Eastern Continent

Chapter 212, the contest of light power

Who will go next? Everyone looked at Long Fei's three. Among the eight disciples, only Long Fei did not go on the stage?

Long Fei pointed to every match on the field. While he understood it, he also explained the advantages and disadvantages of copper head and Tielan. The characteristics of a person's martial arts, the strengths and disadvantages of a certain move, and focused on the natural role of the teacher and the help to martial arts. He only envied that the copper head almost flowed out of the water. His eyes were shining, and he didn't know what he was saying.

But Tielan just smiled. What she saw most in her eyes was not the game on the field, but Long Fei. After seeing her for half a year, Tielan knew that in addition to homesickness and Tielao, what she had to think about the most was this exhausted guy. The smile that didn't care about and the expression of his hippoccasionally revealed The focus is as if it is engraved in Tielan's mind. It is so clear. Seeing it again in half a year, Tielan feels that no matter how she looks at it, she can't see enough.

However, when Long Fei turned his head, Tielan naturally turned his eyes to the martial arts field.

"What exactly is this teacher naturally? Look at how big their reactions are?" When he saw the left shield showing the teacher's nature in the field, the expressions and reactions on each person's faces were the ground, and the bronze head was also a little surprised.

"It's nothing. It's just learning nature and driving nature with the help of nature. The greatest power between heaven and earth is not our own power, but the power of nature. When you learn to use the power of nature or drive the power of nature, you will know how insignificant our martial arts's own power is. Of."

"So awesome!" What's wrong with the copper head? He turned to Tielan and said, "Xiao Lanzi, when will we understand the teacher's method and naturally come to play!"

Tielan shook her head slightly: "Brother Tong, it may not be easy to understand the nature of the teacher. Look, only two or three of the eight disciples of the master can understand the nature of the teacher."

"I know it's not easy!" The copper head's eyes were shining, but he said firmly, "It's not easy. If we understand it, we can reflect our extraordinary!" Xiao Longzi, don't you think so?

"Yes, yes." Long Fei nodded, which is good. He has always faced difficulties and is happy to solve difficult problems.

The three were talking happily, as if they suddenly sensed something. At the same time, they looked up and saw that the whole audience turned their eyes in this direction. The three were stunned at the same time. Looking at the whole scene, they shrank their necks and looked at Long Fei and said, "Little Longzi, why are they all looking at us?"

"I want us to play!" Long Fei and Lai Yangyang smiled and said, "The third brother, the fourth brother and the fifth brother have all gone up, leaving only the three of us!"

"You go, I won't go!" The copper head shrank to the seat, as if it could make others unable to see himself: "My skill is not even as good as some servants. It's 108,000 miles away from them. It's funny to play. The third brother is not the enemy of the big brother's move. Isn't I not even close to him when I go up? No, I have to play. It will also wait until I get promoted to the free state of heaven.

"Little Lanzi, how about you?" Long Fei turned to Tielan Road.

"Brother Copper doesn't dare to go up, and I dare not go!" Tielan wrinkled her nose and smiled, "If I want to challenge, I can only challenge Brother Copper!"

"Haha... Xiaolanzi, you dare to bully me. Well, I want to challenge, and I also want to challenge Xiaolongzi." The copper head laughed in a low voice.

The three talked in a low voice in everyone's eyes. Except for Tielan's slightly suffocation, both Tongtou and Long Fei looked natural and were not embarrassed by the gaze of so many people.

"Okay! I'm waiting for you to challenge me." In everyone's eyes, Long Fei stood up, stepped into the middle of the martial arts field, bowed Guan Quan, and shouted, "Big brother, I'll ask you for advice!"

"Good!" Guan Quan smiled and stood up, but he didn't see how he did. His figure shook and stood in front of Long Fei. His light skills have entered the realm of popular. Although he is not as amazing as the five elders, he is also acting like the wind. Naturally, he can leap across the small martial arts field.

Long Fei was stunned. He didn't expect Guan Quan's light kung fu to be so powerful. It seems that as the eldest brother of the heavenly ladder, he really lives up to his reputation. Not only is martial arts the head of the disciples, but light kung fu is also far higher than that of his subordinate disciples. Even his second brother Zhou An is at this time, he is the peak of the realm of water, and he is still a little short of progress. Enter the trend.

For the disciples of Tongtian ladder who learn the popular light kung fu, generally, only by entering the Jieyuan level, can the light kung can enter the realm of Fengxing, because only by entering the Jieyuan level can the internal force support the consumption of the Fengxing realm. Otherwise, even if the Qinggong enters the Fengxing realm, it will appear extraordinary due to the lack of internal force.

"Big brother is so light!" Long Fei looked at Guan Quan and said enviously, "Is this the realm of popular?"

"Exact!" Guan Quan looked at Long Fei and smiled and said, "I heard that the younger brother has mastered the realm of light power. As long as he persists, it should not be difficult to enter the realm of popular in the future!"

"Ha ha..." Long Fei smiled shyly and said, "That's what I learned randomly. It's not as authentic as the big brother."

"Haha..." Guan Quan stroked his chin and laughed: "Little brother, it's really yours. You can also learn popular light skills randomly. This is the first thing that has happened in the past thousands of years. In the past, people used to learn step by step according to the brochure and the master's teaching, for fear of mistakes. You are fine, but you actually I have found another way to learn that this is obviously a popular light kung fu, but it is not like the popular light kung fu.

"Hey...how are you learning, and you need to correct it from your big brother." Long Fei smiled and suddenly straightened his face and bowed to Guan Quan, "Big brother, please give me some advice!"

"Hmm! Don't hesitate to take action!" Guan Quan waved gently: "You're welcome to the big brother."

