Eastern Continent

Chapter 154, Fighting

The scorching sun is in the sky, the ground is like an oven, and the wind spreads heat, roasting everyone who dares to stand in the sun at this time.

On the street south of Yingran City, there are two factions standing opposite each with weapons in their hands. Everyone's eyes when they see the opposite person are blood-red and murderous, as if they are facing their father's enemies.

Standing on the east side of the street are all big men in black blouses. A yellow lying tiger is embroidered on the chest of their clothes. The black men's hands are full of big knives, and each big knife looks exactly the same. The thick back and sharp blade shine brightly in the sunlight. These people are the gangsters of the Crouching Tiger Gang.

On the west side of the street are a group of big men in blue blouses. The hem of each of their clothes is sewn with a red stripe, and the blue man holds weapons in their hands, but there are all kinds of knives, swords, halberds, *, forks, etc. These people are the congregation of the triad.

The two groups of people confronted each other across the street. Every time they looked at each other and hated each other, they couldn't wait to rush up and bite each other and cut a knife. However, after looking at each other, they found that the two sides were almost equal in strength, and no one could do anything

"Kill!" I don't know who shouted loudly among the big men in black on the left side of the street. The big men in black also shouted when they heard the sound and rushed to the big men on the right one after another, brazenly launching the war first.

In an instant, two groups of big men in black and blue shirts began to fight.

Blood splashed and broken arms. As early as the two factions confronted each other, there was a sound of weapons colliding on the street, and the sound of injuries and screams. The whole street became a battlefield of Rasha in an instant.

In Yingran City, this is not something that happens by chance, but something that has often happened recently.

Since Long Fei led the disaster east to the Triad, the people of Yingran City found a strange thing, that is, Yingran City, which had been quiet for a long time, began to be chaotic again. The Crouching Tiger Gang and the Triad Society fought from time to time, and the two gangs were injured and even died almost every day. This chaos also involved some of the chaos. Innocent people.

Like this time, it is only a relatively mild fight.

You should know that the three largest gangs in Yingran City, the Crouching Tiger Gang, Sanhegong and Liuliumen, are at least thousands of people. This kind of fight between dozens of people is really just a small thing. At most, hundreds of people were dispatched, similar to a small-scale war.

This situation, from the first few days to now, there have been fighting almost every day. Even if there are no dozens of people or hundreds of people, if they meet alone, they will fight for blood and never stop.

Things are getting worse day by day. In the whole Yingran City, except for the territory controlled by Liumen, the Crouching Tiger Gang does not dare to invade. In other places, as long as it is the territory of the Triankai or the property of the Triang Association, the Crouching Tiger Gang sends people to attack and push forward step by step.

This chaos lasted for more than two months. It was not until one day when the city lord's mansion announced that martial arts were prohibited in the city. This kind of martial arts that was staged every day that frightened people stopped.

Of course, what stopped was only the superficial fighting, and the fierce battle below not only did not stop, but became more and more intense. The superficial conflict is just a fierce battle of little shrimp. For the two gangs, it is not hurtful. Only the fierce battle below is the competition of heavyweights and the struggle of the backbone of the sect.

Since Long Fei and the three started the fight between the Crouching Tiger Gang and the Triad, although they don't need to push them any more, the Crouching Tiger Gang will also push the triad step by step, but the three are not out, but secretly help the triad.

According to the information the three people know, the Crouching Tiger Gang is really a vicious tiger. From the top to the master to the bottom, all of them are evil and notorious villains in Yingran City, while the Triang is a gang of gang of bitter haha and some businessmen doing small businesses. The gangs are all living in the urban poverty areas. The poor man joined the Triang Association to avoid being bullied by the Crouching Tiger Gang, but it was these people who bullied the Crouching Tiger Gang.

