Eastern Continent

Chapter 153, Long Fei's treat

The three sat down in the restaurant in front of the Yingran Inn. This Yingran Inn is different from Yuelai Inn. Yuelai Inn is divided into four entrances, east, north and south. One entrance is a restaurant, and three entrances in the east and west are inn, while Yingran inn only has two entrances. The front is a restaurant, and the back entrance is the inn.

"Xiao Er!" As soon as Long Fei sat down, he waved his hand boldly.

"Gest, what can I do for you!" In the restaurant, if there is anything that makes guests look comfortable, only the shopkeeper's voice is always the most beautiful. After seeing all kinds of guests, a pair of shopkeepers with golden eyes are the most beautiful people in the world.

"Bring up some of your most distinctive dishes, young master, it's my treat today." Long Fei didn't ask the name of the dish, so he shouted.

"Good!" Xiao Er is always the happiest when he hears guests order.

"Hee..." Jia Lin covered her mouth and smiled, stretched out her hand and waved to the shopkeeper, "Wait! Let me see if there is anything suitable for us to eat first.

Jia Lin took the menu and looked down for a while. She was really not polite to Long Fei. She ordered more than a dozen dishes in one go. They were all names of dishes that Long Fei had never heard before. Looking at the smile on Xiao Er's face, she knew that the price of these dishes was definitely not cheap, as if Jia Lin would not take Long. He will never be willing to spend all the gold in the flying bag.

After ordering, Jia Lin also pulled Xiao Er and whispered a few words, pointing to the menu.

Hearing the last haha, the shopkeeper took the menu and handed it over to the kitchen.

The big restaurant is different. There is nothing to say about the speed. Long Fei and the three of them were drinking a second cup of tea. As soon as they finished eating a few pre-dinner snacks, the first dish was served. Seeing a few golden buns dripping with soup on the outside, Long Fei finally knew what Jia Lin was talking about when he had just pulled Xiao Er.

This kind of steamed bun is the drip bag that Longfei met when he first met the Jia Lin brothers when he first ate in Yingran City. Thinking of Gu Long's golden liquid on his face at that time, Long Fei also laughed and turned his head to look at Jia Lin, but found that he had already covered his mouth, desperately suppressed his smile, rubbed his stomach with one hand, and saw Long Fei turned his head and suddenly made a face to Long Fei.

Long Fei smiled and suddenly picked up a steamed bun and put it in his mouth. He turned his head to Jia Lin.

"Wait..." Jia Lin jumped up in horror and even brought down the chair. She hurried to Jia Qing and smiled, "If you dare to spray me, I will cover the whole plate of steamed buns on your face."

"Uh-huh..." Long Fei had a steamed bun in his mouth and didn't know what he was talking about. He looked up to the sky, bit the steamed bun in three or two bites, stretched out his neck, swallowed it, and then smiled and said, "I found that this steamed bun is wrong. It should be called a spray steamed bun, or sprayed bun on your face."

Jia Lin smiled and said, "It's also you who sprayed others. I can't eat it." With that, he sat down, put a steamed bun from the plate into his bowl, and then carefully broke the steamed bun with his hand. First, he took the first half of the steamed bun with the liquid in the middle, slowly put it in his mouth and ate it. After eating the first half of the piece, he put the bag in his mouth.

"This is how dripping buns are eaten!" Jia Lin smiled and said, "Just like you, if you bite down, the juice in the steamed bun is not good enough to break the skin of the steamed bun. It's strange to spray others all over!"

"Just eat a steamed bun and swallow it in one bite. Why is it so troublesome!" Long Fei shook his head and smiled bitterly, "The world is so boring. It's obviously a simple thing, but it's so complicated."

Jia Lin complained, "How can such an elegant thing change its taste in your mouth?"

"What elegance is? It's just a trick that rich people come up with boredom. If a poor person has been hungry for a few days and sees a few steamed buns, he can't wait to eat them in one bite. Who is bored and slowly breaks them in half before eating them."

"You..." Jia Lin pointed to Long Fei and suddenly said dejectedly, "I won't tell you anymore. Play the piano to the cow and eat!"

The corners of Jia Qing's mouth curled slightly, as if he were not smiling.

With this slight smile, he didn't expect to be known by Jia Lin. He turned his head and stared at Jia Qing fiercely. Jia Qing, who had always been calm and silent, hurriedly picked up a steamed bun, regardless of elegance, and stuffed it into his mouth.

The dishes in the back were soon served. Seeing the dishes with full color, fragrance, Long Fei felt that his stomach was indeed a little hungry. The pain in the morning not only cured him to death, but also hollowed out his stomach.

Some people are also young anyway, and they will not be polite and modest. They picked up their chopsticks and began to eat.

The three of them ate and talked. In the middle of the meal, the conversation between several men in the other table gradually increased, and the topic also attracted their attention.

Because it is still morning, there are not many people coming to the restaurant for dinner. In the whole hall, plus the table of three people, there are only four tables of guests. One of the three tables is a few people dressed neatly. At a glance, you can know that it is a footman who collects something from the village and then sells it in Yingran City. When eating, There are also a few things like sacks beside him, which shows that they are staying in the Yingran inn and eating here by the way.

