Eastern Continent

Chapter 367, Sea God Conference

"What is Brother Copper talking about?" Ye He looked at the copper head and Long Fei muttering, and couldn't help bowing over her head. Since playing with the copper head that time, Ye He seemed to have found a big toy and play with the copper head from time to time. This time, when he saw the copper head and Long Fei muttering, he couldn't help but come closer again to see if there could play tricks on copper. The first opportunity.

"Nothing, Long Fei just said that there are too many people. Maybe something will happen later. Let me pay attention!" Tongtou has a straightforward personality. He is often teased by Ye He these days. It's just that Ye He is harmless and feels that a big man doesn't care about the little woman, but he is not stupid. He knows that if something big will happen later according to Long Fei's words, it will definitely make people despise and laugh at Long Fei and think that Long Fei is an idiot. Or a madman talks nonsense, so he changes a little and only says that there are too many people and something may happen.

Like this big gathering, Song Chun must have done enough security work. Just looking at the layers of soldiers surrounding various important places, ordinary people can't get close to half a step at all, so we can know how much Song Chun attaches great importance to it.

Under this arrangement, the probability of major events is almost zero.

But Tongtou only said that there were too many people and something might happen.

There are indeed too many people. With so many people gathered together, no one can guarantee whether anything will happen or anything will happen. Among these crowded crowds, there are a large number of thieves, habitual thieves, perverts, and even some flower pickers. How can such a good opportunity not take the opportunity to commit crimes?

It's not even strange that a murderer appears one after another. If a person has a grudge against someone and steals the air, who will know who did it?

There are too many people, and anything can happen.

"Every time the Nepra conference happens, everyone knows!" Ding Chong said lightly.

"That's true!" Huai Xiaoshu smiled and said, "Every time after the Sea God Conference, Brother Ye's catchers will be busy for a long time!"

"Is Brother Ye the catcher of Song Chuncheng?" Tongtou turned his head curiously to look at Ye Guoming. He had lived in Ye's house for a few days and jingled with Ye Guoming every day, but he didn't know that Ye Guoming was still the catcher of Song Chuncheng.

"Brother Ye is not a fast catcher, but a fast catcher!" Ding Hao laughed.

"Look at what you said, I just registered a name in the patrol room!" Ye Guoming smiled and said, "What kind of fast leader is there?"

It turns out that Ye Guoming has not only reached the realm of martial arts in the year of the weak crown, but also under the careful training of Ye Jingzhong, other aspects are also very good. It can be said that he is both literary and martial arts. Under the repeated requests of a powerful man of Song Chun and the request of Ye Jingzhong, Ye Guoming is a descendant of Song Chun and should also come out for Song Chun. With a strong idea, he joined Song Chun's patrol and served as the deputy captain of the patrol.

Originally, Ye Guoming's martial arts idiot meant that he didn't want to care about these idle things. The only thing he dreamed of was to improve his martial arts. It was precisely because of this that he was so obsessed with martial arts that he could be promoted to the free realm at this age. Otherwise, the Ye family did not have any martial arts masters, and Ye Guoming had never When he met Mingshi, if he hadn't been obsessed with martial arts, and his talent in martial arts was indeed outstanding, he would not have had such martial arts skills at this age.

"disrespectful, change!" Long Fei smiled and bowed to Ye Guoming, "It turns out that Brother Ye is still an official!"

"Long Fei laughed!" Ye Guoming said, "That's just a symbolic position. Usually, I rarely go to the patrol room."

"Today is such a big event as the Nephen Club. Doesn't Brother Ye have to maintain public security?" Long Fei said strangely that this time should be the busiest time for patrols.

"How can Brother Ye work for such a trivial matter as maintaining public security? Only a big case that can't be solved in the patrol room and prisoners who can't be caught will Brother Ye come out!" Ding Hao smiled and said, "Brother Ye is the Dinghai needle of the patrol room. If you want Brother Ye to maintain Yan'an, you don't have to kill chickens with a cow knife!"

"Oh..." Long Fei also said with a long smile and lowered his head.


As several people were talking and laughing, suddenly there was a sound of gongs, and then a voice with a long tail dragged by eight decibels shouted: "Lord Taishou to... Lord Changshi to... Lord Lieutenant to..."

With the sound, the crowd separated from the middle, and the two rows of strong soldiers held weapons and ran towards the sea temple from a distance. As they advanced, the two rows of soldiers, like two sharp blades, abruptly cut the crowd left and right, revealing an avenue leading to the square in front of the temple in the middle.

In everyone's eyes, Zhu Ran, the governor of Song Chuncheng, rode a tall horse and stepped over surrounded by dozens of men.