Speaking of the three gangs in Yingran City, Liu Liu is like a spectator, but the Crouching Tiger Gang and the Triun Association often fight happily. The old hatred has not gone, and the new hatred comes again. The result is that the deeper the knot, the more fierce the fierce the fierceness. As early as a long time ago, the two gangs have become a trend of water and fire. Sooner or later, there will be a big explosion, but Unexpectedly, this time it was Long Fei and the other three who lit the firecracker.

Long Fei and the three are not blatantly involved in the struggle of the two factions, but when they see that the power of the trio is slightly weak, the three will secretly go out, pick out some of the halls of the Crouching Tiger Gang, and drive the Crouching Tiger Gang out of the territory of the Triang Association.

Every time the three people go out, the Crouching Tiger Gang is considered to be a triangled person. As a result, the two gangs are fighting more and more fiercely. From the efforts of ordinary gangs, they are gradually upgraded to the leader of the gang, and then gradually become the master.

The general forum of the Crouching Tiger Gang.

Liu Hu, the great leader Long Fei and others have never seen before, was sitting on the teacher's chair in the lobby. His face was calm and gloomy, but he just sat quietly. A sharp momentum emanated from his body. In addition to Li Laosheng, who was in the same realm as him, and a guest Liao Yuanqiang, he could still maintain a normal look. In addition, the rest, such as Li Liang and Yao Zengguang, are trembling and dare not breathe.

Yao Zengguang, who was fat, was injured at this time, leaving only one of his two fat hands, which was still as flexible as before. Except for the lack of one hand, the whole person's spiritual face has not changed from before.

However, Li Liang's appearance changed greatly. He was burned by two torches of Long Fei. His body was covered by clothes and could not be seen, but his face was red and black. There was a scar here, but there was already peeling, and no one dared to recognize his whole appearance.

"Fourth!" Liu Hu suddenly looked up and said to Yao Zengguang.

"There, big brother, please tell me." Yao Zengguang straightened his chest.

"Take a group of people to Qiu Tianhua's father-in-law's house and arrest his family for me." Liu Hu said viciously, "If you cut the grass and don't get rid of it, the spring breeze will be born again. Since Qiu Tianhua wants to fight against us, then there will be no chickens and dogs."

"Yes, don't worry, boss. I promise to bring his family back." After Yao Zeng responded, he turned around and walked out of the lobby.

"Lao San, do you have any information about those three children?" Liu Hu turned to Li Liang again.

Hearing the big man ask about the three children, Li Liang seemed to remember his injury experience. In an instant, the red place on his face was redder and the black place was darker. He said hatefully, "I haven't found out yet!"

"Keep an eye on these three children. I suspect that they are not ordinary children. It's better if they don't appear, and try not to mess with them. Of course, if they still don't know each other, then don't be polite to them."

"Yes!" Li Laosheng and Li Liang responded at the same time.

"Second, let's go to the general forum of the Triad and meet Qiu Tianhua for a while. The third brother and Mr. Liao can stay at home." Liu Hu's assignment was over and stood up, with a tall figure, which was even taller than Yao Zengguang.

The general forum of the triangle.

The congregation of the Triangle can be said to be some hard-working poor people in Yingran City. Naturally, the general altar is not as magnificent as the general altar of the Crouching Tiger Gang. It is just a plain house, with the front and rear courtyards, the middle and the east and west sides of the house.

In a lobby, Qiu Tianhua sat in the middle, Qing Yuanping, the second head, and Liu Guanglin, the third, sat on both sides. All three of them looked serious.

"Second brother!" Qiu Tianhua's face was slender, his eyes were deep, his cheek bones were high, and his chin was long. He seemed to be thinking about a problem. After a long silence, he raised his head and said to Qing Yuanping sitting on his left: "Report the recent situation."

Qing Yuanping is a middle-aged man who is slightly fatter than Qiu Tianhua. His eyes are slender and he sighed and sighed, "Brother, several of our properties have been destroyed and robbed by the Crouching Tiger Gang. Several halls have also been broken by the Crouching Tiger. Except for being killed or fled, the rest of the brothers have been retracted back to this general altar. ."

