Eastern Continent

Chapter 307, The Battle of Grain Robbery III

Those forbidden autumn soldiers followed the black-faced general and just rushed halfway to the hillside. They saw that their general was shot down from the horse by the enemy, and they were a little stunned for a moment.

"Let's go... revenge for General Huang!"

This is the young general surnamed Lin. At this time, he trembled with fear and his face turned pale. Despite this, he still took over General Huang's command and shouted for the soldiers to attack. However, no matter how he heard it, his voice trembled a little, and he did not rush in front like General Huang, but shrank behind the soldiers.

After all, these forbidden autumn soldiers are also well-trained. Although they were stunned for a moment by the death of the leading general, they also reacted in a blink of an eye. Coupled with the sadness and anger after the death of the black-faced General Huang, they did not need to be encouraged by the young general, but were even more aggressive. Rush to the top of the mountain.

"That's him!" Long Fei looked at the young general who tried his best to suppress his fear at this time and rushed to the mountain with the soldiers and said to the bronze head, "Only hurt but not kill. It's my use to keep him!"


The copper head did not talk nonsense. He immediately pulled out a large arrow from the arrow barrel and put it on the string, and pulled it with the middle finger of his right hand, "Hum!" Wheops!" Xiang Yuanfei and others heard the sound of the bow string shaking and the arrow coming out, and then they saw that the thick arrow was really like a meteor, and the thick tail of the arrow drew a track in the air with a clearly visible shadow and flew towards the young general.

Almost at the same time, Long Fei took out a very small arrow from the quiver and put it on the string, and almost shot it at the same time as the thick arrow. The two arrows were like mother arrows. The small arrow shot by Long Fei was hidden a little bit below the big arrow shot by the copper head. Not only did it make a sound, but even the shadow seemed It was also covered by the large arrow with a copper head, as if it had become an invisible arrow, flying towards the young general at the same time as the big arrow.

After the young general saw that the black-faced general was shot by an arrow by the other party, in order to prevent himself from following the footsteps of the black-faced general, he had already held a huge shield in his hand and always paid attention to the movement on the top of the mountain. At this time, he naturally saw the thick arrow shot from the bronze head.

When he saw this extra-large arrow, the young general was not nervous at all, but breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid of the sharp arrow that was fast and changeable in direction. He was not afraid of this thick and clear arrow, and after this thick arrow was shot, it would generally not change unless he hit something. In the direction, even if it is the same as just now, if there is another arrow hitting the tail of this arrow, it will only accelerate this arrow and basically will not change the direction.

However, such a thick arrow was shot with a strong bow, and the strength was as heavy as 1,000 catties. The young general was just an ordinary rattan card in his hand. He did not dare to block this kind of huge arrow with this shield, and maybe it would break immediately under an arrow.

The young general hung his shield beside the horse, clenched the long gun with both hands, stared at the trajectory of the extra-large arrow, and slowly raised the long gun.


The young general's long gun scratched a virtual shadow and hit the thick arrow, making a sound that made the young general almost think that it was two long guns hitting each other. After receiving this blow, the big arrow flew out to the side of the young general.


The young general just breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly felt a great pain in his chest, as if it had been torn. When he couldn't help looking down, he saw an arrow that was only half the size of a finger in his chest. The whole arrow was penetrated in, and only Yu's tail trembling outside.


The sound of the young general's howling completely covered all kinds of sounds on the battlefield, as if he was scared. He turned his horse's head and rushed down the mountain to be a deserter.

"Retain him!"

Long Fei just said to the copper head, and saw that the two of them moved almost at the same time. Both of them used ordinary arrows, drew arrows on the string in an instant, and shot them out in an instant. The two arrows were almost the same, so fast that they could hardly see the shadow, but the arrow targets were different. The bronze heads were aimed at the young general. The thigh, while Long Fei aimed at his mount.

The two arrived at the same time and hit the target. Long Fei's arrow was nailed to the back of the young general's horse. Under the pain, a hind hoof knelt down and threw down the young general with an arrow in his chest and thigh. I don't know whether he touched the short arrow inserted in his chest or from the horse. When he fell on his back, he hit something and fainted directly.

" hiss..."

This is the sound of the soldiers of the Forbidden Qiujun and the Rosefinch Army gasping at the same time. The Forbidden Qiujun was shocked, afraid and surprised, and was stunned. However, the Rosefinch Army was shocked, admired and surprised. Among the Zhuque Army, Junfeng and others, it is not that there are no people with 100-step archery skills. Even Xiang Yuanfei, Junfeng and others may also have other archery skills, such as horse flying, or backhand shooting, but between them, they can no longer pick out two people who not only cooperate so tacitly, but also have a variety of archery skills, as if a stunt. Generally, it refers to who hits whom, but no matter how their archery skills change, they can always achieve the goal in the end and will never fail.

