Eastern Continent

Chapter 19, first entry into Montenegro

In the early morning, the sky was gray, and people could not be seen clearly about a dozen steps away. Looking up, the tall trees around Feilongzhuang could only see some hazy shadows at this time, like gods and monsters, overlapping.

A figure quietly flashed from the south of Feilongzhuang and quickly walked out of the village. After bypassing a large circle, the final whereabouts turned out to be Montenegro, which villagers regarded as a taboo and considered sacred and inviolable.

This person is Long Fei. Yesterday, his determination was to enter Montenegro to practice.

In the ancient holy land of Montenegro, there are endless spiritual beasts in the mountains, and their aura is very sufficient, several times higher than at the foot of the mountain. If you secretly find a smaller mountain in Montenegro to practice, the entry of internal power will definitely advance rapidly, much faster than now. In addition, Montenegro is a sacred and inviolable place in people's eyes, ancient There are few people who enter. Among them, there must be many natural treasures, elixir and herbs. If you can find some, wouldn't it be better than lifeless cultivation? If you encounter a elixill that has grown for hundreds of years and thousands of years, you may immediately let yourself enter a higher realm.

However, Montenegro is too sacred in the eyes of the world. If you want to enter it, you must not let others see it. Things will be regarded as disrespectful and blasphemy to Montenegro. Therefore, although Long Fei made up his mind, he did not dare to say anything to Tongtou, let alone mention Long Huaijian and Tongkun. He could only act secretly by himself.

Long Fei's consistent behavior is determined to act immediately. At dawn today, the earliest people in the whole village still had to be covered, and Long Fei had arrived at the edge of Montenegro.

Looking at the black Montenegro under the immersion of the dawn, some tall peaks or plants can only see some vague outlines. Long Fei is not only excited but also worried.

Montenegro is the first mountain in the mainland. It is said that this mountain is sacred and inviolable. For a long time, almost no one has visited this mountain. Everything in the mountain is the most primitive appearance. There are countless magical animals and plants in the mountain, although there will be magical elixirs to heal white bones, vitality, and save lives. But there will certainly be no lack of fierce and majestic things.

Standing on the edge of Montenegro, people think of the legendary Black Mountain white-faced fox, Black Mountain spirit, Black Mountain horned snake and other strange animals, and worry more.

However, thinking that their martial arts realm has been lingering for nearly a year, the two of them have been practicing martial arts at the same time. Now that the bronze head has exceeded their own realm. The little fear in their hearts disappeared. The courage suddenly filled their chest and walked away without hesitation and walked into Montenegro.

This entry into Montenegro is not a random run. Although Long Fei is young and bold, he is not reckless, but ghosts and elves who are full of tricks. Before entering Montenegro, he has chosen a place, that is, a small mountain not far from the edge of Montenegro.

This peak was actually seen by Long Fei when he stood on his roof. Since the age of seven, Longfei and his two-a-a-half-year-old children have done a lot of mischievous things. They climbed to the roof of Longfei's house and looked in the direction of Montenegro, but what they often do is to see those magical animals and plants that can only appear in the legend, and on the other hand, they are satisfying their curiosity, although they can't Go in, but it's always okay to see! Looking at the tall trees and the towering peaks, they felt as nervous and excited as they were in Montenegro. As long as they look to the west, they will see a peak. Compared with other peaks that tower into the clouds, such as Tianfeng, Tianfeng, and so on, this peak is like a small mouter next to a high mountain, or a root-only stump next to a tall tree. They call this peak Litianfeng. . It means that this small mountain is far away from the sky. Although it is small from Tianfeng, it blocks their vision to see farther away.

The peak is surrounded by pines. Although it is far away, you can also see the tall and old pine trees. From the gap exposed by the pine trees, you can see the peak, but it is a flat place, which is a good place to practice.

In fact, Long Fei does not dare to go too deep. Fierce beasts in Montenegro are emerging one after another. There must be no good fruit to eat. If you accidentally get lost, it will be difficult to come back in your life.

This is also the black mountain where Long Fei's newborn calf is not afraid of tigers and everyone is afraid of. He dares to break in alone. If Long Huaijian knew, he would be scared.

Running away from the mountain!

Half an hour after entering Montenegro, Long Fei knew the distance he seemed to be, but in fact, it was still far from reality. Obviously, looking at the Li Tianfeng in front of him, he entered Montenegro and walked for a short time. However, in fact, Montenegro was a ravines and strange stones were wrong, which made the dragon fly away for an hour. Although Long Fei had reached the realm of iron bones, and his limbs and skin were tough, but his legs were sore. When the sky was dawn, I could see the shadow of the old pine at the top of the peak.

