Eastern Continent

Chapter 415, like a reunion in a different world

What I successfully saw was that the horse was waving his hands, and his long hair was flying like a Lingbo fairy. On a small and delicate face, with a pure smile, the horse galloped, like a white lily, coming with the breeze.

As for Ye Guoming and Tongtou, of course, they are looking at the other horse on the side of the girl. This is a strong horse like a mountain pony. On the back of the horse is also a teenager slightly older than the girl. He is helplessly following the girl's side, but when he sees the two pairs of eyes and the owner of those two eyes At that time, he seemed to be stunned and let go of the horse rope and let the horse run this way.


The copper head suddenly shouted loudly. The voice was so loud that it almost deafened the ears of Zhi Chenggong standing with him. Before the shocked Zhi Chenggong could react, the copper head had jumped up and ran towards the horse.

Not only the copper head, but also Ye Guoming, who has always been relatively stable, suddenly jumped up at this time. Unexpectedly, he was faster than the copper head. He instantly caught up with the copper head and greeted the two horses.

Of course, the girl immediately is Xiaoxiang, and of course, the girl in Xiaoxiang's body is Long Fei. However, Long Fei didn't expect to see Ye Guoming and Tongtou here. He just felt that since he had come to Moon Island, it was not good to stay in the house. When Xiaoxiang begged him to accompany him to find the two straight brothers, Long Fei immediately agreed, but he didn't expect that he saw Ye Guoming and Tongtou here.

Xiaoxiang has been a good brother since she was a child, almost like a real brother and sister. This time, her strange disease was cured by Long Fei. Naturally, she wanted to share this joy with her good friends. In addition, she was trapped in the room for a long time and wanted to look around, so she pulled Long Fei to come.

Before Ye Guoming and Copper Head ran to the front, Long Fei had almost rolled down from the horse. He withdrew his legs and ran this way, as if his legs were faster than four legs. The three of them ran to the front and looked at each other in a daze.

Looking at the appearance of the three people, Xiaoxiang and the straight brothers who were running towards each other in surprise were shocked. Xiaoxiang and the straight brothers unconsciously stopped and stared at the appearance of the three people, as if their encounter was more surprising than that of Xiaoxiang and his brother.

It's just that who is this person and why did Ye Guoming and Tongtou know him!

Soon, the copper head's howling answered this question for his straight brother.


The three looked at each other for a long time, and the copper head suddenly shouted, jumped up, and hugged Long Fei tightly, almost strangled Long Fei's waist bone.

Long Fei's eyes were red, holding the bronze head tightly, and muttering, "Big man..."

Ye Guoming's eyes were also moist, opening his arms and holding Long Fei and copper head in his arms.

"Brother Ye!" Long Fei also hugged Ye Guoming and saw the two again. He had the feeling of being two generations, which made Long Fei excited.

"Long Fei!" Ye Guoming couldn't help patting Long Fei and the back of the copper head.

Zhi Chenggong brothers stared at the three people in a group, Xiaoxiang also stared at the three people in a group, Zhang Heng and Li Zhi looked at the three people in a daze, Song Chun's soldiers staredly, and the people all over the school were staring at the three people, but among these people, there were only more than 20 of Zhang Heng, Li Zhi and Song Chun Only then did the soldiers understand why the three were so excited.

Although they have never seen Long Fei, even Zhang Heng and Li Zhi have never seen Long Fei, but at this time they know that this person must be Long Fei.

Xiaoxiang naturally knows who Ye Guoming and Tongtou are, but she did not participate in the assassination of Zhu Ran, and her hatred for them is not so deep. In fact, even Meng Ting can't talk about hatred for Ye Guoming and Tongtou now.

Those who have a grudge against the fish people are the senior officials of Zhu Ran and Song Chun. These people are just their own masters, not to mention that copper heads can't even talk about their respective masters. They are purely passing by. Therefore, Xiaoxiang just smiled at Ye Guoming and Tongtou.

At this time, Zhang Heng and Li Zhi also came up and surrounded the three people one after another, but their eyes were focused on Long Fei. After a lot of hardships, they finally saw people who had been known for a long time but had never met.

For them, they only admired Ye Guoming and Tongtou's martial arts and character to follow them until now. As for Long Fei, it only exists in Ye Guoming and Tongtou's mouth and in their imagination.

Now, this person they have thought about countless times and resented has finally appeared in front of them.

However, when they saw Long Fei at this time, they were a little moved and happy to meet, as long as it was the joy after experiencing suffering. Everyone's eyes turned around Long Fei, hoping to find one or two advantages admired by people like copper heads in Long Fei.

But what disappointed them was that their eyes cruised from head to toe several times, but they only saw clear eyes.

Everyone who sees these eyes has a feeling that there seems to be a secret hidden in these eyes that has existed since ancient times, so that everyone can't help exploring and discovering.

It is best to confuse girls with such eyes - everyone thinks so, just by looking at the girl who has been looking at them with curiosity and beautiful as a flower.

