Eastern Continent

Chapter 40, Black Wind Legion

The mainland is divided into two parts because of Montenegro. In the eastern continent east of Montenegro, it is called Shenzhou. The width of this continent is that no one knows the end of the two sides except for the west to Montenegro because Montenegro cannot be crossed and the sea in the east. I only know that in the northernmost part is a prairie, which is boundless. There are two countries on the grassland, Black Mountain and Xilang. In the south, there is an endless forest, which is a primitive forest. Before the forest, there was also a country, Anguo, which has always been called a wild land by the Central Plains powers.

After a long period of chaos, the mainland gradually appeared a clear situation at this time, and nine major countries were formed through various mergers. After a period of time, some of these nine countries gradually formed some forces that belong to the state but are outside the state power due to the incompetence of the monarch. For example, the Three Songs of Yundon, which were originally the three military towns of Yundon, but due to the incompetence of the Yunton monarchs, these three armies The important town has gradually become the power of the guard generals themselves, and the guard generals originally appointed by the state have also become a hereditary system. Another example is the sand city in the forbidden autumn, which was originally the second largest city in forbidden autumn, but it was occupied by the rosefinch mercenary legion before the establishment of the forbidden autumn country. Although the forbidden autumn once wanted to capture it, it always couldn't get what it wanted.

In this way, on the whole Shenzhou continent, the big forces are trapped by medium forces, and the middle forces are trapped by small forces. All kinds of forces are intertwined and complex. The situation seems to have returned to hundreds of years ago, and it is still a chaotic and complex situation.

On the whole Shenzhou mainland, in addition to the nine major countries, various other forces include mercenary corps, robber gangs, large private corps, etc. In short, in this troubled era, all parties are vigorously developing their own forces to prevent others from annexing, or Those who take it as capital, if they invest in the wise Lord, they can gain a lifetime of fame and wealth.

This Black Wind Legion is a well-known gang of robbers. It is one of the ten most famous legions away from nine countries in the mainland. What is remarkable about this Black Wind Legion is not its prestige, but its fierce name. The world changes color when they hear its name, and children stop cries when they hear its name.

Therefore, the Black Wind Legion, also known as the Black Wind Thief!

This robber gang has nearly 10,000 people, and they often plunder*, roaring and roaring away. Not only will they rob money, but also kill and set fire will definitely follow. Every place, there are chickens and dogs that do not leave, burn them all, slaughter villages and cities, kill all the living things they see, and never leave a living mouth. Wherever they pass, such as locusts crossing, there is no grass. If the besieged people know that the enemy is the Black Wind Legion, they will fight back at the same time. Even if they kill the last person, they will never give up, because they know that surrender is only a dead end, and resistance may lead to a bloody road. In order to win the hearts of the people, some big forces have also organized several sieges against the Black Wind Legion, but to no avail.

The Black Wind Legion is extremely cunning. Every time it goes out, it is extremely mysterious. No one knows its march route and purpose. Even the low-ranking bandits in the Black Wind Legion do not know. Only after arriving at the destination will they give people pressure, then quickly attack and retreat quickly, often waiting for some big When the forces organized the army, the Black Wind Legion had long disappeared. And this Black Wind Legion is also extremely smart. Every time it goes out, the targets selected are some border but relatively rich small towns, quickly slaughtering everything, and then withdrawing. This time, the ancient tiger town also just meets the standard of being the target of the Black Wind Legion.

Because of this, for so long, no one not only knows its base, but also knows its organization, who the leader is, and the many high details of martial arts. It is known that there are nearly 10,000 people, and the flag is a bloody and red cloth, indicating bloody killing.

The number of the Black Wind Legion is inferred from the fact that the army they target does not exceed 5,000 every time. As for the flag, it is seen by some fish that were slaughtered by the Black Wind Legion.

Although this Black Wind Legion is not a powerful legion on the mainland, it is famous for its mystery and fierceness.

Long Huaijian and Gu Long did not know why the Black Wind Legion focused on Guhu Town and chose to launch an attack when the New Year was just passed and everyone was still drunk in the joy of the New Year.

Looking at the dense heads outside the city, the colorful military flags and colorfully dressed armies, which are like the legendary Black Wind Legion with only nearly 10,000 people, at least 20,000 people. It seems that either the rumor is wrong, or what's wrong with the Black Wind Legion?

Looking at the pale face of everyone in the city, Long Huaijian looked at the bloody flag fluttering in the wind and felt heavier and heavier. They still didn't know it was the Black Wind Legion. If they knew that this was the notorious Black Wind Legion, they don't know how many people dared to participate in this upcoming battle. In the fight.

Fortunately, the enemy did not give them time to hesitate and fear, nor was they prepared to scare them. After surrounding the south gate, they did not rest, but pushed their humble siege tools and slowly pushed towards the gate.

"They are going to attack the city!" I don't know who shouted first and answered that it was not the brother at the head of the city, but a sudden shout under the city. No one in the city expected that the Black Wind Legion did not even say hello and began to attack the city. Unexpectedly, it came quickly in response to them, attacked quickly and retreated quickly. All of them were fast, and the nonsense naturally decreased.

