Eastern Continent

Chapter 125, the family

The general phase, that is, the general phase.

If you lift the knife and jump over the horse, you will be the general, and if you dance the pen,

The family is the great family.

The inheritance has been connected for hundreds of years, and the calligraphy and martial arts have been passed down.

This is the explanation for the family. However, what Long Fei now records in this book is not the inheritance of a general or a family. This is a martial arts secret book, a treasure of the mountain of the heavenly ladder, and a general outline of all martial arts of the sect of the heavenly ladder.

It is said that this book was created by the first generation of ancestors of Tongtian ladder. As for why it is called the "General's Family", there is no basis for it. It is speculated that the first generation of Tongtian ladder may be a child of a family who has been a generation of generals. Later, for some reason, he ran away from home and founded Tongtian ladder. One of the three ancient sects. Others speculated that after learning the things in this book, they can go out, build a reputation for thousands of generations, and pass on to thousands of generations.

Anyway, the name is just a mark. This book is the highest martial arts secret book of the heavenly ladder, and it is also one of the three strange books in the world. The other two "Emperor Record" and "Demon List" of the three strange books are hidden in the miracle and the devil's palace respectively.

closing the door, Long Fei carefully put the book on the table and looked at the four big words on the cover. These four words were written in ink, and I don't know what they were made of ink. After experiencing so many generations of guardians of the heavenly ladder, it did not fade.

Opening the first page tremblingly, Long Fei saw two big characters "respecting the world". Long Fei, who had entered the heavenly ladder for nearly a year, was not too ignorant at this time. He knew that the word "respecting the world" was the most important skill in the heavenly ladder: respecting the world. The only one in the world, the only one in the world, the only one in the world. This is the origin of the name of the world's divine power. The tone is not small, but the whole world, people who dare to question them have not yet been born. The titles of the other two strange books are emperors and demon gods, so this world is not surprising.

Open another page, and it is the dense handwriting and graphics. What is said here is much clearer than the Secret of Heaven. Long Fei understands at a glance that there are no contradictory sentences. Every sentence clearly says how to operate the work, and the internal forces run on those meridians and acupuncture points.

Looking at the internal forces running the meridians in "The Family", none of them is the same as the figure of "Secrets of the Heaven" or even similar. As long as the Xu Tiangong is operated by the two veins of Rendu, the other meridians are only used as an auxiliary, but the world's Gong runs other positive veins other than the two veins of Rendu, which only occasionally involves the two veins of Rendu, and the two veins of Rendu have become auxiliary.

Looking at the cultivation method of Zunshigong, I actually talked about two pages in detail, how to lay the foundation, how to absorb the essence of heaven and earth and integrate, etc.

Long Fei was happy for a while, and there was a feeling of pulling out the dark clouds and seeing the bright moon. There was a feeling that he knew that there was a treasure house that could not be opened. At this time, he finally found the key to open.

Although Xu Tiangong is unique, it is different from other skills, such as skipping the acquired realm and directly entering the innate practice. For example, the internal force can rotate and practice by itself in Dantian, but Long Fei himself has never had a specific and clear way to transport the work and how to transform the essence of heaven and earth into internal force. And storing internal forces, there is no specific way to use internal forces to deal with each other, and how to use internal forces to support light power, etc. Everything before was explored by himself. After getting the "General's Family" and referring to "The Secret of the Sky", Long Fei seemed to have found the right direction in confusion and suddenly turned to the sky. There are different opinions.

Xi Lao may also have lent "The Family" to Long Fei for reference at this time. At this time, it was when Long Fei's martial arts were at a critical juncture and was about to enter the realm of heaven. Obviously, he had touched that layer of film, but he could not find it to break the thin As for the method of the membrane, Xi Laojun gave Long Fei "The Family of the Family" and hoped that Long Fei could gain something from it and find a way to break the film.

Although "The Secret of the Sky" is the first strange book from ancient times to the present, "The Secret of the Heavenly Family" is also as famous. With the "The Secret of the Heavenly Family" as a reference supplement, Long Fei's Heavenly Family will be more complete, more powerful, and faster to enter the realm of heaven.

If Long Fei can integrate the two books, he may create unique martial arts and shock the whole continent!

Long Fei also took out the Secret of the Sky, turned it to the page with graphics, put it on the table, and put it on the bright light of the candle. Long Fei carefully compared the pictures of the two books and studied the nuances and their respective advantages and disadvantages. The more he looked at them, the more he felt that the breadth and depth of the two books were amazing.

"The Secret of the Sky" and "The Family of Generals" are both wonderful books of martial arts. Long Fei is lucky to see these two strange books, which is also a great luck.

The difference between these two books is that "The Secret of the Sky" is like a high house building. What it talks about is mainly such as the general outline. There is no detailed introduction to the cultivation methods of martial arts. It seems to leave space for martial arts students to play freely. It is people-oriented and based on understanding. Can they learn martial arts from it, or finally practice something. Xi, all rely on personal understanding, but the General Family is different. What is said in General Family is much more detailed than the Secret of Heaven. It introduces in detail the cultivation methods of the realms of acquired, innate, spiritual transformation, jieyuan, and divine transformation, and the phenomena after universalization.

There is another difference between the two, that is, "Secrets of the Heaven" begins to practice with the cultivation method of the innate realm, while the martial arts in "The Family" starts step by step from the day after tomorrow, step by step, and there will never be a rocket-like leap.

Obviously, the method used by Tongtou and Tielan to practice now is the most basic cultivation method of this world's divine power.

