Eastern Continent

Chapter 211, the natural reproduction of the teacher

There was silence around the martial arts arena, and everyone looked at Guan Quan with admiration.

In these two martial arts competition, Guan Quan showed the demeanor of the eldest brother. No matter which brother challenged, it was a move to repel, and the strength was just right, but it made people retreat, but it did not hurt anyone at all.

"I haven't seen you for a few years. I didn't expect Guan Quan's martial arts to progress so fast that he entered the realm of Taiji mixed yuan." Ding Baoli pinched his fat chin, opened his mouth and laughed, "It seems that there is someone who follows me through the ladder!"

"It's good, but if you want to inherit the ladder, you must also be at the level of divine change." Xi Lao also smiled, but he was still a little dissatisfied. Speaking of which, Guan Quan was in his twenties when he studied martial arts. At this time, he was still the first heavy Taiji mixed realm at the Jieyuan level, which naturally made Boss Xi dissatisfied.

"However, in the past five years, I have not been lazy! At this time when he came back to the mountain in five years, he was the fourth realm of the spiritual level. Now he has been promoted to the first realm of the Jieyuan level. It is also good to be promoted to a realm in five years. Lin Chang said softly.

Anfei nodded and agreed, and Luo Zhengfeng also nodded gently.

You should know that at the beginning of martial arts, the promotion of the realm is still very fast. The lower the realm, the faster the promotion. As long as you work hard, you can be promoted. When you reach a high level, it will be difficult to promote.

For example, at the two levels of acquired and congenital, as long as people are willing to endure hardships and have certain martial arts talent, they can have one or two years of the same level. If you practice martial arts at the age of ten, it is not difficult to enter the first line before the age of 20, but at the end of martial arts, the entry into the realm is getting slower and slower. After reaching the level of enlightenment, You can be promoted with diligence. After being promoted to this level, you must have some understanding. Only with artistic understanding and physical cultivation can the realm be promoted. Sometimes it is common to be promoted to a realm in three or four years, and sometimes it is common to be promoted to a realm in ten or eight years. Some people finally stop at a certain realm in their lives. It is not impossible.

"Let's continue to look. Next, Zuo Dun should appear. Let's see what kind of progress he will make in martial arts in the past two years." Xi Lao said lightly.

"Second brother, please give me some advice!" Zuo Dun stood up from his seat, walked a few steps to the middle of the martial arts practice field and stood still, shouting at Zhou An on the side of the field.

"Five brothers are polite. Let's learn from each other!" Zhou An stood up and didn't see how he was doing. He jumped up, turned over in the air, and stood firmly in front of the left shield.

There was a noisy sound in the martial arts practice. Although Zhou An's light work is still in the realm of water, he has obviously mastered the true meaning of water. Just looking at his hand rolling in the air, he is like a fish jumping on the surface of the water, with a beautiful posture.

"Five brothers, please take action!" Zhou An stood up and looked at Zuo Dun and whispered.

"You're welcome!" Zuo Dun knew that Zhou An, as a senior, could not attack him first, so he was not polite. He raised his hands, bent his fingers into fists, put the other in front of his chest, and attacked Zhou An with a wrong foot.

Zhou An smiled and didn't say anything. He raised a stroke with his left foot, which instantly narrowed the distance between the two people. He raised it with one hand and greeted the left shield.

Although it is said that after understanding the teacher's method naturally, it will generally enter the level of divine change, but it also depends on the age. Some people have not understood it until they are 50 or 60 years old. They have already passed the best age to learn martial arts. Even if they understand it, they do not have this energy. Even if they want to persist, they can't stick to it. After spending a lot of time, I found that I didn't have much time left, but at this time, it was still 18,000 miles away from the level of divine change.

The sooner a martial artist understands the master's method, the better it will be. Like Zuo Dun, he has understood the teacher's nature before he is 20 years old. As long as there is no accident, he will definitely be a warrior at the level of divine change in the future, and the sooner he understands the teacher's method, the sooner he will enter the realm of divine change.

"Teacher is natural!" Zhou An muttered that he began to pay attention to Zuo Dun. He quickly understood the nature of the teacher's law, and his future was unlimited.

To tell the truth, he doesn't put Zuo Dun in his eyes. Zuo Dun is only the essence realm of the first realm of the spiritual level, but he is the fourth realm. The two are three levels apart. Even if Zuo Dun is a genius, he can't be his opponent, but now Zuo Dun understands that the teacher is naturally different, such as Sure enough, the left shield is an iron nail to reach the level of divine transformation, and although Zhou An is the casting of the spirit at this time, he has not yet understood the nature of the teacher's method.

Among the disciples of Tongtian Ladder, Guan Quan was the first person to understand the nature of the teacher's method, but he only understood it when his martial arts was about to reach the level of Jieyuan. At that time, he was nearly 40 years old.

And the most precious years of learning martial arts for a martial artist is before the age of 40. At that time, his richness and strength, physical resilience and flexibility are at their peak. After the age of 40, they will gradually decline. Unless martial arts enter the level of divine transformation, they can nourish their bodies with divine consciousness, which is another matter.

Therefore, although Guan Quan has understood the nature of the teacher, he is old and can reach the level of divine change.

But Zuo Dun is different. He is only 20 this year, and his martial arts have reached the level of refinement. It is the most active time in all aspects of his body. It is almost a certainty to be promoted to the divine level in the future.

In the next generation of the heavenly ladder, there will be a warrior who will enter the level of divine transformation in the future. It is needless to say how important it is for the whole heavenly ladder.

It is not only the Zhou An brothers who attach importance to Zuo Dun, but also the five elders who have also become attached importance to it. For a young warrior who understands the nature of the teacher's method, I'm afraid these old guys are the best to know the meaning of the heavenly ladder.

"Fifth brother, please!" Zhou Ansu's hands are polite and his expression is focused.

"Second brother, you're welcome!" Zuo Dun was really rude. As soon as he finished speaking, he jumped up and rushed to Zhou An.

This time, Zuo Dun seemed to have become another person, and the whole person seemed to have merged with the whole nature all the time. When he jumped up, the forward figure actually brought the sound of wind.

I don't know how powerful it is. Just looking at this momentum is scary enough.

Those servants don't know, but Guan Quan and the five elders know that this is Zuo Dun's integration into nature with his master, thus driving the wind in nature, which creates such an exaggerated momentum.

The so-called teacher nature is to learn nature and understand all the magical powers of nature, so as to achieve the realm of driving the power of nature with consciousness. When consciousness can really drive some power of nature, it is to enter the level of divine transformation.

"The second brother is strong in martial arts, I lost!" Zuo Dun was also straightforward. He knew that he could not be Zhou An's enemy and tried the power of the casting realm, so he simply admitted defeat. In this challenge, as long as he wanted to know his shortcomings and the power of the high realm, if his goal is achieved now, he will naturally admit defeat immediately.

However, even so, he also had more than a dozen moves with Zhou An, which was much stronger than Lin Kedang and Shi Zhanguo and Guan Quan.

"The fifth brother's martial arts skills are good. He was promoted to the realm of chemical essence at a young age, and he also understood the nature of the teacher's law. His future is unlimited. In the future, he must be the pillar of the heavenly ladder." Seriously, even Zhou An is a little envious of Zuo Dun. He is in his thirties this year. According to ordinary people, the realm of casting is not low, and he is also a martial arts genius, but he has not yet understood the nature of the teacher's law. Whether he can enter the divine change in the future is still between two.

"Second brother is praised!" Zuo Dun smiled faintly, as if he didn't care about these.

Zhou An then praised Zuo Dun a few more words, and this time the engagement was over.