Eastern Continent

Chapter 418, Teahouse Three


Xiu Bifu didn't expect that Xiaoxiang would be here. When he just rushed in, he was chaotic. Xiaoxiang was small and sat behind everyone, but he didn't find it.

Looking at Xiaoxiang sitting among the crowd, with a round face, thin eyebrows, phoenix eyes and nose, red lips and white teeth, a beautiful smile, and an inexhaustible innocent and charming look. Thinking about how familiar and harmonious she was when she was a child, she rarely saw her because she had a strange disease, but she couldn't let it go. At this time, Xiaoxiang not only lost her strange illness, but also looked more delicate and cute.

However, when Xiu Bifu saw Xiaoxiang's sweet smile, his mood, which he didn't want to pursue any more, changed again. His face remained calm and only said lightly, "It turns out that the young lady is also here. How has she always been good?"

"Thank you for your concern, General Xiu!" Xiaoxiang looked at Xiu Bifu and said, "General Xiu, this man did faint by himself and has nothing to do with them!"

If this sentence is only said by Long Fei and the other three, Xiu Bifu may not believe it. Outsiders are always not worth believing, but with Xiaoxiang, the situation will be different.

Xiaoxiang is a stranger. She is Sun Shangxiang, the sister of Wu Shangqiang, the fishman patriarch.

However, at this time, Xiu Bifu's mentality has changed. Even if he believed what Xiaoxiang said, he would not agree to stop, so he just said lightly: "This subordinates don't know. They only saw this person unconscious when they first came in, but they were talking and laughing loudly and didn't care. Even if they didn't do it in person, It must have something to do with them, so I just want to take them back to find out.

The little fragrance said angrily, "You want to add guilt!"

Xiu Bifu said coldly, "Unless they can wake people up and let them prove that they didn't do it, no one can be sure whether this person is so unconscious and will die."

Xiaoxiang frowned and said, "He didn't wake up when you kicked him just now. What can we do to wake him up?"

Xiu Bifu said coldly, "Then they have to go back with me to investigate."

"You are unreasonable!" The little fragrance trembled. She thought that her patriarchal sister could help Long Fei get out of the current predicament. Unexpectedly, Xiu Bifu didn't even give her face. For a moment, she was so angry that her face turned red and her eyes were wet. She pointed to Xiu Bifu and said, "You...you..."

Xiu Bifu said lightly, "Where is the responsibility, miss, don't blame!"

Zhi Chenggong also stood up and walked to Long Fei's side and said, "This eldest brother did faint by himself. We haven't touched him."

After the analysis and cheering of Long Fei and the three people, Zhisong is not as big-hearted as just now. It seems that he always feels that a short man must pay, so his tone is calm when he said this.

This change in attitude and tone has not been noticed, but Xiu Bifu can feel it. After looking at Zhicheng suspiciously, he walked to Xiu Deshan and lifted his clothes and looked at it. Of course, he couldn't see anything unusual, except for the black footprint he kicked just now.

After waving his hand, two soldiers came over behind him and brought the boss.

"What's wrong with this person?" Cha Shenqing pointed to Xiu Deshan and said coldly, "What kind of tea do you sell in this small shop? Is it faint tea?"

Seeing a large group of soldiers suddenly rushing in, the little old man was scared and trembling all over. When he was set up here by the soldiers, he lost two souls. After looking at Xiu Bifu's sinister eyes, his completely soul was completely lost, his whole body was weak, and he almost fainted directly. If he Two soldiers were holding it and had already slipped to the ground like Xiude Mountain. They said in a trembling voice, "Little old man... there is no confusion here... faint tea, that little brother has... fainted."

The investigation said coldly, "If you are good, will you faint by yourself?"

"I fainted but wronged others!" The copper head laughed and said, "Do you want to earn a few taels of silver by playing fairy jump? I have it here."

Xiu Bifu was staring at Long Fei's eyes and shot at the copper head. There was no emotion in his cold eyes, as if a poisonous snake was looking at his prey, and his mouth sneered and said, "Take it all away."

With a wave of his hand, the soldiers behind him came over and immediately filled a small teahouse, surrounded by layers of Long Fei and others. The owner of the teahouse, who almost softened into a puddle of mud, was dragged out by them.

He stood two steps forward and shouted, "General Xiu, we have not broken the law. You have no right to arrest us."

"General Xiu also has the position of patrolling Jiuzhou City, and naturally has the right to arrest you!" The investigation and Qingqing smiled coldly and said, "If such a thing happens in the teahouse, each of you can't get away from it."

"General Xiu, is even suspected of me?" Xiaoxiang rushed to Xiu Bifu and shouted loudly and angrily.

"Is there any suspicion? I won't know until I check it." Xiu must pay lightly, and his eyes don't look at Xiaoxiang.

At this time, Xiu Bifu is already jealous. If there is no Xiaoxiang's mixed, with the testimony of direct success, Xiu Bifu still needs to be considered, but at this time, there is no need to consider it.

