Eastern Continent

Chapter 127, Martial Arts

Since he realized that he was pregnant with Baoshan, Long Fei was very happy. All day long, he only held this whole Tongtian ladder and even the lowest servants looked at it. He kept looking at the most important essence of it. Every day, he must find one such as rice bowls, plates, chairs and so on. Let's experiment and see how the attack can become more powerful without entering another realm of martial arts. How can the cold and hot attack be more unconscious and make the enemy unpreventable, such as freezing the enemy at once or burning the enemy all of a sudden.

As a result, Wang Tianfeng's kitchen unconsciously lost one bowl every day. The kitchen master gradually realized it later, but he couldn't find out that it was stolen by Long Fei, so he had to report the situation, but some people would pay attention to these small things. As for the chair, fortunately, Long Fei later changed to use bamboo poles or wooden sticks. Otherwise, the whole chair of Wangtianfeng may not be enough for Long Fei to burn like this.

At this time, in fact, this book is of little significance to Long Fei. He has understood the advantages of his martial arts and practiced his own attack methods. Although it seems a little monotonous now, it is much more than the methods introduced in this book, and his attack methods are not the same as the moves introduced in the book. At this level, this book has become not even a chicken rib, and it is time to change the book.

However, what surprised Xi Lao and Luo Zhengfeng was that Long Fei took such a low-level martial arts book. This book has nothing to do with martial arts secrets. It can only be called martial arts books or martial arts books. This book is not thick in the first place, and it is only a dozen pages. Ten days In the meantime, almost every martial artist can memorize this book well. However, what makes Xi Lao and the other five elders break their glasses is that Long Fei has been studying for ten days with such a book.

Is there a mistake in the estimation of Long Fei? Long Fei is actually not a genius, but a fool who can't even compare with those servants.

However, this idea was just turned around, and it was immediately denied by them. Don't look at anything else, just look at Long Fei's martial arts. Is the eleven-year-old horizon a stupid thing to achieve? Even great luck can't do it!

But what is the purpose of Long Fei doing this?

At the peak, everyone who knew about this, including Xi Lao and the other four elders, was deeply aroused by Long Fei's curiosity!

Ten days later, Long Fei changed his book. He put "Tong Tianfeng" back and took another one beside him, which is also a low-level martial arts book, but a little higher than "Tong Tianfeng". In the innate realm, if "Tong Tianfeng" is the first level, then the book is the second level, but Long Fei supports it. With this book, he seemed to hold a lot of gold and silver treasures, and went back to practice behind closed doors.

As soon as Long Fei left, Luo Zheng couldn't help going to Xi Lao again and told Xi Lao the books Long Fei took.

After listening to Luo Zhengfeng's words, Xi Lao was obviously stunned. He looked at Luo Zhengfeng and said gently, "Zhengfeng, do you understand what this boy means? You said that he really wants to learn from the basics and lay a good foundation, or he doesn't know that this is just a low-level martial arts book. He has now entered the horizon. If he wants to learn, he should It should be a high-level martial arts secret book!"

Luo Zhengfeng shook his head and said, "I don't know!"

"Ha ha..." Xi Lao rubbed his forehead and said with a wry smile, "Then ignore him. He doesn't have any questions to ask us. Let's take it as if we don't know and see if he can practice something."

This time, Long Fei's cultivation speed seemed to be a little faster. Only on the ninth day, he returned the book, and then took another book that belonged to the third level and went back to practice behind closed doors.

After eight days of practice, Long Fei came to return the book again, and then lent the book belonging to the fourth level of martial arts. This book was returned after seven days, and then borrowed the fifth-level book of martial arts, which continued after six days.

During this period, Long Fei was like a martial arts idiot, constantly looking for martial arts books, and then happily took them back to practice. However, every time he chose martial arts books, they were only one level higher than the previous one and would never cross the level. From the first book, it took ten days, and later, time gradually Shorten, as if the higher the level, the less time it takes. From ten days, nine days, eight days, when Long Fei changed to the fifth book, everyone at the top of the sky peak, except for the left shield on the wall, knew about this matter, which made the whole people who went through the ladder puzzled. Naturally, several old people leaned on the old and sold old. Naturally It's hard to ask why Longfei is like this. Others need five days, and he also needs five days. Others need nine days, but he only needs two days, but others need one day, but he has used ten days. Others can learn it in two days, and he uses nine days, which is completely the opposite of the time spent.

