Eastern Continent

Chapter 218, Promotion to the Spiritual Level

Two days ago, the Xu Tiangong entered into Tielan's body turned into liquid flowers, which made Tielan's martial arts rise from the iron bone realm to the middle of Xuanjin, which surprised both Tielan and Long Fei.

Unexpectedly, from the third day, Long Fei entered the internal force into Tielan's body and there was no response. In fact, it was not that there was no reaction, but the reaction did not reach the expectation of two.

The internal force input into Tielan's body is still the same, which will be transformed into liquid Hua after Tielan's cultivation, and the liquid Hua can obviously be seen to increase, but the martial arts realm of Tielan is not loose at all, and it is still in the middle of Xuanjin.

This situation made both Long Fei and Tielan extremely helpless.

In addition to being helpless, Long Fei also knows that this is actually a normal phenomenon. Tielan can be promoted to the middle stage of Xuanjin within two days, and she has acted against the sky.

In fact, it will take at least half a year, a year or even more to practice from the realm of iron bone to the realm of Xuanjin, and the liquid generated by this period of cultivation will certainly not only be transformed by the internal force injected into Tielan.

The liquid flower obtained by a martial artist's cultivation in a year may not be transformed even if Long Fei now inputs all the internal forces in his Dantian's body into Tielan's body.

Not to mention that little internal force.

Since they understand this, Long Fei and Tielan's hearts are also balanced. Martial arts is not a simple thing. Without great perseverance and great luck, they can become masters of martial arts.

After understanding, Long Fei and the three of them changed their martial arts practice time to daytime. Long Fei also instilled internal strength for Tielan twice a day in the morning and afternoon, and the rest of the time was left to Tielan to practice by herself and perseverance every day without interruption.

It is also because of this persistence that Tielan's martial arts finally entered the early stage of the spiritual realm two months later.

Long Fei has been instilling internal force in Tielan during this period of time, and most of the internal force cultivated every day was injected into Tielan's body. This persistence lasted for more than two months until Tielan entered the spiritual realm.

In these two months, there was a phenomenon that made Long Fei more and more surprised and happy.

When Longfei began to instill internal strength in Tielan, he thought it would affect his cultivation, but after a few days, a final discovery made Longfei surprised and happy.

The Xu Tiangong in Longfei Dantian field is originally rotating, practicing independently, and independently updating. This part of the internal force entered into Tielan's body is some impurities replaced by Xu Tiangong, which is equivalent to being replaced by the old one and expelled from the body by Long Fei.

After two months of indoculation and cultivation, Long Fei found that his internal strength was becoming more and more pure and solid, and there was a sign of transforming from gas to **.

This is a sign of the transition from the innate level to the spiritual level. You know, the internal force at the innate level exists in Dantian in a gaseous state, while the internal force at the spiritual level exists in Dantian in the form of **.

It seems that Long Fei has gradually touched the film at the level of Hualing.

Long Fei didn't expect that while helping Tielan practice, he could make his internal strength more and more solid and closer to the spiritual level. It seems that it is also beneficial to help others.

After knowing the benefits, Long Fei increased the indoctrination and transportation of internal forces to Tielan. Almost every day, most of the internal forces were injected into Tielan's body. Long Fei's most important time was to input all internal forces into Tielan's body.

This has become a cycle. While Tielan is practicing, Long Fei meditates. When Long Fei woke up, it was also the time when Tielan's practice stopped, and then Long Fei instilled internal strength in Tielan again. Except for sleeping at night, the two practiced like this at other times.

Long Fei found that the more he entered the Xu Tiangong in Tielan's body, the more solid the re-cultivated Xu Tiangong will be. Although the number will be less, it will almost become **.

Now, although all the warriors who enter the spiritual level in the whole continent will lead to the spiritual level for various reasons, the process they go through is the same, that is, to convert their internal force into liquid, and the way to convert it into ** is to cultivate their own internal force and solidify, thus Slowly promote to the spiritual level.

But Longfei is obviously different from their martial artists now. He constantly discharges the internal forces of the previous cultivation, and then re-cultivation of new internal forces. As soon as the internal forces have been cultivated, Long Fei has entered Tielan's body.

This internal force is injected into Tielan's internal force, so that Wudu has to have a lot of me and send it into the iron dragon's body to destroy the front of it with a more solid internal force.

In fact, the internal force of each innate warrior is not pure, and there are still many impurities in the internal force. These impurities are the product of the new array of internal force. In order to enter the spiritual level, ordinary warriors must refine and condense these impurities.

But Longfei is different. He excretes these impurities from the body. Although it is imported into Tielan's body, it has been transformed into liquid. After knowing the benefits of all the output internal forces, Long Fei injected all his internal forces into Tielan's body every time, and then recovered in a few days. The recovered Xu Tiangong is equivalent to the internal force of re-cultivation. Every re-cultivation of internal forces will be more pure and more solid than before.

In such a cycle, a few months later, Long Fei's Xu Tiangong became more and more solid and closer to **. Tielan's martial arts have also been promoted at the first level. In the middle stage of Xuanjin, the late stage of Xuanjin, the early stage of the spiritual vein, and the middle stage of the spiritual vein. More than half a year later, Tielan's martial arts, with the help of Longfei's Xu Tiangong, really rose from the realm of iron bone to the middle realm of the spiritual vein.

During this period, Long Fei's internal strength became more and more solid, more and more like **. At the beginning of April, there was a change that no one could have imagined... Long Fei was promoted to the first level of transformation at the spiritual level.

Every time others are promoted to a level, it is earth-shaking, as if they are as painful as cutting their hearts and bones, but Long Fei's promotion is so natural, so smooth, so unconsciously, so natural, without pain, no distress, no confusion, may be the first since ancient times.

