Eastern Continent

Chapter 72, The Power of the Elder

Everyone was silent for a long time. Just as Zhou Meng was about to force out of the ecscination and thought that the people of Feilongzhuang would definitely put their four hands back according to their own will, they saw a half-year-old child who was only in his early ten years old from behind Long Huaijian. He had thick eyebrows, looked at Zhou Meng and said, "Let back Tie Lao, you Five people, get out of here, or all of them will stay." The tone is resolute and unquestionable.

Long Huaijian and others suddenly opened their eyes wide and looked at Long Fei, with an unbelievable look in their eyes.

Zhou Meng's face was more gloomy. He looked at Long Fei and said, "Whose child are you? Are you talking nonsense here? Aren't you afraid of death?"

Long Fei curled his lips and said lightly, "If you don't worry about the lives of your subordinates, please do it!"

Zhou Meng looked at Long Huaijian and said coldly, "Can what this child said represent your meaning?"

Tong Kun also stared at this time and said, "Your grandma, what he said is what I want to say. Hurry up and put Tie Lao back, or I will pinch these four people to death."

Zhou Meng smiled coldly and said, "Okay, okay, since you are not afraid, let's wait and see." With Tie Lao, he suddenly jumped back and didn't care about the four subordinates.

"Stop it!" Long Fei suddenly shouted.

As soon as the words fell, a burst of arrow rain suddenly shot out in the dense forest on both sides of the road. This arrow rain was thicker than just now. Just now there were dozens of people against five, and now dozens of people against one. Several rows of arrows shot together sealed Zhou Meng's upper, middle and lower three roads tightly. Unless he rolled away, he would never escape.

What surprised the people of Feilongzhuang was that Zhou Meng's vertical leap back was just a posture. As soon as they shot out, Zhou Meng had put Tie Lao on his back, jumped in the direction of Longfei without retreating.

In fact, Zhou Meng has no intention of retreating at all. On the contrary, only by moving forward can there be a way to survive. As long as it falls among Long Fei and others, Feilongzhuang has no matter how good the ecscination is, it can't be used. And with his martial arts skills that are several levels higher than the Feilongzhuang people, he may be able to oppose the guests and capture these people. Even if all the people in Feilongzhuang are injured, it doesn't matter, as long as you save your own people.

Long Fei smiled and waved to Long Huaijian and others, "Get back and stand in front of these four people." Suddenly, he also jumped up in the air and jumped towards Zhou Meng. Since Longfei entered the innate realm of martial arts, he has not met an opponent in the same realm, and it is boring to fight. He has never tried what he would look like if he fought after exerted all his strength. At this time, he saw that Zhou Meng's martial arts was the strongest among the five. No matter how he estimated, he should have reached the innate realm. See you for a while. He was so happy that he wanted to try a few moves with him.

The speed of the two is very fast, and Long Huaijian has time to stop it, so the two have bumped into each other. After hearing a slight "wave" sound, as if a small stone had fallen into the water, the two quickly entangled.

Under the moonlight, Long Huaijian and others only saw two figures rising and falling, spinning like the wind. In addition to the continuous sound of dense fists and feet, they could no longer tell who was who.

Long Fei and Zhou Meng have only had more than a dozen moves in the blink of an eye. The moves are all dangerous. As long as they miss one move, the consequences will be injury.

Although Zhou Meng's martial arts skills are at a higher level, there is a person behind him... He is the only one here who is still awake, and Tie Lao naturally dares not put it down. Although Tie Lao is not heavy, at least 180 catties. It's good that a person with 180 catties on his back can move freely. He can still fight with Long Fei for so long, and he still has the upper hand steadily. It shows the strength of his martial arts. No wonder that he is bold and holds his own martial arts skills, and five people dare to come to Feilongzhuang to take people.

After more than a dozen moves, the two suddenly separated. Zhou Meng still stood in the original place. Long Fei also retreated to Long Huaijian's side. Both of them looked at each other quietly for a while before Long Fei smiled and said, "Well, put down Tie Lao, I'll put back your four subordinates, or everyone will fight to break the net."

Zhou Meng was silent for a while before slowly saying, "You are not my opponent."

Long Fei laughed and said, "I'm really not your opponent. Your martial arts are one level higher than mine, but you can only draw with me with a person on your back. Maybe you may be attacked by me, which is extremely cost-effective."

Zhou Meng sneered and said, "Aren't you afraid that I will go back on your own after you release the hostage?"

