Eastern Continent

Chapter 126, Hot and Cold Flow

After practicing his internal skills, Long Fei stood up and began to practice his fists and feet again.

In martial arts, internal force is like a general hub, which is in charge of all aspects of martial arts, such as moves, such as light martial arts, such as the use of hidden weapons and the use of weapons, which need to be supported by internal forces. If you compare a tree with martial arts, the internal force is the main trunk of the tree. The others are just branches of the tree. The thicker the trunk, the stronger the internal force will be, but the more branches there are, not necessarily the strongest martial arts. Some trees Liao have several branches, but they can live, and some branches and leaves are lush, but they withered early.

Long Fei's current martial arts and boxing skills, in addition to the blood battle ten types, there is only a hammer. These two are moves in the acquired realm. Now, in addition to the sky hammer, the blood battle ten styles are meaningless. Moreover, the blood battle ten is only used to produce liquid, which is even more suitable for the innate realm. As for other moves, only Zhantian's move and the dragon shooting method are the moves of the innate realm, but Zhantian and the dragon shooting skills are weapon moves. Now, what Long Fei urgently needs is the fist and foot moves of the innate realm.

However, although there are no moves, Long Fei is not only a heart. There are a lot of such books in the library of Tongtian ladder.

Thinking of it, Long Fei immediately went to the third library and found a book "Tong Tianfeng". This book is not surprising. It is estimated that as long as the martial arts have reached the innate realm, they can learn it.

When Long Fei thought of looking for a book, Luo Zhengfeng looked a little strangely. Needless to guess, Long Fei also knew what Luo Zhengfeng was strange about. There were many high-level martial arts books everywhere in the library, and there were many intermediate ones, while Long Fei took the lowest-level one, as if he didn't know the difference between advanced moves and low-level moves, but One heaven and one earth.

Low-level martial arts moves are like stones on the roadside, which can be seen everywhere. Advanced martial arts are like wind and scales and horns, which are rare. If Tongtian ladder is not such an ancient gate, it is impossible to collect so many advanced martial arts. However, Long Fei turned a blind eye to these high-level martial arts, and finally found the lowest-level one. There are martial arts books that are generally important.

Luo Zhengfeng did not know that Long Fei entered the innate realm, and it took less than a year to jump two levels in a row. The martial arts realm is fast, and the internal force is enough, but the moves are really pitiful. Except for a limited number of moves, such as blood battle ten, sky hammer, battle sky, dragon gun, dragon Fei has never learned other moves. Even if Long Fei can make new moves at any time without following the routine and has new moves at any time. If he hasn't even seen these moves suitable for innate martial arts, even if Long Fei is a god, he can't create suitable moves. He can only see all kinds of Such moves, even to the infinite limit, can be reversed, and the moves can be taken at will. Thousands of moves can be used for me. Although there are tens of millions of moves, they can respond randomly, move at will, change with the heart, and break with the enemy.

Now, Longfei must learn from the basic stage, first figure out the most basic moves, gradually improve, and then be familiar with the advanced moves, so that he can be confident and trustworthy.

Therefore, he chose the most basic martial arts book.

However, Luo Zhengfeng is puzzled, but he doesn't ask. In the middle school of Tongtian ladder, there is both an advantage and a disadvantage, that is, whether you are a master or a senior, you never care about how you learn martial arts. Only when you ask them for advice will you teach them carefully. If you don't ask him for advice, you can practice whatever you want.

Therefore, Luo Zhengfeng couldn't help going to Xi Lao and tell Xi Lao the situation after Long Fei left with Tong Tianfeng.

Xi Lao closed his eyes and meditated for a while before smiling and said, "This boy likes to do things. I guess he should want to practice from the basics. Let him go. If he has any questions, he will come and ask us. If there are no questions, he should enter the realm of heaven in half a year.

"Great realm?" Luo Zhengfeng was surprised and said, "I remember that he is only more than 11 years old this year, and he has not been promoted for a long time, and he is about to enter the realm of heaven?"

"Zhengfeng! Long Fei's son can't be measured by common sense! His future is bound to be unlimited. What can't be broken by the guardians of the heavenly ladder may be on him. You don't see that whether he is doing things or studying martial arts, he likes to use his own methods. We don't have to doubt him, as long as he asks for advice, and when he encounters doubts, we need to discuss with him. As for how he learns martial arts, we will not prevent it from changing, and we will understand it in the end!"

