Eastern Continent

Chapter 42, Ambush and Counter-Ambush

The moonlight is like silver, like water, sprinkled on the earth, shining on the earth. The shadows of far and near houses and walls are like monsters arrayed on both sides of the street. Occasionally, when a gust of wind blows, clouds float by, and moving shadows are like monsters flying in the sky.

Under the moonlight, on the road in front of the south gate of Guhu Town.

Long Huaijian stood in the middle, and on both sides stood the people with the highest martial arts skills among the five major merchants in Guhu Town. They were either the owners, the eldest son's successors, or the elders in the family. Behind them are the most elite troops in the convoy of the 2,000 ancient tiger town caravan. Each of them is holding a horse. In order to be flexible, it is impossible for the attacking troops to complete it with their feet. Therefore, the horses in ancient tiger town are gathered and handed over to them for use.

Long Huaijian's whole body is not like armor. Except for a helmet given by Gu Long, which looks like a formal military uniform, he is just an ordinary cyan shirt and a pair of boots made of buckskin on his feet. This image looks a little ridiculous. This outfit was originally for the purpose of rushing. They came to Guhu Town only for competition, not for war. The people of the ten villages around Guhu Town are dressed in ordinary clothes, and no one will walk around with armor. Besides, they may not have armor.

But no one would laugh at this time. All the people's faces were heavy. Under the moonlight, you could see the fire of hatred in everyone's eyes.

Tonight's battle is too risky. If it succeeds, it will be. If it doesn't succeed, few troops out of the city may come back. In order to succeed in World War I, the most elite troops were selected. Long Huaijian should not have led the team in this battle. He was just a guest and came to Guhu Town just for the game, not to fight. Gu Long should lead the team, or at least his son Gu Shichuan. However, as the top manager of Guhu Town and the commander of the war, how can everyone let him personally take off and stop it? However, the ancient legend is too small. Although the martial arts have reached Xuanjin, they can't beat the heroes. There are many arrogant and untrained people in Guhu Town, and there are many people whose eyes are higher than the top. Naturally, it is impossible to listen to a junior boy to command them. As for other merchants, they can't let others obey. I have to say that despite the danger of family destruction and death, people in Guhu Town still feel that dignity is more important than life.

Picking around, and finally picked out Long Huaijian. First, it is the meaning of Gulong. In Guhu Town, Gulong means almost as an order. At present, no one dares to resist for the time being. Especially in this special time of war, Gulong and Long Huaijian are irreversible. Naturally, they know that Long Huaijian Skills; secondly, the other five merchants in Guhu Town usually have a lot of contact with Long Huaijian. They know that although Long Huaijian comes from a mountain village, his vision, ability, etc. are only high compared with them---- but although they admit this in their hearts, no one admits it, but since Guhu Town If you can't choose a leader, you can choose from the surrounding villages, so you choose Long Huaijian. Third, Long Huaijian also knows that there is no perfect egg under the nest. For example, if Guhu Town was captured by the Black Wind Legion, the ten villages around him can't escape the fate of being looted. Therefore, he also took the initiative to ask himself to lead. This night attack unit.

The people in ten villages, except Long Huaijian, have stayed in Guhu Town. This is not Long Huaijian's selfishness, but they have never been to the battlefield. This is a rush to fight, and it is such a dangerous sneak attack. They have no other role than dragging down their comrades.

The gate opened slowly and silently. Under the bright moonlight, looking straight down the open gate of the city, you can see far away, where there is a low minter that blocks their sight.

Long Huaijian took a deep breath, waved his hand, and whispered, "Let's go!" Holding the horse's reins in one hand and the gun in the other - he and Long Fei used long guns, and the father and son became the same martial arts - a horse walked through the gate first, and the horse's hoof answered, and a team of 2,000 people followed.

Slowly, this night attack force has all gone out of the city gate. He turned his head and saw that the gate behind him was slowly closing. Long Huaijian turned around and was about to send his life when he heard a voice shouting from far to near: "There is an enemy in front of him. Stop quickly."

Long Huaijian was shocked and took the horse in his hand, holding a gun in both hands, and shouted, "Who? Report it!" He was so nervous that he couldn't even hear Long Fei's voice.

Long Fei heard Long Huaijian's voice and shouted, "Dad, it's me, Long Fei."

