Eastern Continent

Chapter 70, several east winds

After seeing it almost, Long Fei quietly walked away from the window of Tie's house and lurked about five feet before standing up and running.

The official road entering Feilongzhuang from the outside is a bigger and flatter, which can accommodate two carriages to pass by, and can also make people gallop. Only in the road in front of the village, Longfei let the copper head notify people of the ambush, which is also this road.

Eighteen bends of the mountain road, Feilongzhuang, although there are no eighteen turns, there are also three turns and four turns. As soon as Long Fei walked to a corner, the copper head rushed out of the dense forest by the roadside with overlapping shadows under the moonlight, like a thief preparing to steal incense and jade. He looked excited and grabbed Long Fei. Although his arm knew that those people were still far away from this time, he still lowered his voice and whispered, "Come in quickly. Are they coming?"

"After a cup of tea, how is the preparation going? Who did you inform?" Long Fei grabbed the copper-headed hand and drilled into the dense forest by the roadside.

"I informed your father, my father, and Longding. Anyway, half of the young and middle-aged people in Feilongzhuang have come. Don't worry, we are all ready to ensure that they will never come back, come in straight in, and won't let them go out horizontally." Copper gently patted Long Fei's shoulder and patted his chest.

Drilging into the woods, I saw more than a dozen people standing quietly in the forest, most of whom were young people and half-aged children who studied martial arts with Long Huaijian. They were all armed and holding hunting bows in their hands. Behind them were full of sharp arrows in the arrow pot. It was Long Huaijian who led the way.

"Dad!" Seeing Long Huaijian, Long Fei quickly shouted.

"Hmm! You arranged it well this time without impulse. Long Huaijian nodded and whispered.

Long Fei smiled and turned his head to look, but saw a large jar in front of everyone. There were some powder-like things in the jar. Several people with cloth on their faces were carefully wrapping the powder foam and tied to the arrow.

"This is seven steps down. It was originally watery. I dried it, and it turned out to become powder. We tied him to the arrow, shot it out, and then hit something and burst open. It was like fog. None of them could escape." The bronze head pointed to the big jar proudly.

"Is there anyone on the opposite side?" Long Fei looked at the dark forest opposite. Although there were many phantoms under the moonlight, he really couldn't see the things in the forest.

"Yes, my father took more than a dozen people over there, just like here, with bows and arrows, eczes, and spears to serve them." Tongtou said angrily, "His grandmother dares to come to Feilongzhuang to make trouble. If you don't give them any color, what's worthy of them?"

"Is there anyone on guard in front of you? Otherwise, they didn't find out until they got there, and it was too late to launch a sneak attack. Long Fei was still worried. He thought about it carefully and asked again.

"Four people have been sent, two on each side, one on each side, and one from each other. You can rest assured that everything is ready now, waiting for those east winds to come." The bronze head said proudly.

The east wind didn't make them wait for long. The copper-headed voice fell, and the night eagle sounded not far in front of them. After that, there were several times in a row. As soon as the night eagle's cry stopped, he heard a sound of horseshoe.

Under the moonlight, I saw five riders galloping in a straight line on the quiet mountain road at night. The first one was Zhou Meng in a black cloak. The man was full of beard and a majestic figure riding on the back of a horse. He looked powerful and lived up to this fierce word. The second horse Shi is a strong ordinary man with a yellow cloak. The big knife on his back was moved to the front, but he tied Tie Lao behind his back. The third girl in blue hugged Tielan in front, and the long sword was diagonally inserted behind him. Tie Lao and Tielan were still unconscious. In the end, the two riders looked like two brothers, like iron towers. The body almost crushed the horse.

In a blink of an eye, the five riders passed the turn, and Zhou Meng, who took the lead, had arrived at the place where Long Fei's ambush. The riders behind will also gallop over.

"Pray!" Long Huaijian waved his hand, and only heard a few soft sounds, a burst of dust flying, and several stumble ropes that had long been arranged in the middle of the mountain road were pulled up.

Zhou Meng's mount, which was the first to bear the brunt, was first to suffer. He was strangled by the stumbling horse rope and knelt on the ground. However, due to the rush, he still knelt down a few steps forward before stopping. Zhou Meng on the horse was thrown out by the horse. After rushing parallel to the ground, he was about to He cut his head to the ground, but he supported his hands on the ground and turned over a somersault. When he fell to the ground, he took another step back before he could stand firm.

Several triphorse ropes were pulled at the same time, and each horse failed. The second horse was almost tripped at the same time as the first horse, and the two horses also knelt on the ground almost in the same position. However, the yellow-shirted knight of the second horse did not have such good martial arts skills as Zhou Meng, so he could not do the same action as Zhou Meng. As soon as the horse knelt down Come on, the horse knight dived down from the horse, took his belly as the bottom, and slid on the ground for a while before stopping. As soon as he stopped, he immediately stood up. At this time, the moonlight was like silver, and the mountain road was as bright as day. Long Fei and others couldn't help gasping. The mountain road was rugged. After sliding for a while with his belly, although the clothes in front of him were shabby, there were only a few pieces of cloth left like a beggar, and the big knife also fell to the ground because the tied cloth was worn out. However, except for a few traces between his chest and abdomen, he was unharmed. Fortunately, he glided with his belly. The iron man behind him was unharmed.

