Eastern Continent

Chapter 71, Shenfu Five Tigers

The attack did not end. After this round of arrow rain, followed by another round of arrow rain, which was not densely woven, but the accurate but excellent arrow rain covered several people indiscriminately.

Unfortunately, this time, Zhou Meng and others were ready to wave their weapons and draw powerful arrows one after another. In this second arrow rain, except for Long Fei's opportunity to shoot the arrow and cut a cut on Zhou Meng's body, none of the arrows shot by others could be hit by their weapons.

However, these two rounds of arrow rain also affected their actions, and also made them worry. There are dense forests on both sides of the road. The forest is dark and the shadows of trees are heavy. From the forest, it can be seen that the road is as bright as day. When you look into the forest from the road, you can't even see a shadow.

Among these five people, Zhou Meng's martial arts skills are the highest, and they have reached the second level of heaven. The strong man and the girl in blue are also chaotic heaven. The strong man practices hard skills, and his whole body is really like copper and iron bones. He can't cut them with knives, not to mention the arrows shot by these people. As for the girl in blue, they practice light. The light kung fu, combined with her slender waist and wonderful posture, is really wonderful and pleasing to the eyes, but it seems to be as light as a catkins. As for the remaining two brothers-like strong men, they are also in the later realm of the spiritual vein at the acquired level. Even in the whole ancient tiger town, in addition to Long Fei, they can also walk horizontally. .

With the martial arts of these five people, they can be rampant in many places.

This is also the reason for the carelessness of these five people. Three congenital and two acquired. Such force is not necessarily comparable to a small town. They are brave in their own skills. They hear that what they want to catch is an old man with no power to bind chickens, and Feilongzhuang is in a remote mountain. The village is not big, and there are few people practicing martial arts. Knowing that martial arts is actually divided into acquired people, there may be no one, let alone innate masters. All these, several people feel that this is just a hand-to-handed, so after receiving the order, they rushed straight. Not only did they hide their whereabouts, not even bring a subordinates, so this is He entered the Longfeizhuang carelessly.

However, no one can count them, but it can never be considered that in this quiet and remote village, the martial arts style is so strong. There are not only innate martial arts, but also martial arts in the realm of acquired spiritual realm, and there are also many people who learn martial arts. What they don't expect is that the people in Feilongzhuang are not only united, but also born with peace. Unbending personality, love internally like brothers, externally, if anyone dares to offend the people of Feilongzhuang, they will definitely fight back. Even if they want to break their heads and hit the south wall, they will never stop. This time, Zhou Meng's five people were attacked by the Flying Dragon Zhuang people who looked like ants by them, which was reasonable.

Zhou Meng and five people breathed a sigh of relief to block all the powerful arrows. Just as they wanted to perform light skills and enter the forest. Unexpectedly, these powerful arrows blocked by them burst open, as if they were pus, bursting apart after being strongly oppressed, and each arrow emitted something like smoke.

It turned out that these arrows were wrapped with seven-step inverted medicine made by copper heads. There are not many such arrows. In order to achieve good results, these faint arrows were used in the second round. When Zhou Meng thought that the arrows shot in the forest were still the same as each round and used weapons to block them one after another, these arrows were wrapped. The powder-like elixir will fall from the small bag and permeate the whole mountain road when it is blown by the mountain wind.

People in Feilongzhuang just gently tie these ecliptic drugs to the arrows, and will fall as long as they encounter a little shock. Therefore, when these arrows are shot out, whether Zhou Meng and others block them with weapons, hit their bodies, or fall to the ground, these bags are not tight. The elixir will immediately be released and the powder foam in the bag will be dispersed. When the powder foam meets the evening wind, it will spread quickly and cover them before they react.

No wonder the copper head boasted that his eclipse is invincible. Those who see it will fall, and those who hear it will be unconscious. These seven steps are really powerful.

The last two strong men like an iron tower were originally complacent about blocking the powerful arrows. They thought it was a good thing and picked up a life. Looking at these two rounds of arrow rain, you can know that there are not many people ambushed in the forest. They have shot two rounds of arrows. If they jump into the forest, they will definitely have no time to install the third round of arrows, but let Kill the pain yourself.

Unfortunately, when he had just thought about the first half of this idea, he felt dizzy, as if the world suddenly began to rotate together. What he saw was vaguely overshadowed, and then, like their mounts, he first knelt on his knees, and then his whole body was like a grain bran. The sack usually falls down.

The strong man whose external skills are so strong that he can't shoot through powerful arrows. When he saw that the first arrow was only slightly shot a little bit, he was caught by his muscles. He thought that no one could hurt himself here. He was also careless. When he saw the second round of arrow rain, he only pulled it out with a big knife at will. If he couldn't take care of it for a moment, he would shoot it. He didn't care. After blocking the sharp arrow, he danced a big knife and rushed to the forest.

However, before the strong man in yellow stepped up, a gust of smoke had risen, surrounded him like a forest. He vaguely. Before he understood what these things were, he felt a feeling of dizziness. His mind was dizzy and his footsteps were shaking. His external skills were powerful, but he could not practice them. Inside, just like the outside, under the strong medicinal nature of seven steps, he was also able to rush to the edge of the forest, so he stepped into the footsteps of the two tower brothers, shook a few times, and fell to the ground. Fortunately, he lay down forward, otherwise his iron thin body behind his back would be pressed into a meat pie by him.

As for the girl in blue, with her martial arts, excellent light skills and agile reactions in the chaotic realm, as soon as the eclipse exploded, she closed her breath and quickly flew out of the area covered by the fog. She was not fascinated by the ecze. Moreover, after she was shrouded in the ecstatic area, she did not escape, but actually carried Tielan. , a long sword in his hand danced like lightning, rushing into the woods.