"You..." Xiaoxiang pointed to Xiu Bifu, and she didn't expect that Xiu Bifu wouldn't even give her face. Even she dared to catch her, and her little face turned red with anger. She shouted, "I want to see who dares to touch me."

While the little fragrance in front of him attracted everyone's attention, Long Fei whispered a few words to Zhi Chenggong and hurriedly ran away from the back of the teahouse. At this time, Long Fei patted his hands, squeezed two steps forward, and looked at Xiu Bifu and said, "Is this General Xiu?"

"What advice does the magic doctor have?" Xiu Bifu said lightly that among these people, the most taboo thing for Xiu Bifu is not his direct brothers or Xiaoxiang, but Long Fei. Because he knows that even if it is really a straight brother or Xiaoxiang to make Xiudeshan dizzy, they will only be severely punished at most. In the fishman race, these people who have power, or those related to power, are some privileged classes. Even if they make any mistake, as long as it is not a major event involving human life or the safety of the whole family, they will be punished. The punishment will not be great.

Only outsiders like Longfei can deal with it at will, but now Long Fei and others not only have the shelter of direct success, but also Xiaoxiang obstruct them. These two people represent half of the power of the fish people. Hearing that Long Fei still brought back Meng Ting, if Meng Ting also wants to protect Long Fei, it is the fish. Three of the four major forces of the human race are to protect Long Fei and others, and the weight of which even needs to be paid.

What's more, Long Fei is still a magic doctor. No matter if he is a real magic doctor or a fake magic doctor, he really cured Wu Shangqiang, Meng Ting, and even cured Xiaoxiang's strange disease. If the relationship with Long Fei is too stiff, it will be difficult to ask for someone if he has a headache and feet in the future.

You should know that there is no such a smart doctor in the fish people.

"I dare not, I'm Long Fei. That's what they shouted." Long Fei hugged his fist and said, "General Xiu is not afraid of offending others when he arrests people so randomly?"

"The prince violated the law and committed the same crime as the common people!" Xiu Bifu said coldly, "This is because the patriarch is here, and I will also arrest you."

"Okay, okay!" Long Fei clapped his hands and praised, "It seems that I was wrong. I didn't expect General Xiu to be such a fair person. Just now, I thought many times and doubted it several times. It was extremely unbearable. I would humiliate the general. Please forgive me for the offending."

"The magic doctor is polite, and there is no such thing as justice and injustice!" Xiuxin Fu said lightly, "I just do things impartially and have a clear conscience. I never pay attention to other people's gossip."

Even such a cheeky person as Longfei blushed because of Xiu Bifu's words. After seeing Xiu Bifu's performance, Long Fei felt that he was simply a saint before.

"Haha..." Ye Guoming couldn't help laughing. Even such a good-tempered person was so angry that he was almost exploded by Xiu Bifu's words. He couldn't help laughing: "If it comes to acting, General Xiu is really difficult to find a rival!"

"What did you say?" As soon as Ye Guoming finished speaking, he immediately stepped forward and almost pointed to Ye Guoming's nose and shouted, "What are you talking about? Dare to falsely slander the general, come and arrest me."

" Stop it!" Long Fei shouted and stopped several soldiers who rushed to Ye Guoming and said to Xiu Bifu, "If we want to go with you, we must meet one condition. Otherwise, we will fight to break the net and won't let the general succeed."

"You are powerful to me!" Xiu Bifu's originally gloomy face became more gloomy, looking at Long Feiyin*.

"It's okay to negotiate or discuss it. As long as General Xiu meets my condition, everything will be fine. Otherwise, what will happen if General Xiu will weigh the consequences by himself?" Long Fei's unconcerned-concerned prestige and always looked calm.

"No one can negotiate with General Xiu!" The investigation suddenly turned around and cast his eyes on Long Fei's face. The small eyes on the fat face suddenly opened wide and became two thicker lines. He shouted, "What about the magic doctor? It's not that you're afraid of you. I'll arrest you first."

Long Fei stared straight at the investigation, and his eyes were awe-inst. He only felt a chill in his heart, as if a huge peak was pressing down on him, so scared that he swallowed the words behind him and consciously avoided Long Fei's eyes.

The copper head knew that Long Fei had lost his skills and was afraid that something would happen to him. He hurriedly stood in front of Long Fei and looked at the investigation and said, "What ability do you have? Do you dare to fight 300 with me?"

"It doesn't matter, they don't dare to mess around!" Long Fei patted the shoulder of the copper head and whispered.

At this time, Xiu Bifu also raised his head, as if he had figured it out, and said to Long Fei, "What are the conditions?"

"Long Fei pointed to Xiu Deshan, who is now arranged to sit crookedly in the chair and said, "General Xiu can't take this person away."

"We won't take him away. Why do we leave him here? Let's leave it to you!" The investigation said, "Did you see that he is not dead and want to kill him again?"

"Give it to a third party." Long Feidao.

"Good!" Xiu must pay simply: "To whom?"

"Leave it to me."

As soon as Xiu Bifu's voice fell, a voice came from the door. With the sound, the soldiers in the teahouse separated from both sides and several people came in.