Eastern Continent

Chapter 359, different

For a long time, Long Fei and Mu Baiyuan stood face to face and looked at each other.

"I have learned it!" Mu Baiyuan suddenly hugged his fist and said, "This time my Mu family will not pester you again, but after this time, everyone depends on fate."

"Good!" Long Fei also hugged his fist and said, "Thank you for the concession!"

"Second brother, let's go!" Mu Baiyuan stopped talking, greeted Mu Huangyuan, turned around and left.

Muhuangyuan stared fiercely at Longfei and Tongtou, but his martial arts could not even beat Longfei, not to mention that Longfei was with Tongtou, so he had to follow Mu Baiyuan with hatred.

"I won!"

As soon as the wooden brothers turned around, the copper head jumped up happily, grabbed Long Fei, and said eagerly, "Are you all right?"

Long Fei frowned and suddenly reached out and patted him gently on his chest. A mouthful of dark red blood spit out and sighed, "It's all right now!"

"You are injured!" Jia Ling walked to Long Fei and looked at Long Fei worriedly and said, "It doesn't matter!"

Although Jia Chong and Jia Qing were beside them, she still calmly showed her concern for Long Fei. In addition to worrying about Long Fei's injury, it also showed that she was generous and cheerful, rarely as cowardice as her little daughter.

"It's all right now!" Long Fei laughed and said that as long as the blood is cleared and the magic of heaven is described, a few Sundays can be better, and it can be cured in two or three days at most.

"Let me see!" Jia rushed over and put his hand on Long Fei's wrist.

Long Fei couldn't move and calmly let Jia Chong put his hand on his wrist.

A look of relief flashed in Jia Chong's eyes. He put his two fingers on Long Fei's wrist. After a while, he was surprised and said, "It's really okay now. As long as you pay attention to adjusting the breath later, you will be able to recover within a few days. Unexpectedly, Long Fei's martial arts skills are so powerful and his ability to recover are so strong!"

Jia Chong was secretly fraising. He just saw with his own eyes that Long Fei's injury was not lighter than Mu Baiyuan. Unexpectedly, the injury had been controlled by him in the blink of an eye. As now, there is no need for special treatment. As long as he rests for a few days, he will naturally recover.

"I didn't expect Long Fei's martial arts to be so powerful that even Mu Baiyuan is no match for you!" Jia Chong looked at Long Fei, with a surprised look in his eyes.

"Lucy!" Long Fei smiled and said, "Actually, Mubaiyuan's martial arts are very good, but my moves are better than him, and I'm not afraid of death!"

Jia Chong nodded. When the realm of martial arts was similar and the experience was almost the same, it was compared with his moves and courage. Fortunately, Long Fei's moves were more brilliant and bolder, and he finally forced Mu Baiyuan back.

"How are you going next?" Jia Ling looked at Long Feidao with concern.

"Next, we will go to Liusha City." Long Fei said, "I have made an appointment with Brother Xiang. After leaving the teacher, I will go to find him. This time, I just came to see you and Jia Qing. Now that I have seen it, I will go to Liusha City."

"I'll go with you!" Jia Ling said happily, "I'm also going to meet Brother Xiang!"

"You can't go!" Jia Chong, standing beside Jia Ling, said, "You have not yet completed your ban, and you have sneaked out. If you follow Long Fei to the sand, maybe your father will be angry and extend your confinement for a few years."


"You'd better go back!" Long Fei knew that taking Jia Ling was equivalent to carrying an insurance. Jia Ling wanted to be around, but the Jia family paid attention to him at any time, and the Mu family did not dare to start boldly. However, the Jia family would never agree that Jia Ling would be with him again and again without a name, which was not good for Jia Ling, so he also persuaded her. Jia Ling came: "You go back first and come to see you after I settle down in the sand city!"

Jia Ling didn't say anything, turned her eyes around Jia Chong and Jia Qing, stared at them fiercely, and suddenly said, "Why don't you two go back with us to beware of the Mu family going back on their word, and you will also go away after recovering your injuries in the Jia family!"

