Eastern Continent

Chapter 366, big deal

Ye Guoming, Ye Guoheng, Ye He, Ding brothers, Huai brothers, Long Fei and copper heads, without family members, but nine people turned left and right in the group and kept drilling towards the front. There were too many people to see this kind of sea god conference. Before several people went out, the street was already full of people. At a glance, except for people There is nothing else outside the head.

round faces, square faces, long faces, short faces, all kinds of people, and even people of all colors.

Song Chun, an offshore city, is not only people from the whole eastern continent, but also people from other continents. Montenegro is immarble, and the sea has become the path from this continent to another continent.

In addition to seeking wealth, these people who come across the sea will also come with the purpose of increasing their knowledge, and this kind of Neptune Society, with rich cultural knowledge and local characteristics, is a grand event that these people may not see in their lives.

Huai Xiaoshu and Ding Hao took the lead, drilled left and right in the crowd, leading everyone all the way to the direction of the Sea Temple. Some little girls and little daughters along the way scolded the two as apprentices, but these two teenagers who were like humming were not ashamed but proud, and went all the way to crowded places. Go.

Although everyone shook their heads and had no choice, Ye He continuously stared at the two people, but also opened a passage in the direction of the Sea Temple for Ye Guoming and others who followed.

Among the crowd, Ye Guoming surrounded Ye He in the middle like the stars holding the moon and squeezed it in the direction of the sea temple.

In the cities near the mainland, almost every city has a huge temple, where only one god is worshipped, that is, the sea god.

There were many accidents at sea. According to a long time ago, there was a girl who specialized in helping people who had accidents at sea and helped many people. Later, later, later, later people built a temple to commemorate the girl.

It's just that although the goddess of the sea is worshipped in the temple, the temple wishes are all men.

If the most detached person in these sea-facing cities is the temple, it is the templezhu of the Shenhai Temple, with huge temples and wide land, and the four-hour worship of many believers. Although they have no real power, their status is not low.

The Haishen Temple, which has several big cities in Yundun, such as Song Chun, is even more huge.

As soon as Long Fei saw Song Chun's Haishen Temple, they were stunned by the unique architectural style of the Haishen Temple.

The Sea Temple faces south, and there are two five-rise imitation wooden white jade archways in front of the door. The west archway is engraved with "Zuozhen Nanbang" and "Renzhi Changning" respectively, and the east archway is engraved with "Yuyang Shiruo" and "Baoli Donghai".

The front square is carved with rolled grass dragon pattern and deformed dragon pattern, and the four columns are decorated with cloud patterns, which means that the dragon of the clouds protect one side of water and soil.

A lion holding a lion on the left of the gate and a lion with a hydrangea on the right. The two lions are carved from a whole piece of white jade, which is simple and has the characteristics of the southern lion. The back was touched by the believers, and the Shuirui beast was carved from the Xumi seat.

There are three doors, with three pairs of sea tide-patterned drum stones in front of them, and a plaque of the "Sea Temple" hanging on it.

Through the gate of the Sea Temple, you can see the top of the main hall. The main hall is a mountain-style palace-like palace building with heavy eaves. Under the eaves, a circle of corridor columns support it, and the five-year-like are four out of seven levels. On the main ridge, the book "Boli East China Sea" is centered by the double dragons.

What surprised the two most was the wide square in front of the Haishen Temple, which was even wider than Guhu Town. The square was paved with cyan stones, and the whole square looked flat and clean.

In the middle of the square, there is an adult-high incense burner. The incense burner is surrounded by cigarettes, and the smoke produced by the dense long incense is like white clouds.

In front of the incense burner, there is a huge stone table covered with red cloth and various utensils for sacrificing the gods are placed on the table.

Far away from the table, there are two rows of musicians on both sides of the square.

At this time, it is still early, and the sacrifice has not yet begun. The main sacrifice and Taishou, which are presided over by the Sea Temple, have not yet arrived.

