Eastern Continent

Chapter 20, Montenegro practice

At this time, the sky was already bright, and things in the mountains could be seen, and some ravines could be seen clearly. The speed of Long Fei was naturally a little faster, and soon reached the bottom of the peak.

Standing under the peak and looking up at Li Tianfeng, Long Fei once again knew his mistake. Looking at Li Tianfeng, which was not too high on the roof of his house, he stood at the foot of the peak and looked up to know that he had made a mistake this time.

There are no low peaks in Montenegro.

It seems that this old saying is very correct.

No wonder there was a poem about the peak cloud of Montenegro: one peak, two peaks, three or four peaks, pillar peaks connected to the sky, Shenyin fairy music royal mother banquet, faint wind on the top.

However, looking at this mountain, Long Fei did not have the idea of retreating. Since he was a child, he has been a mischievous person. He climbed trees and dug bird eggs, went to the house to uncover bricks and tiles, and climbed a mountain. Although it was a little more difficult, he could not be scared of Long Fei, but it may take a little longer.

When he climbed to the top of the peak, Long Fei had time to catch his breath and immediately found the third mistake he had made: although Tianfeng is not a peak in Montenegro, it is by no means a small mountain, just a little small from one side. From Longfei's perspective, Tianfeng is more than ten times larger than the martial arts field of Feilongzhuang, which is enough to accommodate 10,000 troops. There are not many ravines at the top of the peak, and the flat ground is connected one by one, and the largest one is about 100 feet, as if thousands of troops and horses were hidden in Montenegro before, and this is the school ground of the army. The ground at the top of the mountain is not earth, but some yellow rocks as hard as iron. After long weathering, the rock ground is not very flat. Occasionally, there are some small holes, and the stone diamond angles on the ditch are clear, but in general, it can still be said to be flat. This is almost a place for natural practice.

Between the ravines at the peak, that is, at the border of each flat land, there are some pine trees. The pine trees grow unevenly, straight, straight and horizontal, and curved, but each one is an ancient tree that is thousands of years old. The trunk is thick and clumsy, and it takes about a few people to hold them together. The branches and leaves are dense, covering the sky. Day.

At the peak in the morning, the breeze kept blowing, the leaves were rattling, the early birds kept jumping and singing on the branches, the crickets screamed in the stones, the cicadas were on the high branches, the first practice of the day, and some animals that dragons did not know were singing. In the whole Montenegro, it began to show It has to be vibrant.

Standing at the top of the peak, Long Fei looked up at the rising sun, took a long breath, suddenly jumped to the largest flat ground, and began to practice martial arts. He started with the bloody battle ten styles taught by Long Huaijian.

This ten-style bloody battle is what Long Huaijian learned in the army when he was a soldier. Although Long Huaijian's martial arts realm has reached the current spiritual realm, he has been practicing the ten-style bloody battle. He is already pure, profiring, and also has his own experience. When he taught the teenagers in Feilongzhuang, naturally he also has him. The experience is in it.

Starting from the first type of embracing the world, and then to the second type of battlefield battle, Long Fei played one by one. Others practiced martial arts according to the master's teaching, one move at a time, and never dare to change the order. Otherwise, Long Fei was lively and changeable since he was a child, and hated the rules the most, so he started to do things. Net profit, never dragging, and never being stuck in the routine. He started with the first move, the next move, or the second move, or the third move, which may even be a temporary move, which is not necessarily a bloody battle. In short, he felt that move was used for the convenience, so he used that move. Change at will, move at will, the intention is the heart, the heart arrives, there is no fixed method, and there is no fixed method.

Although Long Fei is small and has no smart master's guidance, Long Fei's views on martial arts are different from ordinary people.

Of course, these can only be done when Long Huaijian is not looking around. For example, Long Huaijian is looking at him, he also has to make a good move, from the first move, in order, without pulling. Because in the image of Long Huaijian, these ten types of bloody battles are only obtained after the training of the life and death of their predecessors on the battlefield. They are very streamlined and practical. Between each move, it has reached a seamless level, and there is no need to change any more, let alone Long Fei to change it randomly. This is a disrespect for the predecessor. , also ruined the painstaking efforts of his serious teaching.

