Eastern Continent

Chapter 412, take action

Long Fei gently covered the dark and shiny palm print with his palm, driving his spiritual power and slowly penetrated into the palm print, presenting the scene in Long Fei's heart's eyes, which made Long Fei almost scream in surprise.

Around the palm print, there are not many changes in the epidermis or the body, but some faint black bruises, just like some small cracks on the periphery of the broken bottle cracks. At a rough look, you will think that this is only a natural phenomenon and will not have a great impact on the injury. However, when Longfei's mental strength After going deep into the palm print, the scene appeared in Long Fei's mind, which completely shocked Long Fei.

It's just that in the big palm prints like blisters, it is almost as black as ink ** constantly flowing, turning from the blood flowing into the blood vessels to black **, and then these black ** flowed out along the blood vessels and flowed to Wu Shangqiang's whole body.

This black palm print seems to have become a manufacturing base for black liquid bodies, constantly transforming Wu Shangqiang's whole body blood into this disgusting and shiny black **, and outputs this ** to various organs, blood vessels, skin and bone marrow of Wu Shangqiang's whole body.

This is only the first few days, and the situation may not be very serious, but as time goes by, when the blood of Wu Shangqiang's whole body is replaced by this kind of dark **, it is not predictable. Maybe you don't have to wait for the whole body blood to change, as long as there is one After half of the blood turned black**, it was time to be exhausted.

Fortunately, he was discovered early by himself. Long Fei looked at the black palm print and was suppressed by Wu Shangqiang. Every time, there could only be a little black ** leaking out and flowing into the blood vessels. He was secretly glad in his heart. At the same time, he was also shocked and angry at the viciousness of this martial arts. This was not to kill people, but Let people be tortured in fear and pain.

Long Fei recovered his spirit with a shocked face, and his eyes were bright. He pierced Wu Shangqiang's eyes like two sharp arrows and said lightly, "What is the patriarch worried about?"

Wu Shangqiang's face was shocked. Long Fei's vision just now made him feel as if he had seen the divine warrior, the vast spiritual power that reached the depths of his heart and could control other people's will, which made him couldn't help tremble.

With a long sigh, Wu Shangqiang seemed to be suddenly in his teens at this moment, with a tired expression on his face and whispered, "Finally, I was still seen by Long Fei. I know that my injury is getting more and more serious, and I can't suppress it with my own martial arts skills!"

"Who is the patriarch afraid of?" Long Fei stared at Wu Shangqiang with his eyes. If he didn't have any scruples in his heart, Wu Shangqiang would not have forcibly suppressed the injury like this. Even if he behaved as if nothing had happened before his own people. Even if Xiaoxiang may have touched his injury when he hugged his arm just now, Wu Shangqiang still had the same faint expression, and There is no abnormal performance. If you don't care about anyone, you don't have to do so in your own home.

"Let Long Fei laugh!" Wu Shangqiang said, "Since our clan was almost annihilated, everyone in the clan has different intentions. Everyone only thinks about themselves. Some people want to have greater power, but some people want to live a better life. If I am known by them that they have suffered this vicious internal injury, the fish people will immediately become panicked. Panic, as soon as the bone spur clan comes, the fish clan will immediately collapse and wait to be exterminated.

Long Fei gasped. Through the conversation with Meng Jian and Xiaoxiang and others on the ship, although he knew that the situation of the fish and man was critical, he unexpectedly reached such a critical level. It seemed that Wu Shangqiang's injury appeared in front of Long Fei and could not hide it, so he also chose to at the same time. Trust Long Fei, otherwise he won't say something secret to Long Fei.

Long Fei admired: "The patriarch is far-sighted, and the boy admires it, but I don't know who the patriarch met? With this kind of vicious martial arts, it can make people wait for death in pain.

Wu Shangqiang said, "This is halfway back from the mainland. This man covered his face and only showed a pair of fanatical and vicious eyes. His martial arts are extremely strong, and he is definitely not a nameless person."

"Hear your head and shrink your tail. It seems that this person must be someone the patriarch knows or met!" Long Fei said solemnly, "The martial arts are so powerful, and it is also a person known by the patriarch. It seems that the patriarch should have known it for a long time! This man's heart is so vicious that it seems that the patriarch should slowly experience the feeling of waiting for death!"

"He will never feel good either!" Wu Shangqiang gritted his teeth and said, "If I hadn't been injured in advance, he might not have been able to hurt me, but he must have been slapped by me."

Long Fei said, "The patriarch was injured first in Song Chun's battle with Zhu Yiding, right?"

"Yes!" Wu Shangqiang said calmly, "It seems that Elder Meng is telling the truth. You are really the person he caught at the Sea God Conference, otherwise it is impossible to know what happened at the Sea God Conference!"