Although the sacrifice has not yet begun, the position in front of the warning line in the square is already a sea of people, and almost one foot can't be inserted. Under the dense head cover, it seems that even the sky has darkened.

Fortunately, whether it is the Huai family, the Ding family, or even the Ye family, it is a detached family in Song Chun. Several people took Long Fei and Tongtou to find their place in a stand higher than the square.

The copper head jumped up, turned around, and sighed, "There are so many people! Isn't this Sea God Conference once a year? Why are there so many people coming to see it?

"This time is different from others!" Ye Guoming sighed and said that he, a bold man, sighed even more like him.

It turns out that Song Chun, Song Xia and Song Qiu are also the third of the four Song Song Dynasty in Yun Dun, in fact, Song Chun and the rest of the Song Dynasty have become a trend of water and fire. As long as Song Xia and Song Qiu peep at Song Chun's wealth, they will harass them from time to time.

Although Song Xia and Song Qiu's forces are slightly weaker than Song Chun, the combination of the two Song Dynasty surpassed Song Chun. Therefore, although the water and fire between the Three Song Dynasties are not harmonious, due to the checks and balances of power, no major events have happened between the Three Song Dynasty over the past few years.

However, in addition to the Song Dynasty, a pirate suddenly appeared recently. Originally, it was normal to have pirates at sea. However, this pirate may have thought that Song Chun was entangled with the two Song Dynasty and could not take care of anything else. Unexpectedly, it burned and robbed the coastal line around Song Chun, which was equivalent to killing Song Chun. At the door, it only made the towns around Song Chun panic.

Song Chuncheng sent troops to encircle and suppress many times, but they escaped. It was not until a few days ago that he finally designed to eliminate this pirate and even killed their leader.

It is for this reason that Zhu Ran, the governor of Song Chuncheng, decided to hold a special event of this year's Sea God Conference, and the specifications have been increased several times. It is also for this reason that this year's Sea God Conference will be particularly lively!

"Maybe this pirate has something to do with the other two Songs." The copper head curled his lips and said, "It's even likely that their people pretended to be to attack Song Chun!"

Ye Guoming was shocked and stared at the copper head without saying a word.

The Ding brothers and Huai brothers next to the copper head were also shocked and turned their heads to look at the copper head.

These people are not from a low background and have received excellent training since childhood. Naturally, their talent is not low. Although the copper head is just a casual sentence, it also makes them understand a lot of things.

They all looked at the copper head with strange eyes and were shocked by the sharp intuition of the copper head.

When the copper head saw them all looking at him, he couldn't help but say, "Why are you looking at me? Is this pirate really pretending to be the other Song Dynasty?"

"Although it doesn't win, it's not far away!" Huai Xiaohan sighed.

"These two cities dare to make people pretend to be infamous pirates. Aren't they afraid to make people angry and bring harm to them?" Ding Hao said angrily.

"King of power in troubled times!" Ye Guoming disdained and said, "As long as there is power and power, and the soldiers and horses have more money and food, who dares to collude with whom you and become a king and loses as a bandit? Who doesn't understand this truth."

Ding Chong sighed and said, "It's true, as long as you are many people and powerful enough, who dares to say something to you."

"Long Fei, what do you think?" Tongtou turned his head to look at Long Feidao. Tongtou's attention had been on Long Fei. Seeing that Long Fei had been silent since he sat down, which was very different from usual, so he couldn't help asking.

In fact, since Long Fei lost his martial arts, his personality has also quietly changed. From the previous cheerful and talkative, he gradually became silent. He often did not speak for a long time. He sat quietly alone, and did not know that he was practicing or in a daze.

This made the copper head very uncomfortable, and even the copper head gradually lost its original lively and cheerful smile, and only knew how to practice desperately.

Since Long Fei lost his martial arts, his body is weaker than ordinary people. Although he does not often take a few breaths, his actions have been affected. Therefore, the copper head usually pays most attention to Long Fei.