Fortunately, he has been recognizing the direction. Otherwise, in such a deep mountain, the direction will be slightly biased, and the ambition will not be rewarded, but he will be lost in the deep mountains first.

When he finally saw Li Tianfeng, Long Fei took a long breath and was happy. His tired legs seemed to be full of strength again, and his footsteps became brisk again and quickly walked towards Li Tianfeng.

" hiss, hiss." Long Fei was walking in a hurry. In the quiet mountain forest, he suddenly heard a slight gasp from the right side, and then there was a sound of dead branches and fallen leaves being crushed.

Long Fei, who has lived in the mountains for a long time, naturally knows what kind of beast found this sound it --- only when the snake spits out letters, there will be such a strange sound. Long Fei suddenly stood up with his hair all over his body, and he turned his head to look at the bushes on the right side of his body.

The sound of "hobbling" gradually increased from far to near. It was the sound of dead branches being crushed. In the morning light, a long colorful snake slowly swam out of the bushes next to it, squeezing the bushes to the two emperors. The snake was as thick as an adult thigh, and above the triangular snake's head, two Only the eyes flashed with a cold light, which was a kind of disregard for life. The thick letter in the snake's mouth was flexible.

"Colorful King Snake!"

Long Fei was shocked by thunder and exclaimed. Although he was bold, he was also shocked and trembled all over at this time. His legs were weak and sweated like rain. Suddenly, he wet his clothes on his back.

The colorful snake is one of the most famous poisonous snakes in Montenegro. The snake is thick, colorful, thick skin, and invulnerable. The snake's head is triangular. When the snake heads are raised, the snake tail is thick and long, black as iron stone, and firm as iron stone. These two parts are the most horrible attack weapons of the colorful king snake. These two parts The speed has become an extreme contrast with its slow action.

The poisonous teeth in the front of the snake's beak are exposed. When attacking, they often open their blood basins and bite down like lightning, and few prey can escape. Although the snake's head is horrible, what is more horrible is its tail. The snake tail is thick and long, as hard as iron stone, but as flexible as a whip. Between shaking, it is as fast as a phantom. It is often drawn by the snake tail before the prey sees the whip shadow, or it is too late to dodge. The prey drawn by the snake's tail, without exception, is like broken bones and rotten as mud. In the end, it can only become the belly of the snake.

In fact, even if you bite the head and tail, you can't kill the prey. There is another move of the colorful king snake, that is, the head and tail move together, as if the crab raised two giant pliers and rushed to the prey. Then, the head and tail crossed, and immediately wrapped the prey, with its hard body, stone The head can be broken, not to mention the flesh and blood!

This snake has a very long life, and the bigger it grows, the longer it gets. It is said that when the snake grows to be 500 years old, it will grow to more than ten feet long. The snake's body must be held by three people. At this time, meat horns will grow on its head and evolve into something like a dragonfly. When it grows to a thousand years old, it will really evolve into Jiao, at this time, the two horns on the head really hardened and became sharp, becoming another powerful attack weapon. When it reaches ten thousand years old, it will evolve into a dragon. Therefore, this snake also has a thousand-year dragon.

Looking at the snake's body, it is as thick as an adult's thigh. It only looks at the length of its body swimming out of the dense forest. It is more than one foot long and hidden in the forest. It may be longer. It seems that it has lived for many years. However, this snake has always lived in the deep mountains and dense forests of Montenegro, and has never taken half a step deep into Montenegro. At this time, what Long Fei entered was only the edge of Montenegro. I don't know why the snake came here, and it was so colorful that Long Fei met.

Since he knew that it was a colorful king snake, Long Fei dared to stay there. Before all the body of the long snake swam out, he hurriedly turned around and fled. At this time, his legs were not weak and his strength came back. At this time, he only hated Long Huaijian why the two old people didn't give himself four legs, so that he could run faster than the colorful king snake. Although Longfei has practiced to the iron bone realm, he still can't stop the full blow of the colorful king snake, especially under the snake's tail sweep. Not to mention the person in the iron bone realm, it is real steel. As long as it is touched once, it will definitely be bent and broken. If it is a small body like Long Fei? The consequence is definitely worse than meat!