The truth is indeed the same. After repeated deliberation by predecessors, whether it is against the enemy or a single-player fight, it is very powerful. However, no matter what Long Fei has done since he was urinating, he doesn't like to play cards according to the routine. It doesn't matter what your predecessors and descendants are, just based on the pleasure.

After using some of his temporary moves, Long Fei was already sweating. He had already tied a small sandbag on his hands and feet. At this time, he picked up a stone of about 20 catties with both hands and ran back and forth at the peak.

At the top of the sky, except for some ravines with pine trees, almost all other places are flat surfaces made of rocks, and these ravines have not completely disconnected the flat ground. Each flat surface is connected, as if the army once camped here, and there are many large and small left behind. The Yingpan site is the same.

At this peak, it is definitely a good place to practice martial arts. Long Fei also wants to call up the copper head when he comes back next time. Of course, I just want to think about it. Not to mention that Tongtou has no time to receive Long Huaijian's training in the game, even Long Fei himself dares not tell Tongtou about it.

After running back and forth nearly 100 times, about three or 4,000 feet, he stopped. At this time, in addition to being a little short of breathing, Long Fei's face was still as usual, which was not yet reaching the limit of his physical strength.

Then, Long Fei sat down with his knees and began to practice his internal skills according to the operation route in The Secret of the Sky.

Practicing martial arts on "The Secret of Heaven" is already familiar to Long Fei. This time, just as soon as he sat down, the internal power ran in his body. Long Fei felt that he could clearly see in the meridians of his body, like running water, along the same solid as the original. The fixed route is flowing, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, sometimes sometimes sometimes urgent, and the meridians of my body are like the two sides of the river, which not only fix the water flow but also guide the direction of the water flow forward.

Soon, Long Fei experienced another cold and hot cultivation process. This time, what made Long Fei a little happy was that the liquid blooming in the flesh produced in Montenegro was much more and a little thicker than before. If the liquid bloom he got before was just like water, it is now a little like paste, no But the quantity is a little more, and it seems that the quality is better than before. However, obviously, it is still not enough to absorb Tiangong. As soon as Xu Tiangong has been operated, these liquid flowers have been left. The skin and bone marrow have become empty again. The bones have lost the moisture of the liquid flowers. Although the realm has not regressed, Long Fei's requirements and goals are obviously not here. What he wants is to go to the next level. When practicing heavenly skills, martial arts can also enter the realm of Xuanjin. Therefore, Long Fei has also worked much harder than others. Compared with the four contestants who are specially taken care of by Long Huaijian now, the goal set for himself is higher and bigger.

What makes Long Fei happy is that after Xu Tiangong absorbed these liquids, it is obviously thicker than before, as if the internal power has also changed due to the change of liquid quality. Usually, when practicing at the foot of the mountain, although each liquid can also make Xu Tiangong change after absorption, those are imperceptible. If it is put outside, it will be invisible to the naked eye, and only in the body can Long Fei feel the changes of Xu Tiangong by feeling. But this time, it seems that even if you put it outside, you can see the thickening of the airflow with the naked eye.

Half a year ago, when Long Fei just practiced the narration of Tiangong, the tactic was just a thin line-like airflow, a thin line. When it ran, it was intermittent, looming, and almost always cut off. Now, it is so thick that it is equivalent to dozens or hundreds of thin lines stuck together. When running, it will touch the wall membrane of the meridians, and then bounce back, so that Long Fei can also feel the pain in the meridians. When you return to Dantian, you can also see a small cyclone in Dantian.

Other martial arts, no matter what martial arts are, after practicing internal force, the internal force is generally static in Dantian. Only when fighting with the enemy or practicing kung fu will the internal force become active. But Xu Tiangong is different. Even if Long Fei completely calms down, Xu Tiangong is still active in Dantian, constantly rotating like a whirlpool.

Even if Xu Tiangong is not stimulated by Long Fei, there is still a conscious cultivation!

Although Xu Tiangong is slightly large, it obviously has not met the requirements, so the liquid will still be absorbed by it. Long Fei doesn't know how long he will practice. The accumulated liquid will be really used to refine the skin, bone marrow, or tendons and meridians, instead of being absorbed by Xu Tiangong.

