Long Huaijian's announcement. After the previous group withdrew, they automatically walked up.

Standing still in the circle, the copper head looked at his opponent, suddenly curled the corners of his mouth, smiled at the opponent, and said, "Let's start!"

The opponent of the copper head is He Shisheng, and he is also a warrior who has been wandering in the late realm of copper skin for two years. He has hit the iron bone realm several times, but there is no result. This man is also two heads taller than a 12-year-old copper head. His figure is stronger than the copper head. His whole body muscles are like blistering. Obviously, he is also a barbarian who only knows how to practice regardless of fatigue. However, because of talent or luck, he can't go straight to the realm of iron bones until now.

"Hey!" He Shisheng was not polite. He exhaled, separated his hands, scratched his right leg, and rushed to the copper head.

"Aha!" Every time Tongtou fights with someone, he attacks immediately, regardless of the opponent's state until he knocks down or is knocked down by the opponent. Of course, he has never seen someone knocked down. It often happens that he knocks down others. Although he likes to fight and fight hard, he is not a fool. He stands there, waiting for others to clean up. That's just to meet people whose martial arts skills are not as good as him, or people with the same level. If you meet people with higher levels, the bronze head will slip faster than anyone else. But now, it is really rare to be attacked first. He immediately became excited, as if he had picked up dozens of taels of silver, laughed with joy, and then raised his leg, punched his right hand into a fist, and bombarded He Shisheng with one punch.

When He Shisheng saw the frame of the copper head, his heart was also cold, and his eyes condensed. He had a deep understanding of the physical strength of the copper head. Usually, when the brothers competed, he often used his body to collide with the copper head, but he could not win once. At this time, when I saw the power of the copper head, I was shocked. The momentum that was supposed to go straight forward suddenly stopped and then flashed to the side.

The copper head laughed, his footsteps were wrong, his hands were spread out, shaped like a roc spreading its wings, and rushed to He Shisheng, as if he were hugging He Shisheng.

He Shisheng was shocked again, his footsteps stopped, leaned back, turned around and avoided to one side.

In fact, before he took action, Tongtou had already had a response. He wanted to win this game with one move. In the many brothers, how could he let He Shisheng avoid it again? His legs suddenly exerted and rushed forward. Although He Shisheng's reaction was fast, he could only look at the thick fist of the copper head at this time. He blew his head on his shoulder.

He Shisheng was punched as if he were going to fly. His feet only touched the ground with his toes, retreated repeatedly, then fell down, turned over a somersault, and turned out of the circle.

In the blink of an eye, tomorrow's quarter-finalist will produce a third place.

The competition with the two people held at the same time was Hu Wanle, another new warrior in the early realm of iron bones, and another warrior in the late realm of copper skin. The warrior in the later stage of copper skin only persisted for three rounds and was forced out of the circle.

The fourth player in the quarter is produced.