Eastern Continent

Chapter 306, The Battle of Grain Robbery II

In the imperial army, the black-faced general and the young generals reacted the fastest. When the boulder began to roll down the hillside, the two had suddenly turned their horses' heads and looked at the thundery rock rolling down. Both of them changed their faces greatly, and a coolness quickly went from the top of their heads to the spine to the soles of their feet, as if they were going to The two of them were frozen as if they were frozen. They both opened their mouths and their faces were like dead ashes.

"Ah..." The black-faced General Huang suddenly shouted, his voice was sharp and trembling, and he shouted to the young General Lin, "Come with me!" The horse galloped towards the middle of the team and shouted, "Hide behind the car, hide behind the car!"

The sound of the boulders rolling down continued. Some boulders were blocked by the grain truck, while some boulders flattened the grain trucks. Some horses pulled the legs. As a result, the whole grain cart overturned to the ground. Some horses were shocked and pulled the grain forward. As a result, they tripped over another grain truck or drove in the car. For fear that the war horse would run around, he simply cut off the horse's head with a knife and overturned by the grain cart.

In the blink of an eye, the whole road was turned upside down and turned into a mess, as if he had just passed an earthquake. Although the black-faced general kept asking his subordinates to hide behind the car, a large number of soldiers still had no time to hide in the carriage and were smashed by the boulders.

However, the boulders rolled out in the blink of an eye,

However, what shocked the grain transport team was that after the boulders rolled, it was not the army's attack, but the rocket's undifferentiated volley.

Rockets, like meteor showers falling from high altitude to the ground, fell towards the Forbidden Autumn Army and grain in the middle of the canyon. The flying rocket almost enveloped the whole fleet under the rocket.


Although it was silent, its power was like a boulder falling. In the whole convoy of the imperial army, there was a burst of fire and thick black smoke in an instant.

Although the forbidden soldier used a shield to block himself from being hit by the rocket, the huge grain truck could not stop it, so the grain truck was shot by the rocket and burned in an instant.

At that time, after Yang Xiaobing received Zhong Zhi's information, he immediately abandoned his heavy weight and marched at full speed. He actually arrived at the bottom of the quicksand city in six days and was caught off guard by the Zhuque army. If it hadn't been for the long war and high vigilance of the Zhuque army, he would have been almost been attacked by the Lin Jianqiu army.

In the end, although the Forbidden Qiu army was driven out of the head of the sand city, the Rosefinch Army also suffered heavy casualties, which led to the difficulty of the Rosefinch Army defending the city.

There are advantages and disadvantages. Although the Forbidden Autumn Army rushed to the bottom of the Liusha City in time and almost captured the Liusha City, almost all their weights were left behind the team and only brought food with them for a few days. Now it is the eighth day since the separation of the Forbidden Autumn Army and the Heavy Brigade. If they can't transport grain to the Liusha City within three days Next, the forbidden autumn army can only fight hungry.

In fact, if the time is counted and no one can ambushed halfway, this heavy team will arrive at the city of Liusha City on time within three days.

But now!

The rockets all landed in a long dragon-like convoy. In the blink of an eye, the vehicle group immediately turned into a fire dragon. The fire and smoke in the sky, as if a huge fire dragon came to the gourd valley.

Looking at the rocket shot down from the mountain like rain and fog, the black-faced general and the young general showed a look of despair in their eyes. Looking at the range of the rocket, even if a grain car was spared, it was only one-two.

After three rounds of rockets, the canyon was completely messed up. In addition to despair, the forbidden autumn soldiers were also shocked. At this time, they could no longer control the food.

The young general surnamed Lin and the black-faced general surnamed Huang were at the forefront of the team, so they were not hit by a boulder or affected by the fire. Both of them were unharmed, but at this time, the two looked at the huge fire dragon, but their eyes were about to crack, their hands tightly pinched the weapon, and they couldn't wait to One gun stabbed all the people who fired the rocket to death.

In the mood of fear and anger, the two forbidden generals still have deep doubts:

The sand city is being attacked by the forbidden army. How can anyone ambushed here?


The black-faced general suddenly held his head high and shouted, like an injured beast, trembling like a stroke. Suddenly, he patted the horse's abdomen fiercely with his backhand, patted the horse and rushed to the mountain on the right, and his mouth seemed to be like a wind: "Go! Come with me..."

The young general's face changed a little, but he also gritted his teeth, held a long gun in both hands, patted the horse and rushed to the top of the mountain.

Behind the two generals, the surviving forbidden autumn army also left the burning grain truck and could not be saved. They simply gave up killing the enemy first. These forbidden autumn soldiers also simply raised their weapons and screamed, with their faces blackened by smoke, like a group of stove gods rushing to the hillside. Go up.

There were more than 5,000 people in this grain transport team. At this time, hundreds of people were hit by fire and boulders. The rest rushed to the top of the mountain led by two generals, and the formations dispersed, and suddenly there were people all over the mountains.

