Eastern Continent

Chapter 219, the third downhill

The spring breeze is like the palm of your hand, gently brushing your cheeks, and the spring is like an eye, warmly surrounding the body.

This is an official road. There are tall poplar trees on both sides of the official road. The spring breeze blows the branches. Under the spring, it casts a strange shadow on the ground.

The official road is not big, but four cars are parallel, and the official road is not uneven, because this is only a road close to the direction of Montenegro. In the direction of Montenegro, there has never been a large-scale war except for bandits, that is, there is no need to escort food and fodder, and there is no large army to go, so this official road is not so important, maintenance It's less. After such a long time of horse pedalling and wheel pressure, the road surface has become concave and convex.

At this time, there were few pedestrians, and only five riders were walking slowly.

After five rides and three times, the one on the left in front has thick eyebrows and big eyes. Although he is not old, he has a smell of old age. On the other hand, the one on the far right is slightly older than him and has a thicker figure, and his face is more childish.

In the middle is a girl with a melon seed face, big eyes, Yao nose, cherry lips, slender figure, although she is not old, she is also a complete beauty.

Of course, these three are Long Fei, Tongtou and Tielan.

After the New Year, Tielan, who has the lowest martial arts skills, has also been promoted to the innate level. According to the regulations of the Tianshen ladder, she can also go down the mountain to practice.

Tielan didn't want to go out to practice. She just wanted to take good care of her grandfather, but when she said this idea to Tie Lao, Tie Lao disagreed.

Since the old man took Xi Lao's medicine and was dredge the meridians by Xi Lao, he has been much better in spirit in the past two years, and his walking is about to keep up with his youth. Before he is old and unable to move, he doesn't want Tielan to follow him at any time. In addition, he believes that young people should go out to walk more and see the big The customs on the land, so he drove Tielan out and went down the mountain to practice with Long Fei and Tongtou.

The route from Feilongzhuang naturally passed through Guhu Town and then to Yingran City. The three of them rested for one night in the ancient mansion of Guhu Town before going on the road, but after resting for one night in Guhu Town, their team had one more person, which is the ancient legend.

Gu Long and his son originally admired Long Fei's martial arts. This time, they were even more shocked to see that Long Fei was promoted to the level of Hualing. In addition to the two innate martial artists, Copper Head and Tielan, they were even more inexplicably afraid of the master gate behind Long Fei. When Long Fei arrived in Guhu Town, the ancient legend happened to follow the business. When the team went out and saw Long Fei go down the mountain to practice again, his heart moved, and he also flew out with the dragon.

In fact, in addition to making good friends with Long Fei, Gu Shichuan also wanted to see how Long Fei practiced at ordinary times, so he also followed Long Fei down the mountain.

Of course, the ancient legend at this time has also been promoted to the chaotic realm of the innate level.

After leaving Guhu Town, the next stop is Yingran City.

After listening to Long Fei's majestic history, coming to Yingran City is naturally the first place to see the division of the Crouching Tiger Gang.

When Long Fei stood outside the former crouching tiger gang altar, he found that the fire he had set up before actually burned this place thoroughly. In the whole altar, except for the dark ruins, there was no intact building.

Looking at this fallen building, Copperhead and others naturally imagined the fierce and dangerous fighting at that time. With three children, they destroyed such a large gang and defeated hundreds of people. In addition to force, it was obviously impossible without wisdom.

The four people stayed in Yingran City for three days. As long as this is to take care of Tongtou and Tielan, they have not seen the scenery of Yingran City, so they naturally need to take a closer look.

However, three days later, when the four people came out of the gate of Yingran City, there was another person in their team - Jun Feng, the young city owner of Yingran City.

Junfeng was overjoyed to hear that Long Fei arrived in Yingran City. Since he lost the two martial arts matches in the hands of Long Fei, he was convinced of Long Fei. Although he also caught up with him, the distance between martial arts and Long Fei was getting farther and farther. Although he also entered the realm of heaven at this time, Long Fei was already a martial artist at the spiritual level, and Jun Zhantian is in the same realm.