The girl in blue rushed into the woods. Before her eyes were adapted to the darkness in the forest, a large package of things flew towards her. Although she tried to dodge according to her light skills, she was hit by this bag of things because of her eyes for a moment. Suddenly, her face blossomed, and her face seemed to be sticky with flour, and her nostrils were inevitable. The ground sucked in, and this time, it was simply. Before seven steps arrived, she fell to the ground. Tielan in her hand was also left by her.

The difference between congenital and acquired only refers to the trajectory of the internal air machine. The day after tomorrow, it relies on the hammering of the body to strengthen combat effectiveness, but the innately, it absorbs the essence of heaven and earth into internal strength. The internal strength is abundant, and naturally the combat effectiveness is strong. The acquired warriors will be exhausted after a period of fighting and have no need to continue, while the congenital warriors can absorb the essence of heaven and earth to replenish the internal strength consumed in the battle.

But whether it is the congenital level or the acquired level, there is no difference in the face of the eclipse for human function. After inhaling the eclipse, it will also faint.

Long Fei hurriedly helped Tielan up, but fortunately he was not injured.

Although this girl in blue has good martial arts skills, she doesn't seem to have much practical experience, and even the teacher's instructions were thrown away. In the middle of the night, there were many shadows in the woods. She didn't run for her life immediately, but she even wanted to jump into the forest to fight desperately. It's not strange that she could go out with meat buns.

In the blink of an eye, Zhou Meng and others had not yet reacted. They were ignorant, and four of the five people fell down. It can be seen that the fierceness of this offensive is far worse than Zhou Meng and others's impression that Feilongzhuang is just a mountain village where no one has practiced martial arts.

Among these people, only Zhou Meng is still standing at this time, and the others have fallen.

Zhou Meng deserves to be the role of the boss. Although his thigh was scratched by two arrows by Long Fei, his action was not affected at all. As soon as the fog dispersed, he jumped to the strong man who fell to the ground, grabbed Tie Lao with his back behind him, gently scratched his fingers, cut the hemp rope tied to Tie Lao, and mentioned Tie Lao to himself. In his hand, he jumped out of the fog and pressed his hand on the iron old man's neck. Then he looked at the woods on both sides of the road and said in a low voice, "Come out! Otherwise, I will break his neck!"

Long Fei and others saw it awe-inspiringly. This week, when they jumped to the fog had just risen, jumped to the side of the strong man, grabbed Tie Lao in his hand, and then jumped out of the fog. The whole action was like clouds and flowing water. In one breath, it did not give Long Fei any time to react and rescue them.

The breeze brushed, the leaves were rustling, and Long Huaijian hit his head. Long Fei and copper head followed and emerged from the roadside forest. Tong Kun emerged from the forest on the other side. The four people stood in the road and looked at Zhou Meng, who was not far away. Behind the four people, several people drilled out, Zhou Meng's three brothers and the young girl who fainted. In his hand, he stood behind Long Huaijian and others.

"Who are you and why do you want to catch Tie Lao?" Long Huaijian looked at Tie Lao in Zhou Meng's hand, his head hung down, his limbs drooping, and he was still unconscious.

"Next week, one of the five tiger generals of Shenfu, my owner wants to meet Mr. Tie. I advise you not to stop it, otherwise, not only will Mr. Tie be in danger, but also the Flying Dragon Village will be destroyed when my lord is angry. Zhou Meng said in a low voice.

"Shinfu, what Shenfu, put Tie Lao back quickly, otherwise, not only can't your four men run away, but even you have to stay." The copper head shouted loudly.

Long Huaijian took a look at Tong Kun, and the two quickly exchanged eyes before saying in a low voice, "Shenfu, big food Shen Zhijun?"

Zhou Meng sneered and said, "After all, there is another one who has seen and heard of it. I thought they were all a group of savages in the mountains. Yes, my master is Lord Shen Zhijun, the prime minister of food."

Long Huaijian exchanged another look with Tong Kun and looked at the shock in the other party's eyes.

The mainland is divided into nine major countries. Dashi is one of the most powerful countries, more than twice as large as the Neil Federation, with a population of more than 7 million and a standing army of more than 500,000. No matter from the 10,000 sides, it is one of the largest countries among the nine countries. In the past, Yun Dun may have been able to compete with Dashi. However, in the past few decades, Yundun has been in chaos, and all parties have been competing for power and profit, so that the national strength has been greatly weakened and is no longer the prestige of the past. At present, the most powerful country on the mainland is Dashi.

As the prime of the largest country on the mainland, Shen Zhijun is of course majestic and powerful. It is not obedient to catch a person in a small village in the remote mountains. Who dares to obstruct it? Even the six small states of the Neil Federation dare not easily fight with Shen Zhijun.

Long Huaijian and Tong Kun looked at each other in con sight, and the fear in their eyes was so obvious that they also infected Long Fei and Tongtou beside them.

Zhou Meng looked at Long Huaijian and others with a gloomy face. Although he saw the opportunity early and could close his breath, he still inhaled a little seven steps and felt dizzy. At this time, Zhengyun forced out eczziness and just wanted to delay the time, so he was not in a hurry to let Long Huaijian answer.

For a while, Zhou Meng held Tie Lao in his hand, while Long Huaijian and others held Zhou Meng's four subordinates and stood on the road in front of Feilongzhuang. The whole road was quiet, and only the sound of the horses stepping on which had stood up at this time echoed in the road. Such a fierce ectheism had no effect on the horses.

The pressure, brewing invisibly, is not only the pressure of Zhou Meng's side, but also the pressure of a powerful figure facing a big country.