Eastern Continent

Chapter 358, Battle with Mubaiyuan

The sky is gloomy, the clouds are thick and low, and there is no wind!

The wind and rain are coming!

Next to the road, there is an empty place.

The two stood opposite each other, one was a handsome young man and the other was a childish teenager.

"Long Fei, you are a guest from afar. I'll let you make a move first!" Mu Baiyuan stood casually and casually said to Long Fei.

Long Fei couldn't help sneering. Mu Baiyuan's calculation. He seemed to be generous, but in fact, his heart was sinister. The main attacker naturally consumed more spiritual power, while Long Fei was injured and had to rely on spiritual power to adjust his breath. If he can't attack for a long time and consume a lot of spiritual power under irritability, the injury is naturally getting heavier and heavier, and he does not need Mubai. Originally, Long Fei was about to admit defeat.

"Do you really want me to attack first?" Long Fei said indifferently.

"Let's do it!" Mu Baiyuan said lightly.

"Then you're welcome!" Long Fei smiled and slowly pulled out his knife. Xu Tiangong moved his whole body and secretly adjusted his breath. In fact, under the effect of the mysterious Xu Tiangong, the injury he suffered when he played with Mu Qing had healed. The only difference was that the initial muscles were not tough and could not be pulled vigorously, but it did not affect Long Fei to do it.

After Xu Tiangong ran his whole body for a week, Long Fei suddenly jumped and rushed to Mu Baiyuan.

Everyone only saw a faint shadow passing by. Long Fei had rushed to Mu Baiyuan, stretched out a short knife and stabbed Mu Baiyuan's lower abdomen.

Mu Baiyuan smiled coldly. Long Fei's leap seemed extremely fast in other people's eyes, with only a faint shadow, but there was nothing surprising in his eyes. With his eyesight, he could naturally see Long Fei's movements clearly. He quickly stretched out his right hand and held the handle of the sword, took a step forward, like a bang of the sword, such as Nine days after the crane, Mu Baiyuan's long sword quickly came out of its sheath and greeted Long Fei's short knife. At the same time, his left palm patted Long Fei's lower abdomen.

However, the fierceness of Longfei's offensive was far beyond Mu Baiyuan's expectation. He didn't look at the palm of Mu Baiyuan. The short knife was just a little on the Mu Baiyuan's long sword, as if borrowing strength. The short knife just turned over and turned into a cut in an instant and cut down to Mu Baiyuan's left palm.

Mu Baiyuan was shocked, and Long Fei's move changed extremely well, as if he had just changed naturally. Not only did he not see the slightest astringency, but there was a kind of move and the previous move, just a half move between one move.

The change of moves has reached such a natural level that it can no longer be called proficiency, but should have reached a high-level state of receiving and sending from the heart. Even if it is a martial artist, there may not be such a play when they play. There will always be traces between the changes of their moves, but Long Fei's moves this time is completely natural. The generation is average, and there is no trace of the axe chisel.

However, what surprised Mu Baiyuan even more is still behind. Long Fei's moves are not only traceless, but Long Fei's attack is also like a river, which is endless.

Since Mu Baiyuan asked Long Fei to attack first, Long Fei's short knife flew up and down, constantly changing his moves. The attack became more and more fierce and urgent. In addition to Mu Baiyuan's counterattack at the beginning, there was less and less counterattacks in the end.

There are more or less traces of other people's moves between the move and the change of the move, but Long Fei did not. Long Fei's endless moves seemed to be a move. The short knife flew up and down, bringing a bright light, as if someone was dancing with a torch in his hand, and the bright light was constantly Rowing, connecting back and forth without any breakage or pause.

If you take apart Long Fei's moves separately, there is nothing surprising about each move. They are some of the most common moves. Even some moves are not one move, just half moves, but whether it is one move or half move, all the moves used in Long Fei's hand are Connecting nature, there is no trace of axe chisel.

And Longfei's moves have a special move. His later move follows the trend of the previous move, which is equivalent to borrowing the power of the previous move, while Longfei's own power is used very little. Now although Longfei is the main attack, the spiritual power he consumes is only minimal. Therefore, Mu Baiyuan let Longfei consume spiritual power. The idea of being as good as possible is null and ineffective.

The people watching were stunned. They had seen continuous attacks, but that kind of attack relied on deep internal force, and the fierce moves were forced to beat others, like a storm, which made people breathless, but Long Fei's offensive was like continuous water, constantly flushing. The other party's hand, like the silk of spring silkworm, is wrapped up layer by layer until the opponent can't breathe.

Although the two perform differently, the results are the same.

Mu Huangyuan was particularly shocked. In just two years, Long Fei had grown to this extent. From the time he first met, his martial arts skills were one level lower than his own, and now, whether it was martial arts or martial arts, he had far surpassed him and left him far behind.

Jia Chong also sighed. His martial arts skills were surpassed by Long Fei. In only two years, his martial arts skills were promoted to three realms. Fortunately, Jia Ling and Long Fei met. Fortunately, he did not blindly obey his father's orders and really ban Jia Ling. Fortunately, he did not listen to his father's words to Long Fei. Don't interfere with the Mu family.

Although Mu Baiyuan lost his first opportunity due to carelessness and could only defend everywhere, his martial arts level was higher than Long Fei. At this time, he was not only not in a hurry, but also tried his best to fight back, trying to bring the rhythm of the fight back to his control.