"Don't be afraid, we can catch you once, we can catch you twice." Long Fei said confidently.

Zhou Meng's eyes were cold and looked at Long Fei coldly and said, "Would you like to try again?"

Long Fei laughed and said, "No, my master said that in the future, no matter who you eat, including Shen Zhijun, if you step into Feilongzhuang with your left foot, you will cut off your left foot, and your right foot when you step in, you will cut off your right foot."

Zhou Meng sneered and said, "What a big tone, who is your master?"

Long Fei suddenly smiled and said, "He said his name is Xi Lao. That's what he said. If you don't know who he is, you will definitely know when you go back and ask your owner."

"Hear, Hicks?" Zhou Meng gasped coldly in pain, and then asked in an uncertain tone.

Long Fei smiled and said, "I don't know his name, but he seems to know your master."

Zhou Meng pondered for a while, suddenly put Tie Lao down from his back, a little under his abdomen, and then put Tie Lao underground and retreated a few steps before respectfully: "Since Xi Lao ordered Zhou Meng, I have put him back and untied his acupuncture point. He will wake up in a moment. I hope the little brother Apologize and put my men back. We will definitely never step on Feilongzhuang again in the future.

Long Huaijian and others were stunned and stunned. Long Fei also touched his nose and muttered, "Looking at the old man's tone, he was quite big. I thought it was a lie. I didn't expect that his name was quite useful. As soon as he said it, he scared Zhou Meng. Zhou Meng was also so unscure. He hadn't seen it yet. He only heard a name and scared him away."

"Kid you speak ill of me again?" A voice suddenly sounded in Long Fei's ear. It was Xi Lao who was going to take Long Fei as an apprentice that day. The voice was still echoing in his ear. A figure suddenly appeared in front of Long Fei. As soon as he stretched out his hand, Tie Lao, who was lying on the ground, suddenly flew into his hand and then looked at Zhou Meng and said, "I'm off this matter. You go back and tell Shen Zhijun. , you have to forgive people and forgive others. Don't force people too much.

Zhou Meng was shocked when he saw the old man and immediately knelt down and said respectfully, "See the national teacher!"

"Xi Lao!" Long Fei was also shocked to see Xi Lao's sudden arrival.

The old man held Zhou Meng up with his right hand and said, "Go, take your four with you."

"Yes!" Zhou Meng was fierce and free to advance and retreat, but he lowered his eyebrows to the old man. He didn't even dare to say anything extra. After waking up his four men, he farted and left obediently.

Watching Zhou Meng and others come like thunder and the tiger go down the mountain, but when they walk, they bow their heads and slip away quietly, like a frightened vole. Long Fei laughed with joy. Just as he wanted to speak, he was stopped by Xi Lao with a wave of his hand and said lightly, "I'll wake up Mr. Tie first."

Old man Xi still put the unconscious Tie Lao on the ground, standing like an ordinary person, and then turned around Tie Lao. His hands or palms or fingers, or beaks, or hooks, constantly changing shapes and hitting Tie Lao's body. No matter which direction Tie Lao falls, Xi Lao will immediately turn in that direction. With a casual blow, he pushed Tie Lao back to his original position.

In everyone's eyes, Tie Lao was pulled by a thin line like a puppet doll. When Tie Lao was about to fall to the east, Xi Lao pulled the thin thread in his hand and pulled Tie Lao back. In the end, Xi Lao turned faster and faster. In the end, only one phantom was left rotating around Tie Lao, as if it was not a living person running, but a doll tied with a thread, which was shaken hard. He only saw the ringing circle of virtual shadows, but he could not see the thin lines and dolls.

Long Huaijian and others were very surprised and opened their eyes. They had never seen such light kung fu. For a moment, they all looked at Xi Lao with the eyes of the charm of the mountains and forests. Even in their imagination, they never imagined that the light kung fu would be like this. There are people, and it's almost the same as goblins and ghosts.

The copper head first opened his mouth and gasped vigorously, like a fish out of water. His eyes looked unbelievable, and then he immediately turned into ecstatic. Hearing Long Fei say that this old man named Xi Lao is willing to accept his apprentice, he doesn't know his other skills. If he also learn his light hand Gong, Tongtou felt that even if he kowtowed more than a dozen heads and served this old man for a few more years, he would not be at a loss. It's ridiculous that I was just worried that the old man might be terrified, and his martial arts didn't work.