"Isn't the patriarch afraid that I'm really from Song Chun? I'm here to murder the patriarch!" Long Fei said with a faint smile.

"Even if you are from Song Chun, my fish clan has nothing to make you plan!" Wu Shangqiang said lightly, "And the hatred between my fish people and Song Chun may not even know Song Chun. They just think that we are just ordinary pirates, and how can they make targeted arrangements to make Long Fei suffer these difficulties in order to sneak into our fish people!"

Long Fei was captured by Meng Ting at that time, and his life was in good risk. He didn't know whether he could land on Moon Island alive. Even if he had any intentions against the fish clan, it was in vain.

After talking about these things, the two got up casually. Long Fei looked at Wu Shangqiang and said, "I may not be able to cure this injury alone. I have to ask another person to help."

"Who?" Wu Shangqiang also knew that time was urgent, and his injury would get better as soon as possible. After hearing Long Fei's words, he also became anxious.

"It's enough for Elder Meng and Xiaoxiang!" Long Fei smiled faintly and said that everything was under control. Seeing Long Fei's expression, Wu Shangqiang's mood also relaxed inexplicably.

Under the strong spiritual infection of Longfei, Wu Shangqiang's mood has gradually become peaceful, which is a necessary condition for treating this dangerous injury. If you are excited, Wu Shangqiang's own internal strength will break through this palm mark before Long Fei can take action.


Long Fei lifted his hand from the top of Wu Shangqiang's head and looked at Wu Shangqiang, who was sitting cross-legged on his knees and standing on his upper body, and said, "What do you think? Can you still support it?"

Meng Ting opened his eyes and said with a slightly pale face, "You can still support it for a while."

Long Fei said, "Okay, just a moment. When I open the palm print, you will push the internal force outward and force the water out."

Seeing Meng Ting nodded, Long Fei asked Xiaoxiang to pick up a copper basin from the bed, stood in front of Wu Shangqiang, picked up a knife, and cut the black palm print with a knife.

A black ** ejected from the broken mouth of the palm print and landed on the copper basin in front of the bed, making a sound, as if an iron bead fell into the basin, only seeing the little fragrance standing in front of the bed. This black ** is actually not small, and I don't know that under the squeeze of these **, this palm print How to hold on.

Throwing away the knife, Long Fei immediately squeezed the opening with both hands, while Meng Ting urged it with internal force behind his back. Under the cooperation of the two sides, more black water, like a column of water, actually ejected out of the crack of the palm print and injected into the bottom of the basin. A disgusting smell like a corpse smell, instantly permeated the whole In the room, only the small fragrance almost vomited out.

Under the pressure of Meng's internal force and the squeeze of Long Fei, the black water gradually changed from black to bright red, and finally cut off. Only after the bright red blood was squeezed out, Long Fei took a long breath, picked up the knife, lifted the necrotic skin around the palm print, and cut it off. Come on, wipe it with gauze and apply powder, and then wrap up the whole wound. Of course, the dressing work was finally completed by Xiaoxiang.

When Meng Ting let go of his hand, he was as tired as a dead dog. His face was pale, and even his hands trembled, as if he could not sit still. His whole body seemed to be picked up from the water and wet.

Wu Shangqiang felt as if he had died and resurrected at this time.

When Long Fei pressed his hand on his head just now, because Long Fei wanted to force the black water hidden in Wu Shangqiang's body to pour into the bubble of the palm seal, Wu Shangqiang felt as if he was holding a knife and scraping everywhere in his body, scratching both muscles and bone marrow. All over, the feeling that made him die in pain almost made Wu Shangqiang think that he couldn't help fainting, and his clothes were bitten a few times. When Long Fei's action was over, then he immediately cut the wound and squeezed it. This was another pain, but it was a pain all over his body just now, and the pain at this time However, it was set between the chest, which was even more obvious and exciting. At that time, Wu Shangqiang almost couldn't help jumping up. If he hadn't been strong-willed, he would have fainted long ago. It was not until then that Wu Shangqiang felt that he was so lucky to be alive.

Gently pressed the location of the wound between the chest and abdomen. At this time, there was no feeling of itching, only a slight pain, and raised his head.

"Thank you!"

With Wu Shang's strong will, he just bit a piece of clothes in pain. At this time, the voice of saying these two words was trembling, and he was also inexplicably grateful when he looked at Long Fei's eyes.

Only he and Meng Ting know that Long Fei's kindness is not only to him, but to the whole fishman clan.

The fish-man clan has just undergone a great change. The old patriarch passed away. His new patriarch took over. Everything is still unstable. If he has any accident, the fish-man clan is about to fall into chaos. The patriarchs and elders will not accept anyone. It is certain that they will collapse. If the bone spur clan comes to attack at this time, but the fishman clan will not If there is a person who can control the whole clan, it is not far from extinction.