To Junfeng's surprise, the bronze head, which he had always looked down on before, was also promoted to the first-line realm. At this time, he was in the same realm as himself, which was only the beginning and middle of the first-line realm.

The reason why Jun Feng followed Long Fei, except for the two ancient legends, of course, is that he doesn't want the ancient legend to be beautiful.

In this way, there are three people from Feilongzhuang, and by the time of leaving Yingran City, there have become five people. At the next stop, it is naturally the first city of Guangwu County - Guangwu City.

Because several people are congenital warriors, and everyone has horses to walk for them, the journey is naturally not slow, but several people are not in a hurry, so they all walk and stop, and it took nearly ten days to get to Guangwu City.

At this time, although there are many robbers in troubled times, but after all, this is still the hinterland of Guangwu County of Neil Federation. Some robbers will not dare to rob near the first city of Guangwu County, so several people traveled all the way until they entered Guangwu City and did not even meet a small thief.

This made martial arts finally reach the first-line realm of heaven. His forehand was itching to spread his fists and feet to eliminate harm for the people. He was disappointed in order to eliminate violence and peace. Under the itch of his heart, he almost turned his head to compete with Long Fei.

Junfeng's eyes were originally higher than the top. He not only looked down on Long Fei and others, but also did not enter his eyes. In Yingran City, except for his father Jun Zhantian and his uncle Jun Mingqiang, and Liu Sanchuang, the rest of them were not very much in his eyes.

But after losing to Long Fei twice and seeing Long Fei's skills beat Mu Huangyuan and win the first place in Guangwu, his temperament has changed unconsciously. At this time, he rode back with the ancient legend, and he actually talked and laughed, as if he had become another person.

"The young city lord is much younger than me, and he has reached the realm of the sky, and I am the realm of chaos. It's really shameful to say it!" The ancient legend looked at Jun Feng and said sincerely.

Although Junfeng suddenly became approachable, after all, he was the son of Yingran Chengjun Zhantian and governed Guhu Town. Therefore, the ancient legend still maintained a kind of respect and distance from Junfeng.

"Haha..." Jun Feng smiled and said, "Brother Gu, don't disgrace me. Look at the Long Fei brothers. How old are they? Martial arts are beyond our realms, which makes us ashamed."

"Long Fei is an alien number, not to mention Yingran City, even the whole Guangwu County, or even the whole continent, may not find a second person like him!" The ancient legend smiled and said, "It's not only Long Fei, but now the copper head also surpasses me."

"What is their school? He has such an ability to cultivate such a disciple. Junfeng looked at the back of Long Fei and became envious. If he could join this sect, Junfeng believed that he would never lose to Tongtou. As for surpassing Long Fei, Junfeng did not dare to think about it.

"Are you talking about us?" Long Fei, who was walking in front of him, suddenly turned his head and said to the ancient world, "It's not a gentleman to speak ill of people behind his back!"

"I'm not a gentleman!" Gu Shichuan laughed and said, "What we are talking about is exactly your boy!" Gu Long and Long Huaijian are as close as brothers. The ancient legend and Long Fei have fought side by side. Although they are not as deep as the relationship between Tongtou and Long Fei, they are also as close as brothers with Long Fei. Of course, these words dare to say.

Junfeng was just convinced by Long Fei's martial arts skills, but he did not have such a friendship with Long Fei, so he just smiled when he heard the words of ancient times.

"What do you say?" Long Fei said curiously that although his ears were good, he only talked to Tielan and Tongtou just now, and did not pay attention to the conversation between Gu Shichuan and Junfeng. He just didn't pay attention to the words behind the two, so he pretended to be strange.

"We are all saying that although Brother Long is young, he is amazing in martial arts. At a young age, he has been promoted to the realm of chemical essence. It can be said that he is unprecedented and has never come back." Junfeng smiled.

