Eastern Continent

Chapter 217, plain martial arts life

Long Fei took a long breath, opened his eyes, and took his hands away from Tielan's palm.

Tielan also opened her eyes almost at the same time, looked at Long Fei's clear eyes, and smiled.

This is the peak of Wangtian Peak. As usual, Long Fei and the three of them went up the mountain after the Lantern Festival at home.

Since Longfei heard from Xi Lao that he could not help Tielan ascend to the congenital level with elixir, nor could he forcibly help Tielan open up the meridians, Long Fei and Tielan were disappointed for a long time. As long as Tielan was getting older and older, Tielan was eager to go down the mountain to take care of Tie Lao, but not at the innate level, Tie Lan could only be anxious and helpless.

Long Fei is also a person with a flexible mind and many ideas. Seeing that he could not help Tielan open up the meridians, he came up with another way, that is, to help Tielan advance with Tiangong. Since the exercised liquid flower can eventually become an internal force, if it goes the opposite way, it should also be possible to turn the internal force into liquid Hua.

Thinking of it, it will be carried out immediately. Long Fei didn't wait for the next day and went to consult Xi Lao on the same day.

However, to Long Fei's surprise and pity, the answer given by Xi Lao is only theoretically feasible, but in practice, he has never had experience in this field, and even Xi Lao does not know what the result will be.

In fact, since ancient times, who has consumed his hard work and internal strength to help a beginner martial artist ascend to the realm? Even if this person is his own son, he may have to consider it.

What's more, that person is willing to experiment with his relatives, and for strange outsiders, it is even more likely to spend his internal strength to do such a thankless thing.

But Long Fei is different. His personality is to do it as soon as he thinks about it, regardless of whether he has experience or not. As long as it should be theoretically feasible, he will try it immediately. Therefore, after he returned to his residence, Ma * Tielan came to find him and the two palms together. Long Fei slowly injected a little internal force through his palms into Tielan's body.

Of course, it's just a trace, as thin as a trace of hair. Although Long Fei has the courage to experiment, he does not have the courage to suffer meaningless suffering.

Tielan suffers, which is equivalent to suffering herself, and makes herself more painful than herself. Because her suffering is physical pain, while Tielan suffers, she suffers, but she is heartache.

With no experience and no guidance, of course, this kind of thing will certainly not be a success.

When Long Fei injected his Xu Tiangong into Tielan's body, there was no reaction. Under the internal force sensing of Long Fei, it can be seen that the little Xu Tiangong did not become liquefied after entering Tielan's body, or in the form of internal force, which existed in Tielan's body.

There are elixirs that can't be taken, and you can't use internal force to open up the meridians, and even input internal forces can't be converted into liquid. What else can be done to help Tielan improve the realm? After thinking about it, this time, Long Fei really can't do anything about it.

Although Tielan tried her best to cover it up, she still brushed a look of disappointment and looked much more lonely.

Because he was worried that it would affect Tielan's martial arts mood, although Long Fei was disappointed, he still practiced with Tielan, but he soon found that although Tielan was disappointed, she actually didn't need to comfort herself. Tielan, who had suffered from hardships since she was a child, was actually stronger than Long Fei.

However, the turnaround of things is always silent and inadvertent.

After Longfei and Tielan thought that Tielan's martial arts could only be promoted step by step and slowly, the turnaround appeared.

On the afternoon when Long Fei instilled internal strength in Tielan, although Tielan was a little discouraged, she still practiced every day according to the rules she had become used to.

Although this practice was accompanied by Long Fei, and she also forced herself to practice, seriously retreated her fist, and went down to the bone washing pool once, but due to depression, Tielan herself felt that the intensity of this practice was much lower than any previous time, although the degree of physical fatigue was not bad. Many, but Tielan knows that this is only due to her depression, which has little to do with practice.

However, what surprised Tielan was that although this practice was not as good as any previous one, the result surprised Tielan. She carefully sensed her body and found that the liquid had passed the bone marrow and began to immerse herself in the tendons.

Although it had reached the late stage of the iron bone and was only one layer away from Xuanjin, Tielan knew that the time had not come when she could not break through the iron bone and enter Xuanjin several times, and it was in vain to work hard, so she let it go.

Unexpectedly, this time it was just a hasty practice, and the liquid was several times more than before. It actually penetrated the bones and immersed in the tendons, making it easy for me to enter the realm of Xuanjin.

And the trace of internal force that Long Fei entered into his body disappeared at this time.

Tielanfu's heart knows that if he can practice casually, he can enter the realm of Xuanjin. It must be the effect of Long Fei's input of a trace of internal force in his body.

When Longfei heard that the internal force he entered into Tielan's body had been melted by Tielan, he was also happy. This means that Longfei can help Tielan practice and use his internal strength to help Tielan increase liquid energy and promote the realm.

In order to verify whether the internal force can be converted into liquid energy, Long Fei injected some internal force into Tielan's body this time.

After receiving Long Fei's internal strength, although it was getting late, Tielan immediately devoted herself to practice. After a fist and foot effort and immersion in the bone washing pool, a fact appeared that made both of them so happy that they almost jumped up.

After Tielan melted all the internal forces that Long Fei entered into her body, the liquid was almost twice as much as before.

The cultivation intensity is the same, but there is almost one more liquid. What does it mean? It means that Long Fei's trace of Tiangong is equivalent to Tielan's high-intensity and long-term hard practice.

When the situation in the body was carefully sensed, a more surprising phenomenon made Tielan almost exclaim. In the morning, the liquid Hua had just immersed in the tendons. At this time, the liquid Hua was immersed in half of the tendons. In just one day, it had been promoted from the early stage of the Xuanjin realm to the middle of the Xuanjin realm, making progress. Easy and fast, almost like eating, just a hand, so that Long Fei can't believe it.

