Eastern Continent

Chapter 416, Teahouse

The bronze head raised a thumbs-up to Zhi Chenggong and praised, "The fishman clan, with people like you, will definitely defeat the bone spur clan."

"But now some people simply ignore the interests of the whole family and only focus on fighting for their own power and profit!" Zhi Chenggong said with hatred: "They can't wait to take the wealth and troops of the whole clan into his hands, but they don't have the ability to lead them to resist foreign invasion!"

"Don't shout so loudly, be careful that there are ears on the wall!" He successfully poked Zhi Chenggong's waist and tilted the corners of his mouth to the left. Now in the small teahouse, in addition to the two tables next to them, there is only one person sitting at the table on the left against the wall.

"What are you afraid of!" Zhi Chenggong's neck was blocked, but he said louder, "I'm afraid that others will say it!"

"What do you know!" Zhi Chenggong raised his face and shouted, "I know you are not afraid of them, but aren't you afraid of your father's punishment?"

Hearing his brother mention his father, Zhi Chenggong blushed a few times, but finally lowered his head and dared not say anything more.

"Are you so afraid of them?" Tongtou was surprised and said, " Speaking of which, you are still the third largest force in the fishman clan. Why are you so afraid of them?"

Zhi Chenggong's face turned red and said, "We are not afraid of them, but because my father is getting older and there are some accidents in the army. Now is a fragile moment. If we don't pay attention, we will be swallowed up, so my father told us not to cause trouble."

"What's so terrible!" Tongtou sneered and curled his lips and said, "If they want to make trouble, you are afraid that things will come, so I'm afraid it's useless."

Long Fei stared at the bronze head and said, "Of course, you are not afraid. You are just alone here. What happens, you can slip away if you oil on the soles of your feet. Others not only have a large family, but also the whole surname, or even the whole clan. Naturally, you can't ignore it like you!"

"That's true!" Copper nodded and said shyly, "I never thought of this layer!"

"Actually, we are not afraid of them!" Zhi Chenggong said righteously, "It's just that our father's life is hard to disobey, so we give way to them again."

Ye Guoming said, "But you can't let them go like this. The more you give them, the more they will get, and then you will be more troublesome."

Zhi Chenggong whispered, "That's why my father is so afraid of them. In my opinion, although our legion has losses, it does not hurt the root. Even if it is against them, it may not lose."

"Young heroes with great achievements are naturally not afraid of them, but..." Long Fei smiled and said, "I don't want the elders to tolerate them because of what you said."

He moved his mind and looked at Long Fei and said, "What does the magic doctor think is the reason?"

Long Fei sighed and said, "After the disaster, if a nation wants to thrive, it must work together. If the nation is even fragmented internally, it is just a paper talk. I guess it is precisely because the straight elder does not want the fish and man to be fragmented that he will repeatedly tolerate it, and I'm not afraid of someone."

Jian Chenggong and Zhi Chenggong suddenly realized and lowered their heads in shame. It turned out that they had always blamed their father before. If Long Fei hadn't mentioned it, they would still not have known it. They couldn't help but say gratefully to Long Fei, "If it hadn't been for the magic doctor's reminder, my two brothers would have almost blamed my father."

"You two lifted me high!" Long Fei smiled and said, "Actually, with your cleverness, even if you don't understand it at that time, you will understand it later. I think it's been pushed step by step by step that you can't figure it out and resent your father."

Zhi Chenggong blushed slightly and said, "It's true. Fortunately, I met a magic doctor, which made my two brothers open up and knew that all kinds of faults before, my father. Thank you for this. Please be worshipped by my brother.

With that, he stood up and gave a salute to Long Fei. Zhi Chenggong also stood up in a hurry and bent down to Long Fei.

"Don't dare, dare!" Long Fei also bowed for a long time. At the same time, he stretched out his hand to help the two people up and smiled sincerely, "This matter is just a matter of hands. I dare not be so polite to you two!"

"The magic doctor seems to be just a hand, but it's a great kindness to us!" Zhi Chenggong said, "Without the reminder of the magic doctor, we don't know when we will misunderstand my father, and maybe we will miss my father's major events."

"Don't mention these words!" Long Fei looked at Zhicheng and said, "Brother Zhi is older than me. Just call me Long Fei. The magic doctor is uncomfortable."

"All right!" After Zhicheng was also happy, he hesitated for a while and agreed: "Then I'll call you Long Fei, but Long Fei will also call me by my name. Don't call me general again!"

"Haha..." Long Fei and Zhi Chenggong looked at each other and laughed. He raised his head, but gave a wink at the bronze head sitting opposite him and pouted to the man sitting on the wall in the east.