"Long Fei!" Long Huaijian surprised him more than hearing the enemy's voice. Was Long Fei not at home? Why did he meet him here in the middle of the night?

"That's right, Dad, it's me!" Long Fei patted the horse and stood under the moonlight. Finally, he saw Long Huaijian, but he hadn't seen him for a few days. Long Huaijian's face seemed to have more wrinkles. Looking at Long Huaijian's non-nonsical dress, Long Fei almost laughed.

"What are you doing here?" Long Huaijian couldn't help wondering when he looked at Long Fei riding his pony, holding a long gun and rushing over.

"Now is not the time to say this. Go back to the city quickly. Your plan has been expected by the enemy. They are going to attack you back and forth." Long Fei shook his hand and said urgently.

"What!" Long Huaijian was so shocked that he almost fell from the front of the horse. The people behind him were also shocked and gathered around one after another.

Long Fei looked at the gate that was slowly closing behind them and said anxiously, "Don't close the gate first." Say something important about what you saw in the evening.

Long Huaijian became more and more shocked. As soon as Long Fei finished speaking, he waved his hand and shouted, "Retreat and quickly return to the city."

However, it's late.

As soon as Long Huaijian's voice fell, he only heard a thunderous sound of hooves. Under the westward moonlight, an iron horse galloped like a torrent. The neat armor, neat guns, and all the high-headed horses drowned the two thousand troops preparing to attack at the night in Guhu Town like a huge wave.

The urgency and speed of the black wind thieves surprised Long Huaijian and the guards of Guhu Town. According to the speed of the Black Wind Army, it is impossible to let the guards return to the city safely. At the fastest speed, it is good that the two thousand guards can enter the city, and the remaining 1,000 people are facing this The black wind thief may also be thrown into the water like a stone, but a few waves will be flooded. In the end, no one will survive. Besides, if such a group of people rushes into the city, maybe not only these two thousand of them will not survive, but they will even lead the enemy into the city. At that time, it will be too late to regret. .

When he made a decision, Long Huaijian shouted, "The array! Meet the enemy!" He turned his head to the city and shouted, "Sh close the gate quickly." Long Huaijian secretly shouted good. If they walked a little further and were farther away from Guhu Town, the back road would be broken by the troops behind them, and the Black Wind Legion in front of them rushed over again to form a front and rear attack. It would be impossible to go back to the city. Fortunately, they have just left the gate and still rely on Guhu Town. It is absolutely impossible for the Black Wind Legion to copy their backs. Unless they rush out of the city and now they just face the enemy head-on, they don't have to work so hard. As long as they repel this wave of enemy attacks, they can safely return to the city.

The escort in Guhu Town is also a long-time team. Although it has not gone through such a big war, it has been guard caravans all year round, and I don't know how many robbers have fought with. There are hundreds of people and thousands of people in this gang. They are also so victorious, but the number of robbers this time is special. Many, and it's just door-to-door*. Although the people are not occupied, the land is on their side. In addition, Long Huaijian's calmness affected them. Therefore, as soon as they heard Long Huaijian's order, they immediately set up troops. In just a few breath, they lined up a formation under the wall. The formation was divided into four layers, and 500 people on the first floor were Long gunners, 500 people on the second floor are big knife hands, 500 people on the third floor are axe gangs, and the last 500 mobile teams, see where they need support, each of them is a weapon and a shield.

"Get into the city quickly!" At this time, when the enemy approached, Long Huaijian had no time to pay attention to Long Fei, but asked Long Fei to go into the city quickly to avoid being injured by the arrow.

Long Fei frowned and said anxiously, "I'll stay..."

"Get out of here!" Before Long Fei finished his words, Long Huaijian suddenly roared, with a ferocious face, as if Long Fei would stab Long Fei off the horse first if he didn't enter the city immediately.

"Yes!" Long Fei gritted his teeth, suppressed tears in his eyes, took a deep look at his father, and turned his horse and galloped towards the city gate. Long Fei actually knew why his father let himself go to the city. In addition to most of it because he is his son, and because this is a critical moment, he has no combat experience and does not know the cooperation of war. He will only get in the way here and may involve his comrades-in-arms.

As soon as he entered the city gate, Long Fei only had time to turn around and look at his father's thin but strong back in the guard army outside the city, and the gate closed in his eyes.