"I'm fine!" Long Fei'an walked as a car. For him, this kind of walk only requires a little more strength than usual walking, which does not make him breathless: "There may happen later. Pay attention to it!"

Long Fei whispered in Tongtou's ear.

"Something happened?!" Tongtou said disapprovingly, "There are so many people like this, and it's no wonder that nothing happened!"

"Stupid!" Long Fei stared at the bronze head and said, "Am I talking about such a thing?"

"What's the matter?" The copper head was shocked. Long Fei said so solemnly that something big would really happen. However, the copper head looked around, and there were soldiers wandering on all sides, which arched the stand layer by layer, and the ordinary people were far away.

"I don't know yet, just pay attention to it!" Long Fei also said solemnly, "For a conference like this, Song Chun will definitely have some arrangements. You just need to pay attention to the changes around you."

Since losing his martial arts, Long Fei feels much more sensitive than before.

In the past, when martial arts skills were not lost, everything would be solved by martial arts. The keen feeling previously practiced in the mountains gradually degenerated, leading to the fact that he was injured by Mu Qing. After losing martial arts skills, Long Fei gradually calmed down in addition to his depression in the first few days, since he temporarily If you can't change, you can only accept the facts.

Strangely, since Long Fei accepted the fact that he lost his martial arts and calmed down, Long Fei felt that he had reached a wonderful spiritual realm. That was not like the powerful feeling when martial arts were promoted to a certain realm, but seemed to feel the pulse of heaven and earth, or not called a pulse. It should be It is called the mystery between heaven and earth.

There are mysteries between heaven and earth, and there are mysteries between heaven and earth, which is something that every reader and martial artist knows.

However, what is the mystery of heaven and earth is that the benevolent see benevolence, and the wise see wisdom, and each has his own opinions.

The monks are called long life, the readers are called benevolence, the martial arts practitioners are called strength, and ordinary people look at the sky. In addition to awe, they are still in awe!

Long Fei feels that it is neither long life nor benevolence. Now after losing his martial arts, he can't feel power. In addition to awe, Long Fei now feels that the world seems to be closely linked to him. He is heaven and earth, and heaven and earth are himself, or he has become a part of heaven and earth. .

Blessings, where the misfortunes depend; misfortunes, where the blessings lie!

This is often the case in the world. While closing a door, it also opens another door for you.

After God let Long Fei lose his martial arts, he seemed to let Long Fei have another ability. As for what ability, Long Fei still can't know clearly. He only knows that his feelings are much sharper than before, even more keen than when he was hunting in Montenegro.

The keen feeling in the past allowed Long Fei to know the arrival of the beast in advance and the dangerous breath spread in the air. After Long Fei lost his martial arts skills, Long Fei found that his feelings were more sensitive than before.

Or this is not really a feeling, but a human instinct similar to feeling. It seems that if Long Fei calms down, his mind can have a connection with the outside world. Long Fei's mind is like a pond, and all the changes in the outside world can clearly reflect the surface of the pool. A drop is not leaking.

The changes in people's thoughts, or emotional changes, can also cause corresponding changes between heaven and earth. Long Fei felt some changes similar to misfortune by perceiving the changes of heaven and earth.

This wonderful feeling is like the feeling of internal force swimming between the meridians of his body when Long Fei's martial arts has just surpassed the acquired level and is promoted to the innate level. That unprecedented wonderful feeling makes Long Fei have an endless aftertaste. In the past few days, Longfei has become silent, which is to carefully experience this magic. Feeling.

Long Fei is like a child who has tasted delicious food for the first time, constantly recalling this feeling and trying to strengthen the connection with heaven and earth.

A woman once sat quietly at home and suddenly rushed to the well and saved her child who was about to fall into the well.

This is a kind of misfortune that can be felt related to themselves or related to the people they care about, but they do it by chance, while Longfei is now trying to feel it often!