However, Longfei's attack surprised Mu Baiyuan again. He saw Long Fei's speed getting faster and faster. In the end, he only saw a shadow rotating around Mu Baiyuan. At this time, Long Fei was like a short knife in his hand, and he could only see a meteor-like shadow.

The sound of weapons fighting is constantly coming from the circle of war, sometimes like rain hitting bananas, densely and suddenly, sometimes like beads rolling jade plates, crisp and beautiful, sometimes like musicians playing the piano, jingling, audible sound.

Suddenly, a loud noise came from the battle circle, as if a huge thunder exploded in the battle circle. With the sound, the two separated and threw back.

In the shocked eyes of Jia Ling and others, Long Fei turned several somersaults in mid-air before falling. When he fell, his body shook a few times, gasped quickly, and his breath slowly calmed down.

Mubaiyuan was also like a dragon flying. After a few somersaults in mid-air, he fell down. When he stood firmly, everyone was shocked to find that there were spots of blood on Mubaiyuan's white clothes at this moment, as if someone had painted plum blossoms on his clothes at the moment of the battle.

"Ha ha..." Mu Baiyuan looked at the blood stains on his body, laughed a few times, and then looked up at Long Fei and said, "Long Fei's martial arts skills are so powerful that I didn't expect that he couldn't win back after Long Fei attacked first."

"Concession, concession!" Long Fei said lightly, "There is no winner. Let's continue!"

"Good!" Before Mu Baiyuan finished his words, he had first rushed to Long Fei. This time, he did not dare to ask Long Fei to attack first. Instead, he wanted to make a move before Long Fei took action.

Long Fei did not pounce on Mu Baiyuan this time, but stood in place with his feet apart, staring at Mu Baiyuan who rushed at him, holding the knife in one hand and holding the knife in both hands, slowly lifting it up, as if there was a thousand pounds of something tied to the knife, extremely slowly to the position of flat chest.

With the lifting of the short knife, Long Fei's originally calm face began to become solemn. With the lifting of the short knife, a solemn and tragic atmosphere gradually enveloped the whole circle of war.

Long Fei raised his short knife seemingly slowly, but when Mu Baiyuan rushed to him, he just raised it to his chest and quickly stabbed it up.

One of the three strange moves in The Secret of the Sky.

Long Fei used this move at the spiritual level, which is powerful and quick!

Mu Baiyuan's face changed again. He has seen the so-called unique move of ordinary martial artists, which is just to maximize the use of force, as if he can't wait to use his whole body to attack in this move. He is often unable to attack and escape desperately after one move. Long Fei's move is different. With the increase of strength, there is also an increase in mental pressure, which makes people feel like facing a flooded beast when facing this move.

He didn't expect that Long Fei had such a strange move. If Long Fei's attack just now is like continuous water, now this move is like thunder and lightning. Although the thunder and lightning is only once, no one dares to block it head-on, or even dares not stand in front.


Another loud noise was the biggest sound made by the two since the war. Mu Baiyuan just jumped over and threw back in the loud noise. After landing, his footsteps staggered. After a few more steps, he barely stood still. His face was changeable, and he had no more leisurely talking and laughing before.

"What's the name of this trick?" Mu Baiyuan stared at Long Fei and said in a low voice.

Long Fei has been standing still, but his feet have sunk to the ground and straight to the instep. This kind of hard floor has been hit by Mu Baiyuan and his feet have fallen to the ground. It can be seen how huge the blow was when the two fought just now.

"Hammer to the sky!" Long Fei said indifferently.

"What a hammer!" Mu Baiyuan was amazed.

After exclaiming, Mu Yuanbai suddenly looked at Long Fei's cracked mouth and smiled and said, "It's impolite not to come and go. I also have a trick. Please teach Long Fei!" His tone this time is no longer as casual as before. I think he is afraid of being beaten by Long Fei, but has a taste of asking for advice when he meets his opponent.

As soon as Mu Baiyuan's voice fell, he suddenly rushed forward and rushed to the dragon with small steps under his feet. His long sword waved and stabbed the dragon's chest like a heavy shadow.

"Good luck!" Long Fei shouted softly, raised his short knife with his hands, and suddenly split it like lightning. It was the innate move "Zhan Tianzhan". With one knife, it was God who fought, and it was also God who was killed.

Long Fei completely ignored Mu Baiyuan's sword stabbing his chest, and the short knife split down quickly. The momentum had enveloped Mu Baiyuan and his long sword, and the short knife was extremely fast. Unexpectedly, it came first. Only Mu Baiyuan's long sword could stab his chest, and his short knife had also hit Mu Baiyuan's right wrist holding the sword.

This is completely attack-to-attack. The two compare courage and speed, as well as the power of moves and combat experience.

Obviously, the first two are similar, but the latter is dominated by Long Fei. What kind of move is Zhan Tianzhan? That is the courage that even God dares to fight, let alone mortals.

So Mu Baiyuan was tragic!

The two separated at a touch, and the speed of separation was almost faster than that of Mu Baiyuan's rushing over. Both of them fell backwards, but Mu Baiyuan fell backwards, but Long Fei staggered backwards. This was because Mu Baiyuan rushed through the air, while Long Fei stood still and waited.

Both of them retreated more than a dozen steps before they stopped, and their sharp breathing was clearly audible. When they stopped, everyone could see that their clothes in front of them were covered with blood.

Obviously, both of them were injured and were not minor.