The girl in blue in the third place was as light as a swallow. As soon as the horse knelt down, she immediately got up with Tielan in her arms. She turned around in mid-air and fell firmly to the ground. Her posture was like a swallow skimming across the field, like a fish swinging its tail in the water, and her posture was indescribably beautiful.

Although the two riders were not tripped, they were too anxious. As soon as the three riders fell to the ground, they also rushed up. They didn't have time to dodge. They were tripped by the horse that fell to the ground, and a horse lost their hooves. The two tower-like knights on the horse turned into rolling balls and rolled down from the horse, like a gourd. Just roll forward. These two people are not as good at martial arts as the previous three. After rolling a few circles, when they stand up, they not only break their chest and clothes, but also have blood on their heads and faces.

Because at night, although the moonlight is bright, it is not as visible as the day. In addition, these tripping horse ropes are made of hemp ropes and coated with yellow color, and copper heads and others buried the hemp ropes with gauze. Zhou Meng and others did not find them, so that these tripping horse ropes played beyond Long Huaijian and others played an unexpected role.

Immediately after the tripping rope, there was a burst of arrow rain flying from both sides of the road at the same time. At this time, the frontmost Zhou Meng was still sliding on the ground, and the other four people had just tripped and fell down. Although this arrow rain was not dense, it was handled by dozens of people to deal with five people, with an average of four or five people. People can also be regarded as an overwhelming advantage. Moreover, these people in Feilongzhuang are hunters who have been dealing with beasts all year round. This arrow is not only powerful, but also extremely accurate. Each of the five people of Zhou Meng has not failed, at least one arrow was shot.

Zhou Meng's five people have extremely high martial arts skills. If they attack face to face, dozens of people in Feilongzhuang may not be able to keep them, and may even be killed by them. Except for Long Fei, the rest of the people are dangerous. But now the people of Longfeizhuang attacked and were caught off guard. Although they immediately reacted and pulled out weapons to block them, or dodged with light work, even the strong man in a yellow shirt on his back picked up his long knife and blocked the powerful arrows, but some people were still injured.

Among these five people, except for the strong man and the girl in blue on the back of the iron family, the rest were greeted by sharp arrows, and the others who greeted the strong man and the girl in blue, except for the two arrows at the beginning of Long Huaijian and Tongkun, which were real arrows, the rest of them shot at them with seven steps tied to their heads. Pink arrows.

Zhou Meng is worthy of being the boss of the five. Although he was still sliding on the ground, when five or six arrows rushed in, he could still twist his body to avoid the sharp arrows. When he turned back and stood firmly, on the ground he used to slide, the tails of several long arrows inserted into the ground still shook slightly, and he still held one in his hand. Zhi, as if all the arrows shot at him didn't hit the target. However, Long Fei's eyes were sharp, and he still saw an arrow cut in the back of his right leg. The cracked trousers were blown by the evening wind, and blood was flowing down from the wound. This arrow is flying. Longfei's martial arts is the highest in Feilongzhuang. Naturally, he came to greet Zhou Meng, the highest martial arts among the five people.

The two tower-like men who appeared later were not as good as Zhou Meng. As soon as they rolled off the ground from the horseback, the powerful arrows came and covered them up. Although they also immediately pulled weapons from their bodies to resist, they were still drilled by sharp arrows from the gap waving weapons. Entering, when the two stood up from the ground, there were at least three arrows inserted in each person, and the shaking tail of the arrow looked so shaky.

As for the strong man with a yellow cloak and the girl in blue, they were greeted by Long Huaijian and Tongkun. Since they saw the ancestors and grandchildren of the Tie family on these two bodies, the people of Feilongzhuang naturally did not dare to greet them with sharp arrows casually. Therefore, Long Huaijian decided to open his bow and picked the front. The strong man, coincidentally, after Tong Kun saw the situation, he also decided to do it himself. He chose the girl in blue. Both of them shot as soon as they saw the stray horse rope working. Therefore, the two arrows were shot almost at the same time. When Long Huaijian's arrow hit the strong man, the strong man was shot straight before he could react, but To Long Huaijian's surprise, although the arrow hit the man, it was only a little bit, and it was caught by his muscles. It was pulled out by the man's hand and thrown to the ground. In the moonlight, you could see that there was no blood on the man's shoulder, as if it was not a sharp arrow, but just a grassroots inadvertently hit.

Although Long Huaijian's arrow was not harvested, Tongkun's arrow was slightly harvested. The girl in green did not have the bronze and iron bones like the strong man, but the light skill was really good. Although the arrow shot in front of her in a hurry, she still abruptly avoided the key parts with superb light skill. The arrow only scratched the waist, scratched the clothes, revealing the white skin, and a blood stain quickly appeared in the fiber. On her thin waist, a bright red flower appeared on her slender waist in an instant.

In the first round of arrow rain, except for the strong man who practiced his external skills to a pervert, the other four had different degrees of injury.