In fact, Long Huaijian and Long Fei both know that 2,000 people are against 4,000 people, and these 4,000 people are still the best troops of the Black Wind Legion. Even if they are at home, they are also more or less auspicious. And avoid that the main force of the Black Wind Army is not far away. For the safety of Guhu Town, it is impossible to send large troops to rescue them. Hundreds of thousands of small troops are sent to the tiger's mouth, which is useless. Therefore, if Long Huaijian's unit can repel these 4,000 people, it may escape from the sky, even break out of the siege, and escape to the deep mountains may also get a trace of life. The problem is that the main force of the Black Wind Legion is still staring at the nearby and wants to destroy all the guards of Guhu Town. Will they give these two thousand ancient tigers this opportunity?

The reason why Long Fei wants to stay and help his father is that he wants to kill a bloody road for his father with his martial arts skills that have just entered the innate realm. If it is not good, he can also protect his father to escape into the mountains. However, how could Long Huaijian let his ten-year-old son die with him, so he bombarded Long Fei into the city.

Long Fei dried his tears. As soon as he turned his head and took a few steps, he saw the bronze head riding his mountain horse, with a spear in both hands, rushed to the gate and shouted, "Open the door, open the door!"

Behind the copper head, Gao Kun, Longhuaqiu and Longding chased them on foot and shouted, "Bronze head, don't be impulsive, stop!"

Bronzetou shouted, "I don't care. I'm going to accompany the master!" Suddenly seeing Long Fei, he stopped, his face turned pale, and his eyes were tearful, "Why did you come in? Don't you help the master!"

Long Fei pulled the bronze-headed horse rope, turned his head and walked into the city and said, "Father drove me in. Don't worry. Go and meet Uncle Gu first. If they don't send troops, I will go out of the city with you."

The copper head looked at Long Fei's gloomy expression and the painful look in his eyes. The tacit understanding cultivated by the two since childhood knew that Long Fei knew it, so he turned the horse's head and drove side by side with Long Fei and said, "Then go quickly."

Gao Kun, Long Huaqiu and Long Ding naturally couldn't compare their four legs. At this time, they ran over with a little gasp. After greeting Long Fei, they complained to the copper head: "The ancient owner hasn't made a statement yet. Why are you so impulsive? If no one really wants to go, I'll go with you to accompany the master!"

It turned out that as soon as the copper head saw Long Huaijian meet the enemy under the city, he rushed down from the city, jumped on his horse, and rushed to the gate. Gao Kun and the three of them did not stop for a moment, so they had to follow and hurried over.

Several people arrived at the foot of the city, threw down their horses and pedaled to the head of the city.

Gu Long has been notified for a long time and let Gu Shichuan stand under the steps to greet each other. Seeing Long Fei, Gu Shichuan quickly greeted him, inserted them between Long Fei and Tongtou, held their hands, and said, "Brother Tong don't have to be so impulsive. Long and several brothers don't have to worry. My father is trying to save them into the city!"

Long Fei whispered, "Thank you!"

Gu Shichuan shook Long Fei's hand and said, "I should thank you. Uncle Long is not from Guhu Town, but he automatically leads the army to fight against the enemy in order to help Guhu Town."

Long Fei twisted the corners of his mouth.

The ancient legend pulled Long Fei two times, followed by Gao Kun and the other three people, pedaling the city, and saw Gu Long standing by the wall, paying attention to the battlefield outside the city, with a serious face. The ancient legend shouted, "Dad, Brother Long is here!"

Gu Long turned around, but he was not tall or fat. He was in his fifties, white and a little white, slightly old, with thick eyebrows, and his eyes shining at Long Fei and waved, "Long Fei, come to Uncle Gu!"

Long Fei let go of the hand of the ancient legend, took a few steps forward, and said to Gu Long, "Long Fei has met Uncle Gu, my father..."

Gu Long came forward to help Long Fei, take Long Fei's hand, and interrupt Long Fei's words, "Don't worry, Long Fei and I are brothers, and they are trapped in the enemy because of me. They must save me, but they can still support it for a period of time. Let's take a look at first, and we will discuss a proper solution. Come out, otherwise, save them and trap Guhu Town, and your father doesn't want this. Copper head, you guys come too!"

Looking at Gu Long's calm expression, Long Fei was also infected and calmed down. Without making a sound, he walked to Gu Long and looked out of the city.