Eastern Continent

Chapter 413, Arrogant

With the sound of the sound of "stepping" came, a group of brightly dressed infantrymen came with long guns. The team was neatly and uniform. In front of the team were two young men, with long and thin cheeks on the left, and the gloomy little face was white without need. A pair of gloomy eyes looked coldly at Zhi Chenggong and others, as if one saw The venomous snake of the prey; at first glance, it feels like a pile of meat. The round head and fat figure can hardly find facial features on the face, and the eyes are so thin that there is only one line left. Even if the nose is a tumor bulging on the face, the mouth becomes a small hole, like a pinched by a child. The mud man's head is directly connected to the body, and his neck can't be found. His legs* look like two thick chopsticks inserted into two steamed buns, and his whole body looks somewhat similar to lotus root.

The copper head laughed, hurriedly covered his mouth, and turned his head to look. Ye Guoming and Zhang Hengli Zhi both had the same smile on their faces, but they couldn't help laughing.

On the contrary, they succeeded, but they all looked angry, but they looked afraid. Most of them lowered their heads and didn't look at the two young men, but some of the soldiers still stared at the team of soldiers and the two young people, and their eyes were angry.

Although the laughter of the copper head was small, the two young men riding a high-headed horse actually heard it. Two pairs of small eyes turned and immediately looked in the direction of the copper head. The thin young man was still expressionless, but his eyes looked coldly, as if a poisonous snake was looking at his natural enemy; the small eyes on the lotus root were useless. The ground opened a little, and his eyes flashed with anger, and he shouted, "That smile?"

No one would have thought that this fat man was fat, and his voice was even sharper than a woman's voice, like a long needle. Especially when he shouted and asked loudly, his voice was sharper, and everyone who heard it showed an uncomfortable expression on their faces.

"Yo, it turned out that the captain and his subordinates were dancing sticks here." The young man like lotus root galloped nearby, glanced at the campus with a pair of small eyes and said lightly, "I thought it was a group of scouts from there playing with mud!"

He deliberately pronounced the word "gun" as a "stick" to satirize that his subordinates are backward equipment and their combat effectiveness is not strong. Usually, he can only use wooden sticks for training, and only on the battlefield can he use real knives*.

He stared at the lotus root young man with a pair of eyes and said lightly, "What does General Cha give you any advice?"

"No advice!" Lotus Youth said carelessly, "When I saw the direct captain and his subordinates training here, it suddenly occurred to me that I also wanted to see the training effect of my subordinates during this period. Why don't we let them compete? What do you think of the direct captain?"

There is a slight hesitation on Zhicheng's face. It is clear how his subordinate's combat effectiveness is. If you want a group of ruffed soldiers to compete with this bright armored and bright guy, it is obviously uncomfortable to find him, and even hurt his subordinates. However, let Zhi Chenggong directly say his refusal. Personality is definitely unspeakable.

The small eyes on the lotus root's face flashed a cold light and narrowed. The already small eyes were completely gone at this time. There were only two lines drawn with the thin tip of the lotus root's face. He smiled faintly and said, "Don't the straight captain dare to compete? I often hear Elder Zhi praise that Captain Zhi is a rare genius of the fish-man clan in a hundred years. Why don't you dare even have a small competition? Don't worry, this is just a competition, and the straight captain doesn't have to worry about any accidents.

"How does General Cha want to compare?" Before he opened his mouth and said anything, Ye Guoming had come to him and looked at the lotus young man and said lightly, "Did we draw the road, and you all follow?"

"Who are you?" The lotus root youth did not accept Ye Guoming's words. Instead, he looked at Ye Guoming coldly and said coldly, "It's not big or small. I'm talking to your captain, and there is a place for you to interrupt."

"It doesn't matter who I am!" Ye Guoming was not afraid of the momentum of the investigation. He stared at the eyes of the investigation and said lightly, "The important thing is how General Cha wants to compete with us?"

"Get out of here!" The young man like a bamboo pole beside him suddenly shouted loudly. The man's voice was sharp and harsh, and there was no sense of restraint and knots. Instead, there was a feeling that something sharp scratched the metal surface and made a sound. There seemed to be a foreign body in his ears, which was very uncomfortable!

Ye Guoming and Tongtou and others stood up at the same time, and there was a cold feeling all over their bodies. They only felt as if there was a sudden gust of wind on a hot day, and goose bumps arched their clothes.

I don't know how others feel. Ye Guoming only saw the straight and successful body standing in front of the slender young man trembled. Obviously, this scream also made Zhicheng uncomfortable.

Ye Guoming was not moved at all and still looked at the bamboo youth indifferently.

It was also a great surprise that the bamboo pole young man could not scare off Ye Guoming when he saw that his drink could not be shocked. A crazy look flashed in his eyes. Suddenly, the horse whip hit Ye Guoming at the head.