Although he flattered Long Fei, he also said the truth in his heart. At the age of 14, Long Fei was promoted to the realm of chemical essence. Since ancient times, he has never heard of a second one in the whole continent.

Long Fei touched his nose and smiled shyly and said, "The world is so big that strange people are emerging one after another, and there are many strange people in martial arts, but these are strange people who have never been born. It's not strange that we have never seen them. I have achieved this achievement, and I dare to call them unprecedented people before."

"Little Brother Long said the same thing. The world is so big that there are all strange things. Maybe there are really some strange people, but we don't know." Junfeng nodded and said, "For example, Brother Long's master must be a strange man, otherwise he can't teach you three such excellent apprentices."

"Haha, I don't know about my other martial arts, but his light skills are really good!" Long Fei nodded. He had seen Xi Lao perform light skills, so he could really use it as fast as lightning and as a hurricane. If Xi Lao tried his best to perform light skills, even a martial artist in the realm of chemical realm like Long Fei may only see a figure flash. Before he can react, he will not be seen.

Bron Head and Tielan nodded at the same time. The two of them have never seen Xi Lao's light skills, but they have seen Lin Chang and Ding Baoli's light skills. With a lightning-like attack, they are also as slow as children in front of these two old people. It can be seen that Xi Lao, whose martial arts skills are higher than Lin Chang and Ding Baoli. He Gaoming.

"Don't talk any more. Go to the city quickly. If you are hungry, find a place to fill your stomach first!" The copper head touched his stomach and shouted.

This sentence has been agreed by everyone. It will take a few days from Yingran City to Guangwu Town. Along the way, except for an occasional town, there is not even a top place in the rest of the time. It can be seen that Guangwu County is wide and sparsely populated.

Several people have been wandering like beasts in the wild for several days, eating dry food or animal meat. Now when they think of the delicious food in the restaurant, they feel that they can swallow their tongues.

Since eating was mentioned, several people couldn't help but speed up. They entered the city from the west gate of Guangwu City. Naturally, there were many restaurants and inns in this big city. As soon as they entered the city, they found a restaurant not far from the city gate.

This is a large restaurant called Juxian Building. In terms of grandness, even the largest restaurant in Yingran City is far less than this Juxian Building.

Gu Shichuan and Jun Feng are the son of the mayor of Guhu Town and the son of the owner of Yingran City. Naturally, their status is not small. Although this restaurant is high-class, what kind of restaurant these two have never entered, so as soon as they saw the restaurant, they walked in without hesitation.

But Longfei and the three are different. All three of them came out of a remote village. Longfei is okay. He once had the experience of traveling, but Tongtou and Tielan have been young. This is the first time to go out. When did they see such a gorgeous restaurant? If Long Fei was not around, he would have seen Long Fei's calm expression. People may not dare to go in.

The big restaurant is different. As soon as the five people approached the door, a second child immediately greeted him and smiled without saying a word: "Juxian Building welcomes several young masters and sisters, and the younger ones will guide the way."

"Lead the way ahead." Junfeng took a look at Long Fei and saw that Long Fei smiled and said no, so he waved his hand to Xiao Er and shouted.

"Please come as you like." The shopkeeper smiled slightly, made a gesture of invitation to the five people, and walked to the door of the restaurant.

Junfeng also made a gesture of invitation to the other four people, especially Long Fei, and followed the sophomore to the restaurant.

The five people originally thought that it was already afternoon, and lunch time had passed, and the restaurant should be deserted. Unexpectedly, as soon as the five people entered the door, they looked up and saw that there was a surge of people in the wide hall, and the people who ate almost occupied the seats in the whole hall.

Long Fei glanced through the whole hall. When he just saw the innermost table on the left, the smile on his face suddenly stopped - as soon as he entered Guangwu City, he saw an acquaintance.