As soon as Long Fei turned his body, a "squeak" sounded in his ear, and a shadow quickly passed by. At the same time, it brought a breeze, which shocked Long Fei. As soon as he raised one foot, the other foot softened, and he was about to kneel down and fell Long Fei to eat shit. As far as the corners of my eyes were, I saw a small dark shadow, which rushed out like lightning, and instantly crossed the thick body of the colorful king snake and stopped in front of it.

This small shadow is a little monkey. This little monkey is only slightly bigger than an adult's head, with golden eyes, a red face and a sharp mouth, covered with gray-black hair, long legs and short hands, and a tail with almost a whole body, standing tall behind him, like a flagpole.

When the colorful snake saw the little monkey, its eyes were even colder, as if it had met a natural enemy. The originally slow action suddenly accelerated, and its whole body coiled up, revealing only the dark snake head and a dark snake tail from the top. Above the triangular snake's head, a pair of cold eyes stared at the little monkey. The dark and shiny snake tail was also beside the snake, shaking gently, guarding his body.

After the snake coiled up, it was like a hill, more than a head higher than the dragon flying. The little monkey stood in front of the big snake, as if there was a little mouse standing in front of the elephant. The difference between the two was very big, as if as long as the big snake gently swept it with its tail or gently rolled the snake letter, it could turn the little monkey into powder.

However, to Long Fei's surprise, the fact seemed to be exactly the opposite of Long Fei's imagination. The little monkey completely ignored the defensive formation of the big snake. As soon as he landed in front of the big snake, he turned his head and squeaked in the direction of Long Fei, as if he was greeting an old friend. Then the small body jumped up and rushed to the big snake from the front.

The snake was very nervous, and its eyes were even cold. The snake's head also shrank back. The snake's tail suddenly swept out, as fast as lightning. It only saw a flash, and the dark snake tail had swept towards the little monkey.

Long Fei opened his mouth and exclaimed that he had not yet spoken, but the little monkey seemed to have expected the reaction of the snake. The urgent figure completely ignored the attack of the tail of the snake. His feet, which had been put away, stretched out a little on the tail of the snake, bounced a little higher, and still rushed down to the body of the colorful king snake.

The snake's tail was too late to close. It swept the thick tree trunk of a bowl, swept the tree trunk to break its waist, and then quickly recovered it, and finally blocked its body on the ground before the little monkey jumped on.

The little monkey's legs were a little on the tail of the colorful snake, and his body retreated back. He actually stood in the place just now, forming a confrontational situation.

But the little monkey did not stop. As soon as his feet touched the ground, he jumped up and jumped at the coiled snake body, with his claws open and straight into the colorful king snake.

This time, the colorful king snake was more nervous, with its long tail standing in front of its head, staring at the little monkey like a meteor.

As if a light and shadow passed by, Long Fei had never seen such a fast speed, and there was no time to blink. The figure of the little monkey was approaching before the colorful king snake.


The tail of the colorful king snake is not slow, and it sweeps out as fast as lightning.

This time, Long Fei finally exclaimed. In the gaze of Long Fei, the little monkey stretched his legs again, jumped on the snake's tail, jumped up, turned around the snake's tail, and rushed to the colorful king snake, but this time it was behind the king snake.

The colorful king snake's tail turned sharply. Just as it was about to block behind him, the little monkey's posture changed again and rushed straight into the air, stretched out his short hand and grabbed the snake.

" hiss"

The colorful king snake stretched out his head in pain and saw several blood stains quickly appear on the snake's body. Blood poured wildly. Suddenly, the snake's body was stained red by its own blood.

Long Fei opened his mouth in surprise. The colorful king snake's whole body was as hard as gold and iron, and the knife could not be cut in. Unexpectedly, the little monkey only gently grabbed the colorful king snake until it was skind and full of flesh, and blood flowed long. It seems that the little monkey's claws are sharper than ordinary swords.

The colorful king snake was injured and rolled up in pain. Its tail was randomly. Suddenly, the broken branches and leaves were swept away everywhere. Some thick tree trunks were also broken by the snake's tail. Long Fei was already standing not far from the colorful king snake, and the snake's tail almost swept Long Fei several times.

Longfei is very interested. The defense of colorful king snakes and the flexible attacks of small monkeys have all opened Longfei's eyes. It turns out that it is not only humans who will apply various tactics in actual combat, but also animals also have their war wisdom. But he didn't come here to watch animals fight. Besides, standing so close, he may still understand that immortals fight, mortals suffer, and affect the pond fish. Seeing the little monkey's skillful appearance, the colorful king snake is not the enemy of the little monkey at all. Long Fei is also relieved, turned around the battlefield and turns to Li Tianfeng. Go.