Eastern Continent

Chapter 213, another natural teacher

Long Fei looked at Guan Quan and smiled. As soon as the smile unfolded, his whole body suddenly calmed down.

In everyone's surprised eyes, or in the feeling, a kind of quietness from the inside out suddenly appeared from Long Fei. His whole body seemed to suddenly integrate into nature. Although he was still standing there, everyone felt that Long Fei was not an active person, and It has become a plant and a tree in nature, coexisting harmoniously with nature.

At this time, Guan Quan standing in front of Long Fei seems to have become a superfluous object between heaven and earth, destroying the harmony of the whole nature.

"Is it also natural to be a teacher?!"

Since Long Fei suddenly calmed down, the whole practice field seemed to explode and quarreled. Xi Lao stood up, the other four elders stood up, several brothers also stood up, and even all the servants stood up and looked at the martial arts field with surprised eyes, as if they had turned into a stone. Head, a tree, a small grass of Longfei. Although some of them have much higher martial arts than Longfei, if they close their eyes and no matter how they feel it, they can't feel the existence of Longfei. At this time, Longfei seems to have really become a part of nature and is inseparable from nature.

In the whole martial arts arena, the only people sitting may have copper head and Tielan.

These two people had long known that Long Fei had understood the nature of the teacher's method, but they didn't expect it to cause such a sensation. The whole martial arts practice seemed to see a fairy coming from the sky and looked at Long Fei with surprise.

Xi Lao's smooth face smiled with wrinkles, stacked on both cheeks layer by layer, and his eyes flashed with divine light.

Knowing that Guan Quan understood the nature of the teacher's law, Xi was always happy and knew that Zuo Dun had understood the nature of the teacher's law. Xi was always ecstatic and knew that Long Fei had understood the nature of the teacher's law. Xi Lao was so surprised that he was almost crazy.

Strange things happen every year, especially this year.

Who can't say two good things, this is three!

This year seems to be a specially surprising year. There are three disciples who have suddenly understood the nature of the master's law, and there will naturally be three more martial artists at the level of divine transformation in the future.

Among the other four elders, Luo Zhengfeng has always been square and serious. Even if Taishan really collapsed in front of him, maybe he still has not changed his face. However, at this time, when he saw his slightly open mouth, he was obviously stunned by Long Fei. A warrior who was only 12 years old but understood the nature of the teacher's method, which means that for Tongtian ladder What, this is a great thing that everyone knows.

"Good boy!" Ding Baoli looked at Long Fei in the field, and his big mouth almost cracked behind his ears: "I knew this boy was not simple, and he really gave us a surprise."

Lin Chang and An Fei looked at each other, and then couldn't help laughing. This was a heartfelt smile and a happy smile.

"Interesting!" Guan Quan muttered and looked at Long Fei smiling, and his whole body suddenly calmed down.

"Teacher is natural!" Guan Quan understood the teacher's nature, and Long Fei and others had already known it, so they didn't feel much strange when they saw Guan Quan suddenly calm down.

This time, among the three disciples who have understood the nature of the teacher's law, although they are all natural, it is obvious that the three people's hearts are not the same.

Guan Quan's martial arts skills are more profound. When he enters a quiet state, he uses the momentum of nature to make himself quiet with the tranquility of nature.

Zuo Dun also doesn't know how to understand the nature of the teacher's method. Maybe when he was facing the wall in the cave in the back mountain, because there was no one around, everything was so quiet that he got used to this quietness. Therefore, when he entered a quiet state, he was forced to enter, which was quiet without warning, as if when he needed to be quiet. , it can be quiet.

As for Longfei, he is different from them. Longfei conforms to nature, integrates into nature, and tries to make himself a plant and a tree in nature, a flower and a stone, in harmony with nature.

Xi Laowei nodded imperceptably and smiled at the corners of his mouth. Now, he can finally breathe a sigh of relief. With three disciples who understand the nature of the master's method, there will be at least two or three masters in the future. He is worthy of the ancestors of the generations.

"Brother, please!" Guan Quan looked at Long Fei and stretched out his hand. After seeing that Long Fei was also a martial artist who understood the nature of the teacher's method, Guan Quan paid attention to it. Even if Long Fei's martial arts skills are not his opponent now, he will be his opponent in the future.

Moreover, Long Fei understood the nature of the teacher's method when he was 12 years old. Since ancient times, the earlier the martial artists understood the nature of the teacher's method, the earlier he entered the level of divine change. Now Long Fei understands the nature of the teacher's method when he is 12 years old. Maybe he can only enter the level of divine change in his 20s. At that time, he will leave himself far behind.

"Brother, you're welcome!" Long Fei was eager to try, and the light skill test just now was just to warm up. After the warm-up activity has proved that the light skill of his realm is not inferior to Guan Quan's popular realm, Long Fei is confident and wants to have a real fight with Guan Quan. Of course, he is not stupid enough to compete with Guan Quan. Of course, he is also his understanding of the moves. Many martial arts books need to be verified, and Guan Quan, the eldest brother, is the best experiment. He can attack vigorously without worrying that Guan Quan will poison him in the counterattack.

Guan Quan nodded encouragingly. After understanding Long Fei's unique light skills, Guan Quan also wanted to see Long Fei's other martial arts.

Seeing Guan Quan nodding, Long Fei was no longer polite. He slowly pulled out the knife behind him, held the knife in his right hand, and kicked the ground with his feet. The whole person moved, as if there were a pulley on the soles of his feet. He "brushed" slid through the distance between himself and Guan Quan. He waved the knife and picked it towards Guan Quan's chest and abdomen.

Guan Quan didn't know when he was holding a long knife in his hand. The knife was only three feet long, and the handle was close to one foot. The knife body was thin. When he waved a knife, the knife body reflected sunlight and shined brightly.