The innermost table is just a few young masters of Yingran City who came here to have breakfast before going home to bed after nightlife.

Talking are several big men sitting at a table near the door, all in black clothes, chewing and talking loudly.

"Brother, I heard that last night, the Crouching Tiger Gang set fire to Yuelai Inn." Dahanjia said.

"The Crouching Tiger Helps these people have always been domineering and arrogant. They will beat them if they don't like it. Unexpectedly, they have bullied them to the Triad this time. It seems that there is a good show this time!" This is a tall man sitting at the gate, obviously the eldest brother in the mouth of the big man.

"Hey..." The voice of the big man just now continued, "Brother, do you think our door owner will laugh happily?"

"What's the doorman laughing about! It's a fight between the Crouching Tiger Gang and the Sanhe Association, and it's none of our business. This is another big man

"Stupid!" Dahanjia suddenly knocked on the head of his accomplices and despised: "Think about it, if the Crouching Tiger Gang and the Sanhe Association will both be injured, we will not be left in the Liuliumen family in the end."

"Oh!" Dahan Yi's eyes turned around, suddenly understood, and said happily, "Yes! Yes! You said, how powerful will it be if the two laymen of Liu Liumen merged?

The eldest brother took a look at his brother and suddenly said, "Can't we guess the idea of the doorkeeper? White Wolf, are you itchy? If you want to learn the rules, how dare you discuss the door owner behind your back?"

The white wolf trembled all over and lost his voice, "No... dare not, big... brother laughed!"

"Big brother" took a look at the white wolf and said lightly, "Then don't talk about the things in the help, let other people hear it, and say that I taught it."

The white wolf nodded and said, "Yes, brother, the white wolf knew it was wrong."

"Big brother" nodded and said, "Don't blame the eldest brother for talking about you. Our brothers talk close the door. No one knows. You can say whatever you say. At this time, you still need to pay attention to it in public."

"Yes, the white wolf understands!"

Several men drank a few sips of wine and laughed when they saw that the white wolf was scolded by the eldest brother. One of them said, "White wolf, did you drink too much yellow urine and talk nonsense again?"

The white wolf stared and turned to the men. Just as he was about to speak, another man rushed in from the outside of the restaurant. Before he approached, he shouted, "Brother, come and see, the Crouching Tiger Gang has been fighting with the Sanhe."

Hearing the sound, the eldest brother and his subordinates at the entrance of Liuliumen stood up and didn't even care about the good wine and dishes all over the table. They rushed out and disappeared in an instant. The man who came to report was stopped behind by his own people. After they all rushed out of the door, he walked to the wine table and grabbed a few steamed buns and a chicken leg. As he walked out, he stuffed it into his mouth and muttered something, but no one could hear it clearly.

Jia Lin turned his head to look at Long Fei and smiled, "I didn't expect that I was really succeeded by you. The Crouching Tiger Gang and the Trial Association really fought."

Long Fei shook his head and said, "Although the fight between the Crouching Tiger Gang and the Triad was caused by us, it was not blamed by me."

Jia Lin was stunned and looked at Long Fei and said doubtfully, "It's not that we are the fault. Is it that the Crouching Tiger Gang has long wanted to attack the Trium?"

Long Fei smiled and said, "That's right, the Crouching Tiger Gang only used the excuse of the Yuelai Inn to attack the Triad, but it's not because we attacked the Triad. Even if we didn't participate in it, they would find another excuse."

"How can I see it?" Jia Lindao.

"Just look at last night and you will know! Li Laosheng knew that Yuelai Inn was the property of Qiu Tianhua's father-in-law, the president of Sanhe, and dared to set fire in Yuelai Inn. This is not an announcement of war with Sanhe, not to mention that he would kill some Sanhe people in the future. The Sanhe Association is just a Jianghu gang. It is bullied by its subordinates, but Qiu Tianhua can't shrink back, so it will be despised by the helpers. Forced by the situation, it is inevitable that the two gangs fight.

Jia Lin pondered for a while and nodded silently. Rarely, he no longer took Long Fei seriously, but stood up and said happily, "Let's go and have a look!"

"But... we haven't eaten yet?" Long Fei looked at Xiao Er's plate of ten miles of hot fragrance and drooled.

"Let's go! Let's go. You'll starve to death. Come back and eat!" Jia Lin turned his head and walked out.

"Let's go! Brother Long!" Jia Qing glanced at Long Fei and whispered. He also stood up and followed Jia Lin. Jia Qing was like a follower of Jia Lin. Listening to Jia Lin's command, he was not like his brother at all.

"Oh! It's ten miles to smell the fragrance!" Long Fei's nose shrugged, and his saliva was about to flow down. He quickly picked up his chopsticks, put a few pieces in his mouth, frowned and exhaled hot air, and quickly took out the smallest piece of gold from his coat on his body and put it on the table without waiting for money, and ran out behind.

The shop Xiaoer looked at the small gold nugget with two or two weights, and then looked at the wide round table, and then there was only a cold and dripping bag and a plate of ten miles smelling fragrance. He was stunned for a while, suddenly shouted, covering his mouth and laughing, "Child, I'm rich..."

After being stunned for a while, he suddenly woke up, rushed back and shouted, "Boss, boss, the guests don't eat, and don't cook the rest of the dishes..."