Eastern Continent

Chapter 41, dangerous

Long Fei led his pony and stood on a hillside, looking at the camp of the fiery Black Wind Legion below. He no longer felt comfortable when he first set out, only heavy.

Thinking of the cruelty of black wind thieves, once Guhu Town falls, there will be no more life. Even if there are no people in Longfeizhuang in Guhu Town and his father, he will not ignore it like this. Now, he is thinking about how to repel the notorious Black Wind Legion and drive it out of the area of Guhu Town to avoid the surrounding villages from being affected by pond fish.

He just took out what he needed and happened to know from the middle-aged man, but the middle-aged man was too injured and lost too much blood. At the end of the question, his lips were dark and his eyes were godless. He could no longer support it. He fainted and avoided Long Fei's bondage.

Long Fei is not unknown to the Black Wind Thieves. During his daily chat, Long Huaijian also happened to talk about this notorious bandit gang. Long Fei was very impressed by the fierce means that the Black Wind Legion had to kill every place. He once secretly vowed that when he grew up to learn martial arts, he must slaughter this gang of evil robbers and eliminate harm for the world. Unexpectedly, he met him now.

The black wind thief suddenly attacked Guhu Town this time. There is no other reason than coveting the huge wealth of many merchants in Guhu Town.

Although the orders received by the five middle-aged people are also to explore the way, in addition to exploring the route of escape, it is more important to understand whether there is a village near Guhu Town. When the Black Wind Army retreats, they can lead the sheep and slaughter the village and rob the wealth. There are several groups of five people like middle-aged people. The group of middle-aged people happened to be in the direction of Feilongzhuang. They met Longfei and died, injured and fled three times.

According to the middle-aged man, this time with the Black Wind Legion is not Shan Qing, the leader of the legion, but a second leader named Shen Shiji. This person has very high martial arts skills, which should be the late or perfect state of the spiritual vein, only one step away from the birth. This is the most gratifying thing for Long Fei. As long as he is not a congenital warrior, he should still be sure to deal with it. However, Long Fei is not arrogant enough to think that he can get the head of Shen Shiju among thousands of troops. He is now waiting for the opportunity to fight between the two armies.

Long Fei knows more about the Black Wind Legion than in Guhu Town. The Black Wind Legion, which came to attack Guhu Town this time, is not a member of the original Black Wind Legion, but a team of about 4,000 people, which middle-aged people have never seen before. According to the conjecture of middle-aged people, this should be a big force sent to join the Black Wind Legion to strengthen the power of the Black Wind Legion in order to successfully capture the ancient tiger town. It seems that the Black Wind Legion has been able to survive so far, relying not only on their alertness and ferocity, but also on the reason why they are dependent on a certain big force.

Long Huaijian and others saw that the armor was neat and scratched with long guns. The unit that was more regular than the regular army was the new addition. These people stood behind the battlefield in today's siege, but watched the war indifferently, as if they were supervising the war and did not participate in it.

After the Black Wind Legion's unfavorable attack today, the Black Wind Legion did not retreat immediately as rumored, but chose a truce, then cut wood to make utensils, and pay for the attack tomorrow. According to Longfei's conjecture, the reason for this is that the forces relied on by the Black Wind Legion have given a dead order to take Guhu Town, so they can't retreat; or because after attaching to the big forces, they are supported by big forces, and a new team has been added, which becomes fearless and not afraid of being besieged.

However, what kind of power is it that is not afraid to stink its reputation and support the Black Wind Legion?

Long Fei's standing place is relatively close to the Black Wind Legion, which can also be seen more clearly than the people in Guhu Town. Although the robbers of the Black Wind Legion running in the woods with torches are cutting down trees and making various utensils, Long Fei always feels that there is something unusual about it. After thinking for a long time, I suddenly realized that the abnormality was that the robbers seemed to be very leisurely. They cut down the wood slowly, cut them into a few sections, and then slowly cut them with an axe. Although their movements looked the same as usual, there was no tension at all during the war.

But why are they like this? Long Fei frowned. Are they not short of siege instruments, or have they given up Guhu Town, which are prepared for the next place they have prepared for?

Long Fei also wanted to pretend to be a robber, sneak into a group of thieves and inquire about the news. But after thinking about it, I think this idea is not realistic. Not to mention that he is only ten years old and too small. Even if he wears their clothes, he is not like a vicious robber. Among the robbers, there is no child who can only eat. Besides, even if Long Fei really sneaked in and pretended to be like robbers, they were all familiar faces mixed together all day long. It was useless for a stranger to go in, but others could see the flaw at a glance.

Standing on the hillside, Long Fei frowned and secretly despised himself for his usual resourcefulness. His eyes turned to be an idea, but at this time, he could not guess the intention of the black wind thief. Fortunately, the copper head was not here, otherwise he would have laughed to death.

Just when Long Fei had a headache, his eyes suddenly opened. Under the hillside, an army quietly opened out from the barracks of the Black Wind Legion. In the direction of Long Fei, he could see the armor and weapons reflecting the moonlight and shining. It was the most complete equipment among the Black Wind Legion today. The elite troops who have never been to the battlefield in the siege of heaven.

After the unit came out of the barracks, it did not walk in the direction of Guhu Town, but diagonally and took a route opposite to Guhu Town. Although the moonlight was bright, the night was not as good as the day. Soon, the army quietly lost from Long Fei's vision.