"So when you saw Zuo Dun jealous of him, you punished Zuo Dun to close his face and separate the two of them?"

"There's nothing we can do about it! I didn't expect that Zuo Dun was so small that he couldn't even tolerate a little brother who was stronger than him. If he let it go, he would definitely be folded into Long Fei's hands in the future. Xi Lao smiled bitterly, and his expression was also helpless. Zuo Dun was also a disciple he was very optimistic about. Before Long Fei went up the mountain, he even had the idea of handing over the Tianstial Ladder to Zuo Dun in the future.

"Alas! If only the two of them could get along well with each other, they would become the first gate school in the world in the future. Unfortunately, one mountain does not allow two tigers!" Luo Zhengfeng is also very optimistic about Zuo Dun, but unfortunately, why can't the two of them get along well?

It's just that nothing in the world can be complete. You can't have both fish and bear paws!

After Long Fei got the book, he seemed to be a person who ate marrow and knew the taste, and immediately entered the practice. There is no difficulty in this "Tong Tianfeng". At a glance, you can understand that even if you are a warrior in the acquired realm, as long as you understand the truth of internal force operation, you can also understand this book. The book mainly talks about how to use internal forces with the use of moves. For example, the first move of the crane to spread its wings is to say that after the internal force comes out of the heavenly power, it should not go up or down, but like the face, the internal force should be finely, and then go along the meridians. Inject your feet and your hands, and then your hands will be pulled out by internal forces and become a crane with wingspan, and your feet will also shrink slightly, like a crane that is about to fly.

First of all, he read the whole book that was not thick from beginning to end. After having a general impression in his heart, Long Fei put on the shelf and began to practice. The internal force gushed out from Dantian, as if it was divided into four strands, rushing towards his hands and feet, and quickly injected into his hands and feet. Therefore, Long Fei slowly opened his hands and lifted his feet slightly, and the posture of a big crane spreading his wings gradually formed. Long Fei's hands trembled, and an internal force gushed out from his hands, as if it were an invisible one. The sharp arrows rushed to the chairs on the left and right respectively.

The two soft sounds of "sneer" and "sneer" were almost mixed. Long Fei stopped and turned his head to look to the right. On the chair, the leg of a chair hit by the palm wind just now did not have any creases or dents, but a slight yellow color, as if it was roasted by the light. After that, turn your head and look to the left, and the situation is the same.

Long Fei is very strange. If he hits the chair, the leg of the chair will definitely break. Just now, in order to try the move, he deliberately hit it with a palm wind through the air. The martial arts has reached the innate realm. After having internal force, it can take objects or hit objects through the air. However, below the sky, it can only be inside The force is excreted out of the body like excretion, forming a palm wind, which is scattered, scattered like a spring breeze passing by the face without trace. Only after coming into a long time will the palm wind gradually condense into a stream, which will have attack and deterrence.

At present, Longfei is still a first-line realm of heaven, which belongs to the late stage of the first-line sky. Although it is only one step away from Dacheng and is still far from the realm of internal force condensing into a strand, Longfei's internal force is a narrative skill cultivated in another remote way, which seems to be more advanced than other martial arts. Although it can't be condensed into one, but Like other martial arts, it is not like a breeze, but condenses into a few strands, as if it is finally condensed into the last moment before.

However, Long Fei thought that he would only push the chair to shake, or be stronger, and hit the leg of the chair to a small point, but unexpectedly, there was a phenomenon that no one expected - his internal force was turned to the chair and scorched. It's also surprising to think that people can't believe it. Since ancient times, internal forces have been broken, cracked, concave, bursting and collapsed, but they have never heard of anyone whose internal force can burn the object to burn yellow.

Long Fei was very surprised. He walked to the front of the chair and touched the yellow place of the chair with his hand. He actually stuck the yellow dust of his hand, as if the outer layer of the chair had been scorched by this internal force. Looking at the other chair, it turned out to be the same phenomenon.

Staring at the slightly yellow place on the chair for a long time, Long Fei suddenly slapped the chair. With a crack, the whole chair immediately broke off, and the place where it was hit by the palm of its hand did not appear as expected.

Long Fei touched his head and became a little confused. If he wanted to hit the palm, it was even more powerful. Why was there no burning yellow phenomenon? Is it only possible to be hit by the palm wind?