"Go on with your orders, take your positions and prepare to fight back!" Gu Long waved his hand and ordered loudly.

In fact, without his order, the guards at the head of the city began to act long ago.

In this troubled times, almost every place has gone through war, and every city has changed hands several times. This ancient tiger town is no exception. Decades ago, it was not controlled by the Gu family, but taken by Gu Long's father from others. Although the incident happened suddenly, due to the guards of Guhu Town, these two Over the years, under Gu Long's deliberate arrangement, he was constantly sent to follow the caravan and had a lot of war experience. At this time, he was not very panicked. Before Gu Long's order was issued, they began to prepare, but because the enemy came too suddenly, the stones and rolling wood placed under the wall were moved to the city one after another.

The attack of the Black Wind Legion outside the city was very fast and did not give Guhu Town any time to breathe and prepare. When Gu Long's order was first issued, he saw a rain of arrows covering the sky and the sun. Like a locust passing through the city, it fell towards the head of the city and the city of Guhu Town. After this burst of arrow rain, then the second array. The third array. The long arrow sprinkled moneylessly at Guhu Town, as if there was a sudden rain of arrows in the sky. Looking up, it was still a blue sky and day, but it became dark in an instant.

Attacked by this sudden arrow rain, although the people at the head of Guhu Town immediately hid behind the bunker, due to the sudden arrow rain, many people were shot by powerful arrows. In an instant, there was a scream at the head of Guhu Town, and many villages that had never seen the war. At this time, the contestant was shocked and pale as paper, almost rolling and crawling back to the body, trembling.

After these showers of arrows, a group of various patterns were painted on their faces. At a glance, the ferocious soldiers of the Black Wind Army should be called robbers, or carrying ladders, or carrying rims. Under the cover of some robbers with weapons and shields next to them, they ran to the gate of the ancient tiger town.

No wonder that these robbers can retreat quickly every time they attack a place, and capture a place with lightning speed. Just by looking at their siege tools, you can know their combat style. Everything is for lightness. For flexibility, there is no need in this siege tool. There are no heavy stone throwers that need horse-drawn carriages to cut, and there are no cloud carts that can be as high as the city wall. Even these throngs and ladders are also made of wood that have just been cut. In addition to some easy-to-carry weapons, they throw away all the bulky weight. They don't even have logistics troops. Everyone only carries limited rations. All the materials needed are obtained in the war. They have always been fighting, robbing one place and attacking and robbing one place.

Therefore, the way to attack is to smash weapons at the enemy without capital, such as bows and arrows, human lives, and strive to capture the destination as quickly as possible, and then start to burn, not only endlessly.

The same is true of this attack on Guhu Town. As soon as it arrived, it has not rested, and regardless of the simplicity of the siege equipment, it immediately launched the attack, which can not only catch the Guhu Town off guard, but also the style of the black wind thief. Quickly retreat, act like the wind, and never give the enemy a chance to intercept it.

However, this time, the Black Wind Thieves do not seem to be as smooth as before. Although the number of guards in Guhu Town is not as many as the Black Wind Thieves, they are all specially trained by Gulong in the past two years. They have been fighting all year round and their combat power is also much stronger than the regular army that have fought all year round in some countries. After seeing the attack of the black wind thieves, they did not panic, but immediately organized to resist under the command of Gu Long.

Everyone quickly took their positions. Relying on the wall, the archers frantically poured arrow rain on the soldiers of the Black Wind Army approaching the city wall. The waves of arrow rain, like a harvester, harvested the lives of the black wind thief.

And the guards who threw stones and threw wood also hid behind the wall and kept firing stones with catapults. The stones drew an arc in the air and roared at the Black Wind Legion outside the city. When the big stone fell, every robber hit by the stone was smashed into the ground by the stone. His head was broken, fractured and flesh was broken, and he vomited blood and died. Even if he did not die, he would break his hands and feet and could no longer go to the battlefield.

When every rolling wood fell, the robbers who climbed halfway along the ladder also smashed and rolled down. Every robber swept away by the rolling wood had only a breath of humming. In this *-based Black Wind Legion, the disabled will be abandoned, and abandonment also indicates death. In order to act quickly, it is impossible for them to be disabled. The only way is to abandon them. Even in order to prevent leaks, the wounded of the Black Wind will die at their own hands.

In addition, in this legion, except for a few core backbone gangs of only a few thousand people, and a few of them are thieves because they are desperate or willing to fall, most of them are civilians who are taken and forced to be stolen. They are used as cannon fodder. They It's even more impossible to drag yourself down for these people.

Among the players in ten villages, the copper head was one of the first to recover. He and Long Fei have been looking forward to joining the army and make contributions on the battlefield since childhood. In this war, in addition to being stunned because the scene was too big at that time, they have recovered. Besides, Tongtou is a child who grew up in the mountains and fields. He has a wildness. Seeing the black wind thief crawling towards the city head, people in Guhu Town constantly lost their lives due to the attack of the black wind thief. At this moment, the wildness was also stimulated. He was excited and no longer felt that this war was terrible. He left after protecting the body. He quickly participated in the war, grabbed a stone, put it in the catapult, pulled down the arm fiercely, and then projected the stone out.