When Long Fei felt that he seemed to have reached the realm of sperm, he also couldn't believe it. He carefully sensed the situation in Dantian in his body, looked at the blue sky in the distance, and was stunned.

Still by Tielan was by his side. Seeing Long Fei's situation, he thought that there was something wrong with Long Fei's practice and hurriedly woke up Long Fei. Unexpectedly, what Long Fei told her was about his promotion to the realm of refinement.

What made Tielan amused was that Long Fei originally wanted to help him practice and help him upgrade. Unexpectedly, he had not been promoted to the innate level, and Long Fei had been promoted to the spiritual level first.

Although Long Fei's promotion to the realm of Huajing was quietly and unconsciously, the second day after entering the realm of Huajing made the whole peak of Wangtian a sensation.

First of all, Ding Baoli, who was the second to enter Tianfeng, knew that Long Fei had entered the realm of essence. He didn't care whether Long Fei was still practicing, but opened the door of Long Fei's quiet room and broke in.

Ding Baoli's attention to Long Fei is not only due to the influence of Xi Lao, but also because he has seen Long Fei's martial arts. At that time, Long Fei only joined the sky ladder for a few months, but he has understood the realm of light martial arts and can entangled with black Jiao until Ding Baoli's arrival. The most surprising and important reason for Ding Baoli is Long Fei's martial arts. The speed of promotion, only more than two years ago, has been promoted from the chaotic realm to the free realm of heaven. Almost twice a year, the speed is so fast that Ding Baoli surprised him. At the same time, he also saw the opportunity to become famous in the world after the heavenly ladder.

Since then, Ding Baoli has paid attention to Longfei,

When he heard that Long Fei was promoted to the realm of essence, even Ding Baoli was secretly shocked. Since ancient times, no one has been as young as Long Fei!

The second and third people who know Lin Kedang and Shi Zhanguo only go down the mountain in the second half of each year, and this year is no exception. Naturally, they are still on the mountain in March and April. After hearing that Long Fei entered the realm of essence, both of them inevitably have a little loss and momentary jealousy. They have studied martial arts for more than ten years, day and night. zhui, and followed by the same master, but so far, he has only just been promoted to the realm of chemical essence, while Long Fei was promoted to the realm of chemical essence in the third year of joining the Tongtian ladder. Compared with more than ten years, three years is almost in the blink of an eye. The speed of promotion is so fast that Lin Shi and Lin Shi are stunned and dare not dare Believe it.

Xi Lao and Luo Zhengfeng, Lin Chang and An Fei know at the same time. However, these four people were not as excited as Ding Baoli. After hearing the news, they just smiled faintly and did not go to Longfei like Ding Baoli.

Obviously, Long Fei's entry into the realm of chemical essence has long been expected by the four people. According to Xi Lao's previous estimates, Long Fei should have been promoted to the realm of chemical essence at the end of last year and will not be promoted until April this year, which is obviously too late.

Although the four people did not go to see Long Fei specifically, they also praised a few words with a smile when they saw Long Fei.

After entering the realm of chemical essence, Longfei's internal force turned into a ** form and existed in Dantian. Now it can no longer be called internal force. Although it is still Tiangong, according to the classification of martial arts, it enters the spiritual level. After the internal force form is transformed into **, it must be called spiritual power.

After entering the realm of chemical essence, Long Fei, of course, still helped Tielan practice his skills. After entering the spiritual power into Tielan's body, after Tielan's cultivation and transformation, a result with Long Fei's imagination came true. Tielan's martial arts took a step forward fiercely. It used to be in the middle of the spiritual vein. This step, Unexpectedly, he entered the perfect period directly, separated from the innately with only a thin layer of paper.

The process of practicing is undoubtedly boring. The same action and the same process are repeated every day.

Although it is boring, Tielan is getting happier, Long Fei is also getting happier, and Tongtou is getting happier, because they have been promoted this year.

First of all, Longfei was promoted to the realm of Huajing in April, which shocked the whole Tianfeng, and then Tielan. In October, with the help of Long Fei and the body washing elixir, he finally opened the meridians in front of Dantian and was promoted to the innate level. Finally, when the New Year was approaching, the copper head was also promoted from the chaotic realm to one. The realm of the sky.

It seems that there should be no problem for the three of them next year!

They are naturally happy to be promoted in martial arts, but their purpose of happiness is not the same. Long Fei and Tongtou are simply happy because of their martial arts promotion, but Tielan is because they can finally go down the mountain and finally take care of their grandfather. Therefore, among the three, the happiest is actually Tielan.

This year passed in the practice. In the second half of the year, Lin Kedang and Shi Zhanguo also went down the mountain. Therefore, there were only three people left for the inheritance disciples of the whole mountain.

Time passed quickly, and it came to the end of the year in an instant. Lin Kedang and Shi Zhanguo returned to the mountain, but Zuo Dun has been missing since he came down the mountain at the beginning of the year. At the end of the year, he did not return to the mountain. In the first year of his teacher, he did not return to the mountain. Over the years, he either felt ashamed to stay on the mountain, or he was busy and had no time to return to the mountain.

What disappointed Long Fei and the other three was that Guan Quan and Zhou An had not returned to the mountain this year. It seemed that there was chaos on the mainland. The two senior brothers, who were the pillars of the country, were busy with the affairs of their own countries and had no time to return to the mountains.

Seeing that three disciples did not return to the mountain for the Spring Festival, Xi Lao and the other four elders also lacked interest, but after a hasty celebration, it was the Spring Festival.

According to the usual rule, Long Fei and the three of them only went down the mountain for a few days.