Long Fei's moves change quickly and naturally. Only Luo Zhengfeng and other old men who have once had been with Long Fei know it, or Muhuangyuan are more clear, but Guan Quan is not clear. He looked at Long Fei's short and thought that if he waved this knife, he could definitely cut Long Fei's short knife, but unexpectedly waved the long knife and cut it. In the air, Long Fei's short knife, I don't know when it has turned into a thorn, but the gesture changed slightly, which not only avoided Guan Quan's long knife, but also stabbed Guan Quan's chest and abdomen unchanged.

Guan Quan's face changed slightly and became solemn. He had seen that Long Fei's move this time had no trace of being found. It was just a change that followed the situation. Naturally, the water came naturally. Unconsciously, the short knife had been picked from the top to a straight stab.

But Guan Quan is a person. The eldest brother among the eight inheritance disciples of Tongtian ladder has a lot of martial arts and rich combat experience. He is almost as close to the five elders. The realm of martial arts is so far worse. Even if Long Fei's moves are more exquisite, it is impossible to be able to control him.

Guan Quan's body turned slightly to the left, as if he was dancing some kind of dance. His upper body turned to one side, but his feet were firmly nailed to the ground. At the same time, the long knife was raised from the bottom up and to Long Fei's short knife.

Long Fei's short knife changed again. He just turned his wrist gently, and the short knife changed in one direction, from straight stab to straight split. After avoiding Guan Quan's long knife, he cut it to Guan Quan's shoulder.

At this point, Guan Quan finally learned the unpredictable of Long Fei's moves, and there is no trace of it being found, such as antelope hanging horns, such as flying immortals outside the sky, one move, one move, unexpected to the extreme is also wonderful to the peak, as if it is a work of nature.

Guan Quan was surprised. When he realized that Long Fei was only a twelve-and-a-half-year-old child, this surprise was even more. If Long Fei had been growing up like this, as long as ten years, Guan Quan would not know that he was still not Long Fei's opponent.

In fact, Guan Quan's knife is long. If he grabs the attack with Long Fei, he ignores Long Fei's short knife, but also swings the knife at Long Fei like Long Fei. His internal strength is deep and his moves are fast. Maybe before Long Fei's short knife reaches his body, he has already hit Long Fei, or Long Fei can only cause minor injuries to him, but he can If the dragonfly is seriously injured, he may open the dragon fly and break his abdomen.

But he is a senior brother and a senior brother. At this time, he is just competing with his younger brother. How can he use this rogue move in front of a group of brothers and elders to show his uprightness? He can only use his own knife to block Longfei's short knife, which limits his performance.

Another factor that surprised Guan Quan is that Long Fei's moves are exquisite, and even Guan Quan's knowledgeable and extremely difficult to deal with.

In fact, Long Fei's moves are not unique tricks that have never appeared before, but some of the most common moves. These moves are learned from those martial arts books. All people who know the ladder, whether disciples or servants, can learn, but these ordinary moves have been combined or modified by Long Fei. After that, it became a wonderful move.

This is like a chef. The raw materials are ordinary raw materials. Some chefs can make rare delicacies in the world, while some chefs can only make general flavors, and even the food they make can't bear to eat.

Although Guan Quan was surprised, the audience was even more shocked.

In just two years since Long Fei went up the mountain, his martial arts have risen from the first line of heaven to the free heaven. Although this is surprising, these are just words. After all, there are not many people who have seen Long Fei performing martial arts with their own eyes. At this time, watching Long Fei leap back and forth in the martial arts arena, even to the big ladder of the sky. Brother Guan Quan was also stunned after the posture of stepping forward and attacking.

It was almost just a blink of an eye, and the ten moves passed quickly. Among these ten moves, Guan Quan didn't know whether he really wanted to see Long Fei's martial arts, or he didn't find a chance. He didn't attack a single move. The ten moves were all Long Fei's attack and Guan Quan defended.

Compared with that, Lin Kedang and the two martial artists in the realm of Shi Zhanguo were only defeated with one move when they competed with Guan Quan. It seems that Long Fei is more like the warriors in the selected realm, and they are only in the realm of heaven.

In fact, Lin Shi's martial arts skills are not as good as Long Fei. Although they don't know who will die in the real competition, they won't be so far from each other. It's just because when Lin Shi and Guan Quan fight, they both have internal forces and Guan Quan collided, and there are no bright spots in their moves. They are just the first realm of transformation at the spiritual level. However, Guan Quan is at the Jieyuan level. With internal strength, naturally, the winner will be divided immediately.

Long Fei is not. Since he fought, he has never really met with Guan Quan, that is, the weapons of the two have not collided. Long Fei has attacked with his own moves. Every move must be saved. Let Guan Quan defend passively, and naturally he will not compete with internal forces.

But Guan Quan's martial arts skills in the mixed realm of Taiji can't be imagined by Long Fei. As soon as he passed ten moves, Guan Quan also seemed to understand that Long Fei's moves were only magical and changeable. In fact, his internal force was not very deep. He really took action.

Guan Quan kicked his feet and took a few steps back. After opening the distance from the dragon flying, the long knife was raised. In an instant, a sun-like light gradually formed on the tip of his knife. At the beginning, the light was as big as a human head, but it quickly became smaller at the same time. In the blink of an eye, there was only fist. At this time, Guan Quan waved his long knife, and the light flew out of the long knife with a roar and flew towards the dragon.

As soon as he got out of the long knife, the light suddenly lengthen and thinned, turning into a knife-shaped light exactly like the long knife in Guan Quan's hand, and splitting down to the dragon.


A sound of exclamation suddenly sounded!