"Go to Jia's house!" Long Fei was stunned, looked around Jia Chong and Jia Qing, and suddenly said, "Thank you for your kindness, but I think it's better for us to go now!" Brother Xiang is waiting for us in the sand city!"

"All right!" Although Jia Ling was not happy, she thought of her father's majestic appearance and knew that Jia Chong was here. He would not let himself follow Long Fei to Liusha City in any case, so he had no choice but to agree: "You must come to see me and Jia Qing in the future!" She was finally a girl. She was embarrassed to let Long Fei only come to see her, so she got involved with Jia Qing.

"Okay, I will definitely come later!" Long Fei smiled and waved goodbye to the Jia family.

Since the Mubaiyuan brothers have retreated, Long Fei and the two have to quickly leave the scope of Tiandu City. No one knows whether the Mu brothers keep their word, and the Jia family does not intervene in the dispute between themselves and the Mu family, and such a huge thing as the Mu family is not what Long Fei can afford to provoke now. Naturally, they should quickly avoid it here.

Standing next to the official road and looking at the turn of the official road where Long Fei's backs disappeared, Jia Ling turned around and said anxiously, "Second brother, why don't you ask Long Fei to come to our house to recover from his wounds before leaving?"

"Alas!" Jia Chong looked as if he didn't dare to look at Jia Ling. He still looked at the direction of Long Fei and Tongtou leaving and sighed in a low voice, "If you can ask Long Fei to come to our house to recover from his injury, then Long Fei will not be injured."

"What do you mean?" Jia Ling was puzzled.

"If Longfei could come to our house, we would have intervened in Longfei's feud with the Mu family, and at least we would have contacted Longfei earlier, so that the Mu family would have no chance to do it!" Jia Chong sighed and said with regret.

"Yes!" Jia Ling suddenly realized, "Why don't we contact Long Fei and Tongtou earlier and invite them into the house? Then there will be no conflict with the Mu family!"

"You think I don't want to!" Jia Chong glanced at Jia Ling and said angrily.

"Father?!" Jia Ling's eyes widened.

"Hmm!" Jia Chong nodded helplessly and sighed, "In recent years, the Mu family has recruited a large number of martial arts masters both inside and outside. Their strength has risen so much that they have left our Jia family behind. In addition, the three brothers of the Mu family are all talented people. Although they are about the same age as us, their martial arts has been far behind. After us, only the eldest brother can compare with Muheiyuan, but they also have Mubaiyuan, Muhuangyuan and many children of the Mu family, and their martial arts are firmly suppressed us. It is precisely because the strength of the Jia family has widened the gap with the Mu family, and the children of their descendants are not successful. Being left far behind by the young generation of the Mu family, the father had no choice but to endure and try not to conflict with the Mu family on many occasions. He is just worried about causing trouble for us!"

"Ah..." Jia Ling was stunned. Although she was also a descendant of the Jia family, she did not know that the situation of the Jia family was so dangerous that she was completely at a disadvantage in the struggle with the Mu family.

Jia Qing secretly clenched his fist, and his always quiet face looked more resolute!


Mu Baiyuan sat on the futon with his knees crossed, his eyes closed, and his hands folded in front of him.

Muhuangyuan sat on another futon in front of him and stared at Mubaiyuan with his eyes. Unexpectedly, Longfei had grown to this extent. Mubaiyuan, whose martial arts had reached the third level of spiritual level, could not stop Long Fei and was injured by Longfei.

As soon as Mu Baiyuan came home, he immediately entered the quiet room to practice, but he knew that he was seriously injured this time and did not dare to delay.


Mu Baiyuan took a long breath, slowly opened his eyes, looked at Muhuangyuan sitting in front of him, and suddenly smiled, with such a calm and smiling eyes.

"I didn't expect that Long Fei's martial arts skills were promoted so quickly. Even you are not his opponent!" Mu Huangyuan said, "At this speed, maybe in a few years, no one in the Mu family can suppress him."

"In terms of learning martial arts, he is indeed a hero. At present, no one I know can match him!" Mu Baiyuan nodded and said, "However, he is still young. No matter how fast he is promoted, his realm is definitely not very high at this time. Although I am injured, his injury will certainly not be lighter than mine."