According to Long Fei's reasoning, when the internal power absorption liquid reaches saturation, there will definitely be a vision, and this abnormality will certainly be helpful to martial arts. For example, since the internal power will absorb liquid flowers, it may also produce liquid flowers in the future, which in turn moisturizes all parts of the body. At that time, it may only be achieved by meditating and practicing Tiangong, which can also achieve the purpose of accumulating liquid that can only be achieved by practicing the muscles and bones of the body.

In fact, this practice of Tiangong to the end can not only produce liquid to moisten the body. Its effect is so great that Long Fei can't even fantasize, and it is also possible for Longfei to fly to the sky. However, if you want to talk about Tiangong's absorption of liquid to reach saturation, and finally achieve great success, Long Fei's suffering is just beginning.

Generally speaking, the way of martial arts is successively, and then congenital, and the acquired copper skin, iron bones, Xuanjin, spiritual veins, a state of final perfection, and then enter the innate realm under great perseverance and great opportunity. The acquired realm, what is cultivated is only the skin, muscles, bones, tendons, meridians and other parts of the body. After entering the innate realm, it is to communicate with heaven and earth, absorb the essence of heaven and earth, cultivate internal skills, refine the flesh and blood of the whole body, cultivate a free heaven, and then enter a higher realm. The day after tomorrow, they just stand outside the gate of the martial arts hall. There is something in the door. They may just hear it, but they have no chance to see it. They have not even heard of it. Only when they enter the innate realm can they really step into the palace of martial arts. However, they just step in with one foot and cross the threshold. Already, you can see some things limited to one corner of the hall, but you can't find the whole picture yet.

The day after tomorrow, when all parts of the body reach the spiritual vein realm, the liquid produced is sufficient, and then absorbed into Dantian through the meridians as a channel and converted into internal force. The internal force is like gas, and then, under the guidance of the meridians, it gushes out from the Dantian field and impacts the whole body acupuncture points to attract the essence of heaven and earth. When the whole body acupuncture points are connected, the heaven and earth essence will enter the meridians through the acupuncture points, and then enter the Dantian and turn into internal power. Although Long Fei is still in the iron bone realm the day after tomorrow, he has first practiced his internal skills in Dantian, which seems to have skipped the acquired realm and directly began to practice the innate realm. However, Longfei's innate realm seems to be just a fake innate trick to deceive people. At this time, his whole body has not been opened, and there is too little internal force in Dantian, so he can neither impact the or absorb the essence of heaven and earth. However, it can only constantly absorb the liquid produced by the body to slowly strengthen the Tiangong, which is many times slower than absorbing the essence of heaven and earth after entering the innate realm.

Liuhua extracts the essence from the grains that people eat into their stomachs, which is a little worse than directly absorbing the essence of heaven and earth. In this way, the growth of Xu Tiangong is much slower.

However, when Xu Tiangong becomes more and more powerful, the body's muscles and bones, tendons and meridians will also be moistened by Xu Tiangong. It is possible that when the realm reaches the realm of the acquired spiritual vein, that is, when Xu Tiangong is absorbed and saturated. At that time, Xu Tiangong hits the orifices of the whole body and penetrates the body, and can absorb the essence of heaven and earth.

It's just that all this is Long Fei's reasoning now. What the facts are? You won't know until you practice them.

In fact, the martial arts practiced by Long Fei now seem to be innate, but it is by no means an acquired realm. As for the specific realm, I'm afraid only those who created the Secret of Heaven can understand it.

However, his internal power has strengthened, which also makes Long Fei happy.

Long Fei closed his work, opened his eyes, carefully sensed some changes in his body, and was happy. It seems that I came to Heishan to practice this time. The aura in Montenegro is sufficient, and it can also be absorbed through the mouth and nose of the human body. No wonder there are many more liquids this time, and the narrative skills are a little thicker.

It's getting late, and it should be almost time for Tie Lao's class to start. Long Fei is also ready to go down the mountain and go home. Fortunately, Long Fei is usually like a wild child. He often stays with Tongtou. All day long, except for eating and sleeping, he hardly steps into the house. He either practices martial arts or steals chickens and dogs. Long Huaijian never cares about him. Aunt Long wants to care, but she doesn't. Although he went out earlier than usual today, since he came into contact with martial arts, he got up early and practiced hard every day, and his family has long been used to it. As long as he goes back before class, he will not show any flaws. No one will doubt that a child dares to enter Montenegro.