"Big brother!" Liu Guanglin is strong, has a thick skeleton, and sounds like a bell: "If you want me to say, it's not a way to shrink in the general altar like this. We are not turtles. If we can shrink until when, it's better to call our brothers and fight with them. Kill one is enough, and it's profitable to kill two!"

Qiu Tianhua looked up at the roof, gently tapped his fingers on the table, and said gently after a long time, "Second brother, what do you think?"

"Brother, the words of the third brother are actually reasonable. The brothers of our triad are all poor families. They have received a lot of favors from the eldest brother. No one will be a traitor. The eldest brother will take them to really fight with the Crouching Tiger Gang. Anyway, they can't escape the attack of the Crouching Tiger Gang."

"That's hundreds of brothers!" Qiu Tianhua said, "There is a situation where there is no return. These brothers are all old brothers who have been with me for ten years. I don't want them to fall into a desperate situation and lose their lives in vain!"

"Brother, if a man dies, he will die. I'm afraid of his bird. Twenty years later, he will be a good man again!" Liu Guanglin stood up and shouted, "I'm going to recruit brothers now, mother, fight to help that bitch."

"slow down!" Qiu Tianhua waved Liu Guanglin back and shook his head and said, "I think it's better to let the brothers break up. Knowing that there is a situation of no return, it is meaningless to ask the brothers to die. Our three brothers have gone to fight with the Crouching Tiger Gang."

"No, big brother, you can't go. If you want to go, my third brother and I will go. You take your brother first and avenge us in the future." Qingyuanping blocked the road.

"Ha..." Qiu Tianhua smiled and said, "Second brother, I know you are doing it for my own good, but if I, as the leader, run away before the enemy attacks, I will not be able to raise my head in front of my brothers in the future."

"Big brother!" Qingyuanping shouted.

"You don't have to stop it. I'd better go to see Liu Hu and stop it. You two will withdraw with your brothers. Don't make meaningless sacrifices. Don't think about revenge in the future. Let's live a safe life."

"Brother, I'll go with you! I won't be that shrinking turtle!" Liu Guanglin rushed out of the door.

"Come back!" Qiu Tianhua shouted, "What are you doing in such a hurry?"

Qing Yuanping grabbed Liu Guanglin with his backhand and stared at him and said, "What are you worried about? Sit down first." Turning to Qiu Tianhua, he said, "Brother, I don't want to stop you. Although our three brothers are not biological, they are better than their own. Although they can't live together, it doesn't matter if they die together. However, even if we must die, we have to pull the Crouching Tiger to accompany us, but we can't let Liu Hu live and harm others again."

"Second brother, how can you accompany Liu Hu?" As soon as Liu Guanglin sat down, he jumped up again when he heard the words and said in surprise.

Qiu Tianhua will also look at Qing Yuanping.

"Didn't the lord of the king just issue an order a few days ago to prohibit our gangs from fighting so as not to affect the lives of citizens? This time, if we want to die together with the Crouching Tiger, then just make a little bigger. The whole city knows that the lord of the city is angry. Although my triad will be completely destroyed in the end, the Crouching Tiger Gang will certainly not have any good result.

"What's going on?" Qiu Tianhua stared at Qingyuan Pingdao with his eyes.

Qing Yuanping gritted his teeth and said, "Since the Crouching Tiger Gang is not afraid of making a big deal, let's simply make a bigger scene and ask our brothers to go to various shops related to the Crouching Tiger Gang, hotels and inns, or various industries*, and even set fire to houses, kill people, and stirring up the whole Yingran City. I don't believe in Juncheng. The Lord will not come out to interfere.