The two books seem to complement each other, but if you think about it carefully, it seems that "The Family of the General" is the auxiliary of "The Secret of the Sky". Gaiyin "The Secret of the Sky" talks about the general direction, while "The Family of the Generals" talks about the details.

Long Fei's eyes lit up. If he learns and integrates the martial arts in these two books to create a martial arts that is different from the two books. What a power it will be!

Looking at the graphics in the book, Long Fei sat down on his knees and respected the world's magic power, but ran the heavenly power.

Long Fei saw the way to practice internal skills from The General Family, which is a completely different way from The Secret of the Sky. When practicing Xu Tiangong, Xu Tiangong did not operate under the control of Long Fei, but with Long Fei's consciousness. That is, when Long Fei practiced Xu Tiangong, it has always been natural. That is, Xu Tiangong wants to get into that meridians and has to go through that acupuncture point without Long Fei's consent. Long Fei is only within The way to follow Xu Tiangong, look at the place it passes by, and feel the changes in these places. It seems that Xu Tiangong is practicing himself, and Long Fei only has to sit down cross-legged and transport Xu Tiangong from Dantian. After that, he handed everything to Xu Tiangong. Fortunately, it has been Xu Tiangong and Long Fei for so long. It's quite cooperative.

Whether it is fighting with Liu Si and Shan Qing, or practicing light kung fu, as long as Long Fei's mind moves, Xu Tiangong will arrive on time and never be absent from work. Otherwise, Long Fei does not know whether he is practicing Xu Tiangong or Xu Tiangong is practicing himself.

Now, Long Fei finally saw the complete method of transporting skills from "The General Family", that is, the way to practice internal skills. This time, it is not natural to transport the narrative heavenly power from Dantian. Long Fei first controlled the narrative heavenly power with his mind, dragged it back from the direction of life and death, and turned to his chest. OK.

Xu Tiangong was pulled by this, as if a wayward child was pulled home by an adult. He struggled desperately and almost broke free from Long Fei's control several times. However, in the cultivation of this land of Tiangong, Long Fei has suffered a lot. He still doesn't pay attention to this little hardships and starts to be fierce, and his mind is constantly competing with Xu Tiangong in his body.

After all, Xu Tiangong is just a natural behavior. No matter what, he can't fight against Long Fei. After several fruitless struggles, he is controlled by Long Fei's thoughts. The first time Dantian is not rushing to life and death, but to the position of his chest and abdomen.

Through the chest and abdomen, neck, to Baihui acupoint, it is hot all the way up. After coming out of Baihui acupoint, it becomes cold and goes straight down the back, which is a little similar to the previous operation route of Xu Tiangong. On the vein, under the governor's vein,

This is what Longfei deliberately did. If he wants to change the operation route of Xu Tiangong all at once, it is obviously unrealistic and difficult. Long Fei came up with a way to run Xu Tiangong for a few more weeks, and change some paths every Sunday. For example, for the first time, Longfei reduced the number from Dantian. This distance to the orifice of life and death becomes directly on the chest and abdomen, and goes through the neck to Baihui acupoint. At the second time, Long Fei changed it again, reduced the original operation route, and increased the operation route indicated in the current Xiang Family, so as to gradually encroach on the way to gradually replace the path of the operation of Xu Tiangong with the current Zunshi Shen Gong operation path, from a few meridians, a few acupuncture points, and then a little more The acupuncture points with more meridians are replaced until they are all replaced.

But this is not all successful, but only half of the success. If you want to succeed, you have to wait until you are proficient in the operation route of the world's divine power, and then change the operation path of the world's divine power to the operation path of the narrative world. In this way, the cycle goes back and forth until the description of the heavenly power is not in the operation route of the world's divine power or the narrative world. In your own operation route, you can change freely, and only after there is no obstacle can it be regarded as a great success.

In this way, Long Fei sat on his ** cross-legged and quietly understood the divine power of the world and the description of heaven. Gradually, Xu Tiangong has changed. He is no longer like a wayward child. He can go wherever he wants, but gradually becomes a sensible and obedient child. With the control of Long Fei, he sometimes becomes straight up, sometimes to the right, and the direction he wants to go is determined by Long Fei's mind.

Anyway, this book "The Family of Generals" is right in front of us. Practicing according to the book, Long Fei is not afraid of any accidents.

However, it is strange to say that when Xu Tiangong comes out of Dantian, he is warm. Whether it is through his feet or hands, even his chest or back, as long as he does not pass through Baihui acupuncture points, he will always be warm. As long as you pass through Baihui acupoint, it will immediately become cold. Then, whether it is going inside, or even the acupuncture points and meridians that the warm Xu Tiangong has just passed, as long as it does not return to Dantian, Xu Tiangong will be cold.

For Xu Tiangong, it seems that Dantian is the main station and Baihui Cave is the transit station. As long as you pass through these two places, Xu Tiangong will change, either hot or cool.

This matter made Long Fei puzzled and thought hard!

Standing up, Long Fei felt comfortable all over, as if he had eaten the peach of the Queen Mother, as if all the pores and acupuncture points in his body had been opened, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth. That refreshing and powerful feeling made Long Fei feel as if the world was under control.

He knew that his martial arts were one step closer to heaven. As long as Xu Tiangong can really operate freely in the body, no matter which meridians or acupoint can be reached, he can also enter the realm of heaven. At this time, it is not far from the two martial arts to merge into one furnace.