These old people could still resist their curiosity, but Tongtou couldn't help it. Since he knew about this, he immediately ran to Longfei's martial arts room and looked for Long Fei. The two cringed for a long time, and they didn't know what Long Fei said to him. His face seemed to be thoughtful, as if he came out with laughter, shook his head, and returned. In my own practice.

The second person to ask Long Fei was naturally Tielan. After the two also muttered for a long time, Tielan came out again. Long Fei also sent him to the door, looking at Tielan with a smile on his face and repeatedly, "Slow down, walk slowly."

After Tielan came out, she also shook her head and threw herself into her enthusiastic cultivation.

At this point, everyone on Wangtianfeng understands that the higher the level of Long Fei reads, the less time it takes, and the lower the level, the longer it takes, which is exactly the opposite of all the people in the world who study martial arts.

Time passed like this. When Long Fei borrowed the ninth book, it was as expected, and it was handed back in only two days.

After the last book belongs to the tenth level, that is the highest-level martial arts book that can be cultivated in the first-line realm, the martial arts who come here from the natural realm also have to study for half a month, have a headache for half a month, and may not be able to learn the essence of martial arts books. Long Fei only roughly turned over in the classic hall. After that, I put it back.

Then, Long Fei returned to his quiet room with his empty hands, as if he were closed. During this period, he would only come out when he ate and drank. After doing all this, he immediately returned to the quiet room to close down and sat quietly for half a month.

Half a month later, the dragon flew out. After leaving the customs, the first thing Long Fei did was to go to Xi Lao's quiet room, return "The General's Family" to Xi Lao, and respectfully expressed his gratitude to Xi Lao.

When Luo Zhengfeng heard that Long Fei came to find Xi Lao, they also came out of the closed place and went to Xi Lao's quiet room one after another, as if they were welcoming some distinguished guests, but they just wanted to see the smallest male disciple of Tongtian ladder. The time spent learning martial arts was completely opposite to others.

At this time, Long Fei seemed to have changed his appearance. He was introverted and free. Even under the gaze of the five elders of the Tians, he looked natural. This unrestrained expression seemed to be facing Xi Lao, not the five ordinary people who resounded all over the world, but five ordinary people. While I was secretly surprised, I was also very gratified.

"I heard that you have read ten martial arts books?" Since Long Fei came to him, why didn't Xi Lao ask about his most proud disciple at present?

"Yes, the disciple has been seeing the tenth-level "Eighteen Cuts" since the lowest level of Tong Tianfeng. During this period, he has read a total of ten books." Long Fei said respectfully.

"Hmm! That's good, but what do you have?" Xi Lao nodded.

"The disciple's original foundation was weak, but now he is laying the foundation. Naturally, he needs to see more. He has some experience, but he still needs to think about it. It seems that he is still not mature!"

"Okay, I'll wait for you to talk to me after you think maturely." Xi Lao looked straight and looked at Long Fei seriously and said, "However, it's not very good for you to read so much at once. You should know that you can't chew more. It's not good for you to write it down like this. You should understand one book before reading another book!"

"Yes, my disciples know that it will never be like this in the future."

"Hmm! Ten books, not many, but not many. How many have you written down?

"No, the disciple didn't write it down and forgot it!" Long Fei seemed to not know that what he said was a bomb. This unexpected sentence shocked the five elders in the room. They all looked at Long Fei fixedly and forgot to speak.

"You, you mean, you forgot and didn't write down a move?" Ding Baoli pointed to Long Fei, and his fat face turned red, as if looking at a woman who had deceived his feelings for more than ten years.

"I haven't forgotten all of them. I still remember a few tricks." Long Fei looked at Ding Baoli and said honestly.