Qiu Tianhua closed his eyes, meditated for a long time, and shook his head and said, "It's not appropriate. Although it is possible to drag the Crouching Tiger Gang into the water and even destroy them, the brothers of the Triad are also over. In the future, they will become street mice in Yingran City, and there will no longer be face to stay in Yingran. Besides, because of my triad, those Innocent people are dragged in and even lost their lives, and our conscience can't get along with it. Don't mention it!"

"In this case, we can only fight with the Crouching Tiger Gang. Now we have fewer people, and the Crouching Tiger Gang is more powerful, and more evil and less lucky!" Qingyuanping said anxiously.

"If you take this road, the ending is doomed. The man is born openly and aboveboard, and his death should be vigorous. How can he involve others for fear of death and fight with the Crouching Tiger Gang? It doesn't matter if he dies!" Qiu Tianhua swept away the anxiety just now and said with great pride.

Qing Yuanping looked at Qiu Tianhua's slightly red face with excitement, and suddenly shouted, "In this case, brother, I will accompany you."

Liu Guanglin also jumped up, waved his fist and shouted, "Big brother, second brother, I'll accompany you."

Qiu Tianhua looked at the excited and death-like faces of Qing Yuanping and Liu Guanglin. He was also moved and laughed and said, "I didn't expect that our three brothers could not live on the same day, but we could die on the same day, which is not in vain."

Qing Yuanping also laughed and said, "It's right, big brother, let the Crouching Tiger Gang see the combat power of my triang. Even if my triang can't survive, I will beat the Crouching Tiger Gang this wolf tiger crippled."

Liu Guanglin turned around and walked out and shouted, "I'm going to gather my brothers and fight fiercely with the Crouching Tiger Gang."


Liu Guanglin rushed out of the lobby in a few steps, but unexpectedly, as soon as he rushed out of the lobby, he was not to beware of a trio gangster from the side. In an instant, the two collided with each other. Liu Guanglin, who was tall and rushed to fly back.

"Ouch!" Liu Guanglin hurriedly strode forward and wanted to grab the helpers, but unexpectedly, Qiu Tianhua rushed from his side and caught the helpers who were about to fall to the ground.

As soon as he put down the ground, the helpers of the triad hurriedly shouted to Qiu Tianhua, "Master, the big deal is not good!"

"What's the matter?" Qiu Tianhua felt awe of heart.

"The Crouching Tiger helped Yao Fatty take people to Mao's house and captured the old Mao's family."

"What!" Qiu Tianhua was dizzy for a while and shook his body. He was about to help him, but Qiu Tianhua shook his hand, straightened his waist, and said in a low voice, "When did it happen?"

"An hour ago, now the Crouching Tiger Gang was escorting Mr. Mao to our general altar."

"Good thief, even innocent people will not be let go." Qiu Tianhua bit his teeth so loudly that he almost smashed all his teeth.

"Second brother, second brother, what should I do now?" Liu Guanglin looked anxiously at Qingyuan Pingdao.

"Brother, if the Crouching Tiger Gang doesn't want to show off its power this time, it will force the eldest brother to surrender." Qing Yuanping was worried and said, "I think most of them are majestic. If you kill Mr. Mao and others in front of us, the confidence of the brothers will be gone."

"Ha...haha..." Qiu Tianhua suddenly laughed and said heroly, "It's also a knife to stretch out your head and shrink your head. Brothers, since the Crouching Tiger Gang has forced us to come to the door, let's stretch out our heads to meet the Crouching Tiger Gang."

"Brothers, follow the eldest brother and fight with the Crouching Tiger Gang!" Qing Yuanping also suddenly shouted.

"Follow the big brother!" Liu Guanglin also shouted loudly.

"Follow the big brother!" Before the lobby, dozens of Sanhe congregations who were there also shouted.

"Report!" As soon as the voices fell, a gang staggered in front of Qiu Tianhua, stood in front of Qiu Tianhua, gasped slightly, and said in a trembling voice, "Li Hu, the head of the Crouching Tiger Gang, and Li Laosheng, the second head, took nearly a thousand people and surrounded the gate of the general altar."