Long Fei's face became serious. At the end of the night, this army did not rest and had to be developed in the middle of the night. Is there any important task? At this time, it is the critical juncture to attack Guhu Town. The large troops have to rush to make siege equipment overnight and prepare to attack again tomorrow. There will be no need to send troops to attack other places. The two-line battle is not easy for the Black Wind Legion, and it is very unfavorable for the capture of Guhu Town tomorrow. In addition, I heard from middle-aged people that their food is not much, only enough for two days. They wanted to fill Guhu Town after capturing Guhu Town, but the information was wrong. The power of Guhu Town was so powerful that it failed for a day. In this situation, the Black Wind Legion either retreated as a whole and turned to * other places to replenish food to stabilize the army's heart; or to break through the boat to capture Guhu Town. It should never continue to attack Guhu Town here, but separate some troops to attack other places.

Besides, except for a few small villages in the deep mountains, there are no big towns nearby. I believe that the Black Wind Legion knows this, otherwise they would have been made dumplings long ago.

Unableable the intention of the enemy's action, Long Fei could only turn to look at the hazy and visible ancient tiger town and muttered, "Seeing that the Black Wind Legion has not retreated as the legend, but is preparing to attack the city with great fanfare. A set of equipment that must capture the ancient tiger town tomorrow, the city should be very worried. What will they come up with? What's the way to deal with it? It is definitely not possible to make the siege equipment of the Black Wind Legion's robbers safely! It will definitely not let the robbers rest quietly! If so, then they will..."

"Night attack!" Thinking of these two words, Long Fei was shocked. He knew that the elite troops of the Black Wind Army had gone there. They must have gone to ambush the night attack troops in Guhu Town. He also knew why the people who made the utensils were so slow and nervous. They were not to bring the night attack troops of Guhu Town out of the city, which was not real. What kind of siege equipment should I make?

After icing this, we also knew that the ambush troops of the Black Wind Army that had just gone out must have been ambushed near Guhu Town. After the night attack troops of Guhu Town left the city, they cut off the way, and then attacked back and forth with the large army to wipe out the Guhu Town troops who came out of the city in the eyes of the people of Guhu Town. It can hit the morale of Guhu Town and reduce the power of Guhu Town.

If Guhu Town really sends troops to attack at night, it will become a meat bun for beating dogs, and there will be no return.

This is the blow of the robbers of the Black Wind Legion, which successfully drew out the night attack troops and destroyed them all. Guhu Town has also become their thing. If they can't pull out the night attack troops of Guhu Town, they will also give up this goal and retreat tonight.

The bait has been put down, and now it is waiting for the people of Guhu Town to take the bait!

Stepping on the point in advance, the intelligence work was excellent. After making mistakes, they immediately found a way to remedy it. It seems that the Black Wind Legion is not like an ordinary bandit gang, but there are high-level people hosting it! I don't know if it's that Shen Shi?

Long Fei jumped on his horseback and galloped down the hill for fear of being discovered by the Black Wind Legion. Long Fei also bypassed the camp of the Black Wind Army from afar and rushed to Guhu Town like the ambush force of the Black Wind Legion.

I don't know who in the Black Wind Legion came up with such a sinister and vicious strategy. In Long Fei's mind, most of it will be the leader of the newly joined Black Wind Legion and fully equipped troops. Only he is the real person in the army will think of taking advantage of the situation and building momentum. Fortunately, I was delayed because of the trip. At this time, I happened to come here and saw their troop mobilization on the hillside. Otherwise, Guhu Town would be really dangerous.

Long Fei kept kicking the horse's abdomen with his feet, raising the horse's speed to the limit. Fortunately, the moonlight is bright tonight and the visibility is high. Within a period of distance in front of the horse, the ravines can be seen clearly. Otherwise, riding in the dark night, although he is not a blind horse or blind, may also be unaware of the abys.

Although mountain horses are full of physical strength, endurance and long-distance travel, they may be slightly better than plain horses in the end. But there is an obvious disadvantage, that is, the speed is not as fast as plain horses. Often when the plain horses run 100 miles, mountain horses only run 80 miles.

Longfei is still a pony, and the speed is slower. In addition, in order to prevent the Black Wind Legion from being discovered, Long Fei deliberately ran a distance in the opposite direction of Guhu Town before turning his horse's head to Guhu Town, which was equivalent to a big circle. By the time he came not far from the south gate of Guhu Town, it had taken half an hour.

At this time, the moon gradually tilted westward and entered midnight, when people had just fallen asleep and slept soundly.

Looking at the closed gate of Guhu Town not far away, Long Fei had a headache again: how to open the gate in the middle of the night. Under the black light, the people on the wall can't see the people under the city clearly. Even if they can see clearly, they don't know who they are. After explaining clearly, maybe the team of black winds in ambush may have been killed long ago. Unless Long Huaijian happens to be on the wall, ten * will be forced to fight with the Black Wind Legion. Although Long Fei's martial arts has entered the innate, he doesn't think that he can rush back and forth among thousands of troops and horses, sprint ten times or eight times, and then calmly break out of the siege. In the battlefield, martial arts is only a means to save lives. To kill the enemy, you must rely on the strength of the group.

It seemed to feel Long Fei's anxiety. In Long Fei's anxious eyes, the door of Guhu Town slowly opened in the darkness. From a distance, it was like a giant beast slowly opening its mouth and preparing to devour it.

An army came out of the gate quietly and quickly, as if the tongue of a giant beast rolled towards the prey, but they didn't know that the cunning prey had set a trap waiting for them.

Long Fei dared to hesitate and hurriedly urged the mount and galloped towards the gate of the city. In order to be misunderstood, before he approached, he shouted, "There is an enemy ahead. Stop quickly."