Put the other chair far away, Long Fei stood up and walked to the same distance as before. Luck, internal force surged out, and only ran towards the right hand, "hoo" and hit the chair, as if a gust of wind had blown by. The chair placed at a certain distance still did not move, but a big one appeared on the back of the chair. A charred yellow and even a little black color. This time, it really seemed to have been burned by the fire. Long Fei scraped his hand, and his hands were full of black dust, as if the ashes after the fire.

Long Fei opened his mouth in surprise. Although he occasionally encountered some strange phenomena, it was not as amazing as this time. He put the chair and tried several times. The result was the same. One of the two chairs in the room was shot by Long Fei and there was no possibility of recovery, while the other was made yellow by Long Fei. One piece, a black piece, as if rescued from the fire, has been burned to an end.

After several experiments, Long Fei gradually understood that the reason for making the chair yellow was caused by his special internal force of Xu Tiangong. When Xu Tiangong gushed out of Dantian, it was hot. In Long Fei's feeling, it was just warm and warm. Absolutely unexpected After rushing out of the body through the palm of his hand, it was so powerful that a large piece of chairs made of bamboo and wood were scorched, as if they had really been burned by the fire. As for hitting the chair directly with the palm of his hand, but there is no reason for burning yellow, it should be that Long Fei only used the strength of his limbs at that time, but used less internal force.

If you suddenly sweep with the palm wind when you fight with the enemy, I wonder if some part of the enemy's body will turn yellow?

Long Fei seemed to be a beggar who had picked up a silver ticket. He was so happy that he looked at his palms and said with a smile, like a fool. It was not until he laughed for a long time that Long Fei finally calmed down and suddenly remembered that after Xu Tiangong passed Baihui Cave, he would become cold. If Xu Tiangong passed Baihui Cave, he would fight against the enemy. I don't know if it will freeze the enemy?

Thinking of experimenting, this is one of Long Fei's greatest advantages. However, the object of the experiment is not chairs. The two chairs are still scattered on the ground, one is pothole, as if a face after acne is not the best object of the test. Long Fei thought for a while and immediately sneaked to the kitchen. I brought in a porcelain bowl.

Put the bowl at the same distance as the chair just now, and then Longfei's luck to talk about Tiangong. First, he gushed out of Dantian to run the route of Tiangong and went straight up to the top of his head. After passing the Baihui acupuncture point, he immediately became cool. Then, he went straight down into his right hand. Longfei slowly raised his right hand, as if holding a thousand pounds in his hand and lifted it straight up. After almost flush with his shoulders, he suddenly waved out, and a palm wind that seemed to be shining crystal blue gushed out. After gently like the sound of the wind, the surface of the porcelain bowl seemed to be suddenly added a layer of ice crystals. It was crystal blue and cute.

"Bang!" A soft sound, in Long Fei's nervous gaze, saw a crack slowly split on the surface of the porcelain bowl. From the mouth of the bowl, it slowly spread towards the bottom of the bowl. In a blink of an eye, it reached the bottom of the bowl, and then spread from the bottom of the bowl to the other side of the bowl, as if the whole bowl had been pulled open and then glued together. The crack is curved, but the crack is too small. Whether you look at it carefully or roughly, the crack is not like a crack, but like a pattern drawn by the craftsman, winding from the mouth of the bowl to the bottom of the bowl.

Long Fei reached out to touch the edge of the bowl, as if he was touching an ice cube. His fingers felt a little paralyzed. When Long Fei raised his hand, he only heard a "bang". From the cracked place, the whole bowl was instantly divided into two halves.

"Aha..." Long Fei touched his nose and shouted in surprise. He looked at the two and a half bowls in a daze. In fact, his heart was full of joy. Since practicing martial arts, he entered the iron bone realm at the age of nine and ten years old. It was for a joy. After wandering for nearly a year, he jumped three levels in a row and entered the innate realm. Second joy, continuing to enter the first line of the sky is for the third happiness. Now, Long Fei is forgetting about his fourth happiness. Four joys are one joy after another, and Long Fei's martial arts skills also rise sharply. The speed is so fast. The people he sees are surprised. No matter how surprised they are, they are finally surprised. Of course, there is also jealousy!

Qiangong, it turns out that it can also be used like this! In the future, people will be killed invisibly.