The copper head had been waiting for a long time for a stone secretly buckled in his hand to suddenly pop up and bounced on the horse's belly. The pain made the horse suddenly raise its hind hoof. The bamboo rod youth only felt his body tremble, and the whip was tilted and was pulling on the horse's head of his war horse. The war horse was in pain again, and its front hoof kicked hard on the ground, which was like a human. Generally, when he stood up, the bamboo pole young man leaned back with his whole body. He almost fell off the horse's back and hurriedly grabbed the horse rope. At this time, the horse kicked hard and suddenly ran out from Ye Guoming and Zhi Chenggong. The bamboo pole young man trembled on the horse's back and almost fell down. Fortunately, Fortunately, his martial arts skills were not weak. He hugged the horse's neck desperately to avoid being lifted off by the war horse. It was not until ten feet away that he strangled the horse and turned back, and his face was as dark as ink.

Only this time, his wish to teach Ye Guoming a lesson failed.

However, this person is so arrogant, which also surprised Ye Guoming and Tongtou. Zhisong is a general of the army with the direct surname. In terms of position, the position is not low. In front of Zhicheng, this bamboo pole young man can casually teach Zhicheng's subordinates. It seems that this bamboo pole young man * is not ordinary tough. The situation of Zhijun in the fishman clan does not look good.

Maybe he was provoked by the bamboo pole young man's casual action, and his face was gloomy. He stared at the fat and thin two people and said in a low voice, "General Xiu, don't bully people too much!"

The copper head looked at the bamboo pole young man and turned his head to ask a young man behind him who was somewhat similar to the straight success, but his face was so angry that his face turned red: "Who are these two people? Why are they so arrogant?"

This young man is Zhi Chenggong, a straight and successful younger brother, who served as a small captain in the army. Hearing the bronze head's question, he stared at the bamboo pole young man angrily and said, "They are the sons of the three elders Xiu Xingshan and the sons of the fifth largest fish people."

The copper head said strangely, "Is it just the son of an elder and the son of a fifth-largest surname leader so powerful?"

It's a straight point, and the face is even more helpless.

It turns out that these two people have a good history. In the fish people, they belong to the people who stamp their feet and the moon island is going to tremble. One is Xiu Bifu, the son of the third elder Xiu Xingshan, and the son of Cha Dian, the fifth largest surname in the fishman clan. For a long time, Xiu Xingshan has been trying to judge the two brave elders. Pull down the position and let yourself sit on it, and of course, Zha Dian took over the position of three elders.

The largest surname of the fish people is the Wu surname of the patriarch, the second surname is the Meng surname of the elder, the third is the straight surname of the second elder, the fourth is the Xiu surname of Xiu Xingshan, and then go to check the surname. Next, there are some small surnames, such as Ding, Dang, etc. The number of each surname is not large, but it also accounts for a total of 100 of the entire fish population. Twenty points.

Originally, the number and power in the clan were arranged according to the number of people by their surname, and have not changed much. However, due to the last war with the Bones, the straight army was the first army to rise up to resist. Later, the direct army also died a little more people. Other people like Wu, Meng, Xiu, Cha, etc. were fighting. The number of casualties in the dispute has decreased. As a result, the number of people with the surname Xiu is more than the straight surname.

This leads to Xiu's surname ranking in the front of the straight surname among the five major surnames of the fish people, so Xiu Xingshan has been trying to be the position of two straight and brave elders. This time, the joint surname Cha surname, which is second only to the straight surname, is even more aggressive. It will never be willing not to bring down Zhiyong, and the direct surname army will be successful in attacking the straight surname. The prestige of military generals is the first step in their action.

It turns out that the army in the fishman clan is not unified, but is divided into large and small legions. In addition to the first five big surnames and surnames all have legions, some small surnames also have a large number of soldiers. Only those surnames with too few will choose to join the legion of other surnames.

In the fishman clan, the general of each surname legion is of course served by the person in this surname, and he is the most important person in the surname.

For example, the army surnamed Wu, the general is Wu Shangqiang and Wu Shangyong brothers, Meng Ting Legion, the general is Meng Ting and Meng Hongzhi father and son, and the surnamed Legion, the general is Zhi Pengfei, the brave brother Zhi Pengfei and his son Zhi Cheng, Zhi Chenggong, and Xiu Legion, the general is Xiu Xingshan and Xiu Bifu father and son. Of course, the surnamed Legion is to investigate and investigate. Check the brothers and so on.

These surname legions are equivalent to private armed forces. People who are not with this surname should not interfere. Generally, only when it comes to the survival of the fishman clan, will the patriarch issue a summons and gather all the legions to fight. Usually, they usually guard their own side to calm down. Only when encounter major accidents occur to the fishmen, major Only the generals will gather in the first city.

Wu has the largest number of surnames, both before and now. Therefore, the position of the patriarch of the fish people has always been held by the surname Wu. Only with the power of the surname Wu can hold the position of patriarch. The number of the other three surnames, Meng, Zhi and Xiu, are similar, and the legion is similar. Now, due to the three surnames of Wu, Meng and Zhi, no matter Whether it is elite or ordinary soldiers have great losses. The personnel of the legion are sharply less powerful, and there is no loss if there is no regiment with the surnamed Xiu army. Now it is at the top later. Except for the fact that the number of the army surnamed Wu is still more than the Xiu legion, the rest of the regiment surnamed Meng surnamed Zhi is actually slightly less than that of the Xiu's surnamed legion.

Now Xiu Xingshan has united with Cha Dian, and the Xiu Legion and the Cha Legion. Now even Wu Shangqiang is afraid of them.