Inspired by the bronze head, players from other villages also participated one after another. Even those defeated martial artists who originally just came to open their eyes and increase their knowledge saw their brothers and friends engaged in the war, and some brothers and friends were shot or injured by the arrows stolen by the black wind, and their blood surged up. Come on, no longer afraid, they walk out of the bunker and throw themselves into the war.

The tenacious resistance of Guhu Town was unexpected by the Black Wind Legion. Among the original ideas of the senior officials of the Black Wind Legion, although Guhu Town has a certain amount of force, it belongs to different merchants. The ancient family can really command less than 5,000 people, and some of them have been sent out as the guards of the caravan by some merchants and ancient families. At present, Guhu Town can really be sent to the battlefield. There should be less than 4,000 people. With their strength of more than 10,000, they should be trapped in one attack. However, they absolutely didn't expect that this year happened to be a biennial martial arts competition between Guhu Town and the surrounding ten villages. There were nearly 1,000 contestants and lively martial artists from ten villages. In addition, the major merchants in Guhu Town did not send a caravan at this time because those players had to participate in the competition. In this way, the number of people who can participate in the war in Guhu Town is not only 4,000, but 7,000 or 8,000 people.

If you add the residents of the town, they already know the fierce name of the black wind thief, and they dare to let them attack the ancient town. At this time, they also asked to join the war.

In this way, the number of people is more than 7,000 or 8,000.

The war lasted until the evening. Although the Black Wind Legion used most of its bows and arrows, and many ladders and bars were left under the wall, and even corpses piled up under the wall, they still could not break through the gates of Guhu Town.

As night came, in the Black Wind Legion, the horn of retreating sounded. Under the last trace of sunshine in the sunset, the Black Wind Legion slowly retreated and retreated three miles away before slowly stopped. Although they retreated, they did not withdraw. They still set up camp outside the south gate of Guhu Town. Obviously, they lost the first battle. They were not willing and were ready to fight again tomorrow.

The shadow of war still lies in the hearts of the people of Guhu Town.

This war temporarily ended with the Black Wind Legion leaving more than 1,000 corpses outside the city. The more than 1,000 corpses piled up layer by layer outside the south gate of Guhu Town, like a personal sandbag. Some of these people did not die at that time, but were seriously injured or their hands were broken, but they were all black wind. The legion abandoned it without pity. These people are just some farmers wrapped up in their prestige, which are originally used as cannon fodder. How can they take the injured with them? Even if there are disabled members of their core bandits, they will abandon them.

The war stopped, and the sound also calmed down. The whole battlefield was silent. Under the afterglow of the sunset that was about to fall on the horizon, several vultures that smelled blood flew over the distance and hovered over the battlefield, occasionally causing a shrill and a sad sound.

Standing on the wall, everyone who saw this scene seemed to have a big stone in his heart, which was heavy. Especially for some people who have never experienced such a scene, they are in a heavy mood and almost cry out.

The moon gradually rose, and the moon was bright and sparse. The visibility was almost the same as that of the day. In the eyes of the people of the ancient tiger town, in the retreated camp of the Black Wind Legion, the lights became bright. These lights stretched out from the barracks, like a fire dragon, spreading towards the village forest. Suddenly, the firelight domed the whole forest.

In Guhu Town, although there is no sound, it can be seen that the camp over there is lively, as if it were rushing to do something overnight.

Gulong and Long Huaijian stood on the wall after the war. The wall was covered with blood, traces of arrows and arrows, and other weapons were cut. After a day of war, the south gate of the wall of Guhu Town had no new traces, but became traces of war.

The two looked at the camp of the Black Wind Army outside the city and felt heavy.

"Didn't this Black Wind Legion say that it has always moved quickly and can't make a good shot. For fear of being besieged, it will retreat quickly? How can you make utensils leisurely? It seems that you will never stop without capturing Guhu Town. Gu Long looked at the camp of the Black Wind Legion with a gloomy face and asked Long Huaijian. The two of them had extraordinary experiences. Naturally, they could see that the Black Wind Legion was rushing to the siege equipment overnight despite the fatigue of the sergeant.

"Maybe there have been some changes in the Black Wind Legion. Now they are not afraid of being besieged. Look at their number, which seems to be only 7,000 or 8,000 people. I think there are more than 18,000 people." Long Huaijian pondered, "It's just that we don't know what has changed."

Gu Long looked at the Black Wind Legion outside the city and said in a low voice, "What should I do? What's your idea, big brother?

Long Huaijian pondered for a while, looked up at the moon hanging high in the air, and then looked at Gu Long and said in a low voice, "Night attack!"

Looking at the night, Gu Long can also see Long Huaijian's awe-eyed eyes.