With the loss of this batch of grain, the situation of the forbidden autumn army on the front line will be extremely bad. This is not the time of autumn harvest. Even if it is harvested, the four fields are also empty. Except for some wild plants that are occasionally precocious, they can't find anything to eat, and it will take at least a few days to transfer from nearby county governments. Come on.

That is to say, if the grain is lost, the Forbidden Autumn Army's attack on the quicksand City will end halfway. Naturally, the black general and the young general naturally know that they do not fight hard, do not kill and capture the enemy. If they can't go back, there will be others fighting for their lives. Therefore, the two naturally ambush without hesitation. The enemy at the top of the mountain rushed away. At this time, they had no time to think about who the ambush on both sides of the mountain was and who they had to kill everyone first.

The young general also understood this truth, so although he was afraid, he had to follow the black-faced general and rushed to the mountain.


"Leave that young general!" Long Fei said to the bronze head standing beside him, "Kill that black-faced!"

"Good!" The copper head responded neatly.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, both of them took out a pair of bows from their bodies, quickly opened their bows and arrows, aiming at the imperial army at the foot of the mountain.

"Can you shoot them?" Zuo Zhaoqin couldn't help asking.

"Should be OK!" Tongtou smiled.

Everyone was surprised that there were about 800 steps away from the position of the two forbidden generals. Among the people here, such as Xiang Yuanfei and Jun Feng, such as innate martial arts, if there is a suitable strong bow, carry the internal force, and shoot 800 steps may not be a problem, but the accuracy is a big problem. .

A hundred-step through Yang does not mean that Yang can only be penetrated within a hundred steps, but that it can only be accurate within a certain distance. Beyond this distance, it can only penetrate the air, but cannot be penetrate Yang.

For example, a martial artist like Xiang Yuanfei, with strong bow cooperation, can only achieve the goal in about 600 steps. For example, Jia's sister and brother, Jun Feng and others may not even 400 steps, and now they are at least 800 steps away from the two generals of the forbidden autumn, even if Long Fei said he can shoot them, Xiang Yuanfei and others were also skeptical, but when the copper head said it could be shot, they were not only surprised, but also shocked.

The bows used by Long Fei and copper head are made of iron wood in Montenegro. This kind of iron wood is not only as hard as real iron, but also has amazing elasticity and strong toughness. It can be bent and pulled at will. It is the best material for making bows.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, Long Fei shot an arrow first.

The arrow was like a meteor. In everyone's eyes, they saw an almost non-existent virtual shadow crossing the hillside and shooting at the black-faced general at the foot of the mountain.

The black-faced general is at least an innate martial artist. His eyes are not only ten times sharper than ordinary soldiers, but also full of momentum. Naturally, he can see that the virtual shadow shooting at his chest is a powerful arrow, but he waved his careless tomahawk and flew this powerful arrow to the sky. .

Even if there are more powerful arrows at this level, the black-faced general believes that it is a pain in his hand to block it. As long as he puts a tomahawk the size of a door panel on his chest, there is nothing more arrow rain for him.

As if he knew what the black-faced general thought in his heart, he had just blocked the powerful arrow, and the other virtual shadow immediately flashed out in front of the black-faced general, almost twice as fast as the previous arrow.

This is an arrow shot by the bronze head behind Long Fei. The two cooperated tacitly. Almost after the black-faced general blocked an arrow shot by Long Fei, the bronze head horse * had been on the string for a long time.

However, if it is only a single arrow, even such an arrow speed is not very powerful for an innate level of warriors. For a martial artist at the innate level, the speed of weapon swinging is naturally faster than the arrow shot far away. Unless it is an arrow shot by a spiritual warrior with spiritual power, or an arrow shot by an innate warrior with special techniques, or a rain of arrows, it is possible to threaten a congenital warrior.

The black-faced general just became cautious at this time, but he was not nervous at all.

However, as soon as the almost copper-headed arrow was shot, everyone immediately heard the sound of Long Fei's bow string vibrating, and a powerful arrow flew out of Long Fei's hand like a meteor.

In everyone's eyes, Long Fei's arrow was faster than the arrow shot by the bronze head. In an instant, he caught up with the arrow shot by the bronze head and hit it fiercely at the end of the arrow. The arrow shot by Long Fei suddenly smashed and turned into a mass of dust scattered from the air. After a shock, the direction of the strong arrow in front changed slightly. The degree suddenly doubled, really as fast as lightning. It passed by the huge axe just raised by the black-faced general, nailed it into his neck, and emerged from the back of his neck.

The black-faced general still didn't seem to believe it at this time. He just wanted to howl, but his voice was blocked by the inserted arrow, but made a cooing sound like a rooster pinched by the neck. The huge axe fell off his weak hand, and the whole person slowly fell from the horse's back. Fall down.

Under one arrow, this kind of iron wood as hard as real iron was smashed, but the arrow in front of him was unharmed. Long Fei's arrow, strength, speed and skills reached the peak of archery, and only Cao Yang and others gasped one after another.

A few arrows solved the other party's innate-level warrior general. This kind of archery is several times better than a hundred-step through Yang! Such an arrow is enough to make people afraid of the wind.