After successfully entering the teahouse with Long Fei and others, several batches of people coming and going in the teahouse have already changed. Only the person leaning against the wall in the east has never left. The man faced the wall and turned his back to Long Fei and others. He hasn't seen him move for so long, and even his head has never turned to the table in front of him. It's just a shell of wine and a few plates of snacks, and I've been drinking it happily until now.

The copper head stood up understandingly and walked straight towards that without concealment.

Looking at his rickety back, this man is just an old man. Although he is in the teahouse, he still wears a straw hat on his head and shabby clothes everywhere

is a patch, with a straw rope tied casually around his waist. At a glance, it looks like an honest farmer who has just returned from the field, brought a pot of old wine, and ordered a few plates of snacks to drink leisurely, so that he can not only fill his stomach, but also rest and recover his strength.

"Dong Dong..."

The copper head deliberately stepped heavily, stepped on the floor, walked all the way to the back of the person, and then suddenly coughed, then turned to the opposite side and sat down on the other side of the table.

Although this man still pretended to be nothing, when the copper head deliberately made a sound, Long Fei's sharp eyes still saw his back tremble clearly.

The copper head sat down without saying anything, but looked straight at him, which was very different from the back. From the lower brim of the straw hat, you could see half of his nose, a big mouth, and no wrinkles except for the slightly rough and dark skin on his face.

This person is obviously just a young man.

Feeling the compelling gaze of the copper head, the young man couldn't sit still. Finally, he raised his head and looked at the copper head and said, "This uncle, what do you have...?"

"There is nothing you can do!" Tongtou suddenly smiled and said, "Brother, what's your last name?"

The young man was flattered and quickly stood up with a smile on his face and said, "I dare not, the villain's surname is Li, Li Deshan."

"Oh..." The copper head said "Oh" meaningfully and said lightly, "Brother Li! We have something to ask if we can sit down for a while.

Li Deshan shook his head, probably because he was afraid that the straw hat would fall off. He shook his head very little, and almost didn't notice that he was shaking his head without paying attention: "Don't have to go, just... just here. What do you want to ask?"

"Maybe not!" Tongtou shook his head and said, "What we ask for is extremely secret, which is related to the lives of many people. You can't shout so far away. Brother, you'd better sit there for a while!"

"Big... Uncle is joking!" Li Deshan shook his head vigorously and shook the edge of the wide-brimmed straw hat. He could faintly see a thick nose and a pair of calm eyes, which showed that he was still very calm until now. The panic just now was just pretending and said to the copper head with a smile, "Little... What secrets do people know?"

The copper head suddenly patted the table without warning, and almost smashed the table. Several dishes of snacks and a pot of wine placed on the table were shocked and jumped up and fell down again, jingling.

Unexpectedly, not only did Li Deshan scare, but also those who were watching the bustle were almost jumped up.

Long Fei shook his head and muttered, "It's hard to change, and it's still so rude!"

Li Deshan was so shocked by the sudden loud noise that he almost fell off the stool. He quickly grabbed the edge of the table and said in a trembling voice, "Big... Why... are you angry?"

The copper head shouted, "I don't want to know any secrets, so why are you still sitting here listening to us?"

Li Deshan quickly stood up, dropped his straw hat in a hurry, showed panicked eyes, and said at a loss, "I... I don't want to listen to... listen to the uncle, but... I'm leaving now."

"Don't worry, don't worry!" Tongtou suddenly smiled again and gently knocked on the table and said, "Since you are not focused on listening, you don't have to rush to go there. Let's treat and talk."

Long Fei looked strangely. When did this copper head, which had always been straight and didn't know how to turn around, simply didn't dare to recognize each other. It seemed that it was really a farewell three days, and it should be impressive!

Li Deshan was even more panicked: "No... I won't talk anymore. I... I have something to do. I'll go first."

Walk out of the table and walk to the door.

Tongtou laughed a few times and said, "If you don't want to give face, then don't blame me for being rude."

He suddenly stood up, moved behind Li Deshan, reached out and patted him on the shoulder. His copper-headed hand stretched out very slowly, as if to give him time to think. In fact, his palm shook, which had shrouded all the directions that Li Deshan could dodge.

When Li Deshan saw the big hand of the copper head clapping, he was shocked and almost didn't think about it. His shoulders shrank back, and his whole body shot back like a spring, and actually got out of the covering range of the copper head palm.

The people at the table looked at each other in con's face. Who is this person and can avoid the palm of the copper head? Except for a limited number of people here, more than 20 soldiers who followed Ye Guoming and the bronze head may not be able to avoid it.

Such a person would be a person who drank a pot of turbid wine with a few dishes of snacks. Long Fei looked at his straight brother, but saw that they also shook their heads, which appeared to have never seen this person.