"Okay, big brother, please pay attention!" Longfei Dantian began to learn about his heavenly achievements and suddenly separated more than 20 strands from Dantian. First of all, the first one was injected into his hands and feet. Longfei's whole body suddenly rose and stretched out his hands, like a big bird with wings, leaping towards Guan Quan.

In the eyes of the audience, Long Fei stretched out his arms, as if he were hugging Guan Quan.

Do you have such martial arts?

Everyone flashed this idea, which was a fight, but a hug.

Guan Quan smiled and suddenly took a step forward without taking action, as if to welcome Long Fei, and rushed to Long Fei's arms.

This scene seems to be a real brother meeting and hugging each other.

Long Fei knew that Guan Quan didn't have to take action. The collision of a single body would definitely hit himself away. How dare you let Guan Quan jump into his arms and hurriedly inject the second internal force into his feet. Long Fei, who was rushing forward, suddenly stopped and suddenly rushed to rise and rose.

Guan Quan's collision was supposed to hit Long Fei's arms, but when Long Fei rushed forward, he still had the strength to change the direction and make his body rise. Although he was already a light skill in the popular realm, suddenly, he could not change the direction.

But after all, Guan Quan is the light kung fu of the popular realm, and the depth of internal strength is not comparable to Long Fei. The light kung fu of the popular realm is not comparable to the half bucket of water like Long Fei. Although he inevitably misses Long Fei, he just rushed through Long Fei's body. Stop immediately, jump up and chase after Long Fei.

However, Longfei's unique Xu Tiangong, combined with his own understanding of light skills, turned out to be unexpected by many people. Seeing Guan Quan chasing him, the third strand of Xu Tiangong was injected into his feet. Long Fei suddenly rose to slide as if he had a pulley on the soles of his feet, and glided forward in mid-air, as if a leaf swept by the wind was flying in the air.

Guan Quan was stunned and had no choice but to change his direction and chase Long Fei.

With this flash of pursuit, the two people chased in the square.

Guan Quan's speed and endurance are obviously faster and more durable than Long Fei, but Long Fei is obviously a little more dexterous than Guan Quan. Therefore, although Guan Quan wants to catch Long Fei or hit Long Fei, he misses Long Fei every time.

For a while, the two people in the martial arts arena seemed to be helpless.

Don't say anything else. In terms of light kung fu, Long Fei's ability to deal with Guan Quan for so long has greatly surprised everyone, especially Lin Chang and Ding Baoli. They have seen Long Fei perform his unique light skills. At that time, Long Fei could only distinguish eight internal forces at most, and the vertical leap distance was also very short. At this time, the martial arts entered the state of free heaven, which was a sky. Under the influence of more than 20 internal forces, the whole person seemed to float in the air. Whether it was rising or sliding, he could act. Naturally, the change is natural but without warning. Guan Quan often chased too far, so he had to turn around and chase back.

In fact, Long Fei's light power is not expected by Guan Quan at all, either rising, sliding, or falling, left, or right, or even retreating. This kind of light power, which changes direction from time to time, completely subverts everyone's understanding of light power.

Whether it is the light kung fu of other sects on the mainland, or the popular light kung fu that Tongtian ladder is proud of, it is long-distance running or short-range attacks, it is as fast as lightning, paying attention to a fast word, but Long Fei's light kung fu is different, he pays attention to the word dexterity, Xiao Fan The leap in the enclosure is obviously invincible for the time being.

Long Fei is like a slippery loach. Although it can also parade in the sea, it is better at crossing the swamp, while Guan Quan is a fierce shark, which can only cross in the sea, and there is no place to use in the swamp.

This is the current situation. This small martial arts arena is a small swamp. Yu Guanquan's space is too small, but Yu Longfei is just right.

From the perspective of martial arts, the two have no comparison at all. The difference is too big, but in terms of light martial arts, they have their own characteristics. It is also natural that Guan Quan can't help Longfei for a while.

It is said to be a natural thing, but the people watching around the martial arts arena, whether they are five elders or servants, have boiled. You should know that when Guan Quan faced Lin Kedang and Shi Zhanguo just now, he instantly narrowed the distance between the two, defeated the enemy with one move, and was simply neat. Although Long Fei has not yet made a real move with Guan Quan, the pursuit of the two has been a few breaths, which is equivalent to a lot of moves with Guan Quan with light skills.

Xi Lao smiled at the corners of his mouth and looked at Long Fei dotingly. A 12-year-old teenager could practice light skills so well that Xi always liked it from the bottom of his heart.

After a few more chases, Long Fei's body suddenly rose and turned, and then drifted out of a distance, and fell steadily to the ground. This was when he finally used up more than 20 internal forces.

After this period of pursuit, Guan Quan also admired Long Fei's own original light kung fu. He is already at the level, and the light kung fu is also a popular realm. After chasing for so long, they still can't touch the corner of Long Fei's clothes. It can be seen how flexible Long Fei's body is, and blue is better than blue.

Long Fei stood still, and Guan Quan did not chase him. He just stood in front of Long Fei and looked at the dragon quietly.

"Brother's light skills are unique. Am I ashamed of myself?" Guan Quan said softly, "I don't know how about my brother's other martial arts skills?"

Long Fei smiled. He knew that Guan Quan was not only as good as himself, but also said that he only knew how to dodge and did not return.

"Other martial arts really can't be seen by the eldest brother, but since the eldest brother wants to see it, I dare not hide it." Long Fei smiled maliciously and said, "If there are any shortcomings, please give me some advice!"

"Ha ha... Well, my younger brother's light skills are so powerful that maybe other martial arts will surprise me!"