However, in addition to these eyes, other parts of Long Fei's body seem to be the same as them, even slightly inferior.

At such a young age, except for the little girl, anyone here is bigger than Long Fei. With such a small figure, except for the little girl, everyone else here is one head taller than Long Fei.

What can you do at such a young age and such a small figure!

At this time, they all agreed that the reason why Copper Head must save Long Fei is only because Long Fei is his brother.

"Xiaoxiang, the magic doctor!"

At this time, he came from behind and saluted Long Fei and Xiaoxiang with a respectful look.

Long Fei also returned a successful gift.

"A magic doctor?" The copper head grabbed the straight and successful hand, pointed to Long Fei and said in surprise, "Do you know him?"

"I've heard of your name for a long time, and I haven't met you!" He said successfully, "The magic doctor is famous in my fishman race, but this is the first time I have seen the magic doctor himself!"

"The magic doctor!" He opened his eyes wide and pointed to Long Fei and said, "Is he a magic doctor and a doctor?"

"Yes!" Zhi Chenggong also looked at the copper head strangely. I don't know why the copper head pointed to Long Fei to confirm, but he still affirmed: "Yes! The magic doctor is very kind to my family. He not only cured the lady's illness, but also cured the patriarch's injury. I heard that Elder Meng's wounds were also cured by the divine medicine.

"Ha, ha, ha" copper head couldn't help laughing, as if he had heard the funniest thing in the world. Long Fei became a magic doctor. For the copper head that grew up with Long Fei, it was as funny as if he heard someone say that he was the first martial artist in the world.

Tongtou laughed for a while and saw that Zhi Chenggong was still calm. Looking at the witness standing in this watery spirit, Tongtou turned his head to look at Long Fei and hesitated, " boss, have you really become a magic doctor? Didn't you hit it?"

"Let's talk about it later." Long Fei smiled mysteriously and said, "Shall we find a place to sit down and talk first? Are we standing on the street like this?"

The copper head suddenly woke up and turned around. Passers-by glanced at them one after another. Because they were not only dressed differently from the fish clan, but also the fish clan had never had a burly figure as powerful as a copper head. Just now, I was worried about being discovered by Meng Ting and kept trying to keep the bottom tone, but unexpectedly However, after seeing Long Fei, he was happy and forgot about it.

Thinking of Meng Ting, Tongtou couldn't help but be curious. He pinched Long Fei's shoulder and arm and said repeatedly, "Strange, strange, weren't you taken away like a chicken? Look at your current situation, as if you took him away?"

Long Fei knew that they must have a lot of questions to ask, but they must have been here after they were kidnapped to sea. They must have come here after a lot of hardships. They only saw their faces, yellow and thin faces, ragged clothes, revealing eye-catching scars on their hands outside their clothes. You can know one or two.

Long Fei patted the copper head on the shoulder and said to Ye Guoming, "Let's find a place to sit down first!" What does Brother Ye think?

Ye Guoming nodded and said, "You should find a place to sit down and stand in the middle of the road and block the road."

Zhi Chenggong squeezed up from behind and called the "divine doctor" respectfully before saying, "I know a good place for us to sit down and talk slowly."


Zhi Chenggong took Long Fei and they found a teahouse. The teahouse was not big. There were several tables scattered in the teahouse. The shopkeeper was an elderly old man. When he saw them coming in, he just raised his hand casually to greet the guests.

More than 20 people sat full in this small teahouse with only a few tables, and three guests who were scattered at three tables were also forced to sit at a table.

Although this straight Chenggong is a successful younger brother, he doesn't seem to be as honest and rigid as Zhicheng. On the contrary, he is still very active. Otherwise, he would not have known that there is such a teahouse hidden in such a remote place.

As soon as I sat down, the hot tea was immediately brought to everyone. I took a sip and carefully tasted the strong fragrance between my lips and teeth. Although the taste of tea was not very pure, for everyone who had been wandering on the sea for a long time, it was no different from the smell of nature. In an instant, everyone relaxed and looked at the curling. The rising smoke, with a feeling for the rest of his life, began to permeate among the people.

He drank all the tea in a few mouthfuls, squeaked his mouth, and let Xiao Er pour it again. He looked around at this quiet small teahouse and said, "I didn't expect that there are people coming to drink tea in remote places."

Zhi Chenggong said, "Brother Tong doesn't know that there are not many teahouses in our Jiuzhou City, which is the quietest and most elegant one."

"Oh!" Tongtou was aroused curiosity and asked, "Why are there so few teahouses in such a big Jiuzhou City?"

Zhi Chenggong said, "Because there are few people drinking tea, only a few teahouses have few visitors. If there are more, isn't everyone going to be hungry?"

Bronzetou said strangely, "Don't you like tea?" Why doesn't anyone go to the restaurant?

Zhi Chenggong's expression was gloomy: "The big hatred is not snowing, how dare you forget to worry!"

Ye Guoming and others listened with awe.