"A few tricks! Ten books, each of which is no less than 100 moves on average, do you only remember a few moves?!" Ren is a fool. He holds a martial arts book every day. For more than ten days, he will remember ten moves and eight tricks. What's more, he is a young man like Long Fei. His martial arts skills have reached the peak of the sky. He is only one step away from heaven. He is appreciated by Xi Lao and several old people. He read ten books and used It took me a few months to remember a few tricks, but less than ten tricks? Ding Baoli felt that he was about to go crazy. Looking at Long Fei, he almost looked at a madman, but he couldn't understand.

"Yes! These tricks can't be forgotten for the time being, so the disciples can only remember them first! Wait until the time is ripe and forget it. Long Fei looked at Ding Baoli and felt that Ding Baoli seemed to be making a fuss, but he just forgot martial arts. Even these old people had this situation. Is it worth making such a fuss?

"I can't forget it for the time being. Do you still want to forget it all?" Ding Baoli shouted.

"Yes, the disciple wants to forget it all."

"Do you remember a few tricks for the time being?" Lin Chang, who had not made a sound for a long time, suddenly said.

"There are still eight tricks in total, and my disciples can't forget them, so I can only remember them temporarily and slowly forget them in the future!" Long Fei answered immediately without thinking about this question.

"When do you think the time is ripe?" At this time, several other people also saw that the problem was wrong. Luo Zhengfeng looked solemn and asked slowly.

"It will take at least a year. After a year, you should be able to forget all of them." Long Fei was not very sure about this problem, so he bowed his head and meditated for a while before slowly hesitating.

"Can you show these tricks and let us have a look?" Xi Lao suddenly said.

"Good! However, to perform martial arts, I have to take a bowl and a wooden stick. Long Fei scratched his head and said with a little embarrassment.

"Bowl and stick?"

After seeing Long Fei nodded, An Fei did not say anything and immediately went to Xi Lao's living room, took Xi Lao's teacup over, and at the same time folded a wooden stick from the tree and gave it to Long Fei.

After Long Fei put away the teacup and wooden sticks, he stood in the middle of Xi Lao's quiet room and looked at Xi Lao, but did not open the rack.

"Don't worry, just do it. If you can hurt us old men, you will be the first in the world in the future." An Fei smiled.

"Yes, disciple, this is the beginning!" Long Fei grabbed his head with a little embarrassment, opened the frame, and looked at several old men and said, "The disciple has begun. If there are shortcomings, please ask the master and the four old men to give more advice, but don't laugh at the disciples!"

Ding Baoli first laughed and drove away the atmosphere that was a little serious and a little surprised. He smiled and said, "You haven't played it yet. We don't know what's going on. How can we laugh at you? Are your moves funny?"

Long Fei put away the frame and touched his nose. "Hey" laughed and said, "I don't know!"

"I don't know what else you said! Hurry up, hurry up, we can't wait!" Ding Baoli waved his hand and shouted.

An Fei smiled and said softly, "Dither didn't pick up Long Fei just now. Didn't he start long ago?"

Ding Baoli stared at An Fei, but suddenly turned to Lin Chang and smiled, "Lao San, you have to take care of your mother-in-law. Even the second brother dares to teach him a lesson!"

Lin Chang raised his hand and smiled, "Don't pull me. I dare not say what your fourth sister said, unless it's the eldest brother or the master."

An Fei stared, looked at Lin Chang, and said anrily, "Am I that terrible?" Even you dare not say what I said, and spare the eldest brother and master.

Luo Zhengfeng raised his hand and said with a rare smile, "Long Fei, please start quickly. Slow down, my brothers and sisters have quarreled for you."

Yes! Disciple, let's start now. Long Fei suddenly opened the frame, but his heart was unusually warm. This was his first time, and at the same time, he made a move in front of the famous four elders and the more famous Xi Lao. It must be false to say that he was not nervous at all. Just now, when several old people saw that they were a little nervous, they deliberately told some jokes and jokes to relax Long Fei. These people were all old foxes. Only from Long Fei's question just now, they sensed Long Fei's nervousness and immediately thought of the corresponding strategy.

It's just these, how can Long Fei not see it!