Long Fei is the second time he saw Xi Laoxuan perform light kung fu. The last time, Xi Lao just simply jumped five feet high, five feet away, and there was no fancy. This time, he really saw the old man's real ability. He has a different idea from copper head. If he can learn this light kung fu, and then the old man will teach him more like a dragon gun. If you make such a move for yourself, you can take a few more steps in your martial arts.

Long Huaijian called Long Fei to his side and whispered, "Do you know this senior?"

Long Fei scratched his head and whispered, "I've seen him once. He wants to accept me as an apprentice, but I haven't agreed yet."

"Do you want to be an apprentice?" Long Huaijian looked at the old man who was still spinning around the iron old man and said in a lower voice, "Do you know who he is? Where did you come from, the people of that sect?

Long Fei shook his head and said, "He said his name was Xi Lao. I don't know anything else, but I saw him perform light kung fu once. It's very powerful! It's easy to jump five feet high and five feet away.

Long Huaijian touched his chin and muttered, "Um..."

After Xi Lao rotated around Tie Lao for a while, he suddenly stopped. The stop was not like starting to rotate, from slow to fast, and the speed gradually increased, but suddenly stopped without warning, as if he had been standing there for a long time. This kind of extreme movement to extreme quietness is so natural that I don't feel suspicious at all.

He gently sat down, but he still stood, stretched out his hand to press the Baihui hole on the top of Mr. Tie's head, and then he was motionless.

For a long time, Xi Lao gently lifted his hand from Tie Lao's hundred holes, as if he was afraid of waking up Tie Lao, and almost felt it. Then he looked at Long Fei and smiled, "Kid, what are you going to say?"

Long Fei looked at Tie Lao and hesitated for a while before saying carefully, "I don't know Tie Lao..."

Xi Lao said lightly, "Don't worry, he will wake up in a while."

"So, did the master also help wake up Tielan?" Long Fei took Tielan over and smiled flatteringly at Xi Lao.

Xi Lao looked at Long Fei and said with a kind smile, "What's the difficulty! It's just that you will speak kindly when you beg me for something. It's not like this last time!" After saying that, Xi Lao stretched out his hand a little on Tielan.

"That's it, so simple?" Long Fei's eyes widened and looked at Xi Lao doubtfully.

"What do you want?" Xi Lao stretched out his hand and flicked Long Fei's forehead and smiled.

"I saw that you always had to use so much energy to save the iron. I thought... I thought..." Long Fei smiled shyly.

Xi Lao flicked Long Fei's forehead again and smiled, "Mr. Tie has a dark disease. I will treat him by the way. This girl is healthy, but she has been temporarily clicked on the acupuncture point. I can help her untie it."

Long Fei opened his mouth and was about to speak. Suddenly, he looked down in his arms. Tielan slowly opened his eyes and saw Long Fei holding him. He hurriedly said, "Brother Longfei, my grandfather was..."

Long Fei patted Tielan on the shoulder and said softly, "Don't worry. Your grandfather is fine. The bad guys have been driven away by Xi Lao. Your grandfather is here."

Tielan came down from Longfei and stood on the ground. When she saw Tie Lao sitting there, she thought something had happened, and she was about to jump over. Suddenly, a strong force came and stopped Tielan. At the same time, a voice said in her ear, "Wait, little girl, your grandfather is recovering. Don't disturb him now." Tielan's body shook, stopped, and looked up. He saw an old man with a baby-like smooth face standing in front of him, looking at himself kindly.

Long Fei hurriedly took Tielan's hand and whispered, "It was Elder Xi who drove away those people to save your grandfather."

Tielan hurriedly saluted Xi Lao and said delicately, "Thank you, Grandpa Xi, for saving my grandpa!"

"Ha ha!" Xi Lao smiled and said softly, "Don't worry, your grandfather will wake up later."

At this time, Long Huaijian and Tong Kun came over, looked at Long Fei, and hesitated to say, "Your name is Long Fei, you won't introduce us."

Long Fei touched his head and introduced to both sides with a silly smile: "Master, this is my father Long Huaijian, this is Uncle Tongkun, and this is my master Xi Lao."

Xi Lao smiled and said, "Old Hicks, who lives in Wang Tianfeng in Montenegro, wants to take these three children as apprentices. I hope you two agree!"

"Black Mountain looks at the sky peak?!" Long Huaijian and Tong Kun were stunned at the same time.