"He was seriously injured?" Mu Huangyuan said with regret, "It's a pity that the third brother has accepted not to embarras him, otherwise if he catches up now, Long Fei will definitely be in trouble."

"No one can trust anyone. Now that he has said to let him go this time, let him go!" Mu Baiyuan said proudly, "Second brother doesn't have to worry about him. After this encounter, I have found a way to restrain Long Fei's martial arts. When I meet him again, I will definitely defeat Long Fei."

"That's true!" Ye Huangyuan said happily, "After this incident, we will find Long Fei and kill him!"

"Hmm!" Ye Baiyuan nodded and said, "If you dare to be the enemy of the Mu family, he can't escape!"

"I heard that Mu Qing chased after him alone." Mu Huangyuan was worried and said, "If he defeats Long Fei, the credit will be his!"

"Mu Qing lost face and had to chase after him." Mu Baiyuan sneered and said, "He thought that with his martial arts skills in the fourth realm of his spiritual level, he could stabilize Long Fei and defeat Long Fei, but unexpectedly, he was attacked twice by Long Fei. Not only did he not hurt Long Fei at all, but he himself was injured. If he didn't pursue and defeat Long Fei, how could he face others in the future?"

"But if he really defeats Long Fei, won't he be credited!" Mu Huangyuan was worried and said, "This Mu Qing is supported by his eldest brother, and he even dares not listen to your words."

"It's okay!" Mu Baiyuan said lightly, "Let him eat Long Fei's pain again, and he won't be so arrogant again!"

"Eat Long Fei's pain again?" Mu Huangyuan was shocked and said, "Isn't Long Fei injured? Can he still be Mu Qing's enemy?"

"Or invincible, or invincible! You won't know until the end." Mu Baiyuan suddenly smiled and said, "Long Fei's martial arts can't even be seen through my battles with him. Mu Qing was only attacked by Long Fei twice. How can he see through it?"

"Is Long Fei so powerful?" Mu Huangyuan remembered that his martial arts was still a natural state when he just saw Long Fei. In a blink of an eye, he left himself far behind. Even Mu Baiyuan, a genius of the Mu family, admired Long Fei so much that he couldn't help but be stunned.

"The power of Longfei's martial arts is that it is different from the other!" Mu Baiyuan nodded and suddenly changed the topic and said, "Is the eldest brother still in retreat?"

"I'm still in retreat!" Mu Huangyuan nodded and said, "This time, the eldest brother's martial arts should be promoted to the Jieyuan level!"

"He closed down in order to hit the node level!" Mu Baiyuan said lightly, "Second brother, we should also work hard, otherwise we will only be thrown farther and farther away by the eldest brother!"

"I know!" Muhuangyuan focuses on the head.

The three sons and one daughter of the contemporary head of the Mu family. The eldest son Mu Heiyuan is 28 years old, but his martial arts has been promoted to the realm of casting in the fourth realm of Hualing, while the third son Mu Baiyuan is only in his 20s, and his martial arts has also reached the realm of becoming a spiritual realm of the third realm of Hualing. On the contrary, the second son Mu Huangyuan has just been promoted to the first realm of Hualing at the age of 26. The realm of refinement.

After hearing that Muheihara is about to be promoted to the Jieyuan level, the biggest pressure is naturally Muhuangyuan.

"I heard that my father is back!" Mu Huangyuan said again, "I don't know if there is any latest father about Longfei!"

"A martial artist who is just building a mansion shocked my father, so isn't my wooden family too incompetent!" Mu Baiyuan looked at Mu Huangyuan and said, "If it goes to my father, we will be punished first!"

"The third brother is right!" Muhuangyuan's heart is awe-chered, and the Mu family is full of talents. Anyone who pulls out a martial arts can overwhelm Longfei. If this matter still reaches the ears of the high-ranking Mu family owner, then the people under them will be too incompetent.

So they try their best to hide this matter, and the owner of the wooden family can't know it if he wants to know it!