Zhu Ran is a middle-aged man in his fifties with long beards under his jaw. His face is thick and decisive. His thick eyebrows are obliquely into his temples, and his small eyes that are incomparable to his face are shining, and the corners of his mouth are slightly bent down.

Looking only at the appearance of this person, all of them shows that he has been in a high position for a long time and is a high-ranking person to kill and decisive.

Behind Zhu Ran, he was two horse heads behind, followed by two horses. It was Song Chun's Changshi Huaiyi and Lieutenant Ding Guoquan. Zhu Ran was only a middle-aged man about 50 years old, but the two Taishou ranked second together. They were important figures in the two groups of literature and martial arts, but they were already white-haired, but they were just stunned. He looks thin, but Ding Guoquan looks red and has a thick figure.

After the two, Song Chun's officials followed. Everyone was a tall horse, full of smiles and red faces. In the attention of everyone, they waved to the onlookers as they walked. After arriving at the square, they got off their horses and walked and strode towards the high platform on the square.

Standing on the high platform, Zhu Ran looked at the people below who were desperately waving to him and smiled with satisfaction. He liked this feeling and the feeling of being supported by the people. The more people cheered, the more excited he became.

It was not until the voice gradually lowered that Zhu Ran sat down with satisfaction. In the back direction beside him was sitting with his son Zhu, a fat man who was so fat that he had stuffed his wide seats.

Behind Zhu Ran stood a white-haired and expressionless old man. At first glance, when he saw his hair as white as snow, he seemed to be an old man who stepped into the grave with half feet. Then he saw his healthy face in red, as if he had just passed middle age and had a lot of good years.

Such a person stood behind Zhu Ran and immediately attracted the eyes of Long Fei, Tongtou and others. Both of them only glanced over the fat man Zhu and Zhu Ran and fell on this person.

In the eyes of others, this person may be just a family member of the Taishou Mansion with a little martial arts skills, but in the eyes of Long Fei, they can feel a dangerous atmosphere on this person, like a motionless beast, just waiting for the opportunity to move, or just waiting for someone to burst out when they flirt.

The man seemed to feel the eyes of Long Fei and the two, and his eyes raised slightly, stabbing them like lightning.


The two hurriedly turned their eyes, looked at each other and smiled, and saw the shock in each other's eyes. At least this person's martial arts have reached the third realm of the spiritual level, or even higher. Maybe it is possible at the Jieyuan level.


A few more gongs sounded, and a voice with a long tail announced loudly: "When the time comes, the festival begins..."

As soon as the sound fell, the musicians on both sides of the square suddenly played musical instruments together. The high and exciting music overwhelmed the noisy voice and spread throughout the square. With the sound of the music, the closed door of the Haishen Temple was slowly pushed open from the inside, revealing a black door hole.

After the gate was pushed open, the first thing that came out were the two teams of sea temple priests and assistants in yellow robes and yellow towering priest hats. The hats on their heads were so high that they trembled when walking, and a yellow robe was tightly tied around their necks, just like a high head. The rooster looked extremely funny, and the copper head and Long Fei couldn't help laughing.

Looking at other people, they also have a smile on their faces. Obviously, Song Chunhai's unique dress is really disagreeable.

Each of these priests put their hands together, holding things like spiritual positions in their hands. After slowly coming out of the door of the temple, they walked from the left and right sides to the table, and one by one stepped forward to put these spiritual positions on the table.

Behind these yellow robes and yellow hats, there are two obviously important sacrifices. The two people have the same robe and high hat, but the robe is a black robe and the hat is also a black robe. There is a gold hem at the cuff of the black robe, and the high hat is in the middle, decorated with a round blue logo.

The two raised their hands to their chests, and as they walked, they didn't know what they were reading. They didn't stop until they walked to the two rows of priests.

Then, it was the grand appearance of the main priest of Red Hat.

Since Song Chun is near the sea, the sea is almost all the resources of Song Chun's people's life, so the importance of Song Chun in the sea temple is self-evident. The host of the sea temple is also the high status of Song Chun's main priest, and in Song Chun, it is also the top figure, and it is difficult for ordinary people to see it.

Today is the day of sacrifice, which is the most important day of Song Chun's annual, so the main priest must appear.

However, to the surprise of Long Fei and Tongtou, they all thought that the main sacrifice of the Haishen Temple must be moderate and good-looking. Even if they can't be called a beautiful man, they must also be very attractive people, but the fact disappointed them.

Red Riding Hood turned out to be a thin old man with a narrow face. At first glance, it looks like a boiled shrimp.