Since ancient times, no one may have thought of using his own internal power to help an acquired martial artist increase liquid, or thought of it, but he did not want to waste his internal power for an acquired martial artist. Therefore, Long Fei has never heard of such an unexpected result.

Of course, or because of Long Fei's unique narrative power, this phenomenon can be turned into liquid.

Looking at Tielan's happy look, he smiled so that his eyes narrowed into two crescents. Long Fei couldn't help laughing by himself. As long as he knew that his Xu Tiangong was helpful to Tielan's cultivation, Long Fei was relieved.

For Tielan, Longfei's Xu Tiangong is not a pity. As long as Tielan can be promoted to the innate level in the shortest time, even if he enters all his Xu Tiangong in Tielan's body, Longfei will not frown.

Besides, Long Fei's heavenly power is also different from other people's internal strength. After other people's internal strength is consumed, even if he consumes a lot of elixir and a lot of time, even his energy will be consumed, and he will not necessarily recover as before.

It is even likely to lead to the regression of martial arts and land the realm due to the consumption of light internal force. Therefore, martial artists above the innate level will never dare to exhaust their internal strength in Dantian. Generally, they will leave a little. As the saying goes, only by leaving a fire can a splashing fire. The fire is gone. If you want to rekindle it, it is absolute. Impossible.

However, Xu Tiangong is different. Long Fei has tried it. When he fought with Shan Qing and Liu Si, he had output all his internal forces at one time, leaving nothing left, but in the end, Long Fei's Xu Tiangong has been fully restored, and his realm has been slightly improved.

Since he knew that his Xu Tiangong was helpful to Tielan's cultivation, Long Fei immediately put it into action, regardless of the night at this time. One of them lost his skills and the other practiced. He was very busy until he stopped three poles in the sun.

This night, although one of them lost and the other suffered, both of them were still excited and did not feel tired until they stopped.

For Tielan, as long as the spirit is still excited at this time and finds a shortcut to quickly promote to the innate level, anyway, it is worth being happy.

Moreover, the increase of liquid in the body also has an effect on the ash recovery in the body. Therefore, he practiced for a night, but he did not feel tired.

For Longfei, his output of internal force is not much. Each time he only enters Tielan's body a little bit. He doesn't know how much internal force input Tielan can withstand. Naturally, he can't input a large amount at a time. He can only increase from less to more, little by little, as long as Tielan digests the intelligence in the input body without any other defects. After the impact, Long Fei will then add a trace of input to Tielan's body.

When Tielan was practicing, Long Fei was also meditating. For a martial artist in the free realm of heaven, meditation is the best way to rest. Although it is intermittent, Long Fei has actually rested, and naturally he will not feel tired.

In fact, there is another reason why the two chose to practice at night, that is, this way of cultivation is really too shocking. Who would have seen an acquired martial artist who was just in the early stage of the realm of Xuanjin in the morning, and the next morning, it had reached the middle stage. Such a speed of promotion, even for Xi Lao and others I've definitely never seen it.

Besides, for Xi Lao and others, Long Fei is the hope of carrying forward in the future. They may not agree with Long Fei's use of his Xu Tiangong to help Tielan's promotion, which will affect the promotion of Long Fei's martial arts. Therefore, after discussion, the two unanimously chose to practice at night.

Naturally, this matter is not full of copper head, and copper head naturally has no jealousy of Tielan. If all three of them rise to the innate level, go down the mountain at the same time, and travel to the mainland at the same time, it is also a happy thing, so copper head is naturally happy for Tielan.

It's just that the copper head is like Tielan, choosing to practice at night.

Fortunately, everyone practices by themselves on Wangtianfeng. As for how to practice, no one has ever had many things to dictate to others, unless someone asks him for advice, that's another matter.

In fact, for the promotion of the realm, there are still a lot of people practicing at night!

As for whether this kind of thing can be filled with the five elders, Long Fei and the three have no attention, as long as the five elders do not speak, and others do not know at the same time.

However, things are not smooth sailing, and Tielan's martial arts realm is not promoted like this every day.

The situation came out on the third night.

The first thing that happened was Tielan. When Tielan suffered the internal force of Longfei and then practiced, she was full of hope and thought that she would definitely enter the realm of spiritual vein tonight, and the worst would also enter the later stage of the realm of Xuanjin.

However, what surprised her and Long Fei was that when the night's practice passed, Tielan's martial arts were still wandering in the middle of the Xuanjin realm. Except for the stability in the middle of the Xuanjin realm, there was no two people expected to enter the spiritual realm, and even the later stage of the Xuanjin realm were not promoted.

Although Long Fei later increased the input of Xu Tiangong, the result has not changed much. Tielan is still in the middle of the Xuanjin realm.

Although this result made the two a little disappointed, it was not despair. It was already shocking that Tielan could be promoted from the Iron Bone Realm to the middle of the Xuanjin Realm in two days. If the martial artist knew about this, how surprised it would be.

While Tongtou was happy for Tielan, he remembered that he had been exposed to martial arts for seven or eight years. At this time, it was only the realm of chaos. At that time, a lot of energy was wasted, and it took more than a year to rise from the realm of iron bone to the realm of Xuanjin, which showed the hard work.

And Tielan has only been exposed to martial arts for less than two years, and she has reached the realm of Xuanjin. It can be seen that her promotion is rapid and not slower than others. Although with the help of Long Fei, this phenomenon is indeed shocking.

Then the situation happened, but it was Long Fei himself.