Everyone who saw them was an eye-opener and secretly congratulated that Long Fei and Tongtou were not their enemies.


"Go and kill them to avenge General Huang!"

As soon as the young general fell down, another silver armor general who was not afraid of death waved a pair of knives and howled. His legs kicked the horse's arms wildly, as if he suddenly went crazy. His cheeks were red and his eyes rushed to the mountain desperately. In an instant, he passed all the forbidden autumn soldiers and rushed to the front.

After General Silver Armor rushed to the front, he still thought that the horse was not running fast enough. He kicked the horse's abdomen repeatedly and shouted repeatedly in his mouth.

When the imperial army rushed to the top of the mountain, although some of them still held shields in their hands, under the continuous waves of arrow rain of the rosefinch army, it also caused the forbidden autumn army to lose a lot of people. In addition, after watching the black-faced general and the young general were shot down in succession and lost two generals in a row, his heart was already It was cold, and even some of the soldiers were retreating. At this time, they saw that there were still people coming out to lead them to charge into the battle. Those soldiers who had already retreated also turned behind General Silver Armor and waved their weapons to the top of the mountain again.

"Another one who is not afraid of death!" The copper head squeaked his mouth and looked at Long Fei and said, "I'll do it this time!"

"Okay!" Long Fei nodded.

As soon as Long Fei's voice fell, he saw the copper-headed quick man take out two large and small feather arrows, put the thick one on the string first, and shot out almost without consideration.

When the big arrow flew out of the string, the thick feathers twisted the air gently.

As soon as the big arrow flew out of the string, the copper head quickly put the small arrow on the string at a speed almost invisible to the naked eye. The two arrows seemed to string out at the same time. The small arrow followed the buttocks of the big arrow, as if they were hiding in the shadow of the big arrow. The two arrows flew at exactly the same speed towards General Silver Armor. .

These are exactly the two arrows shot by Long Fei and the copper head when he attacked the young general just now, but now the copper head is completed by himself, but the speed has not decreased at all. The distance between the two arrows is only a little apart, which shows the speed of the copper head shooting arrows.

General Silver Armor also rushed to the front of the team and saw a big bronze-headed arrow, as if breaking the air from the top of the mountain and moving in front of him in an instant. General Silver Armor almost didn't think about it. A pair of short knives quickly raised and cut them off with big arrows.


The powerful arrow was cut in half by General Silver Armor, half flying into the sky and half falling to the ground. General Silver Armor's face relaxed a little, as if he was secretly relieved.

However, the silver armor did not relax this breath, but was held back. The face turned red in an instant, and the face was full of disbelief. It made a sound like a duck pinched by the neck. The pain instantly filled the whole body. Then the silver armor covered its neck with its hands and slowly fell off the horse's back, no When did he know, a small feather arrow had been stuck in his neck.

Two arrows solved the other's general, and the two arrows were shot with bronze heads, which made the people of the Rosefinch Army stunned. Although this silver armor general saw that he was just a warrior at the peak of the day, two arrows solved the other general, which also shocked the people of the Rosefinch Army.

Almost in the blink of an eye, three generals fell in the forbidden autumn, and at least two of these three are innate martial arts. The black-faced general is the first-line realm of heaven, and the youth will be the chaotic realm of heaven.

. Originally, Jin Qiujun had not yet recovered from the panic of being hit by a boulder and burned by a rocket. At this time, he was stunned to see that three generals had been killed in an instant. Some timid people couldn't help slowing down their pace and no longer have the courage they had just now.

As the saying goes, the courage of this forbidden autumn soldier has also been exhausted in the connection casualties of the three generals. The timid are hesitating at this time, waiting for others to escape, so they can also follow.

Although they had not completely fled, the pace of attack slowed down. Some soldiers simply stood and looked left and right to see if anyone had escaped. Some people not only stopped, but also began to retreat slowly backwards. It seemed that although the forbidden autumn army was well trained, it could not resist the fear in their hearts.

If no one can come out to command, the Ban Qiu Army is willing to be defeated. If someone forces to take over the command of the Ban Qiu Army, he should beware of the cold arrows on the top of the mountain. Three generals have been shot, and now two have been killed and one injured.

"You can't retreat, those who retreat!" A louder cold voice suddenly came from the rear of the forbidden autumn army: "They are less than us. They dare not come down. They rush up with me and kill them all!"