According to Ye Guoming, the host of Song Chunhai Temple is also the main priest named Meng Ting. He has been the host of Song Chunhai Temple for more than ten years. However, seeing this thin old man bending his waist all the time, Long Fei really did not think of his relationship with the word Ting.

With the beginning of the sacrifice, the noisy sound in the square gradually lowered, and after the main priest came out, the music began to change.

First of all, a burst of melodious music sounded, and the music was melodious and pleasant. When the noisy sound in the whole square gradually calmed down, the music gradually sank.

"Please statue..."

A loud voice that may have been specially reported suddenly sounded from the north of the square, then spread to the west, then to the south, east, and finally many people singing, which turned into a torrent of voices and spread all over the square.

"Please statue..."

Although the sound did not come from the internal force, many people gathered together and became a torrent, and everyone only felt that their ears were buzzing.

As soon as the voice fell, the main priest who knelt down before the incense case stood up, but his slightly bent waist could not stand straight. From the back, the big red robe looked more like a shrimp that was only cooked and bent on the plate.

It's just that no one laughed at this time. Everyone looked at the main priest seriously. The dignified atmosphere at the scene affected everyone, and everyone became serious.

After Meng Ting stood up, he put his hands together, bypassed the table, and went to the Sea Temple. After kowtowing three times in front of the open temple door, he entered the temple.

At this time, the sound of the music suddenly changed from deep and gentle to high and exciting, as if the sea god festival was progressing to a small **.

In everyone's expectation, Meng Ting slowly walked out of the temple with a small sea god statue in his hand. His expression was solemn, and the two secondary priests also followed, and each of them held a small statue in his hand.

The bronze head looked strangely and asked Ye Guoming in a low voice, "Do you have three sea gods?"

Ye Guoming said, "There is only one."

The bronze head pointed to the two vice-sacrifice and said, "Then why are they all holding one?"

"That's General Zhenhai and General Fubo who saved people with Potion!" Ye Guoming laughed and said, "According to legend, the three of them often saved people together at that time."

At this time, after the main priest slowly walked through the square and went around before the incense case, all the assistants took action, holding the spiritual positions listed on the incense case one by one. Some even held two, followed the main sacrifice and turned around the square.

The copper head looked strange and asked in a low voice, "Are these the people who saved people with Neppoon at that time?"

"That's not true!" Ye Guoming said, "That is the spiritual card of the heroes who sacrificed to resist the enemy and pirates in our Song Chun Dynasty. Every time the Nephen Conference, they will also hold up the spiritual positions of these heroes to receive the worship of future generations."

Bronzetou suddenly realized, "No wonder there are so many."

At this time, the music became melodious again.

Meng Ting and the sacrifices held the statues and spiritual cards in their hands and walked slowly around the square. Every time they went to one side, the people over there knelt down to the statue until they turned to the other side.

When he turned to Ye Guoming's side, not only did Ye Guoming kneel respectfully, but also Long Fei and the copper head also hurriedly knelt down, and the copper head kowtowed heavily on the ground a few times.

Long Fei felt strange and said to Tongtou, "I usually look at your heroism, but I didn't expect to believe in gods and ghosts so much."

Tongtou said, "What ghosts do I believe in? I worship the heroes and martyrs of Song Chuncheng. They are the respectable people."

Ye Guoming said gratefully, "Thank you, Brother Copper!"

The bronze head said proudly, "You're welcome, heroes are heavy heroes, and they are bound to worship."

Long Fei sneered and said, "Those martyrs in Song Chuncheng are real heroes. When it comes to your copper boss, that's possible!"

"Yes or no, we won't know until the future!" Tongtou said proudly, "It's still too early to say."

Ye Guoming smiled and said, "In my mind, both of them are heroes!"

Although the copper head did not blush or breathe when arguing with Long Fei, he was praised differently. He was embarrassed and said, "Brother Ye is joking."

Ye Guoming is by no means joking when he said this. If Long Fei is really promoted to the realm of becoming a spirit at the age as Tongtou said, his future achievements can be achieved with his toes. Although Tongtou's martial arts skills are slightly inferior, he is only slightly inferior to Long Fei. Even the arrogant Ye Guoming has to admit that he Although his martial arts have passed the level of high copper head, the martial arts of bronze head are only slightly inferior to themselves.

At this time, Meng Ting and others turned to the stone table, put the statue and spirit card on it, first lit nine thick incense, worshipped the statue three times, inserted the incense into the incense burner, kneled down on the cushion in front of the table, and the sacrifices also knelt down behind him.

Zhu Ran knelt down. At this time, except for the soldiers in charge of vigilance in the whole square and street, everyone else knelt down in the direction of the elephant.

Meng Ting began to sing prayers with the sacrifice.